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September 14, 2016 12:22 PM UTC

Get More Smarter on Wednesday (September 14)

  • by: Colorado Pols

Get More SmarterThe 2016 election will be all over in 54 days. It’s time to Get More Smarter with Colorado Pols. If you think we missed something important, please include the link in the comments below (here’s a good example). If you are more of a visual learner, check out The Get More Smarter Show.


► Colorado Republicans are trying to get excited about Presidential nominee Donald Trump as a new (questionable) poll shows His Hairness leading Democrat Hillary Clinton in our state. John Frank has more for the Denver Post:

Democratic strategist Rick Ridder said the polling trend is a natural phenomenon in Colorado, where party registration is evenly split and independents make it a swing state.

“Anybody who thought Hillary Clinton was going to win the state of Colorado by double digits was dreaming,” said Ridder, a veteran of six presidential campaigns. “The history in Colorado shows that it is difficult for a Democrat or a Republican to get over 50 percent of the vote.”

Meanwhile, Dan Balz of the Washington Post takes a look at Colorado trends from a national perspective:

Make no mistake. Donald Trump is a distinct underdog in Colorado. He’s hobbled by demographic realities here and by a record of statements that have alienated the very groups of voters who will be pivotal in November.

But Democrats here say it’s premature to declare that there has been a permanent shift in the politics of the state. They worry about a lack of enthusiasm for Clinton and warn against complacency born of overconfidence…

…Trump is also potentially hobbled by the absence of a competitive Senate race. Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet, who had a tough race six years ago, appears in a strong position. His opponent, Republican Darryl Glenn, won a crowded primary, but his hard-right conservatism and lack of resources have left his campaign sputtering.


► Republican Senate candidate Darryl Glenn may very well be the worst statewide candidate in Colorado history. Molly Ball of Atlantic Monthly wonders if we should even still consider Glenn a “candidate” given his lack of movement:

Since winning the primary in June, Glenn has barely mounted a campaign, Wadhams and other Republican insiders told me. He barely speaks to the press, makes few appearances, has few staff, and has yet to run a television ad. Bennet has been on the air with gauzy positive spots touting his bipartisanship since the beginning of the year.

“All he does is go to Republican and conservative events,” Wadhams complained. The deep-red county Glenn hails from is also home to the social-conservative powerhouse Focus on the Family and five military installations, including the Air Force Academy.


► Donald Trump will be in Colorado Springs on Saturday evening for a campaign rally. Let’s get those elevators up and running!


Get even more smarter after the jump…


► Rep. Ken Buck (R-Greeley) plays a game of political Zika.


► Sorry, Senator Cory Gardner (R-Yuma), but Hillary Clinton is not dead yet.


► Donald Trump is playing a “shell game” with his medical records. From “The Fix”:

Donald Trump gave every indication that he would reveal more of his medical history during an interview on “The Dr. Oz Show” being taped Wednesday in New York City. Turns out, well, nope!…

…The abrupt change of plans will lead some to speculate that Trump’s physical didn’t go as he had hoped — and therefore, the release of its findings won’t be coming anytime soon and especially not in such a high-profile forum as Oz’s show. It’s also possible that Trump wants to wait and see what Clinton releases — her campaign had promised to make more of her medical history public this week. That wouldn’t be a bad strategy, but then why tell everyone that the release of the records will be on Oz’s show?

Regardless of whether there is any there there as it relates to Trump’s health, what this swerve affirms (again) is that Trump is something short of a perfect messenger for the transparency argument he and his aides are trying to make against Clinton. Trump regularly insists Clinton isn’t telling the whole truth about her private email server and the way in which the Clinton Foundation operated. His surrogates have suggested that something is more seriously wrong with Clinton’s health than she lets on. And yet, time after time, Trump moves the goal posts on his own transparency.


► What’s the most useful thing about having close political ties to FratPAC? Um, nothing, as Republican Katy Brown is learning.


► A few Denver men connected to Hillary Clinton’s email troubles while Secretary of State declined to speak in front of Congress on Tuesday. From the Denver Business Journal:

A pair of technicians from a Denver firm that supplied information technology services in connection with Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton‘s controversial email server system declined Tuesday to testify before a congressional committee investigating the matter.

Paul Combetta and Bill Thornton of Denver’s Platte River Networks appeared before the panel but refused to answer questions, citing their 5th Amendment constitutional right to remain silent.

The men were then excused from the hearing of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, the Associated Press reports.

Last month, Republican congressional leaders subpoenaed Platte River Networks and two other companies after they declined to provide information on Clinton’s email system voluntarily to lawmakers. The company has said it cooperated earlier with the FBI and other agencies.

And you thought your last business trip was a waste of time; imagine traveling all the way to Washington D.C. to sit in a room and not say a word.


