(Promoted by Colorado Pols)
Some Colorado Republicans posted bigoted, mocking, and hateful messages on Facebook this week in response to Trump’s tweet saying he’ll ban transgender people from the U.S. military.
Some, like El Paso County GOP Vice Chair Joshua Hosler, thanked Trump for ending “social experiments” in the military, even though, as U.S. Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) has said, allowing transgender people to serve has nothing to do with any social experiment.
“America needs a military comprised of patriots willing to sacrifice for this country,” Buck told The Denver Post. “Any American who is physically and emotionally qualified should be allowed to serve.”
Reached today by phone, Hosler told me his Facebook post speaks for itself.
On Facebook, former State Rep. Gordon Klingenschmitt wrote, “Thank God for sanity,” adding that Trump is the “most sane person in Washington.”
Tanne Blackburn, Chair of the Douglas County Republican Party, shared a Facebook meme with the statement, “Tansgendered people want to be accepted for who they are, yet they weren’t able to accept themselves for who they were?”
Joseph Neville, the son of State Sen. Tim Neville (R-Littleton), liked a Facebook meme depicting a photo of Michelle Obama with, “Trump Just Banned Me From Joining the Military.” The meme was spotlighted on Twitter by Charles Buchanan.
Joseph Neville, who’s a lobbyist and has worked for Rocky Mountain Gun Owners, an anti-gun safety organization, could not be reached for comment.
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Nothing but a bunch of chicken leg weaklings. If they had any balls they would be in the military themselves. When trumpf purges transgender Airmen, Sailors, Marines, Soldiers and Coasties out, there will be enough empty billets for those republicans (little r types) to enlist and be the men they are not today.
USAF 1972-76.
Veteran and transgender.
I see a great future for some of these chairborne rangers, Pam
U.S.Army, 1968-70.
Can I get an Amen! All veterans deserve our respect and thanks.
Voyageur – There is a lot we understand from our short hand on service and dates.
My secondary was Auxiliary Security Police. For those who were not in the AF, that is not the airman at the gate waving people in, that is the one in the hole with a lot of firepower or at least an M-16 with a few extra magazines.
I was an expert with the Browning Automatic Typewriter. When you can type 80 words a minute, you go where your country needs you. In my case, the public information office at West Point.
These same vacuous clowns would have undoubtedly been sputtering with rage in the late 1940s over how Truman letting "the coloreds" serve alongside white folk was going to destroy unit cohesion.
Most damning responses to this foolishness by Trump (and the follow-on foolishness of various others) were the pictures of military cemeteries or rows of flag-draped coffins, asking the reader to "find the transgendered — they are in this picture."
Most rational response to these sorts of foolishness is asking the jokers to compare the medical costs they fear (perhaps as much as $8 million, according to a RAND study) to other DoD costs — and asking which has greater impact.
* Viagra and other erectile dysfunction – about 10x the cost of transgender treatments.
* Military bands, about 500x the cost.
* Paying to recruit and train replacements for the estimated number of transgendered people in the active military (I've seen a range from 1,500 to 16,000). Lowest estimate I've seen is cost for one Marine recruit reporting for his or her first assignment: Total value of a new Marine: $44,887. How about a new officer? Last year, the cost of graduating one officer … from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point was $340,000.
Gordon Klingenschmitt wouldn't recognize "sanity" if it came up to him and stared him in the face.