UPDATE: Via the Colorado Statesman’s Ernest Luning:
Top GOP strategist on #copolitics poll results: “The races for president and #cosen are effectively over.” @HillaryClinton @realDonaldTrump
— Ernest Lee Luning (@eluning) August 12, 2016
NBC News out with new head-to-head polling numbers for the presidential race in four key battleground states including our own–Colorado, Virginia, Florida, and North Carolina.
Read ’em and weep, Donald Trump supporters:
Democrat Hillary Clinton leads Republican Donald Trump in some of the most diverse battleground states – including by double digits in two of them – according to four brand-new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist polls…
If these numbers are right, it’s fair to say that Colorado is coming off the table:
[I]n Colorado, the Democrat is ahead by a whopping 14 points, 46 percent to 32 percent. (It was an eight-point Clinton lead before the conventions, 43 percent to 35 percent.) Obama won both Colorado and Virginia in the previous two presidential elections. [Pols emphasis]
“These are supposed to be battleground states, but right now, they don’t look that way,” says Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion.
Indeed, if Clinton ultimately wins all four, Trump has no realistic path to getting the 270 electoral votes needed for victory. And even if Trump is able to win in Florida and its 29 electoral votes, he has to run the table in the other battlegrounds, including in Pennsylvania.
Hillary Clinton’s 14-point lead in Colorado is the biggest shown in today’s poll, and also reflecting a big shift toward Clinton in this state following the two parties’ conventions. The other head-to-head matchup in this poll is Colorado’s U.S. Senate race between incumbent Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet and GOP challenger Darryl Glenn–in this race Bennet is already above his “win number,” crushing Glenn by 53-38%.
Here’s the full questionnaire from NBC/Marist for Colorado.
Needless to say, these poll numbers are absolutely devastating for Colorado Republicans, showing significantly greater erosion in support for Trump and down the GOP ballot than other states. These numbers corroborate internal polling from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) in Rep. Mike Coffman’s CD-6 that show Hillary up by 14 points, reaffirming the dire situation Coffman finds himself in as well.
If this poll is accurate, the biggest danger for Democrats as the tide increasingly turns against Trump and his Republican Party could be complacency. There is still plenty of time between now and Election Day for the race to tighten, and today’s unprecedented wacky political climate leaves open the possibility of…well, most anything.
In short, this poll is wonderful news for Colorado Democrats–but no reason to let up.
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Scared liberals. Just you wait until Mike Coffman endorses him!! It will be all over for Crooked Hillary in Colorado once that happens!!!
(Posted on behalf of Moderatus, who appears to be running low on
neuronselectrons this week . . .)here's hoping that Sen. Bennet will use some of his hard-acquired money for "get out the vote" operations – especially in a couple of key House districts.
No worries. His campaign runs great campaigns including GOTV and so do state, county and HD level Dem party officials and volunteers.
I was working phones last night for a combined HRC, Bennet Degette operation in Denver. If we get these folks registered and voting, they will help legislative as well. Not a lot of ticket splitters in this group.
Good on you, V.
Thanks, V. We are running the same phone banks out of our house two days a week.
We're also housing a great out-of-state staffer from DC. I recommend housing staffers if you have the room. They are great young people that you'll stay in contact with for many years.
Drumpf™'s comeback begines today.
We are only 1/2-way thru the day and he has:
1. Suggested abolishing the 6th Amendment and sending Americans to Gitmo for military trials. “I would say they could be tried there, that would be fine,”
2. Dissed Mormons. “You’ve gotta get your people out to vote. And especially in those states where we’re represented,” Trump said. “I’m having a tremendous problem in Utah. Utah’s a different place. I don’t know—is anybody here from Utah?”
Marist is slanted Democrat. I'm not saying Trump is ahead, but you can shave some points off due to pollster bias.
. . . and neurons.
OK . Let's shave off four. Still a double digit lead that has been persistent for weeks. Happy now?