I’m fascinated by a series of posts by Connecticut’s Colorado’s own David Sirota today, blasting Wendy Norris of the Colorado Independent for having the temerity to suggest that Sens. Bennet and Udall have to answer to a larger constituency than David Sirota, Matt Stoller and The Kos. I know, the horror!
I normally wouldn’t waste any energy mentioning this in its own diary, but Sirota seemed particularly personal about this attack on Ms. Norris today (who I don’t know but admire her years of work), even trying to suggest obliquely that her funding should be pulled, tantamount to saying she should be fired for writing something he disagrees with.
“Insufferably Strident”
Note to Wendy Norris: Stop Digging…Please.
I’m not going to defend Norris except to say that I personally very much agree with what she said in her post on the Colorado Independent this morning:
Despite what the insufferably strident “national syndicated columnist” David Sirota may contend, Udall – and likely Bennet too – represent a state in which only a third of his voters (not all voters) identify as liberal.
I’d say the real problem is Sirota got called out by name, and that if he hadn’t he would not be excoriating Norris any more than dozens of other people who say the same thing every day, reflecting growing impatience with self-important purity trolls like Sirota. This would seem to be about one narcissistic blowhard and his ongoing inability to receive direct criticism like a well-adjusted adult.
But here is my question for David Sirota: why is he only posting this drivel at the “national” blog OpenLeft? After all, Sirota cross-posts all kinds of stuff about Colorado on SquareState and here on Colorado Pols. Hell, he even cross-posted about his campaign to get rid of the DIA devil horse. Wendy Norris is in Colorado, isn’t she? The website is called the Colorado Independent, isn’t it?
Could it be that Sirota only posted this stuff at OpenLeft because that is one of a very few remaining places he can get away with such petulant and in this case vaguely threatening bullshit? I notice that he hasn’t done very well convincing people around here that he says anything worth paying attention to. When the venue turns against you, is retreating to your echo chamber a good idea, or does it signal that the battle is already lost?
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We could sit around all day analyzing Sirota’s contradictions, hyperbole, fallacies, and sheer dick-headedness, but why? Add to the list his annoying tendency to rhetorically equate himself with large groups of people like “progressives” or “Colorado voters,” leading to breathless outrage about insults to “progressives” generally or “Colorado voters” generally. The regularity with which this happens is disturbing; we’re not talking about a healthy personality here.
At best, he’s just a thin-skinned asshole. I am so not looking forward to the Larimer Dems dinner tonight — someone up there thought it was a good idea to make David Sirota the keynote speaker. Thirty minutes of humorless chest-pounding, movement victimhood, and narcissism. Jesus.
And no, Sirota, you dickhead, it’s not about attacking the messenger over the message. It’s that you, sir, are an asshole.
The desire for philosophical purity is as ugly and counter-productive coming from the left as it is coming from the right. Sirota comes across as a Rush Limbaugh wanna-be.
The only difference is that Rush has a fairly large impact on his party.
Rush weighs about 2 million pounds now.
on 760 yesterday morning where the topic of the day seemed to be how awful it was that Wendy Norris had a job. Good to know that Sirota has his finger on what is really important in the U.S. today.
…that Sirota has a job? Charity, thy name is radio.
I don’t think there’s any question as to whether or not David Sirota is in love with himself and is a purveyor of decidedly purple prose – but that being said, he is popular, moreso than the authors of many screeds herein contained. Sirota is hardly a William Saffire, but he’s doing what many of us aspire to, and he is perceptive and more often than not, on the money with his general perceptions in the face of anal-retentive conservatives who see nothing but Fear following them down every darkened path.
I concur with Sirota that Udall and Bennett are Democrats only in name; and are clear explanations as to how politics became a dirty work and those who practice its dark arts akin to demons. Udall and Bennet are obviously trying to take a centerist stance, expecting Obama to fall out of favor rather quickly, and that this “rough man” stance will appeal to their redneck, antieducation consituency in their districts’ more isolated regions. Problem is, they’re limp excuse at strategy has made them all the more vulnerable by anyone with a functioning cortex. Also, Colorado went to Obama and his polls are still pretty high.
You’re a purist who’d rather lose everything than compromise and win a few?
Since they are both Senators, they represent all of Colorado and don’t have districts. That aside, The second half of that quote makes absolutely no sense and proves you know absolutely nothing about Colorado politics.
Thanks for the info! I hadn’t heard Sirota be so clear yet in his “purple prose.” Thank god for you.
thinks there’s a “rough man” stance going on somehow.
Someone also seems to have missed the fact Obama campaigned as a raving centrist and has been governing as one too, though it’s true he hasn’t gone out of his way to disabuse his more rabid followers of their misimpressions to the contrary.
I don’t know how my point could possibly have been made so well. There’s reality, and then there’s…you people. Thanks for spelling it out so clearly, and get down to the shrink for some new meds as soon as possible before your dog starts telling you to whack your neighbors or something.