“Is there a Republican with a heartbeat? Is there a Republican that has any brain wave activity whatsoever? What are you afraid of? Being criticized? Being vilified? What’s new? It’s happening anyway!”
–Rush Limbaugh
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BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Rep. Jeff Crank Chooses Deep Denial Of Medicaid Cuts
BY: harrydoby
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: unnamed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Thursday Open Thread
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With Supreme Court Justice David Souter retiring, who is in the Obama’s replacement field?
Politico has some names: http://www.politico.com/news/s…
Going from feel good rhetoric to “lawlessness and explicit standard” is iron-clad logic.
That dog’ll hunt.
Seems like Obama wouldn’t have needed to work his ass off to become and fulfill his duties as the editor of the Harvard Law Review — respected, if not always agreed with, by liberals and conservatives — if he was simply going to do that once he became President.
He was the subject of the Draft Prado movement, which was DOA with the Deserter President.
With Obama in charge, he’s the perfect mix of skills – he’s been a DA and a PD, served for years in Texas, and was nominated by Dubya to his current post. And yes, he is Hispanic.
If 44 is serious about being bipartisan, this is the perfect pick to clear the Senate.
At least according to Peter Boyles’ racist, hateful and ignorant logic.
With 50% of the potential replacements being female it’s ridiculous that only 1 of 9 members is female.
The first two seats on the Court will probably go to women, especially if Ginsburg retires. I think they’ll go to Sotomayor and Kagan, in that order, with both being easily confirmed by the Senate. Judge Kim Lane Wardlaw could also fill one of those two spots (she serves on the 9th Circuit).
There are a few names not really being discussed who are quite interesting.
Alabama Rep. Artur Davis, who was one of Obama’s first non-IL endorsers, provided he loses the AL Gov’s race in 2010 (llkely). Both are Harvard Law grads, and personally close friends (same could be said about Deval Patrick, Mass. Governor).
Kathleen Sullivan is the Dean of Stanford Law, and would become the first openly gay Justice were she to be appointed. She would face a tough confirmation, as she is easily to the left of Ginsburg (but is arguably one of the 3 most respected Con Law scholars in the nation)
Claire McCaskill would be an interesting choice as well, as she’s young (53) and a fervent Obama supporter. Her judicial ideology would be questionable though, and she’s probably too conservative for the left.
Finally, I also think that if Obama were to win a 2nd term, Hillary Clinton could have an outside shot to be appointed Chief Justice were Roberts to leave the Court for any reason.
Former Chief Justice of Georgia Supreme Court, apparently with sterling record, seems like more than sufficient qualification independent of gender.
Sears would be an excellent choice. Interestingly, she’d probably be between Breyer and Kennedy, right in the middle of the Court, ideologically. I like her, and think she’s got a fair shot in becoming a Justice in the future. I just don’t think she’ll be picked for this seat or the next one.
that with Obama in the White House, court picks are in capable hands.
he’s not going anywhere.
He’s had some health problems. I think that it is very unlikely, though possible, that he was off the Court before he’s 62. I’d put it around 2%, probably the lowest of any current justice.
I think Stevens and Ginsburg will both be gone by the end of Obama’s first term though.
whoa, clutch the pearls! I didn’t know that. Any source?
She’s been openly gay for most of her legal career, including as a student of Lawrence Tribe’s at Harvard (he called her the single finest student he ever taught, which is saying something).
..I was forced to do all the googling myself and I sprained my wrist. Thank you.
I think Hillary will go on the court 2nd term regardless. The GOP will go ape-shit frothing at the mouth mad over it while the country will look at her record including SoS and find her a great choice.
I think she would be superb on the court. She would bring an incredible background to the position.
That Obama had promised her the Court in return for her vigorous support during the campaign. Guess I was wrong. It would be a fitting capstone to her long and varied career.
The GOP would froth, but I actually think Hillary would get upwards of 70 votes in the Senate. She was well-regarded by many conservative members there. Stranger things have happened…
Not if Rush is still in charge of the Rs.
a lot of the Senate Republicans were doing backflips when Hillary was nominated for SoS.
or any other conservative hot-button issue.
A good SoS gets things done. Hillary gets things done. Plus, she has a record as more of a hawk than a dove.
it seemed perfectly natural for the court to be all men.
50 years later, it seems odd.
Is it odd that the court is 55% Catholic?
If you’re appointing the Court by demographics, it’s her single weakest point.
And one I didn’t consider. As of Roberts’ appointment, the Court had it’s first non-Protestant majority, and upon Alito they had an outright majority.
Does that get us off the hook for the whole running the world thing? With such an out of proportion majority on the court with the final say over both other branches, does that make it a Catholic conspiracy now? Maybe the Protocols of the Knights of Columbus?
