Ah, the fun of odd years in politics…that silly time when politicians who are obviously pining for a bigger seat pretend to have grassroots movements initiated to “Draft Them” into running.
Predictably, the “Draft Penry” nonsense has begun with a Facebook page that includes a too-cute picture of Josh Penry tossing a football in the air. Getting a “supporter” to create a “Draft Penry” movement is the surest sign yet that Penry is getting serious about a potential run for Governor.
What’s next? “Draft Ritter for Governor?”
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9 News sports anchor?
Ooooh! I know! The Broncos are going to trade Cutler to the Colorado Republican Party for Penry and a politician to be named later.
“Go Long. Go Penry.”
He has more attitude and a loftier sense of entitlement than Cutler does.
on the Draft Penry FaceBook page…
Now that’s sure to lead to some ‘fair and balanced’ reporting.
join pages like that so they’ll get the announcements and can follow the discussion.
I’ll be keeping an eye on Mike though…
First of all….
1. Mike is an anchor. Not a political reporter. As an anchor, he’s the FACE of the station. Responsible journalists avoid this kind of endorsement. You want to get the announcements? Join the press list. The site clearly says its purpose is to recruit Penry for governor. Or he could even just friend Josh’s personal Facebook page and be his friend. No conflict there. Reporters do THAT all the time. I have several friends in Denver who have Denver Post reporters and other TV reporters among their Facebook friends. However, the minute he signed his name – he gave away all hope of appearing unbiased.
No one is saying journalists can’t have opinions or even donate money to candidates. But when your bread and butter is your face – you don’t use that to endorse political candidates.
that’s simply not true, there are plenty of journalists on Penry’s list (and all sorts of lists that purport to support politicians or urge them to run for something) on Facebook, it’s a way to keep track of what politicians are doing and what their supporters are saying. There is no press list yet for the nonexistent Penry for Governor campaign, so DeFina can hardly sign up for that. You’re over-reacting.
and I can follow the discussion and see what his supporters are saying.
No press list? Ask the organizer of the page to give you a heads up when something comes up. Political ops do that all the time – tipping reporters off. I would understand if this was an assignment person or an editor, etc. But when it’s an anchor and you represent your station, most journalists would avoid the mere appearance of favoritism.
Have a good evening. I enjoy the discussion!
Even as we speak…Andrew is furiously working on his own draft page. His background music will be the Pussycat Dolls Girlfriend and he’ll scan a photo of himself as president of the Chess Club out of his HS yearbook.
Of course, then Andrew would have to take some time out of his busy schedule of telling random people standing next to him at the urinal in the basement men’s room at the capitol (no, the one with the scale) that he WANTS to primary Ritter.
There are at least three Draft Romanoff for 2010 pages on Facebook, but none of them have a chess club picture — why don’t you start your own!
for the urinal picture. It was a hint, jackass.
venividivici303 aims too low.
McInnis started his Facebook page before Josh (interesting that Pols chose to make fun of Josh, not McInnis) and has 113 members compared to Josh’s 191.
McInnis isn’t kicking a soccer ball in his Fbook page photo.
The McInnis page is just a friend’s of page, not a fun “Draft Scott for Governor” page. There is no campaign happening there, unlike the super-secret grassroots “draft Josh” movement, lol.
I remember Ritter’s TV commercial in ’06 that showed him enjoying a staged picnic with his family — tossing the football and all. It will be nice in January of 2011 to have a Governor who can throw a football like a man.
and that all seemed to work out well.
This guy is great with a slingshot so I think he should be our next President:
He’s got my vote!
Best campaign slogan ever.
1. Do they have a rocket arm?
2. Are they a dreamboat?
3. Seriously, can they throw the football or what?
could eat a monkey like a man, then he could be governor. But he can’t.
I’m gonna go start a Draft Elway Facebook page.
1. Raise property taxes
2. Piss in the face of one of the state’s largest employers (oil and gas) — and lose, by the way…
3. Make people pay more when they go to the Clerk’s office to renew their car registrations
4. Unionize state government
5. Fly first class on overseas “trade missions.”
Good luck defending this record — and more — next year.
1. I assume you’re referring to the mill levy freeze, which was approved by voters. Maybe you should take it up with them, since the Governor has no constitutional power to raise taxes without a vote by the people.
