( – promoted by Colorado Pols)
For the third time this election, Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) has garnered the support of 50% of registered voters according to the Gallup daily tracking poll. 42% said they would vote for Obama’s opponent, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ).
Historically this is significant, as Brain Schaffner of Pollster.com notes:
Using Gallup’s compendium of presidential trial heat polling since 1936, I counted 16 candidates who received 50% support or higher in an October Gallup poll. Hitting the 50% mark was a very good predictor of victory. Of those 16 candidates, just two failed to win the general election–Al Gore and Thomas Dewey.
Obama’s jump in the polls is widely seen as a reaction by voters to the current financial crisis.
In the daily tracking poll done by Gallup’s rival, Rasmussen, Obama has been enjoying a similarly solid lead. For the past nine days Senator Obama has been at 50-51% with McCain six points behind.
Of course, National polls get a good idea of the country’s overall sentiment regarding the candidates, but they don’t give us a clear Electoral College picture. For that we turn to
According to RCP’s estimation, Obama has 264 electoral votes to John McCain’s 163. This estimate leaves out the toss-up states of Nevada, Colorado, Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida. Assuming all of the states that are currently leaning Democratic stay that way, that means McCain would have to win every single toss-up state.
This may be quite sobering for some Republicans, but the light at the end of the tunnel is three-fold:
1. John McCain beat the odds, overcame a campaign that was on the verge on collapse, and won the primary/caucus contests to become the GOP nominee.
2. All of the states that RCP considers toss-ups voted for George W. Bush in the 2004 election.
3. It is not impossible, at this point, to chip away at Obama’s lead one day at a time. So far the campaign hasn’t exactly been friendly, but one of Obama’s biggest weaknesses–Reverend Jeremiah Wright–has not yet been used in attack ads by the McCain campaign. For many voters who considered themselves likely to vote for Sen. Obama in the primaries, it was enough to steer them to Hillary Clinton, and kept her in the race until the very end.
It wouldn’t be close if the election was held today, but McCain and Palin have 30 days to get their act together.
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That was my cute Sarah Palin accent – wink wink.
Anyway, I said it was going to be landslide from the beginning. The dynamics are about to get worse for McCain – no one supports a perceived loser and right now the tide is saying he lost.
This morning the Paul Begala talked about the fact that Palin did not defend McCain as well as she could have in the debate – it appeared that she was setting herself up for 2012.
That is joke as well, but they know they have lost and lost big. Now all they can do is lie and throw as much mud as humanly possible, but that will backfire.
I think all trends favor Obama.
But the McCainiacs are desperate to win. The 527s and every other disreputable GOP smear group is going to throw everything they have at this starting now.
Colorado will be in the center of the mud storm. His polls are not that far ahead here, but again I think the trends favor him. His campaign has major ground in Colorado, offices all over the West Slope.
Still, the objective is to win Colorado. Its quite possible that Obama will have already won by the time polls close in the eastern and central time zones. But Colorado has important down-ticket races and issues.
We need to be doing everything we can to be getting out the vote, and working to ensure that people do not get distracted by all the fury being unleashed in Colorado.
They’re throwing out perfectly good voter registrations on flimsy technicalities. Disgusting – and it just may work.
Obama is involved with ACORN. Largest voter fraud in the history of the US.
nuf said.
Ever heard of it? Probably not.
Oh, and McCain is a member of the Republican party who is currently disenfranchising millions of voters nation-wide.
nuf said
how you can justify voter fraud. Wow. You are what is wrong with America.
I was wondering.
I think by election day we’ll be watching to see if Obama takes Texas. And that means a blow-out.
Here’s the link:
Let’s face it folks, it may come down to us, and with Obama and McCain running even, that’s not promising. It also confirms what I’ve been hearing from people outside of Denver metro; house after house of McCain yard signs, whole neighborhoods without a single Obama sign.
We all know that yard signs don’t vote, but we all know that the sign owners do.
It’s not too late to volunteer to do whatever you can to prevent the election of John McCain. I went canvassing yesterday in my precinct, and some of the voters that were on the list from when I canvassed the same area three weeks prior still haven’t been reached. Also, even though I live on Capitol Hill, I have run into McCain yard signs, and spoken to voters who are going to vote Republican.