I think you are referring to “The Protocols of the Elders of the Knights of Columbus.”
Second, they don’t exist.
Third, if they did exist, we’ve done a pretty poor job of implementation. I could show you, but that would require me to reveal my worn copy of a document that doesn’t exist.
All joking aside, I think Doug Lamborn is secretly a Jew, leaving Ellison of Minnesota as the only non-Jew in the entire Congress, both houses. But I’ve heard lately that Ellison is a phony Muslim who is also secretly Jewish.
Can you prove otherwise ? I didn’t think so.
So yes, Blue Cat, you do run the world after all, and are responsible for, among other things, the weather.
Can you reveal what’s going to happen with that whole “cap and trade” thing ? Is it another scheme dreamed up by the Rothschilds ?
Wish I could fill you in but apparently I’ve been left off the mailing list.
We’re sorry. Please hang up and try your call again.
We’re sorry. Please hang up and try your call again.
You have dialed a number that has been disconnected, or is no longer in service.
We’re sorry. Please hang up and try your call again.
That’s one sorry conspiracy you’re running there. Bet you put a Catholic in charge in order to save money. He then subcontracted the work to a Mick. That’ll learn ya.
Barack Obama!
Except not 300 pounds, and without the kickass handlebar moustache.
For that to happen:
1. Obama wins re-election.
2. A Democrat wins in 2016.
3. Obama isn’t so worn out from the job of two-term president that he’s willing to take the job.
Having said that, he would be an absolutely fantastic Justice. He’d only be 56 when he left office, so it wouldn’t be that much of a stretch, and he’d be on the court for as long as he wanted to be.
If a white man can be nominated, I’d like to see Cass Sunstein.
Will the President nominate Ken Salazar to replace Justice Souter?
Moving on….
Now where have we heard that before?
So Salazar isn’t acceptable to you?
Salazar has a lot of work to do at Interior. I won’t support him for the same reasons I won’t support Napolitano; they both have accepted a number of responsibilities by taking their Cabinet posts, and should at least spend some time finishing those jobs.
If I owned a Mexican restaurant or a business with any Hispanic presence among staff or customers, I’d seriously consider boycotting advertising with KHOW – that sewer of a radio station.
KHOW is really dragging its reputation in the mud with its “entertainers'” ignorant, cowardly and racist comments about the swine flu. This morning, Peter Boyles was basically suggesting that people avoid going to Cinco de Mayo or having contact with people who look Hispanic.
Peter Boyles, Glenn Beck and their ilk are using swine flu as an excuse to spew out racist hatred, blaming illegal immigrants for supposedly carrying the disease across the border and infecting innocent Americans.
It’s disgusting. Gee, did illegal immigrants from Mexico go to New Zealand to get swine flu started there? Gosh, maybe they tunneled from Mexico underneath the U.S. to Canada?
Hey, there’s a swine flu outbreak in Israel too: did a Mexican sneak across that notoriously porous Mexico-Israel border?
To use Boyles’ and Beck’s tortured logic, maybe we should give all Israelis special identifying armbands to make sure we don’t accidentally contact one of them?
That’s the kind of racist, cowardly hate and paranoia Boyles and Beck are buying into and enabling. It’s shameful and disgusting.
That this new flu is just an excuse by KHOW to spread racism is readily apparent when Peter Boyles talks about and enables callers who say they will avoid Cinco de Mayo, or will have no contact with Hispanics during Cinco de Mayo.
I couldn’t believe it when Boyles was mocking Mayor Hickenlooper and his wife Helen this morning, daring them to take their son to Cinco de Mayo!
How pathetic, sickening and cowardly Boyles has become in recent years. KHOW should be ashamed of itself for enabling his racist paranoia.
which was a Smithfield pig farm in Veracruz, where the 5 year old Mexican kid who got it first was often exposed to. I guess that’s just not a sexy enough angle for the xenopohobes.
If Progress Now can get together a boycott for Boyles’ Vagina DeGette jokes, then there has to be something major for this latest CSB.
is to make sure the growing number of Hispanic voters never ever want to vote for a Republican again. And it’s not just the talk show hosts who have decided to completely destroy any chance of connecting with the fastest growing segment of the U.S. population. At least the Boyle’s of the world have an excuse. It’s good for their ratings and they don’t need anyone outside the crazy zone. What’s the excuse for GOP pols who want to take back congress and the White House?
Boyles has been doing the panic dance for years, and it’s made him a great living. I can remember the JFK stuff in the late 80’s, the Jon Bonet cottage industry….it went on and on, and the illegal immigration crusade he took on with loonies like Tancredo, Gilchrist, etc.. Then the President’s birth certificate witch hunt that he just wouldn’t let go.
