How’d that Labor Day prank work out for you? It’s time to Get More Smarter with Colorado Pols! If you think we missed something important, please include the link in the comments below (here’s a good example).
► Colorado Attorney General Cynthia Coffman says that Colorado will join in a multi-state lawsuit in an effort to stall President Obama’s Clean Power Plan. As the Denver Business Journal reports, Coffman is going heavy on the right-wing rhetoric:
“The rule is an unprecedented attempt to expand the federal government’s regulatory control over the states’ energy economy,” Coffman said. “The EPA appears unwilling to accept limits set by Congress in the Clean Air Act and instead is pushing its agenda forward through regulatory rewrites that overreach its legal authority.”
Or…the EPA and the federal government might just think it’s a good idea to cut carbon dioxide emissions from power plants.
► Colorado Republicans may be reconsidering a plan to opt-out of choosing a nominee for President in 2016. Thanks a lot, Rick Santorum.
Get even more smarter after the jump…
► Our friends at “The Fix” break down the latest poll numbers in Iowa for famous rich person Donald Trump:
Donald Trump leads the Republican 2016 field in a new Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Politics of Iowa voters. But, that’s not the real story.
The real story is contained deeper in the poll. In May, when the Register last polled, 27 percent of likely Iowa GOP caucus-goers viewed Trump favorably while 63 percent regarded him unfavorably. In the new poll, which was released Saturday night, Trump’s favorable number is at 61 percent and his unfavorable at 35 percent…
…I’ve never seen anything like the total reversal in how Trump is perceived by Republican voters. It is, quite literally, unprecedented.
► U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz was in Boulder this morning for a guest lecture on behalf of the Getches-Wilkinson Center.
► President Obama announced a decision on Sunday to change the name of Mt. McKinley in Alaska — the tallest peak in the United States — to its traditional name “Denali.” Several Republicans were quick to criticize Obama — mostly Republicans from Ohio, the home state of President William McKinley — even though the move was widely supported in Alaska and praised by Alaska’s Republican delegation. From the Alaska Dispatch News:
Members of Alaska’s congressional delegation said they were happy with the action.
“I’d like to thank the president for working with us to achieve this significant change to show honor, respect, and gratitude to the Athabascan people of Alaska,” Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, said in a video statement recorded on the Ruth Glacier below the mountain.
Sen. Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska, said in an email that “Denali belongs to Alaska and its citizens. The naming rights already went to ancestors of the Alaska Native people, like those of my wife’s family. For decades, Alaskans and members of our congressional delegation have been fighting for Denali to be recognized by the federal government by its true name. I’m gratified that the president respected this.”
► Colorado Springs Mayor John Suthers is earning plenty of praise in his first few months on the job, even though he is pushing for a tax increase in the conservative stronghold of El Paso County.
► Workers on-site at the Gold King Mine are baffled about the source of water spewing out of the old mine site — an amount nearly triple previous emissions. As the Durango Herald reports:
Animas River Stakeholders Group coordinators said in years past, the mine would, at most, emit 250 gallons per minute. Officials have not identified the specifics behind the heavier flow…
…“We’re producing more water now than we ever have out of this portal that we know of, maybe two or three times as much,” ARSG co-coordinator Steve Fearn said.
“What the hell is going on? That’s the question.”
Meanwhile, concerns about whether or not the town of Silverton should seek Superfund status may be abating somewhat as reality sets in:
ARSG members have withheld opinions on Superfund money for Silverton, though 25-year Durango area resident Clark Lagon said the town needs federal funding.
“They’re worried about their reputation if they get Superfund, but they’ve already lost it,” he said. “I hold both the EPA and Silverton responsible. They should have addressed this a long time ago.”
► Several top fundraisers are leaving the JEB! Bush for President campaign as questions continue to swirl about the viability of the former Florida Governor.
► If you’re still wondering why Presidential candidates don’t spend more time talking about policy issues, here’s one reason: Voters don’t seem to care.
► Texas Senator Ted Cruz is using his father, Rafael, to do his campaign dirty work as he seeks the Republican Presidential nomination.
► Is the death penalty still relevant in Colorado? Whether you agree with it or not, two recent jury decisions in high-profile cases may make it difficult for prosecutors to justify seeking the death penalty in the future.
► Good news! Kanye West is going to run for President in 2020. When asked about his First Lady, West replied that he couldn’t remember (that was a joke — the second part, anyway).
► There’s a new political consulting firm in Denver…which you may want to avoid.
► Donald Trump is not opposed to raising taxes, which scares the crap out of a lot of Republican politicos.
► The Denver Broncos beat the San Francisco 49ers in preseason game #3 on Saturday. Just one more week until real football starts.
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IN: Weekend Open Thread
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IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Closing Federal Center in Lakewood Would be Economic Disaster
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