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April 16, 2009 08:09 PM UTC

Reminder: Pols Gathering Today!

  • by: redstateblues

( – promoted by redstateblues)

The Polsters voted, and Denver won by 5 votes. Don’t worry though, you patchouli-lovin’ hippies, by FP editor decree, I do declare that the next Pols meeting after Sunday’s will be in Boulder at Southern Sun.

Can’t wait to meet you all at the Falling Rock Taphouse in Denver at 20th and Blake on Sunday today! I’m thinking 4:00 if that works for everyone.

See you all there.


40 thoughts on “Reminder: Pols Gathering Today!

      1. you mean a budget prevents that cliff falling off of thing?

        I rather enjoy the prospect of the PON (party of no) foiling all attempts to budget through legislation and CSB-ing through the rest of the session.

        Sure the partisan loyalists will stick with them- but real people will stop and wonder whatinhell is going on? TABOR is what-the-what? AB limits what to 6% and keeps funing what how?  Who is this guy Marostica and why did his party just kick him out?

        Meanwhile the R’s can stomp their feet and shout about tax cuts being the solution for everything. We’re already a low tax state – why haven’t all the biz dev guys with new jobs found us yet?  (See Boeing Moves to Chicago)  

      1. Get CPols’ honored Twitty and Thilly, Gertie and give MesaMod a map to the meeting showing the location by just driving straight on Lands End Road.

        I believe Palisade’s population has grown by leaps and bounds over the years, sufimarie.  Up to around 2500 now, I’d guess.  Triple that of what it was when I grew up in the orchards.  Got so urbanized that I had to move several mile west of town. 🙂

        1. I really do enjoy all of the West Slope bloggers: the “Good Part of the State” Caucus of CT, gertie, Ralphie and you WST are essential to this site.

          It’d be great to finally meet you all at the first Pols gathering west of the divide.

          There are only so many of these we can have without having one on the other side (maybe we’ll meet y’all half way?) of the Rockies.

          Seriously. Without you guys we’re just a bunch of Metro Area latte-sipping elitists.  😉

      2. We could aim for the east slant (Eagle, Summit counties) of the Western Slope, or maybe something half-way between the Eisenhower/Johnson Tunnel and the end of the world (I mean GJ, etc).

  1. Steve, David, myself, and a lurker all showed up and we got to finally meet and chat for a while.

    Considering Denver beat Boulder in the runoff with 20 votes, that’s a pretty shoddy showing. Tisk tisk Denver Polsters.  😉

    I hope that Boulder will put Denver to shame with the turnout there next time.

  2. One person told me that Laughing Boy left Pols because someone here tried to out him because they disagreed with him.

    Whoever the scum-sucking douchbag piece of garbage is who did this – what you did is beneath contempt. You also removed one of the best voices from this site and made it a bit less interesting place.

    LB, Haners, NEWSMAN – I miss you guys. If this site turnes into a liberal love-fest I’m going to drop by a lot less often.

      1. I’ve seen him logged in over the past week.

        He originally left because (IIRC) he’s got a heavier workload these days. But he came back a few weeks ago because he had more time – remember that epic gun debate he had with SH? But he said it would be temporary.

        Anyway, that was when some twerp came on, making innuendos about LB’s identity. The user got banned and all his comments deleted. I don’t know about anyone else, but those comments didn’t tell me anything about who LB is.

        Now, I thought Another Skeptic might have been scared away by some similar bullshit (about a month ago SH wrote that someone tried to out him) but he’s been back too.

    1. … but I think Pols has gone from left-leaning to a full-on liberal blog. If I were those guys I’d stay away too. Hell, I don’t spend much time here as it is anyway. It IS less interesting.

      Over at my other favorite blog (SLOG), one that’s really lefty, they’ve attracted a bunch of right wing trolls and it’s more fun sparring with them over issues like gay marriage. The overall intellectual level of the discussion is lower (to say the least) but it’s livelier.

      1. Pols themselves used to be pretty balanced. You could tell that their heart was to the left but they kept their posts balanced.

        And it was fine that the designated liberal & conservative front-pagers were biased – we were supposed to be. But there was of each of us so it balanced out.

        I miss that…

      2. with the fact that we won the election. If you’re comparing an off-year to a historic election year, of course it’s going to drop off.

        While I agree that Pols has become more liberal leaning this year, the site is what you make it. We’ve had a fairly large population of righties coming in bashing Pols and shilling for Penry lately. A lot of the back-and-forth last year was national because of the election, so maybe that’s why it seems like there’s less full-on debate.

        1. when the accusations of “liberal bias” were frequent from the conservative regulars we had then. And there’s been little good news for cons since then.

          However… when the blog keeps reviving things like “Nazi guy” when there’s no reason to… or at times seems a little too preoccupied with Josh Penry (like three diaries over the same incident) you have to ask yourself, Would a fair minded liberal really need to do this? The tone of these diaries reminds me of Kos and Square State – good blogs, but by-liberals-for-liberals. Not quite that liberal (they chased a lot of the square state crowd away defending the blue-dog moves of some Reps and Senators) but I can’t just call it left-leaning anymore.

  3. I wanted to, but shoveling 4′ of snow did me in.

    On the other subject of conversation, I do wish we’d have more solid conservative voices around here, and I have noted a serious increase in the leftward lean of the Dead Guvs posts in the past few months (maybe a bit more…).  Is there anywhere we could recruit some (thick-skinned) conservatives who are actually up to a dialog?

    1. so yeah, that’ll be harder.

      Plus, what’s there to say if you’re a right-winger right now? Have you seen the righty blogs lately?

      “Look, Obama’s as bad as Bush! He’s supporting something that I support and also Bush supported but liberals didn’t support but now they support it so um yeah there’s that going on!”

      I mean, it’s really not a great place to be. They’re seriously weakened, so they’re spending more time around others like them in sympathy.

      It’s the same reason some of us are spending less time on blogs like Daily Kos now: when your party’s in power, your side’s discussions involve a lot of infighting which is unpleasant. When it’s out of power, there’s a lot of sympathetic commiserating, and it’s easier to get on the same page.

      In addition, there’s the phenomenon of people who represent a minority in a community often having outsized representation in LTEs and comments. Look at the right-wingers at the Boulder newspaper sites or the lefties in Colorado Springs. To the extent Colorado is still a rather conservative state, lefty extremists like me really want to be well-represented.

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