Here is the link to the volunteer page onthe Colorado Democrats website: http://coloradodems.org/conten…
Here is the link to Colorado for Obama: http://my.barackobama.com/page…
Please do whatever you can to turn out the vote for Barack Obama, the change we need!
Peace, Love and Understanding,
Rick VanWie
Pct. 604 Committee Person
Democratic Party of Denver
The Obama campaign has no signs available. I’d have put one in my window months ago if they did.
If you wanna pay $5 you can get one from the party. I hate the fact that we have to charge for them, but the campaign did not provide us with this year like they normally do so we had to buy them also.
The state Dems had quite a few left when I was over there yesterday. The Denver County Party is receiving a shipment this week and will have them at our Central Commitee Tuesday night and then in the office after that.
In Boulder they’re charging $8 for a sign, and I still can’t get one.
Doesn’t that tell you Obama supporters what a lousy president he would
It tells you that he’s not necessarily totally unappealing to Republicans.
LOVE the revenue stream.
Why he has almost 3 times as many offices in Colorado than McCain. Spending money on the ground game instead of campaign paraphernalia will be why he wins if he ends up winning.
But he’s going to need SOMEONE from the government to come in and regulate the unbridled, evil, imperialistic capitalism he’s displaying in charging for his yard signs.
There may actually be hope for Sen. Obama yet!
For some reason I was on McCain’s web site looking for paraphernalia, and I realized his official merchandise store is a for-profit company. Which does not give any of the revenue to the McCain campaign.
Now I understand it’s hard to start up your own web site and even harder to put a store on it, but couldn’t he, maybe, hire someone to program it for him?
The Obama store:
The McCain store:
Now that’s just dumb.
THere are some R-like features of the Obama campaign that I dig. Merchandizing is one of them.
You’re right. Demand for the Obama signs has been high, and it’s been hard for them to keep up.
However, there’s a whole heckuva lot of Colorado out there. Don’t let polls make you feel like Obama’s already won. He hasn’t. The poll at 9 News confirms what I’m hearing from folks outside Denver, and all those who can help are needed to make sure that we deliver this state for Obama.
Politics is like football; a lot can happen in the last quarter.
Peace, Love & Understanding,
Rick VanWie
I have had 3 stolen already.
The only item that is alarming is how crazy you are. Seek help now.
Go to : http://politicalticker.blogs.c…
As David pointed out the Obama campaign has been working hard to register thousands of new voters. Over the next month we have to make sure all voters get out and vote!
Is counting on ignorant people who have never voted in their lives. These people are so clueless.
McCain is counting on ignorant people who listen to the likes of you to get their information.
And the smears have started.
I figure the McCain “Vote for me, I’m not him” campaign in the coming weeks will bring the margin back to easily manageable with conventional vote-stealing methods.
McCain and Palin are seen as angry liars by the voters in recent polling. That doesn’t persuade any for you, but against you. The more they lie the more they push people away. McCain has ruined his reputation. He’s a do and say anything politician who can’t be trusted, and Palin… well she’s just crazy.
when, due to the negative ads and such, people see Obama as a (take your pick): terrorist, tax and spend, whacko environmentalist, anti-american, etc.
You don’t have to bring yourself up if you can drag your opponent beneath you.
Udall’s race will be the same, his numbers are coming down slightly and I think they will continue to do so, but Schaffer’s numbers won’t rise. In the end it will be a battle for the final few thousand votes to put them over the top.
It takes time to spin up a negative frame and it usually works to suppress turnout, not to turn voters.
With early voting, its too late.
The McCain campaign has said they were going to throw a bucket of shit on Obama and the refs aren’t going to let it go unchallenged.
Without a credible media echo, 4 weeks is not enough.
Obama should just whip out some Keating five ads reminding people that McCain’s intereference with banking regulators to help his criminal friends cost the taxpayer’s money before.
That danged ole Bradley effect hanging over everthing, for one.
And what will this cycle’s October Surprise be? The R’s are desparate.
Back to the OP, we now know Al Gore DID win the popular vote, so that only leaves Dewey.
they’re going to show how much they hate Americans who aren’t good little Bushies just like them.
If a terrorist attack takes place just so that Osama Bin Laden can try to ensure a McCain victory.