2. How did he lose? The new O&G regs are in place. I realize that they’re the End of the World according to some, but it’s hardly a loss. I realize that it’s in your talking points, though, so good job getting that one in there.
3. Those fees are being put in place to fund badly needed repairs on roads and bridges. I guess you’re OK with what happened in Minneapolis happening on the Broadway I-25 bridge. He also did it without sacrificing our water, unlike your buddy Sen. Penry and his cronies in the pavement business.
4. At least with this one you have a legitimate gripe–if you hate unions.
5. Yes, I truly hate when a sitting Governor tries to bring economic development to our state through the use of globalization and international trade. What a monster.
Good luck unseating him with the unbelievably pathetic field of Republican candidates–and more–next year.
though 2. probably refers to the severance tax ballot measure, which did lose at the polls last fall.
But if anything, that’s a complaint that Dems have had against Ritter. MM should be happy his office waged such a horrible campaign on A-58.
Approved by voters! Wow.
Amendment 58, Bill Ritter’s brain child, lost.
Evoking Minneapolis bridge? Shame on you. Sacrificing our water? Double shame. Bill Riter took the easy way out and raised fees instead of asking voters for a tax increase or reprioritizing state spending (which is what Amendment 52 would have done).
Thanks for agreeing with me that Ritter unionized the state.
The Governor of Oregon took the same trip as Ritter but didn’t have to fly first class. How do you explain that? There must be a way to blame Greg Kolomitz for that screw up….
say what?
If only.
Some state employees, sure, but you say that like it’s a bad thing. The hundred voters who are supremely bothered by that wouldn’t support Ritter anyway, so who cares?
No need to take it so personal Mesa “Moderate”.
It usually helps to, you know, actually read what you’re responding to. In your first point, you said he raised property taxes, which was a lie.
You apparently were talking about A-58 in your other point that I misconstrued as being about O&G regs. The voters shot down A-58, so I don’t know why you’re in such a huff about that. In fact, you know which amendment the voters also shot down? Amendment 52. You know why? Because it was an asinine piece of legislation, and it would have “re-directed” funds away from badly needed water projects. What you call “the cowards way out” I call leadership. Penry wanted to have his cake and eat it too–all while feeding a sizable chunk of said pastry to the pavers lobby.
And it’s a well known fact that the bridge collapse in Minneapolis was directly caused by structural deficiencies due to years of disrepair. It was a perfectly reasonable “evoking” because FASTER directly addresses that same issue in our own roads and bridges, which potentially saves lives. Shame on you sir, for suggesting that I’m somehow taking advantage of a tragic disaster to prove my point. You somehow don’t think $40 a year is worth lowering that risk. I think that we can make a small investment to make sure our roads and bridges are safe for a long time to come.
Listen, shill, I’m not Bill Ritter’s biggest fan. If it were up to me, I would probably want someone different in the Governor’s mansion. Unfortunately, the GOP has nobody, my party doesn’t want to run a primary, and the Governor just looks better and better the more you weakly attack him. Like RedGreen said above, this is the best you got?
Nobody who raises fees gets a pass on raising fees.
I’m growing tired of legislators (R or D) that are using fees as a way to raise $ without consulting voters. I don’t think TABOR’s perfect but it seems clear that CO voters relish the right to be consulted before gov’t digs deep in their wallets. This general assembly is governing by glitch.
He can’t discipline or lead members of his own party, frequently has his facts wrong, works for O&G and not his constituents, but hey, he can throw like a man !
For a sampling of just a few of the girls out there who could out-throw MM (and perhaps Sen. Penry) in their sleep, please see:
are attempting to lock
JamalJosh Penry in the outhouse with only one way out. And he very well may jump into the excrement to get that autographed endorsement from the R Party cabal.You’re darn right. GOP “extremists” are attempting to lock a rising star into a place he has no business in. He needs to get more experience before he runs for high office. He’ll be slaughtered by Mr. Ritter. We need a tenured seasoned statesman to run, not a young fresh face. Mr. Penry, get some more experience before jumping into battle.
Are you thinking McInnis? He’s not much better. Bill Owens and Hank Brown are the only other two I could see running, and they’re both two of the darkest of the dark horses.
The only darker horse is horse doctor Wayne Allard, and I’m pretty sure the Governor’s mansion already has enough potted plants.
Delusional and Deranged?