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April 12, 2016 01:33 PM UTC

Colorado GOP Braces For Trump Protests, Counter-Protests

  • by: Colorado Pols

THURSDAY UPDATE: Tomorrow’s Pro-Trump protest against Colorado Republicans moves to the State Capitol:


Burn baby burn.
Burn baby burn.

As the low-information backlash against the Colorado Republican Party by supporters of GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump rages on, a protest action is in the offing this Friday at 3:00PM outside the state party’s headquarters in Greenwood Village:

The Colorado Republican Party shamefully silenced its voters this election season. We demand that Colorado give the power to vote in the Presidential Primary to the voters. We will exercise our right to assemble and peacefully protest the corruption of the Colorado GOP and disenfranchisement that we the voters have suffered.


Show the Colorado GOP how many people they have angered by silencing our voice.
Show the GOP a preview of what is to come if we come to a contested convention.
Start the process for establishing a primary vote in Colorado.

But according to local GOP radio host Jimmy Sengenberger, a pro-party counter-protest will kick off at the same time and place:

Grassroots activists will gather at 3 p.m. on Friday, April 15, to counter a protest being organized by “Colorado Votes Matter” and instant-celebrity Larry Wayne Lindsey. The rally is being planned in the wake of threats and public intimidation made against officials and staff of the Colorado State Republican Party.

“You can disagree with the caucus process and the decision not to have a binding straw poll. You can advocate for a primary in Colorado. Reasonable minds may differ on these subjects. But lying, deceiving, smearing, and threatening lives is totally unacceptable,” said organizer Jimmy Sengenberger, 25, a longtime conservative activist and a Denver radio personality. “We stand firmly with Chairman Steve House and the staff at the State Party.”

So, the most likely outcomes Friday are as follows: Trump supporters swamp the anti-Trump “counter-protest,” the counter-protest swamps the pro-Trump protest, or nobody gives up their Friday afternoon to give a crap either way. Given the level of vitriol being pumped out over every available medium by Trump’s camp over the results in Colorado, and the equal resolve with which local Republicans are standing up to defend their severely compromised presidential caucus process this year…well, there’s certainly a scenario in which this gets very nasty indeed.

Out of an abundance of caution, we intend to keep away from visible range of either crowd.


16 thoughts on “Colorado GOP Braces For Trump Protests, Counter-Protests

    1. All this chaos on the right side makes this the all planets aligning election season for Dems to pull together and go in for the kill. Why on earth do Rs the favor of tearing apart the Dem party, the only entity available to challenge the GOP, while they're tearing apart theirs? What kind of idiocy would it be not to take full advantage? 

      If HRC wins the nomination and every enemy of the 21st century version of the GOP doesn't rally behind her, screw all of the too principled.

      Why do I say HRC? First, she's the almost prohibitively likely candidate. Second, polls show a far smaller percent of her supporters claiming they wouldn't support Bernie. HRC supporters don't need this message. They get it.

      So you don't get to do the "she's gonna blow" happy dance if your plan is to pick now, of all times, to do your best to "destroy" the Dem party.

      As to condescension, I suggest you look at your purer and holier than thou self in the mirror.

      If enough people follow your lead even The Donald could win. If putting our country into that kind of fix is worth your making your grandstanding point all I can say is I'm glad most progressives aren't irresponsible enough to go along with you when push comes to shove. You won't find enough following your lead to screw the rest of us. The rest of us will have to get your ass and the country's ass out of that sling despite you while you get to feel all superior.

      You're welcome.

      1. I agree 100%. I'm supporting Bernie presently. Hope when he is mathematically eliminated he'll do the Party thing and work for her as hard as she did for BHO. I'm angered by those who think their threats will change outcome. Some are young, immature and ignorant. If they are not swayed by 2 words, Supreme Court, then they are really stupid

      2. Go easy on Duke, B.C.   It's a good line and he's a good guy.   Yes, the moment of triumph when the Sanderistas demonstrate their control over the Colorado Democratic Party is a weird time to declare war on the Democratic Party because most voters nationally prefer Hillary Clinton.  But frankly, I think he'll come back to his senses, it's just too good a guy not to, give him some space.   In comparison, Dodd just admitted he can't leave the Democratic party because he wasn't a Democrat to begin with.  Boy, was that a surprise.  I guess our loss is the Symbiose Liberation  Army's gain.

        1. I agree Duke is a good guy but I'll believe he's coming to his senses when I see it. In the meantime I do believe you don't get to do a happy dance over the  GOP blowing up while proposing to splinter the only party that can take advantage, thereby erasing any advantage inherent in the blow up.

          One thing you and I don't have to worry about: Going easy on each other. We've said way more insulting things to each other.wink

    2. "This will sound crazy, Scotty, but it's the only thing that will save us.  Reverse the controls!"

      [A British film, "Breaking the Sound Barrier" actually used this as a dramatic device to put their pilot , Jeffrey DeHaviland, through the sound barrier.  Totally bogus and would have killed anyone stupid enough to do it, but made a good movie moment.]


        You guys can keep your psychoanalysis to yourselves, thank you. Do you think this is the first time I have encountered this kind of entrenched establishment imperialism in this party?…did none of you note that I have watched this shit for 44 years ..I didn't just walk in the door…and we have never been closer to real election reform than we are now.

        you guys keep screaming about the Supreme Court…sure, it's important…but if we don't change the corporate ownership of our election process, we will never have and keep the Supreme Court that can help this nation move into the 21st century with the rest of the world. 

        I am not going to vote for donald trump. I am not going to be as stupid as you seem to ASSUME all Bernie supporters are. When this election is done, I am going to do everything I can do to dismantle the democratic party as you know it. If you want to sit inside the walls of your corporate-funded election process, look down upon the rabble below and call yourselves enlightened or progressive, be my guest. But be prepared to be left behind.

        If enough people follow your lead even The Donald could win. 

        If enough people follow my lead…Bernie Sanders will win.

        1. You mean Bernie will win this year?  Wouldn't that mean you were a complete idiot to leave the party because you thought HRC would win?  Or do you mean Bernie will win in 2020, when he will be 79 if he is still alive, by leading a third party movement against President Clinton, splitting the left and electing Paul Ryan? Or will Bernie win the nomination of a reformed Democratic Party in 2024, when he will be 83 — and a ripe 91 after serving two terms.

          Quite seriously, which of these three absurd scenarios are you predicting?

        2. and we have never been closer to real election reform than we are now.

          Do you actually believe that? Because the GOP House and the 50/50 split Senate in January will take up a constitutional amendment to reverse Citizens United?

        3. So now it's imperialism to say that if one candidate wins the nomination the other's supporters should come over to fight the GOP? And of course the lead I was talking about following was in refusing to support HRC if she wins the nomination. If they follow your lead in leaving the party they don't get to vote in closed primaries so the chances of Sanders or someone like him in the future winning the nomination actually decreases. Pu-lease, Duke. Listen to yourself.

      1. And did you catch Moddy's little pun, too?

        BTW, Moddy, what do you think of all the noise above? Thunder on the left threatening Hillary’s coronation?

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