It’s that time again.
I’m going to do this the democratic way: Vote for where you’d like to meet up in the poll below, and then we can get a general idea of what people want to do. I’m going to include Boulder this time because David is going to say something if I don’t.
As far as the date, I was thinking we could tentatively do it on Sunday, April 19th. If this is a problem for anyone, then let it be known in the comments.
If you’re lucky, I’ll even convince Mrs. RSB to come.
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or the terrorists win.
– thanks RSB
I’m going to refrain from voting for a location because; one, that’s the weekend of my b-day and I’ll probably be back in CA; and, two, having missed the other shindigs, I feel it most prudent to leave it to those of you who actually show up to these things. 😛
If I’m here I’ll definitely try to make it though…especially if it’s at SS.
Unless, of course, they decide to move it. But I’ve only gone to one gathering. Come on down when you can!
and I’ll more than likely be able to go to this one.
The 19th works for me unless something comes up.
in Durango.
There’s four of them, that should keep people happy.
That’s me chewing on my tinfoil hat.
For more information, go to:
And for the SUPER-DUPER Cadillac of tinfoil hats (excuse me, Thought Screen Helmets):
Hope this helps! Have fun!
I want a run-off for the top two choices, b/c otherwise the Denver vote is split, and Boulder will win by spoiler! (Hmmm…. Sounds vaguely familiar….).
Really, something within walking distance of the light rail would be really nice. (I voted for Falling Rock on that basis, but would take anything that fits that bill).
I’ll be the one packing heat.
I’m kidding. I don’t own one, but I’ve shot a few. My favorite is a Springfield XD 40 S&W. Beautiful piece of hardware.
What’s your preference?
I took a few rounds in the chest, groin, and knees for some combination of the content and form of its expression on last Monday’s open thread,…
obliging LB to buy me a Guinness (to replace the blood loss), and incurring the permanent and hotly expressed ire of the Sergeant (to paraphrase his justification, due to the size of the alleged stick stuck up my academic posterior).
But, to answer your question, I prefer rubberbands, myself. As a former drill sergeant of mine (at Fort Benning, GA) used to say, “I can shoot the shit off an ant’s ass from 300 meteres!” Okay, given the range of rubberbands, make that three meters, and it better be a pretty big ant.
of a half wall, not quite a cubicle, but you get the idea. If we happened to be on the phone at the same time, I’d hit him by bouncing the band off of the window. Made it so much easier for me to concentrate.
The kids loved it; some administrators, not so much. (Those kids who didn’t want to be targets always made their wishes clear by facial expression or simply stating it, and I always aimed away from their faces. I also let them return the favor on those occasions, while not letting our games derail our mission).
I didn’t shoot at those students who didn’t want to play, and aimed away from the faces of those that did (came out sounding like something else in the above post!).
I read it as you explained. Mostly because I think you’re a little odd, but not crazy. “You call this an essay? Bombardment! Bombardment!”
that “Droll” spelled backwards is “Llord”? Hmmm. Interesting….
I had JROTC as my first class, and started shooting them at officers in the Orderly Room.
Somebody carried the fun into the next class, and next thing I knew it had lasted 3 classes, leading to many welts among the senior battalion staff.
It was a blast.
I generally allowed them after a prisoners dilemma simulation I did involving two countries at war over a the timber in a forest on their border (and sometimes just when there was clearly a need for a bit of a release). I actually saved the paper wads in bags in one of my desk drawers to avoid the waste of paper involved each time. Ah, good times!
but I refuse to grow up.
It’ll be down to the top Denver one (looks like Falling Rock right now) and Southern Sun.
Vote Boulder or the terrorists win!!!
are another man’s freedom fighters.
Hey, I love the People’s Republic of Boulder as much as the next guy: I commute there regularly (twice a week this semester, three or four times a week usually), enjoy the ambience, have plans to erect a zip-line from the Flat Irons to the Law School second floor terrace, vibrate at the resonant frequency of the communal chi energy, and so on. But, you know, driving up C470 and 93 on my day off, constrained to drink minimally by the impending drive back…, not my idea of a good time.
David, as Olympia Dukakis said to an ancient-warrior-channeling Shirley MacClain in some chick-flick in which Sally Fields’ daughter was dying of something or ‘nother (oh yeah, “Steel Magnolias”), “I love you like my luggage.” But sometimes, when the terrorists win, people end up waving flags and shooting off fireworks in celebration for centuries to come. Just ask Sam Adams and the Sons of Liberty.
And I predict, in the spirit of Libertad predicting that the stock market will continue to fall (ooops), and that its fall is proof positive that Obama is the devil incarnate (double oops), that many years from now, people will still be sitting around the fire, drinking grog and telling tales of the time when the noble rebels defeated the evil Boulderites, succeeding in the former’s quest to hold the April 2009 Colorado Pols Happy Hour in Denver, the home of the 2008 Democratic National Convention!!!!
(cue flashing neon applause sign accompanied by awkward silence)
But if Sam Adams had said “we don’t want to put the smugglers out of business” when he tossed newly affordable tea (the British had just lowered the tea tax) into Boston Harbor, we might still be celebrated Guy Fawkes Day. Poetic hyperbolic dissembling’s what it’s all about, baby!
I’m happy to provide transportation from the Table Mesa park & ride up to Southern Sun.
Or will this be like a 30-minute shuttle service?
one of the light cycles from Tron.…
We’re talking a max of 3 people per trip – and the two in the back seat better be short. I’ll try to borrow my wife’s car – it has room for 3 in the back seat (Acura).
However, it’s about a 3 minute drive so no big deal.
Damn, I’d go just for that.
Can we skip the gathering and just ride back and forth in David’s car?
BMW M3? One of my dream cars.
so that we know where to stand. We haven’t all met face to face yet… 🙂
to take a bus to Boulder if David puts on a chauffeur’s cap and stands there holding a cardboard sign that reads “Pols”.
Besides in Boulder if you hold a cardboard sign at the side of the road, everyone stops to give you money.
that day is going to be tough for me, but i could probably get out for an hour in the later afternoon.