The Bush-McCain policy is the best recruiting tool Al Qaeda has.
Osama prefers Obama to lull America into thinking we are the enemy – not Osama.
You ought to just join your friends McCain and Palin, the Angry liars. But the mask is definitely coming off for you. Though your disguise was piss poor to begin with.
This is also attached to Bailout Passes House 263 to 171:
What a bunch of crooked liars.
…more recently McCain has prided himself as a deregulator even as it has shown that lack of regulation is the problem. He even ridiculed Obama for calling for more regulation.
Very efficient, checking of registered D’s in the household, how do we expect to vote, have we asked for a mail ballot. Didn’t ask for money.
On to the next house.
I have never seen anything like it.
and they’re efficient too.
My wife has a call asking her to volunteer.
Another sign of how large the number of voters will be – my wife, like most of your spouses, has very little interest in politics. She’s now wanting to talk about it, watching the news, etc. We’re going to see a massive turnout.
The Boss plays “The Rising” at an Obama voter registration drive.
Springsteen Rules!
That is what it is going to take. Completely ignorant people voting for Obama.
That’s rich.
Good comeback.
Is that you?
when you don’t have a job and you live on the public dole.
to invite questions about whether you have a job or are on the public dole.
You never did an honest days work in your life – have you?
Not a good thing to do. A lot of people work and volunteer in their off hours. I do it and I work 40 hours a week. As for the people who spend all their time volunteering because they don’t have a job, gee are you aware of the economic problems that have been occurring and the fact that many people lost their jobs lately? Or other people have been having problems finding semi-stable work for years. And you actually have the nerve to call other people ignorant. Get off your fucking high horse.
A shiftless no account that thinks he is a player. The guy is a loser. A nut job that even people on the left make fun of.
He has his own blog too and he gets one or two readers a week actually reading it. He has no time to really do any work. He is just a hack that thinks he is making a difference.
But he is the but of many a joke in the Democratic party.
At least to those who know him.
Someone who comes on a blog and calls people names because they disagree with you? Someone who then starts acting like a child when she’s shown to be wrong? Someone who speaks of religion and then talks about getting into a fight with someone? Someone who comes off as so odiously bad that even people on your side don’t want to claim you? Someone who, at least as far as this blog goes, has shown herself to be a shiftless hack with no knowledge and no cogent remarks to make, but just comes on here to piss on everybody else? Because based on what I have seen of your posts, that’s what someone could judge you to be. Oh and also apparently (With the Hitler references), someone who is extremely unfamiliar with Godwin’s Law.
But also per wikipedia:
This is why the law exists. While it can be misused, you have not shown that it is being misused. You have not shown your assertions to be anything other than hyperbolic, inappropriate or inordinate. So, Godwin’s Law is not being misused in this case.
I don’t know how FL jewish retirees get their information, but this needs to get into that channel.
Love those sabra’s! I remember Orly…. (cut!)
100% positive.
I hope this is running in Florida. A lot.
Or do you need to do that again?
I want to see it!
but Danny also posted the SNL link over on the open thread.
As I watched it I realized that if a historian were to do so 100 years from now, there are many, many points that would be difficult to know why it was funny. So much of our culture is like that.
but Im sure you’re right. Would anyone 100 years from now laugh at shooting wolves from an airplane? Probably not.
This skit was funny and fair they not only mocked Sarah Palin but they also got a few jabs at Joe Biden also.
No matter what they say SNL is still funny as ****.
The rule lately has been that the first sketch is really well-done, and the rest is thrown together haphazardly. You can turn it off during the opening monologue and not miss much of anything.
It would be a great show on Adult Swim, where you only have to be funny for fifteen minutes at a time.
thank you for keeping it clean 🙂
Holy crap. McCain supporters beware. Next we will see the Obama death camps for his detractors.
Are you fucking nuts? These kids are inspired to set high goals, and you compare it to death camps?
Nancy, you’re a lunatic.
You lunatic.
Hitler never really sang kid’s songs.
I guess Barney the Dinosaur is a threat to Amerkin Freedum too
Just like these kids are doing for Obama.
Where kids are worshiping a card board cut out of George Bush?
These kids are not singing to Obama, they’re in black frat that has been inspired by a black leader to set high goals. A
Are you that fucking dumb?