► Senator Michael Bennet (D-Denver) and Republican challenger Darryl Glenn will participate in a 9News debate on October 11 (assuming Glenn actually shows up). As the Denver Post notes, even Republican pollsters don’t see much of a chance for Glenn to defeat Bennet this fall.


► The Cold War is back, baby!


► Tim Phillips, President of the Koch Brothers-funded Americans for Prosperity, is coming to Colorado to personally knock on doors on behalf of Congressman Mike Coffman (R-Aurora). From the Colorado Independent:

The race for Congress taking place there is the only one in the country where the Koch brothers-backed AFP, a tax-exempt social welfare nonprofit, is expressly calling for a candidate’s defeat. In this case, that candidate is Morgan Carroll, a Democratic state senator who is challenging incumbent Republican Congressman Mike Coffman…

…“This is only the second time in 10 years in Colorado that we have decided to advocate for someone’s defeat,” AFP state director Michael Fields told The Colorado Independent. The first was Democrat Mark Udall in the 2014 U.S. Senate race, which Udall lost.

AFP’s work in the race shows how nationally significant the election is. The 6th is a swing district in a swing state. With Donald Trump topping the ticket for the GOP this year, Democrats are hoping he’ll be a drag on down-ballot Republicans like Coffman, who has already worked to distance himself from Trump in his race.

Americans for Prosperity has taken a keen interest in Colorado in recent years, and has gotten more involved at the state level, especially at the state legislature.


► North Carolina’s transgender bathroom law continues to harm the state’s economy.



► House Speaker Paul Ryan looks silly after some remarkably ill-timed comments regarding the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.


► Conservative lawmakers are trying to impeach IRS Commissioner John Koskinen. It’s not like they have anything important to do instead.


► A study from the University of Denver shows that increasing the minimum wage in Colorado would be a boon to the state’s economy.


Don’t forget to check out the Get More Smarter Show. You can also Get More Smarter by liking Colorado Pols on Facebook


9 thoughts on “Get More Smarter on Wednesday (September 14)

  1. Looks like we'll be enjoying Colin Powell's email for a while.  He may be a reluctant vote for Hillary.  

    “I would rather not have to vote for her, although she is a friend I respect,” Powell writes to Democratic megadonor Jeffrey Leeds. “A 70-year-old person with a long track record, unbridled ambition, greedy, not transformational, with a husband still dicking bimbos at home (according to the NYP)."

    Yes, this may also be the Russians.

  2. The e-mail leaks of Condi and Colin dissing pretty much everybody are fun but I can't help but remember that she was the one who dismissed the infamous warning memo preceding 9/11 as mere (sniff) historic info and that he was the one who went ahead and played along with those he is now high horse dissing by giving the phony intel presentation that justified invading Iraq even though he knew perfectly well how flimsy it was. With his prestige he could have put the breaks on the whole thing by resigning in protest rather than playing his part like a good little team member. That's what a truly great statesman SOS would have done. 

    I kind of put them in the same category as Sandra Day O'Connor who became the sweetheart of the left for blocking some bad Supreme Court decisions as the swing vote Republican but only after she used her swing vote to appoint GW the winner in the bloodless coup of 2000 via a decision so shaky they made sure to specify that it shouldn't be seen as establishing a precedent. 

    They all three enjoy far more respect and good will from Dems than they deserve. Still… the e-mail exchanges are an entertaining meow fest…


  3. The Guardian was able to obtain the documents around the investigation into Scott Walker's campaign colluding with outside groups in Wisconsin– despite the order from the (apparently corrupt) state supreme court that they be destroyed.  It's a fascinating look at the way corporate money works in politics.  Of course, it may all be a nothing, since there's no quid-pro-quo.

    1. Actually, the article does detail some quid pro quo… The article notes that NL Industries, (formerly National Lead) donated some $750,000 to Wisconsin Club for Growth between State Senate and Gubernatorial recall races, and that they got two separate bills from the Legislature that were supposed to help them get out of lawsuits over lead paint claims.

      The timing of the payments to the legislative pushes was as bad looking as the Trump-Bondi donation.

    2. I don't think the documents are yet destroyed, even officially. The case is up for consideration before the Supreme Court, and the Guardian article seems to be a public goad toward getting the Court to accept it.

      What's fascinating to me is the clear co-ordination that the Walker campaign (including Walker himself) had with Wisconsin Club for Growth. The article is quite clear: Walker and his campaign were directly involved in soliciting funds to be funneled through WCfG; it was explicitly to avoid reporting and campaign finance restrictions, and the money was spent directly on influencing the recall elections. They even shared an ad agency, and that agency appears to have coordinated ad campaigns.

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