(Let the 2016 recaps begin – Promoted by Colorado Pols)
As the Seventieth Colorado General Assembly’s final session comes to an end this week, ProgressNow Colorado, the state’s largest online progressive advocacy organization, today presented the inaugural Rep. Doug Bruce Awards, known in shorthand as the “Kicker Awards,”–given to lawmakers who commit the worst gaffes, embarrassments, outrages, and other lowlights in the course of their official and/or political duties.
“As one of Colorado’s most disastrous state lawmakers in addition to the author of the dysfunctional TABOR amendment, convicted felon tax evader Doug Bruce is the perfect namesake for our ‘Kicker Awards’ given to Colorado’s worst legislators,” said ProgressNow Colorado political director Alan Franklin. “Bruce remains a hero among conservative lawmakers, even while he sits in prison over his conviction for tax evasion. Its therefore possible our Doug Bruce Award winners will display their trophies similarly as badges of honor.”
Sen. Laura Woods: Worst Endorsement
All the way back in January, Sen. Laura Woods of Arvada led the way among Colorado elected Republicans throwing their support behind Donald Trump. Woods told Republicans her first two choices were Donald Trump or Ted Cruz months before Trump secured the Republican nomination, which is another way of saying months before it was cool to support Donald Trump. Woods deserves credit for predicting who her radical right friends would support, but voters in her swing suburban district won’t be impressed. [1]
Rep. JoAnn Windholz: Worst Social Media Post
In the aftermath of the domestic terror attack on a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs last November, Rep. JoAnn Windholz posted to Facebook a shocking unscripted tirade in which she outrageously blamed the victims for the killings. Women in Windholz’s district cried shame and Republican strategists were horrified at what this meant for defending her vulnerable House seat, but Windholz has refused to apologize for her statements. [2]
Rep. J. Paul Brown: Worst Flip Flopper
Colorado’s groundbreaking program to supply young and low-income women with long-acting reversible contraception has dramatically reduced the rate of teen pregnancy in Colorado, but conservatives have opposed the program on ideological grounds at every step. This year, Rep. J. Paul Brown of Ignacio pulled the biggest flip-flop of the session after he voted to strip funding from this important program after initially supporting it. Brown said he “just felt like” changing his vote because he could see many of his fellow Republicans opposing it–perhaps the most honest and most pathetic excuse for reversing course on legislation in Colorado history. [3]
Rep. Kevin Priola: Worst Missed Vote
Rep. Kevin Priola voted against legislation that would have renewed a law that allowed parents to attend academic events with their children for years. But before he voted against Colorado families with school-age kids, Priola actually requested a delay in the vote on the bill–so he could take his own child to a doctor’s appointment. Voting against families with children is one thing, voting against families after expecting special dispensation for your family is hypocrisy in rare form. [4]
Sen. Jerry Sonnenberg: Worst Offensive Statement
During debate over legislation in the Colorado Senate, right-wing Sen. Jerry Sonnenberg referred to his colleague Sen. Kerry Donovan, who happens to be female, as “eye candy.”
We sincerely hope it is not necessary to explain why this is offensive. [5]
Sen. Bill Cadman: Worst Puppet
Colorado Senate President Bill Cadman has presided over the most divisive and obstructionist Senate majority in over a decade. Cadman’s pack of far-right Senators have killed so many good bills since taking power by one barely-won seat in 2014 that it would be impossible to list them all. But in 2016, Cadman finally admitted who dictates the backward agenda in the Colorado Senate: the Koch brothers-funded “astroturf” group Americans For Prosperity. Cadman said “I don’t think I would be the president of the Senate” without AFP, and that he looks “forward to continuing our partnership.” Cadman even hired AFP Colorado’s former spokesman to be his own, and stood by while AFP attacked Republicans who dared to break from the party line. Under Bill Cadman, the Colorado Senate doesn’t even work for Colorado Republicans anymore–it’s under radical new management. [6]
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I would like to get a Trump wig for parties.
Don't know if it could be duplicated in a wig. You need to grow whatever hair you have out (works best if you are at least partially bald) color it neon yellow (if you aren't pale blonde or mostly grey/white this will involve bleaching and tinting) and follow the instructions for the elaborate comb over (and under and around and through) that were floating around social media a while back. You can probably google them. You'll need to get a friend to help. It's pretty complicated and trying to do the back by yourself with the aid of mirrors would be pretty hard. Plenty of time to master it for Halloween.
Best if accompanied by orange complexion. Put on goggles and spray face with orange paint.
Alan Franklin should be doing stand-up at Comedy Central (if it's still in business). Windholtz can be soundly blasted for her anti-woman comment. I suspect voters will remember that gaffe come November.
As for Sonnenberg, bad comment. But it was in the middle of a long committee hearing with a lot of bills up that day. The others…….well, it is the legislature; that square block of fantasy land surrounded by reality. I'm sure plenty of off-comments made by the Dems could also be identified.
How in the world did Ray Scott miss out?
It is incredibly stiff competition, though.
. . . He performed as well as expected, maybe?
Progress Now really missed one. How did they not find an award for demon sniffing for Dr. (Assless) Chaps?
Probably they passed over Chaps for an asshat award the theory that professionals shouldn't compete with amateurs.
This is 2016 winners. G-Chaps is a lifetime-achievement kind of guy.
The Profile in Lunacy Award goes to Klingenschmidt