This one’s a bonanza for the old dirt bag. He can combine a flu scare (he’s got plenty of help ramping up that one!) with the immigration rant, and every right wing crazy listening’s calling the show.
The only thing that will derail this con is the flu not exploding into a disaster….which, unfortunately for Boyles and those of his ilk, looks to be the probable result at this point.
He’s not the only one though. Like HGF said, KHOW’s stacked with these nonsense purveyors.
As for me, I’ll be eating at a Mexican restaraunt tonight.
Don’t dismiss him. Ken Buck announced his candidacy on the boyles show, which is why I think that Buck attempted to confuse the issue of his candidacy, initially, The teacup guy, Brian Campbell, is announced as a candidate in CD7.
The state repubs look at what they’ve got: almost total control of the local radio airwaves; a beginning grassroots movement, well funded by Dick Army, the ability to use radio as a feedback loop to reinforce the tea cup people; a few hot button issues…the FLU, illegal immigration, taxes, and big gov. …and local dems (read the most “popular blog” in the State)_ who totally dismiss them……
don’t forget that most of the time boyles was making that “great living” the repubs controlled the state legislature and the governorship…..
from HuffPo
Why would Hannity even suggest that? Is he trying to say “It’s not so bad, even a gigantic prick like me can withstand it?”
And shame on Olbermann for exacerbating the situation. Donating money to the families of soldiers based on how long a rival cable news anchor could withstand a torture practice commonly visited upon our own troops when they were POWs in WWII? It boggles the mind.
Torture. Isn’t. Funny. Period.
If such a spectacle were to occur it would surely be the new low point in the history of cable news–a medium that has already sunk to Marianas Trench-level depths.
Our junior senator, Bennet sig small (as he signs his emails–at least three that I know of) claims in a recent missive that “as a former superintendent of public schools, I know change is possible. I know that with the right reforms our schools can become, once again, the envy of the world and drivers of the American dream.”
Is he talking about DPS under his reign?
Can anyone enlighten the unenlightened as to precisely what Bennet sig small did for DPS?
the dropout rate went down under Bennet.
soft bigotry of low expectation = mission accomplished for elitist whitebread who was always focused on his next job as Senator
70% of DPS High Schoolers Graduate!
50% of DPS High Schoolers Graduate!
If there was clear substantive improvement, then that is the measure of doing a good job. Up here in Boulder we’re still at the same rates we were at 12 years ago – 30% not proficient.
…for remedial adult-ed courses over the summer, David. [SMILE. JOKE. HA HA. NO NEED TO WHIMPER AND TO GO AWAY MAD. PLENTY OF OREOS TO GO ‘ROUND.]
And remember, we don’t care about Rome. We want a re-run of Creating the World in a day (or a week, max). We want God in office! Praise be to the Lord, Please pass the Oreos. (You didn’t know they make Oreos with chocolate filling? Sure they do…)
Can I get a witness ?
Can I get a witness ?
1. What change took place under Bennet sig small, and what unique role, if any, did he play in that change? If the dropout rate among minority students was still at 50%, then (a) the change was insignificant; or (b) he wasn’t in office long enough to make a difference, ergo, has no claim to glorious success in education; or (c) both.
2. How does this qualify him to be a U.S. Senator who, when it counted, proved to be an ally of Republicans and the representative of bankers, rather than a backer of the president and of ordinary citizens?
Lotsa folk put on the “D” hats (Walmart has ’em on special this week, $3 ea.) when it’s convenient. I can think of a certain freshman representative from Colorado who fits that description as well. Wearin’ the hat and wavin’ the flag does not make you a Democrat. Votin’ time in the legislature is where the tests are given.
David gives good interviews; but he sucks up….he doesn’t know shit from shinola when it comes to dps.
Bennet did for dps what he did for Anschutz…..treat students like excess employees…close schools. scatter the students because you can’t lay them off…but you can scatter them and discourage them from staying in dps….having done all of that….he still had stagnant scores…dps pays a lot for PR…and bennet flew the coop before all the chickens came home to roost…
Funny how small-sig is claiming “education” as his hallmark issue, hoping that “having been a superintendent” will cause people to assume he must be an expert and/or must have been successful–why else would the governor appoint him to office?
The last is still unanswered. Meantime, a new question has been put on the P(olitical)ATs: “What’s the difference between a ‘conservative Democrat’ from Colorado and a ‘Republican?'” If you want to boost your test score–or help your kid boost his/hers–here’s the unauthorized disclosure of the cq answer:
(d) None.