(Promoted by Colorado Pols)
A mailer in Colorado Springs includes actual factual photos of state house candidate Larry Liston cross-dressing, but the attack letter fails to mention that Liston’s step into a dress was all part of a joke.
As reported by the Megan Schrader at the Colorado Springs Gazette:
One page of the letter includes two photos of Liston from Hummers, a skit put on by the minority party in the House chambers every year skewering the majority party. It also includes a link to a story about criticism Liston faced for calling unwed mother’s “sluts.” Liston later apologized for the statement. Another link in the letter takes readers to the 2011 voting log on Senate Bill 200, which created the state exchange for the Affordable Care Act and shows Liston voted for the legislation.
Liston said those are “gross misrepresentations.”
[Former State Rep. Amy] Stephens said there is a “long-standing House and Senate agreement” that anything in Hummers would not be used for or against someone in political campaigns.
“It’s just reprehensible that this would be violated,” Stephens said.
The mailer appears to be the work of GOP consultant Jon Hotaling in support of Rep. Janak Joshi (R-Colorado Springs), whose facing a primary challenge from Liston. Hotaling defended the letter in the Gazette’s story.
Hotaling, who has ties to Jeffco State Senators Tim Neville (SD-16) and Laura Woods (SD-19), as well as failed GOP candidate Tony Sanchez (SD-22), reportedly orchestrated similar dirty tricks in support of Rep. Doug Lamborn’s primary victory in over KVOR talk-show host Jeff Crank.
In that 2006 race, a mailer linked to Hotaling and his brother accused the ultra-conservative Crank of supporting the “homosexual agenda.” Crank still talks bitterly about the race.
On his radio show Saturday, Jeff Crank said, “I think Joshi is hanging out with the wrong people. I think he’s hanging out with the wrong crowd. His campaign manager is known for these dirty, divisive tactics.”
“This kind of stuff is tearing our party apart,” said Crank on air, calling Joshi and his backers the “Pharasies,” slimy holier than thou characters from the Bible.
Colorado Springs Republican Bernie Herpin, appearing on Crank’s show Saturday, said Sen. Kent Lambert has admitted to signing the Liston mailer. But the mailer wasn’t Lambert’s idea, Herpin said. .Listen to Herpin on KVOR 5-14-16 here.
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This is a terrible breach of protocol. You don't use Hummers in political mailers. Shame on Joshi.
If Liston was smart (listen to me offering advice to a Republican!) He'd spin this as the best Joshi can do, 'cause he’s got nothin' else.
Jon Hotaling is so vile, he'd pick up dog poop, put it on your door stoop and claim his political nemesis shit there. As far as this garbage goes, yes, Crank was a victim of it years ago – and now, Liston (no surprise, an old Crank ally). I'd like to ask Mr. Hotaling and his goon Sen. Lambert, who hired him, if they want to see the picture I have of their dear and treasured conservative Rep. Dan. Nordberg in drag (OH YES IN DRAG, A CROSSDRESSER!!). But, to be honest, Nordberg did a skit in Hummers just like Liston and many other legislators. Oh shock!
Wasn't it Pols who said on the Big Line that we'd see Mike Pence in drag before Darryl Glenn got the nomination? So who's got that photo from the Hummers event?
Oh, and the Republican legislators love to defer about medical issues to "Dr. Joshi" – let me clarify right now, Joshi lost his license to practice medicine years ago for a malpractice lawsuit that he lost.
To actually lose his license it must have been cataclysmic malpractice
That plus the Medical Board told him to go back to school and he didn't want to.
I am reminded now. that is a non disclosure that stuck. Fun reading some old timers again.