Obama’s friends tell us to hate America. Rev. Jeremiah Wright. “God D@m America.”
That is the Obama message. Even as he goes abroad he criticizes our country.
He rejoices in our crisis because it gives him an edge. You hate America. Why do you hate America Blue?
I’m ignoring you from here on out. You’re not wort the toilet paper I wipe my made in America ass with.
That was classic, GB. Glad I didn’t ever deserve that response from you. I just spit my workout drink out all over the desk in the den.
you panty waste. You name the time and the place and the color of the tights you are wearing and I will take care of the rest.
You are gonna have your ass kicked by a girl.
just let me know what women’s public restroom you are hanging out in trying to get your jollies (now that Ritter has made it law to let pervs like you in). I will meet you there and teach you how to treat a lady.
Candy assed flake!
And only Nancy would call someone a “panty waste.”
sensing a mandatory name change for GB on this blog:
Candy Assed Flake
Panty Waste
Honestly, the FUCK YOU that GB posted last night was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen here. Although, I haven’t seen any posts from GB since then – not good.
But Tinky Winky on the other hand…
Citing Hitler in a thread–a no-no.
You are doomed to repeat it. You can sweep it under the rug. But you do so at your own peril.
Oh but you will probably be one of the informants for Obama. Telling on your neighbors – the McCain people must be rounded up and re-educated or die.
Since you have yet to say anything honest on this blog.
Don’t be afraid of it Blue. Embrace the truth – it will set you free.
But I forgot – freedom is foreign to communists like you.
You are a liar and a troll.
I’m not going to argue with you. It just makes your little peepee hard.
You hate America it is sooo obvious. Nobody cares about your little incoherant rants Ralphie. Nobody!
I do. Ralphie’s very smart. Driven by a separate set of philosophies than I am, but really brilliant, as are most of the folks here.
Nancy, you and I look like we’re voting for the same Presidential candidate, but you’re a complete embarrassment to folks on the right that might actually want to make the case for why we believe we’re correct by using logic and reason.
As soon as you start shrieking and insulting, ranting (even if someone else did it to you first) you lose.
And you’ve lost HARD here the last couple of weeks. I wish it weren’t the case, because an Obama supporter that suddenly saw the light of some issue and had a change of heart would be rather compelling. But you’re not believable in that for a nanosecond, so it’s worse than if you’d never said it at all.
Please stop acting like a complete douche, if you can. You’re turning off even the other “bitter” folks on the blog.
Crazy people like NLB must gall people like you. You and I disagree on most things (guns excluded), but I think I understand where you are coming from.
Trust me nobody puts you in her category.
McCain is in her category. McCain has instructed his surrogates to hit exactly the talking points that NLB is hitting, regardless of the moronic way in which she is hitting them.
Sarah Palin today hit at least three of the talking points NLB has spewed.
Not being familiar with black folks or the black experience you are probably unfamiliar with “Stepping”
The music in that movie was freaking amazing. Stevie Wonder had a protogГ© on the soundtrack that was brilliant. Tracy something?
WHo could forget EU, either?
Great flick.
If you thought that one was scary check this one out.
One-word response: Slavery.
When your opponent invokes Slavery, racist, or other inuendo’s of racisism he has lost the debate!
“When Baldwin enters the argument, she has lost the debate!”
is actually, “Bloviate til you can challenge someone into a fight.” Is anyone else starting to feel like O’Reilly is being channeled?
Bend over.
Why do you hate Americans Nancy?
Or turn in everyone in your neighborhood that sported the McCain sign.
Right Blue. You’re blind worship of this guy is scary.
But we do hope one day to have universal healthcare so that you can seek the treatment you so desperately need.
People like this tend to find their own shortcuts out of the gene pool.
You lunatic. Sorry, but I wouldn’t even try to kill a wolf from an airplane if I had the chance.
showing everyone how fucking nuts the right-wingers like you are.
Hillary supporters are right wingers.
You’re just a pathological liar.
That’s why they confuse “spreading happiness and freedom” with Hitler.
It also explains why musicians like Springsteen and Melancamp keep telling the GOP not to use their songs. The songs the GOP takes as patriotic actually tell of the destruction of the middle class by the forces unleashed by the GOP.
