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May 05, 2017 02:25 PM UTC

Senate Republicans Block LGBT Member of Civil Rights Commission

  • by: Colorado Pols
Sen. Jerry Sonnenberg.

A strange and ugly incident in the Colorado Senate this morning, as the Denver Post’s Jesse Paul reports:

In an unusual move Friday, Republican state senators blocked an LGBT advocate from continuing to serve on the Colorado Civil Rights Commission — which she chairs — by rejecting re-appointment to the group by Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper.

Heidi Jeanne Hess‘ appointment was voted down 18-17 in a party-line vote before the full state Senate. Her nomination had earlier won a recommendation for approval from the Senate State Affairs Committee.

Republicans argued, in rejecting Hess’ appointment, that she advocates for suing business owners…

Hess is the Western Slope field organizer for One Colorado, an organization that promotes and protects the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Colorado.

Sen. Owen Hill.

Daniel Ramos, executive director of One Colorado, responded angrily in a statement:

“Heidi Hess — who is One Colorado’s part-time, Western Slope Field Organizer — has served on the Colorado Civil Rights Commission for over 4 years, and currently as its chair. She has done exemplary work for the LGBTQ community and has advocated for Colorado’s most vulnerable populations time after time.

“It is extremely rare for a governor’s appointment to not be confirmed. In fact, when she was first confirmed in 2013, current senators Baumgardner, Crowder, Grantham, Hill, Lambert, Lundberg, and Marble all voted for her. [Pols emphasis]

“As a proud, out lesbian, Heidi’s work has been crucial in building public support for civil unions and the freedom to marry on the Western Slope. Over the past decade, she has been responsible for building a connected and robust community of LGBTQ people and allies in her community. She is a committed advocate for LGBTQ equality, not only in Grand Junction, but in all corners the state. These things make her preeminently qualified to serve on the Civil Rights Commission.

“This vote reaffirms why the Colorado Civil Rights Commission exists in the first place — LGBTQ discrimination continues to exist, even in the branches of our own government. Currently, at least four of the commissioners are members of groups who have been or might be discriminated against because of disability, race, creed, color, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, religion, or age. Without Heidi on the commission, people living on the Western Slope will no longer have a voice or seat at the table. We call on the state senate to reconsider their vote and confirm Heidi who has been instrumental in achieving so much for Colorado.”

For Senate Republicans to refuse to reconfirm the chair of the Civil Rights Commission renominated by the governor is a very serious act of belligerence, against both the governor as well at the LGBT community that Heidi Hess was appointed to represent. With no more information from Republicans on specifically why they opposed her reconfirmation, we’re left to assume that the objection Hess supports “suing business owners” refers to the Civil Rights Commission’s duty to review appealed cases of discrimination and advise the legislature and governor’s office on the issue.

Meaning Senate Republicans are retaliating against Hess for doing her job.

Hopefully One Colorado’s request for the Senate GOP to reconsider their decision goes somewhere, because this would be a very nasty way to end the legislative session.


8 thoughts on “Senate Republicans Block LGBT Member of Civil Rights Commission

  1. Hopefully, we only have one more year of GOP petty (and not so petty) B.S. moves like this.  2018 elections can't get here fast enough to make "Ex-GOP elected official" a popular entry on unemployment forms.

  2. I'm a little surprised by this. I thought Priola and Coram profess to be non-homophobic bigots. 

    And BTW, what committee referred her nomination to the floor, and which Republican on that committee voted "aye" in committee and "nay" on the floor?

      1. Based on the audio, it seems as though Ray Scott subbed in for Vicki Marble, had a brief but cordial conversation with Ms. Hess about a coffee and peach jam she owed him, and put her over the top 3-2. It would be him who flipped on the floor vote.

        He may have been voting according to his inclination in committee, not knowing the plan was to shitcan her.

  3. are you just hopeful, CPOLS?

    Should Democrats wait for their Republican peers to become reasonable once again?

    When should we expect Republicans to come back around to the real world of empirical data and conclusions?

    Your bland boosterism is near worthless in this day and age.

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