(Doubleplusawesome, Brownie! – promoted by Colorado Pols)
So I’m driving home after finishing up my drive-time radio show here on AM760 in Colorado, and I’m flipping through the stations and I come upon 850 KOA – the local conservative station. There’s a host on there filling in for the regular guy – and this guest host has a vaguely familiar voice. He’s whining and moaning about how he’s among the richest 5 percent in the country and is being oppressed by the tax system. He’s reading the script with the usual lies – all of them addressed and debunked in my most recent column. I’m getting mildly irritated listening to the drivel – but then become apoplectic when I hear this person introduce himself as Michael Brown.
Yes, Mike “Heckuva Job, Brownie” Brown. On the airwaves. As a political/governmental expert.
I. Shit. You. Not.
If this isn’t definitive proof of reverse gravity and wingnut welfare, I really don’t know what is. This guy is literally the international posterboy for incompetence – a guy who basically did nothing while an American city drowned. And just four short years later, he’s on the airwaves as a serious political/governmental expert.
Help drown an American city, become a global symbol for incompetence, and then successfully promote yourself as an “expert” and obtain a top-5-percent salary…I’m adding that phenomenon to my list of serious Signs of the Apocalypse.
P.S. Listen in to AM760 tomorrow between 7am and 10am Mountain Time (9am-12pm ET) – we’re going to go point-by-point through Brownie’s tax lies. As the data will show, he’s indeed doing “a heckuva job” with the truth.
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I consider myself to be fairly sharp and listening to the arguments coming from both sides, I think any rational person would come to the conclusion that the left is trying to actively solve a problem like health care and engage in debate (whether you agree with their solution is beside the point); on the other hand, the right is trying to make sure that the left does not accomplish anything.
The democratic leaders and talking heads seem to be much more intelligent than their right wing counterparts, like Brownie, but yet most of the polls show that equal amounts, if not more people, are aligning themselves with the Brownies of the world.
I am at a crossroads wondering why, if Democrats are so much more intelligent and their policies make so much more sense to a middle of the road person like me, can they not convince the people who appear to be the least intelligent in this whole equation (those shouting non-sense and believing the ridulous lies like Palin’s Death Panels)?
Are people like Limbaugh and Brownie, who at first glance appear to be baffoons, actually secret geniouses who know that they can lead this huge block of America, but only if they come across as idiots? Can someone help me answer that paradox?
AM760 is the red-headed stepchild of radio. Sad, but true. They’ve got a crappy transmitter that doesn’t reach a tenth as far as their conservative brethren. It gets dialed down at night so that you can barely receive it three miles from the transmitter (less, actually, if you’re driving in the mountains…). It gets interrupted for CU sports events.
And it’s the only progressive station in the city aside from KGNU, which is even worse off (and not a strictly talk show format…).
Contrast this to the gazillion watts of combined conservative talk available in the city, then add in the fact that a lot of these people go home and watch “fair and balanced” news from FAUX.
They never see the other point of view. Even if they surf over to CNN or the broadcast stations (or MSNBC at certain times of the day), they are as likely as not to see things presented from a conservative viewpoint – all the stations are still severely biased in their guest list toward conservative talking heads and pundits.
By the time they’re done with the propaganda parade, they truly believe that any other viewpoint must be a lie. Or, like LB, they don’t want to concede any points because it might ruin their arguments…
If KOA had a liberal talk show host. I think the last time an honest-to-goodness liberal was on their station was when Greg Dobbs used to have the evening slot.
conventional wisdom is that the media is ‘left-wing.’ How have the conservatives managed to have their cake and eat it too? Since there are more left-wingers in the media, shouldn’t there be more of liberal voice to the majority of news?
I guess in short what I’m asking is…how can the liberals be so much smarter, but can’t outsmart the Rush Limbaughs of the world in getting their message out?
TV/Print = Left
Radio = right
Yes, everyone in here knows that people in the political world separate media into radio right and TV/Print left (although I would argue that as being slightly ridiculous considering there is a whole TV station that is right wing and even the centrist news outlets like CNN carry more right wing talking heads like Lou Dobbs and formerly Glenn Beck with no left wing counterparts.)
But…people who are not politcos only hear ‘left-wing’ or ‘liberal’ media because they only hear a few things related to politics a day, and those, like the Sarah Palin Death Panel’s and screaming town halls, are what gets repeated all day long.
What is more effective way in delivering a message to those who are not seeking information:
-Scare, repeat (doesn’t matter if it’s truth or not, these folks weren’t seeking the information to begin with, they will take it at face value)
-Try to make logical, intelligent arguments
The latter is the high road, but what good is knowing you have the right way when the devil is driving?
Good question- at least a good start.
I I don’t see the D’s successfully build campaigns or candidates around fear. And fear is a very powerful motivator. Likewise greed.
An example or two.
