Denver7’s Deb Stanley reports, get ready for a spit take:
The Trump-Pence Colorado campaign is creating numerous coalitions in Colorado to target various group of voters.
The coalitions include African Americans for Trump, Women for Trump, the Education/School choice coalition, the Sportsmen coalition, the Agricultural coalition and the Faith coalition…
“These leaders are contributing valuable time and energy in order to advance Mr. Trump’s conservative message to a range of important groups and organizations throughout the state,” said Colorado State Director Patrick Davis. “With their help, Coloradans will reject the third Obama term that Hillary Clinton represents and will vote for change in November.”
Plenty of B-List names you’ll nonetheless recognize if you’re familiar with Republican politics on this list, including Jerry Natividad and and Derrick Wilburn representing Hispanics for Trump and African-Americans for Trump respectively. Former state Rep. B.J. Nikkel is heading up Women for Trump along with RNC member Lilly Nunez.
But the aforementioned spit take will come when you get to the choice of Trump’s education co-chair:
The Education/School choice coalition will be led by Dr. Jim Geddes, Colorado’s 6th Congressional District on the CU Board of Regents and businessman and consultant Ken Witt. [Pols emphasis]
Note how Ken Witt’s biggest qualification to serve as the campaign’s education “expert,” being elected to the Jefferson County, Colorado Board of Education, isn’t listed? That’s probably because Ken Witt, along with his fellow right-wing board members Julie Williams and John Newkirk, were recalled last year by a lopsided 65% of the vote. “WNW” were recalled after spending two years outraging Jeffco students and parents with their open hostility to teachers and bizarre ideological flights of fancy–such as the proposal to “review” the district’s AP history course for politically objectionable content, and Williams calling on Jeffco parents to keep their kids out of school on a day when bullying against LGBT students was being protested.
[NOTE: As Marianne Goodland of the Colorado Independent points out in the comments below, Jim Geddes hasn’t been a CU Regent since 2004 and is currently a member of the Douglas County School Board.]
We can’t claim to be shocked by much that comes out of the Trump campaign at this point, but the selection of Witt as Trump’s education co-chair in Colorado is really shockingly tone-deaf. To the extent that voters in Jefferson County ever learn that Witt is affiliated with Trump’s campaign, it’s going to motivate them even more to turn out against Trump on Election Day. Jefferson County is widely considered a bellwether for the entire state, and we would be hard pressed to imagine a more self-injurious pick for winning over Jeffco voters.
If anything, this baffling choice might keep alive the persistent rumors that Trump is trying to lose.
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Well, among football coaches, some say that losing a job is one of the best things to happen to them, as it causes them to realize that their approach did not work.
So, it will be interesting to find out what portions of "Trump’s conservative message [can be taken] to a range of important groups and organizations throughout the state." There is a bit of irony that one of Trump's main points of emphasis is "local control." Witt now knows what "local control" can be – and it certainly does not involve taking right wing policies and applying them uncritically to Colorado schools.
I know we like to say things are insane in politics. But this is literally fucking insane. Who would make this decision if they want to win?
Trying to lose? No. Never posit conspiracy when stupidity will suffice.
Lilly Nuñez and not Nunez.
They've all been promised to be featured 'contributors' to the Völkischer Beobachter News Network post-election? Breathless reporting on local control? Failed public education? Fracking is good for the soul? Givers v. Takers?
Look – their JeffCo campaign GOTV and volunteer co-ordinator is the 12-year old son of the official campaign co-ordinator. While I think it's a noble pursuit to have him involved, perhaps such a prominent role in the most vital county in what is normally a swing state might not be as professional as having experienced staff.
So putting Witt on as an education co-chair doesn't seem particularly out-of-line.
Word is getting out about this in Jeffco. What a stupid stupid decision.