Even “God Bless the USA” Starts out
Either conservatives aren’t listening to the lyrics or Conservatives don’t stop to ask why he lost everything or what “Freedom” actually means.
When we keep people in camps without trial, spy on our own citizens with out Judicial review, deny trials to the accused and monitor what citiznes read without warrant, What does “freedom” mean?
promised peace and prosperity etc…
History should be your guide. These people are worshipping Obama. Blind worship.
Alpha and Omega is also another term for God. This is scary. Very scary.
Hide your children people.
You lunatic. America would be better off without loons like yourself.
Hitler was decidely anti semetic even from the early days. His “peace and prosperity” was built on taking back what was lost to the french due to the (insert blame word bere) of the jews.
You have no idea what you are taling about and the more you write, the more apparant it becomes you are a racist.
I know few that worship Obama, I know many that admire him: Self made many from humble origins are generally admirable in my book. Plus his children seem squared up and that is generally admirable to me. He treats his wife with respect and that is admirable to me.
Your reason for disrepect, I suspect is that you fear Black folks.
If it is simply a matter of policy I respect that, but you never talk about issues or policy, you talk about him being the anti christ or a hidden terrorist or hitler or simply him being black.
You are shit on the boot of America.
You can’t win on the arguements. Play the race card. That’s it.
If you don’t think race matters, you are unfamiliar with american history or the american present.
God D@M America. Obama’s did! My candidate didn’t refuse to wear a flag pin – Obama did.
My candidate doesn’t refuse to pledge to the flag. Obama did.
My candidates friends don’t commit terrorist acts – Obama’s friends do.
My candidate isn’t raising up a Obama youth army – Obama is.
My candidate wasn’t born in Kenya. It looks like Obama was.
Obama was born in an actual state, unlike McCain. And when you say it “looks like Obama was” born in Kenya, your either completely dishonest or making indirect racists remark about his “looks” (his skin color).
You’re vial and disgusting individual.
I have a problem with his Anti-American agenda.
inspiring Americans to rebuild their country after 8 destructive years… oh how very American that is.
To outsource OUR jobs and debt to China is very un-American. Think about smarty-pants.
The evidence suggests. Just wait. It is coming out soon. Obama may have actually been born in Kenya. Yep. That is why his birth certificate is a forgery.
A judge recently demanded he prove his birthplace by showing his birth certificate. That is because he lied about being born in the USA.
He probably lied about not being Muslim as well.
Are more lies from a pathetic liar that you are. Nancy, not only are you a moron, you’re one pathetic loser.
For the record, I don’t believe a piece of painted metal made by volunteers in China is a measure of a person’s patriotism.
the race card is played quite often by Danny and Blue.
Blue just played the race card on me also, because I don’t see things the same way he/she does.
It appears that these 2 are possible racist and just won’t admit it.
Point the finger so nobody looks at you?
What a disgrace!
Shut people up who would normally point out Obama’s kozy relationship with Ayers – a known terrorist. As soon as you bring it up you are a racist.
I posted his full name once Barack Hussein Obama – and that immediately made me a racist. When you spell out his whole name – then you are a racist.
I guess that makes his dad and mom a racist too. They named him – not me.
Oh, and if you don’t vote for him then you are a racist too.
This is how they are keeping people in line – make them feel guilty. Well, I for one am sick of constantly being called a racist by sexist pigs like Obama and his ilk.
What Barack’s allies seem to be demanding is
immunity, a special exemption from political attack, because he is African-American. And those who go after him are to be brought up on charges of racism, as has Bill Clinton, Ed Rendell and also Geraldine Ferraro.
This type of fascism [wikipedia defined],
, and simple minded “my way or else” shows that these people do not want change. They only want what they feel is rightfully theirs, and if we do not want for them they will bring the gates of hell to close upon those that oppose them.
You, not so much. See if you can figure out why.
I can see why you support McCain. At least we know that with him, there’s neither hope nor promise of either.
Isn’t this what Hitler based his campaign on?
At least Nancy’s posts are short.
that they’re different people sxp.
I remember a column by Will, someone took him to a Springsteen concert. He was very moved by “Fourth of July,” thinking it was about knee jerk patriotism.
