“We are very loath to believe what we are not able to comprehend.”
–Francois de La Rochefoucauld
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BY: Duke Cox
IN: Weekend Open Thread
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Ben Folds5
IN: Colorado Dems Hammer Out Major Gun Safety Compromise
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Friday Open Thread
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SLOOOW server this morning.
How much traffic can you be having at 0817 on a Saturday?
We're not actually seeing a high server load this morning, and the site doesn't seem slow to us at the moment. We're investigating.
My first attempt a few minutes ago returned a 502 error — bad gateway
We were rebooting the server just to be safe. It's nice to be able to do that.
I suppose. Too bad though that while servers have grown exponentially in power and sophistication, the typical answer to most software problems is still to just reboot.
That is not unlike what our current military deal with these days.
Please note that we are continuing to monkey with the server today, which may cause intermittent service problems. We suggest you blame davebarnes for getting us in there poking around.
OK with me.
Contact Hillary Clinton for server assistance.
1558 – still slow
Have you considered upgrading from the 386 CPU to something a bit more modern?
It's possible we just fixed the problem. Please don't jinx us.
Running good for the late nite crew.
Fiscal conservatives – where are your protests to the F35 fighter jet?
At 1.45 Trillion lifetime cost each,
Per OMB's National Priorities Project, that's more than all of Federal 2015 discretionary spending on food stamps, WIC food assistance for families in poverty, veterans benefits, housing, all easily-cut social welfare programs put together. Mandatory spending (social security, vet's benefits,unemployment 2.45 trillion – only another trillion more than each goddamned useless F35 jet.
So where is the conservative outrage, the ticking clock, the demand for financial sanity and accountability? Crickets.
Mama — if it's any comfort, $1.45 trillion is the program cost (several thousand planes shared with our allies) — not the per unit cost (which is between $115 million to $337 million each). The pilot's helmet goes for a paltry $500k.
But the gist of your argument is otherwise hard to dispute
Thanks, Davie. It wasn't clear from the kos diary that 1.45 Trill is the program cost, not per each. Still, a third of the discretionary + mandatory federal budget is too frickin much for non-working jets that sound like they would actually put troops in danger. The Marines want none of it.
But the contractors sure do.
Well, once again, the numbers, like the program are spread over 2 or 3 decades. So the annual costs are merely in the billions — certainly not chump change, of course.
But the fact that the military-industrial complex has proven to be resistant to fundamental change is the real problem. They are bankrupting us with platinum plated weapons systems with the reliability of a Yugo.
A Yugo built for the last war.
That part, the "lifetime cost", I did get right. But I'd still rather feed hungry kids, take care of veterans and elders, with 1.45 trillion over a lifetime, than buy a stupid machine whose only purpose is to make military industrial contractors rich.
I have posted on other threads about the fiscal boondoggle known as the F-35.
And I've seen them!
Hey, it's for the military. We will pay whatever it takes, take however long it takes, not call anyone on the carpet, because…freedom! Not at all like, say, a VA hospital that is behind on completion and not delivered on the original budget, where fingers must be pointed, heads must roll, Obama must be blamed, because it's not like the hospital does anything to keep us safe, right?
Good Lord, when will Obambi learn. There's no point persuasion or charm offensives where Repugs are concerned.
Would you rather he hadn't tried to lobby R Senators? I think he had to try.
I'd rather he hadn't thrown Dems under the "extremists on both sides" bus while failing to notice for close to 6 years that the Rs meant it when they said, prior to his inauguration, that they were going to oppose anything he was for to deny him any victories. From day one his own side of the aisle was dissed and pissed and it's no wonder so few were willing to go out on any limbs for him or his achievements, even back when Dems held the majorities. Unlike his totally wasted years long charm offensive directed at Rs who openly hated his guts and worked for his failure, a combination of LBJ style charm and strong arm pressure directed at his own side would have been a far more productive way to go.
Well, Obama's no LBJ. He's more like the charismatic and visionary Kennedy, without whom LBJ would not have been elected as VP. But Obama's been effective nevertheless, in the face of adamant and irrational opposition..
We don't know what kinds of pressure goes on behind the scenes – Pelosii, at least, keeps her people well in line. Speaking of Pelosi, I wonder why there has never been any effort to draft her for President? Perhaps Hillary's shadow (and connections) precluded it.
Which of the Dem candidates do you think comes closest to your ideal hardnosed arm-twister Pres profile?
Probably Kasich on the R side, but he's probably far too moderate to make it past a primary.
Civil rights passage was the accomplishment of less visionary, more bare knuckles LBJ. And speaking of Pelosi, she got precious little help from Obama. Sorry, I'm not starry eyed about Obama. I think his political skills to do with the politics of election are stellar. For rallying his party to push through his agenda? Not so much.
I'll never forget his instant disowning of the public option, even claiming at one point that he never ran on it. His instant surrender and refusal to let single pay even have a seat at the table purely for bargaining purposes while he wooed the Rs who had openly proclaimed their sole goal was to cause his downfall and dissed his own as part of the extremist problem appalled me from day one. While Pelosi rallied the House for a public option, Obama clearly telegraphed that she was among those too liberal Dems who rs need not concern themselves about. It got him off on the wrong foot with his own caucus and didn't "charm" a single R.
He's been every bit as pro-corporate, pro-Wall Street as any Bennet type you care to name and never followed through on promises concerning restoration of transparency and reducing abuse of our rights as citizens in the wake of 9/11. I hope our next Dem President is more skilled in the politics of messaging and leadership.
BC, Obama's charm offensive?
Perhaps Flake did not find being equated to Iranian hard liners very charming?
Schumer being a traitor might not be taken as charming either.
Obama is only found charming by the left wing whack job crowd.
What any of this has to do with my comment is mystery. You just scan for key words that give you an opportunity to deliver your diapers full of prepackaged rightie talking point poop. Never a deviation. No wonder independent thought is so incomprehensible to you, little Borgster. You're the perfect exemplar of Fox's dream audience.
Pretty sure Canada doesn't want him back:
Someone needs to suggest that Trump put his top notch investigator onto this like he did with Obama's birth certificate.
Trump still waiting for that investigator to get back to him?