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April 28, 2009 01:44 AM UTC

(Gradually) Redesigning Colorado Pols

  • by: Colorado Pols

We’re working on redesigning Colorado Pols, and rather than rolling something out at once, we thought it would be better to do it within the Pols community. We’ve already gotten control of a few problems that were vexing us and a number of you. So tell us what you think, and tell us your recommendations.

UPDATE: Please stop using Microsoft Internet Explorer. Yes, all of you. That is all.


43 thoughts on “(Gradually) Redesigning Colorado Pols

    1. This was actually recommended to us by a number of people, to focus the viewer on the headline content. We didn’t actually get the idea from Daily Kos, but now that you mention it…

      1. a few more pixels white space between the Big Line (and the rest on the left) and the diaries? That would set it off more and make it easier to read and focus on headlines. Right now it’s really crowding the center content from the left (ha!).

        Rest is fine.

    1. Seems to be a popular location. Basically, the top-left text on the site is going to get the first read generally speaking, be it the first blog post or the Big Line. Which do you think is more likely to be more important to passing readers?

      We’re actually debating this among ourselves, you can help us settle the question.

      1. you see odds and stuff which makes it look like Pols is up to date and knows Colorado politics. Then you look to the center for the posts. I just think it’s better to see the BIG LINE. It just feels better for me. The top seems a little too dark with the logo though.

  1. try no border on the right to match no border on the left.  and border each to see which is easier reading.

    Also, the judges statement is too hard to see and read in the banner. It needs to be larger.

  2. Put all of the “Best of” buttons, widgets, twitter links and such under the individual diaries. Limit the “latest diaries” to like 10 or so to be more manageable. It will make it easier to check out user-created content, and I would guess encourage more diary posting. All that other stuff is static and everyone’s seen it a million times.  

  3. You once had this, and I’d really like it back.  At the bottom of a post and its comments, a link for the next post+comments and the previous post+comments.  Because I am at the bottom of the post+comments when I want it.

    1. Switching to IE out of necessity from time to time (some web designer that doesn’t understand what the REAL standards are) from Opera is like going from a Porsche to a farm truck.  Unwieldy, unintuitive.

      1. The best way to make sure our website works for everyone is that you spread out who uses what at the company. And I will always use whatever has the largest market share for that reason.

        We had one web designer when we hit one issue his reply was that that only occured on IE and therefore was not an issue. We had a very short meeting to rectify that 🙂

  4. Assuming you want to make money off the ads…

    1. The top ads are good.

    2. On the Big Line break it into 3 parts and put ads between each part.

    3. On the right same thing, space the ads out between the other items.

    4. Put and ad in the center section of each diary, right after the first block of text and before the body.

    5. Put another ad before the comments.

    6. On the home page pat an ad between every 2 or 3 diaries.

        1. Colorado Pols with a newspaper, or at least your understanding of a newspaper? Pols isn’t anyone’s day job, David, it’s limped by without much advertising before.

  5. 1. move the menu to a menu bar just under the banner.

    2. Make Active Users and Search menu items in the menu bar.

    3. Take all the bragging items and make it a singl flash that rotates through them.

    4. Mobile, twitter, email pols – all the stuff like that move to the menu bar.

    5. Relevant links should probably be home page only – and show a subset. Rotate a different 7 or 8 up  each time.

  6. I never understood the rationale for a light gray line separating posts but a solid black line separating the signature of the poster from their own post.

    Might just be me, but doesn’t seem logical and I have never gotten used to it! If I knew the rationale, maybe my brain could be persuaded to adapt.

  7. I do like the new pols logo/banner at the top. However the ad right below is offset and makes it all look a bit weird and funny. Or it could just be me. Maybe center the logo/banner would help

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