Didn’t understand the lyrics, apparently.
Bruce Springsteen’s U.S.A.
It’s funny how wrong George Will can be on such simple things even.
how the Con Trolls like Nancy, kstrait, et al are blanketing Pols with distractions?
Instead of talking about the economy, which McCain was directly responsible for (Keating 5 all over again!), they lie, lie and lie some more. This is the type of dishonorable campaign we will see from McSame over the next month. He has nothing else but smears and fears to sell to the American people. He’s truly a pathetic old man.
Reminds me not to respond
They just come across looking even more flop-sweaty and scared as November 4 approaches.
Another poster had it right: for this type of negative campaign to work, it had to have been installed and perfected a long time ago: like the way poor John Kerry was typecast as a “flip-flopper” and an unworthy Purple Heart recipient early in the campaign.
Obama is doing an effective job because unlike Kerry, he’s not JUST taking the high road but is also pointing out constantly exactly what is going on: that the Republicans are so out of touch and out of ideas that they’re hoping to distract everyone – and it won’t work.
So let’s just ignore Nancy for the most part, unless some of us every now and then is amused enough by her antics to shoot a zinger back at her now and then. Her recent claim that Obama is going to open up death camps to inter McCain supporters was so bizarre as not to escape at least some notice. But it’s only slightly removed from Palin charging that Obama is “palling around” with Bill Ayers. Both the charges are obviously false, and pathetically irrelevant to the issues that really matter to Americans.
Worlds apart. The former is total insane garbage, and the second is a matter of opinion as to how close they were/are. Obama’s first political fundraiser was held in Ayers’ private home, and over the years they’ve been involved in projects in Chicago together.
McCain Palin?
and it’s Palin/McCain ’08!
when there was economic crisis. People will cling to anything new when they are scared economically.
Hiel Obama.
You moron
You jerk.
You would have to get your ass kicked by a girl. Panty waste.
Leave Nancy alone and you will feel better. You can’t argue with a mule.
Including spending a month one summer going over the entire allied route of advance in Europe in WWII – you have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to Hitler, what messages he used when rising to power, and the approach he took from the very beginning.
None of our presidents or candidates are like Hitler, not Bush, not McCain, and definitely not Obama.
When you try to bring statements from history to your arguments you come off as a complete idiot to anyone who actually knows that history.
Who brings up Hitler or the Nazis in a blog as a flippant reference to someone else should have to read Shirer aloud in public. The whole thing.
Nothing is like the Nazis. Not Bush, not Obama. Not even the same universe.
Stalin & Mao. The amazing this is that in both of those cases the person who followed – Kruschev & Deng were benevolent dictators. Not what one would expect following the horror of the previous dictator.
But that’s it in modern times for evil on that scale. And those three cases wre more than bad enough.
in that vile club.
I hope the Secret Service has Nancy L. Baldwin on their watch list because she seems SERIOUSLY unbalanced.
My youngest daughter and some friends were down on the Pearl St. Mall Friday night – and got asked 4 times if they wanted to register to vote. I think we may have 99% of the eligible voters in Boulder registered.
I asked our waitress tonight if she was registered – she is and can’t wait to vote – this is the first time she’s been old enough to vote and said she has checked with every one of her friends to make sure they are all registered.
The young usually sit out elections – I don’t think they will this time. I don’t think their friends will let them.
I’ve registered a bunch of out-of-state or relocated people after talking to them a bit at their home or in their classes. Once you get someone’s attention for a minute, you realize that many of them think they’re registered and aren’t.
I think we have hit just about everyone ten or twenty times, though.
I haven’t heard of the Obama detention centers, but ‘Nancy’ you clearly need to be institutionalized.
I must applaud her work on the HOAG
Got to love the internet.
So we’re spending all this time debating with some nutjob from NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA?
OK, forget her.
that people continually get into these back and forths with Nancy? I thought we were going to respond to her once, dispute the lie with a link, and that was that.
I click on a thread about Obama being up in a poll and I get a feces launching match between Nancy (along with her evil twin skippy) and a few reasonably intelligent polsters. That sucks…
Really guys, I understand you responding to her when she attacks you personally, but when she’s just posting talking points and asinine crap just ignore it. PLEASE! Otherwise, trying to read through these threads is just a waste of time…
The Obama campaign has a new site up that documents McCain’s involvement in the Keating 5 scandal.
