(Promoted by Colorado Pols)
Meet other Polsters at Jezebel’s (32nd & Tejon) in north Denver tomorrow. 303-433-3060
Meet Michael Bowman, and try to convince him to run for office. Meet the ever-charming (notaskinny)cook. Tell mamajama55 how to really fix education. Buy Duke a drink to show there’s no hard feelings over the Sanders /Clinton fracas. Or just come to enjoy the fabulous food and drink at Jezebel’s (run by fellow polster Whiskey Lima Juliet) , meet some congenial souls, and have a great time. See ya!
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BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: The realist
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: notaskinnycook
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Friday Open Thread
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Enjoy! Regrettably, I've got a prior commitment. Hopefully, there will be more meet-ups to come, since I'd enjoy meeting several of you.
Always when I'm on call.
hoping to be there. in my hood
I'm excited to actually meet you.
I'm a delegate to the convention and will probably miss it. Not a skinny cook has my proxy for the unity speech about how we must have a new Supreme Court to overturn Citizens United.
It's all in the air now, cookie. I am a delegate to the convention, not the assembly, and theoretically can leave noonish but I'm not certain I can even go. As an Eastern Colorado native, I know better than to tackle a high plains blizzard. On the other hand, if I don't go to loveland, maybe 32nd and Tejon will be reachable. I just have to wait and see what the morning brings.
You should stay safe. Nothing gonna happen in Loveland that ain't already decided.
that's not really true, Madco. the caucus straw poll decided how many delegates each side could send to loveland. But it is the actual boots on the ground that elect them, I only agreed to go because Hillary didn't fill her list in my district. In other worlds, assume the star poll was 60-40 Bernie and 15 delegates are chosen in Loveland. That means Bernie gets 9 and Hillary six (making up numbers here, don't know what the real ones are.) So Hillary is entitled to 1000 delegates in Loveland and Bernie 1500. But if the storm means only 400 Bernie's show and 100 Hillaries show, the actual vote in Loveland, the one that counts, elects 12 Bernie delegates and only 3 Hillary. So it is possible that my not showing costs Hillary a delegates. Still, the roads are just as bad for bernistas as Hillarie's and it is unlikely that my absence is the exact one making a difference. But your right. Loyalty to the Fair Hillary or Sir Bernie of the Mountain Green is one thing. But death has a way of curtailing your political activity, unless you live in Chicago. I survived the Blizzard of 49 as a kid and no plainsman takes these deadly events lightly.
Gracias for the sentiments, amigo.
V'ger — if you decide to go to the meetup and want a ride like last time, just let me know.
This time, my wife's car has nav 🙂
Alright! I'll be there rain or snow 🙂 The last time we had a meet up next door (2 1/2 years ago), V'ger and I got lost, but eventually found it. My old flip phone didn't have nav.
It'll be good to see the new faces. I've heard the food there is great.
How bad does the snowstorm look? Are you getting any snow sticking yet?
When it comes to Colorado weather, I trust Mike Nelson. He usually nails it. http://www.thedenverchannel.com/weather/forecast-parent/forecast/denver-weather-forecast-and-colorado-forecast
I'll see what it looks like tomorrow morning and make my decision. It's about 110 miles one way to Denver, but I wouldn't want to do it in whiteout conditions, or whatever ungodly combo of tornadoes, thunderstorms, and snow is on tap.
You all could meet without me, though I'd be deeply disappointed to miss you all yet again. The reservation at Jezebel's is for the "pols table" under my name which several of you know.
I'm not driving down to Denver today. My low wheelbase Honda with the balding tires is not up to the challenge of the roads today. I'm very sorry to miss you all.
Jezebel's has the reservation at 2 pm for "Pols". Hopefully, some of you guys can still get together.
Just got back from a run to the post office (dang taxes!). It's a very slushy 5" out here by Anschutz in Aurora and continues to come down. Once the temperature drops, the roads could start icing up around 4 or 5pm and the slush will turn into crusty ridges that could knock most cars off balance.
Also saw quite a few tree limbs down, so you never know when the power might take a hit along with traffic lights.
Just heard on the forecast that next weekend will be back in the 70's. Maybe a reschedule is in order?
I'm down for rescheduling. Next Saturday the 23rd is supposed to be fine in Denver. Don't know who all is going to be around, though.
It's not bad up here at all, but there are some icy/snowpacked/ white out spots on the corridor from here down to Denver.
Hey Polsters…my flight in to Denver this morning was one of the many that were 'cancelled'. I'm up for rescheduling, too.
All right. I give. Let's try for next weekend and hope for better weather Someone should roll back to the Wednesday Open thread and leave a note there in case anyone is still checking on it.
OK, will do.
OK, will do. If anyone does show up at Jezebel's today, you do have a "Pols" table reserved.
It looks like we're not the only ones postponing things: http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/front-range/denver/denvers-420-festival-canceled-due-to-circumstances-and-other-issues-according-to-organizer
700 canceled airline flights can't be wrong. Here's hoping to see you all next Saturday. I didn't go to the convention either.
I drive into Denver from Castle Rock and back about 8:30 this morning (for no particularly good reason other than to remind myself what a stupid dickhead I am I suppose) …
… I-25 was a carnival (way more so than usual).
Don't be a dickhead like me and stay home until after this bout of Colorado spring has passed far into what's left of Kansas!!!
"You do not have permission to edit this comment" again, Alva.
I keep finding the occasional misspelled word that didn't get caught. Last time it was an i left out of an ing and I still got no errors.
We're working on it.
Alva – it won't let me edit (ever) comments made from my iPhone even though the counter shows sufficient time remaining.
OK, so no go today. I'll cancel the Pols reservation in a half an hour if no one shows.
What works for you folks to get together?
1. next Saturday April 23rd. Same place? (Jezebel's 32nd & Tejon in Denver)
2. next Saturday April 23rd. different place? Western slope? etc
3. Some other date? Some other place?
So Daft, Canines, V, MJ, and all the rest of you who begged off today? We're going to see you next Saturday…right? Of course, we will. Looking forward to it.
Next Saturday at Jezebels works for me. If I had known Duke would make it I would have gone this Saturday. I thought he had been grounded too. Que lastima!
Okeedokee. We'll do it again, see who shows up this time. Weather is supposed to be nice, at least.
2 pm again? Or later / earlier? Jezebel's brunch with their lovely mimosas stops at 3.
I won't be able to make it, skinny…should boost your attendance…
I will be unable to make it.
I was at Jezebels today with Jason Salzman…no one else came.
Sorry, Duke and Jason. I didn't think my car would make it. Michael's flight was cancelled. Others had other difficulties. Would it help to have the next meetup on the more central or Western side of CO?
probably not.. This is the 4th meet-up I have attended in the last five years and I have only met 3 Polsters so far. Must be something I said….
No worries at all, Mamma. Duke and I got to know each other a bit. Thanks for organizing it.
Ditto on the thanks, mama..I appreciate your effort..for sure.☺