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August 17, 2015 12:14 PM UTC

2016 Rematch: Zenzinger vs Woods in SD-19

  • by: Colorado Pols
Once-and-future Sen. Rachel Zenzinger?
Once-and-future Sen. Rachel Zenzinger?

In a press release this morning, former Arvada city councillor and appointed Sen. Rachel Zenzinger announces she will run again for the ultra-swing SD-19 seat she lost in 2014 by a razor-thin margin to Republican Laura Waters Woods:

Rachel Zenzinger, a former teacher and former member of the Arvada City Council, today announced her candidacy for the Colorado State Senate.

The former State Senator pledged that her No. 1 focus when she regains the seat will be to build a stronger middle class.
“While the economy may be stabilizing for some, many are being left behind,” she said. “True economic recovery means all hardworking Coloradans have opportunities for good jobs, with fair pay, and a chance to get ahead.”

A mother of two young girls, Zenzinger understands the effects of the rising costs of housing, food, and health care. She knows firsthand that families are still struggling, challenged by issues such as skyrocketing tuition and childcare rates, and the high cost of elder care.

“We need a Senator who will stand on the side of hardworking families, not bow to an extreme party fringe. My opponent voted to increase income taxes on our active duty military service men and women (HB 15-1181) and elevated lobbyists, special interests, and big business above middle class families (SB 15-078). Westminster, Arvada and the entire state deserve better.”

The loss of the highly competitive SD-19 seat in 2014 resulted in Republicans taking control of the Colorado Senate. In 2016, the situation is different, with revenge in SD-19 one of several paths for Democrats to retaking a Senate majority. With that said, SD-19’s narrow margin of victory for Woods, under 700 votes, makes a rematch with Zenzinger in a presidential election year very promising. We anticipate no primary challenger for Zenzinger, but we still haven’t heard if Republicans still nervous about Woods’ far-right-trending-looney political stands intend to mount another red-on-red challenge against her.

At this point, Democrats tell us they are happy, even relishing the chance to run against Woods, especially with Zenzinger as their candidate. Whatever happens, this will certainly be one of the marquee legislative races of 2016.


9 thoughts on “2016 Rematch: Zenzinger vs Woods in SD-19

  1. I truly like Rachel a lot, as a friend and as a politician, but there were 3,500 libertarian votes in the last election that she will need siphoned off again to make this a close race.

    1. Any chance the libertarians will run a candidate again? They should since you have anti-choice but pro-ammo Waters-Woods on one side and pro-choice but anti-gun Rachel on the other. One would think both would be unacceptable to a true libertarian.

    2. I think the point is that a presidential election year will have a different electorate from 2014. You're right about the libertarians factoring in this seat every year though, just like in 2012. Evie still came out on top.

      I'm very excited to see Rachel make a comeback.

    3. In theory, yes, but a lot of young democrats and disenfranchised voters go libertarian too. Libertarians don't just siphon votes from Republicans. 

      Zenzinger will be pretty tough to beat in a presidential election year.

  2. Her # 1 focus is to build a stronger middle class?  Big deal…….where does she stand on the REAL issues of importance like vaccinations? Or ammo limits? Or protecting the rights of bigoted wedding cake bakers? Or repealing Obamacare? 

  3. Crap.  I heard this 4 months ago.  And it sucks.  The powers that be in that district, who have never really been able to do anything without substantial outside help have decided on Zenzinger who lost to someone so kooky, even in a non presidential year.  The problem is that when she was in the legislature she showed just how gutless she is by killing the pro-choice bill that was sure to pass with her vote.  She can kiss my ass.  She's worthless as tits on a bull.  She's just too stupid and too afraid to win this race.  The Dems better look elsewhere to pick up a seat, because even in a Presidential year, I bet she doesn't win.  And by the way, not all libertarians are pro-choice.  The guy who ran in HD 25 last year wasn't Jack W something.

    1. Gutless?  You're kidding right?  She was the only member of city council in Arvada to stand up and oppose the building of WalMart on Ralston Rd.  I had the pleasure of watching her in action and she has bigger ovaries than most members of the state legislature–and is perfectly willing to stand up against the tide.  She lost (barely) in a very strong Republican year in a district that is nominally Republican to start with.  She'll carry this district next year…not easily, (the district isn't designed for anyone to win easily) but comfortably….

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