I just posted that in the open thread. You barely beat me 🙂
…if Obama wants traction on Keating, he shouldn’t have John Glenn stumping for him. His involvement with Keating was nearly identical to McCain’s and I believe carried the same rebuke from COngress, but no charges.
But Glenn isn’t running for President. McCain is. Big difference.
what are you saying? Being involved in the Keating scandal allows one to be involved to the level of Senator, just not President?
Who gets to draw that distinction?
Being involved in the Keating scandal is a data point when people decide whether or not to vote for McCan.
People are not deciding whether or not to vote for John Glenn.
And as for who draws the distinction, it’s up to their constituents in a Senate race, up to the entire nation in a Presidential race.
Both were popular with their constituents, but now it’s a different audience.
Obama could have had stumping for him as he’s releasing anti-McCain Keating ads, don’t you think it takes away from his credibility to have another member of the Keating 5 introducing him?
I’m not saying it’s not a valid point, just that it’s not a valid comparison.
That’s as close to an ideological argument win as I’ve come with you.
It was simply about whether people are as affected by the record of guy who introduces the candidate as they are by the record of candidate himself.
I would be very surprised if Glenn is stumping for Obama outside of Ohio. They like him in Ohio. They elected him 4 times, 3 times after the Keating reprimand I believe.
But I’m not an ideologue anyway. I’m a pragmatist.
I don’t see a lot of pragmatism in the Obama campaign (I also realize they you are not the Obama campaign), but I do think you know your stuff.
it’s an incredibly well-run campaign.
Maybe the first modern campaign to truly capitalize on the internet to such an extent.
As a good Republican, I’d say that the mechanics of the campaign have rendered the crappy platform irrelevant.
But then I’d be an asshole.
The campaign really is an amazing piece of work.
Electoral College, people. Kerry was way behind in the national polls in 04 but was only a few thousand votes in Ohio from becoming President. And we know what happened in 2000 with Florida.
Maybe national polls meant a little more back in the days of Dewey when America was more homogeneous in terms of who actually voted (i.e., who was allowed to vote) – but nowadays we’re split into a patchwork of principalities.
So forget the national polls – they’re worse than irrelevant. They’re a damaging distraction.
But they do give a barometer on the overall national sentiment. They are less scary and bad than you make them out to be HGF.
But my next poll-related diary, I will try to do something more related to state-to-state polls.
I think this troll has bladder control problems.
Hopefully, Gallup is wrong. America needs a strong leader, who can lead this country in good times and bad times.
McCain/Palin `08
True Strength for America’s Future
If you emphasize the whole thing, than it is not emphasis, its just talking loudly and annoyingly.
You are right though, we need someone who is strong and can lead in good and bad times. You just misspelled Obama/Biden ’08.
As a Teacher and Mother, I am sick that some Americans believe OBAMA should be our next President.
For 20 years he attended a “church” that preaches this exact statement: “God Bless America, oh no, no, no, we say God DAMN America!”
This man, Obama, is an Anti-American, Racist, and Terrorist-loving wannabe President.
Wake Up America! We need a President with Morals, Values, and Love for OUR country!!!
be commenting on a Florida blog? I assume that’s what the FL stands for. In case you missed it, Obama is up in the recent polling there.
Or maybe the McCain campaign doesn’t give out merchandise for trolling in any Florida blogs.
I think that the sudden rise of trolls is a result of the econ crisis. These folks lost their jobs and have nothing better to do?
I don’t think McCain swag is going to be worth a whole lot on eBay.
McCain’s Morals: Keating 5, withholding Abramoff investigation e-mails from public disclosure, cheating on crippled-by-accident wife…
McCain’s Values: de-regulation – I mean re-regulation; immigration reform – I mean border fence; election finance reform – I mean exploit the loopholes…
McCain’s Love for our country: votes against benefits for veterans equivalent to those he received for his service, votes to put our country further in debt to foreign nations, and votes against relief for those most affected by natural disasters; votes to send our jobs overseas and provides tax loopholes for corporations moving their HQs “overseas”.
Now, having said that… Begone, Troll! You shall not have the luxury of a response again.