Estate tax
R position (paraphrased briefly) – people pay tax all their lives, having to be taxed again at death is just immoral. Even on the megawealthy, even when there are uber capital gains that have never been taxed. And even though it doesn’t hit very many estates- and likely not yours – you could get rich and then your estate will get screwed. (fear, greed, fear & greed)
The D position – it’s just fair to tax the assets upon transfer- particularly when limited to the largest 1-2% of all estates. Loads of assets are acquired and appreciate in value congregating that wealth into just a few families is ultimately destabilizing to the country (fairness, justice)
Health care
R- death panels, gov’t beauracrats taking over your life- guys like Heckuva-job Brownie. Fear.
D – free market is good for some things (consumer goods & services, long distance, cell phone service) , but not for everything (electricty, water, healthcare) Practicality and equal opportunity.
Yeah- I’m oversimplifying- but I gotta find a couple of paying jobs to replace the two I had
Like poor rural folks who vote for tax cuts for the wealthy…and wealthy progressives like Bill Gates and Hollywood that vote for higher taxes for the wealthy.
Are dems just bad communicators? Why don’t their policies resonate with the majority of people since by and large the policies will help them?
It dumbfounds me to see that these town hall screamers, who probably make less than $50k/year, are more worried about the possiblity of tax on the wealthiest 1% more than the possibility of them paying $20k out of pocket for medical costs because their private insurer drops them or doesn’t cover their needs.
Ahh- I suspect you are thinking that people vote their self interest all the time and that they vote from an intellectual place.
No. If we all voted self interest- only those making more than $500k would opose that surcharge. Some peopel think they;ll get there- some just hate taxes. Some just want to embarrass Obama. See where I’m going: it’s emotions, not intellect.
See The Political Brain, Weston, Drew.
Don’t Think of An Elephant Lakoff, George
Words That Work, Luntz, Frank
I’m familiar with Frank Luntz…and I am surprised that simple rephrasing of issues can make the difference in what resonates (i.e. global warming vs. climate change), which is why this whole issue perplexes me.
That is exactly the issue I’m getting at, as a matter of fact. How can Democrats appear to be more logical and intelligent with the majority of issues, but can’t be intelligent enough to outsmart the irrational Republicans in communicating these issues to the most persuadable of audiences (the ill-informed)?
I guess I know what I’ll be reading next week
The deconstruction of the Bush/Kerry debate is worth the whole price of the book.
Keep in mind that something like 2/3’s of American expect to become wealthy. This country truly believes in free enterprise and tying policy to that works.
We Dems make the mistake of saying to people you’re stuck where you are, it’s not going to change, so vote that self-interest. That doesn’t work as well.
The history is there. They prefer right-wing rhetoric, despite all facts to the contrary.
They are voting their magical thinking. The working people of the rest of the western world know that the Lord isn’t going to buy them all that Mercedes-Benz, that you aren’t going to find yourself in the top tenth of 1% by clicking your heels and really believing. Look at all the self help books Americans read promising that all it takes is some form of positive thinking. Buy their book and they’ll show you the way….to their bank account, that is.
Kind of explains why folks like Luntz have had such an easy time manipulating the herd. The herd doesn’t much care for the reality based world.
(The horses, not Saudis.)
Is there such a thing as being a “negative expert” (“I can teach you how NOT to do something…”)?
The Saudis, not the horses
I was beginning to wonder if the person posting under your name was actually you. This return to self-promotion after the brief respite has reassured me that you are, in fact, you.
Bob Moore posts links to his column on here all the time, and I’m glad he does. I know it’s fun to beat up on Sirota and his ego, but linking to his column isn’t a crime. Linking to his column and his radio gig … well, that might be pushing it.
Although Bob Moore never responded to someone pointing that out by calling us a bunch of starf%^kers.
I think he nailed it out of the park on this one. And I think his links to his column, etc. are very on-topic for what he wrote.
And I am not his #1 fan.
If the jabs at Sirota are getting a little old, I apologize.
And I liked his last piece he posted here on health care.
Remember, Brownie is a self-proclaimed clothes God. At least that’s what he was telling his assistant on a recorded call during the height of Katrina.
He should be on TV w/ a large wardrobe budget!
fill in last week for Dan Caplis one night last week on Caplis and Silverman?
I thought I heard Craig Silverman make a comment about his guest co-host Michael Brown….at the time I heard it I though I must have misheard (I mean, c’mon, who would stick a microphone in front of someone who could screw up a wet dream?), but now I’m wondering….
I thought it was syndicated, but I think he lives in ..gasp…Boulder!
and was evacuated when nearby wildfires threatened in January. Ah, the humanity!
that day he did offer the local Boulder FD his emergency mgmt/coordination skills, gratis. They’ll be getting back to him anytime now.
Because Sirota, you were talking about music or something…or did I get the days wrong?
My favorite brownie quote was when he said he didn’t believe anything he saw on tv…….like hundreds of women holding babies and begging for water to drink,
Finally nice to see the left wake up to the power of talkradio….of course, “you’re a year too late, Travis.”
I predict that we will be blessed with “brownie” on KOA…the blowtorch of the rockies….in Gunny bob’s slot…