We’ve just received details on former Florida Governor Jeb Bush’s town hall meeting in Denver next Tuesday to discuss veterans issues. This meeting is open to the public, and we need as many progressives as possible to attend and ask the hard questions Bush needs to answer:
Today, the Department of Veterans Affairs is swamped with injured veterans of wars started by Jeb’s brother, former President George W. Bush. Will Jeb Bush continue to involve the United States in reckless wars, and if so, how will he take responsibility for the thousands of new injured veterans who will need care?
What about fellow Republican Mike Coffman’s failure to oversee the Aurora VA hospital project as chairman of the VA’s Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee?
Massive cost overruns for military weapons programs barely make the news these days, while a VA hospital running over budget is a nationwide headline. As President, would Jeb Bush continue to sink billions of dollars into unnecessary and expensive weapons, or will he direct that money to ensure veterans have the care they need?
Those are just a few questions we would like Jeb Bush to answer, and we know you’ve got your own as well. If you can make it, click here to get a ticket for Jeb Bush’s town hall in Denver next Tuesday morning.
Englewood Town Hall with Governor Jeb Bush
Tuesday, August 25, 2015 at 8:30 AM (MDT)
VFW Post 9644
2680 W Hampden Ave
Englewood, CO 80113
Thanks very much for your help holding Bush accountable. We hope to see you there! Let us know if you have questions.
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Oh great, socialist progressives are going to try to disrupt Jeb's town hall? I hope he takes the right security precautions.
You ignorant amoral hillbillies with your 25-cent words are a laugh.
Too bad you and your stupid ilk know the meaning of none of them, Ignoramatus.
Here's a few questions:
If members of President Obama's administration are accused of war crimes, will you shield them from prosecution like the President shielded your brother and members of his administration?
Do you think G.W. Bush owes President Obama a thank-you for keeping him from being prosecuted as a war criminal?
During the passage of the ACA Republican politicians warned that the ACA would lead to the formation of “death panels”. Will you expose these “death panels” and bring their nefarious mechanizations to light?
Will you close the FEMA camps? Shouldn't you use them to isolate progressive socialists from patriotic Americans?
How many guns are you going to return to those who had them confiscated?
How much longer would Terry Schiavo have needed to be in a persistent vegetative state for you to accept that she was dead?