“Well, I screwed it up real good, didn’t I?”
–Richard M. Nixon
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BY: Republican 36
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IN: Friday Open Thread
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No shiny new update on the Coffman/House imbroglio? No fair. You got me addicted and I need my fix!
Lana Fore released a screen shot of her phone conversation with House showing that House called Naye at Fore's house on the morning of the 17th and discussed something. Meh. We already knew that from listening to the recorded conversation.
Really nothing new – just an attempt by politichicks to package this as some big new revelation. They're calling it a "bombshell" and saying that House is admitting infidelity, but I'm not seeing that in the released screen shot. He asks Fore "Why do people think my personal life has anything to do with my being Chair?"
which seems like a reasonable question to me.
Politichicks is now trying to make Pols part of the story – good luck with that. As I've said, we liberals are enjoying this soap opera entirely too much – but all the back stabbing and circular firing squads? That's all their own people.
Don't know why they think proving or disproving infidelity is the big deal with this story. If it's true it just adds fuel to the blackmail fire and it still makes no sense that it would just "come up" in the meeting in reference to concerns about suits for any reason other than intimidation. House is perfectly correct in saying his personal life shouldn't have any relevance here. This isn't the 50s when pols couldn't even survive a divorce. But thanks for throwing me a bone even though there's nothing really new here much less blockbuster. It's not much but it's something!
I think it's 'cause they are desperate to distract us, BC…
same with this from mama….”Politichicks is now trying to make Pols part of the story …”
This has got to be giving a lot o' Republicans the heebie-jeebies.
At least we think alike, not to mention type simultaneously, on this subject.
Wait. I do get why they're obsessed with this angle. It let's sites like politichicks use "Sex Scandal" in their headlines. So this isn't about blackmail, extortion, quid pro quo favors, covering up illegal financial maneuvers and conflict of interest at the highest levels of the AG office. Only lefties are interested in that stuff. It's just a little ol' sex scandal. Prove he did the deed and tried to get the mistress to keep quiet and it's all good. Case closed. No more investigating required. Got it.
I'm beginning to think there's a paper trail or money trail somewhere that the outHouse Threesome doesn't want exposed. If this were just he said/she said with a side of sex, then they'd have just gotten their story straight and stuck with it. Instead, their caginess may indicate that there's some tangible proof somewhere that refutes their simple narrative.
Or not.
There's a lot of social media chatter about "irregularities" with the GOP party books. Supposedly a $21,000 difference between one month's ending balance and the next one's beginning balance.
They're blaming it on House or House's appointed bookkeepers, although it seems that there are usually several people who are involved with a big Party's books. At any rate, nobody's finding anything criminal, which is the point. Sloppy bookkeeping, maybe.
I'm not enough of an accounting geek to know, but since the Colorado GOP is a public entity, its books are searchable at the Federal Election Commission site. Search under "Colorado Republican Committee."
So if you know accounting, have at it.
The "Outhouse Three"…God, I love that……
Claire McCaskill: Bernie Sanders not getting scrutiny for being a socialist:
In a news search of "bernie sanders socialist" I get 33,000+ results. This proves McCaskill is a liar and a petty campaigner and that Hillary's team is afraid of the truths that Bernie speaks.
And to show how principled McCaskill is, she led opposition to reforms in military sexual abuse procedures that were proposed by Kirsten Gillibrand of NY.
It's really too bad that we're not calling Bernie names, I agree. Think of all the childish things we could say about him if we really got around to it.
Or, we could look at Bernie's policy proposals, his voting history… I would suggest, Sen. McCaskill, that on policy grounds its you who is out of touch.
Damn straight, he's a socialist and proud of it. Loud and proud.
Social Security
Aid to Dependent Children
Pubic Schools
All socialism to one degree or another. Yet, even here, "socialist" is conceded to be name calling.
You want your guy to win, say less.
In the meantime, Attorney General Coffman isn't the only politician in the nation under fire for possible extortion claims…
Maine Gov. LePage admits to holding $500,000 in school funding hostage to prevent House Speaker Mark Eves from getting a job as the school's president. There's talk of impeachment, and I'm kind of guessing that his public statements will generate a Federal investigation.
Something weird at 710 KNUS. In Peter Boyles' 4th hour (last half) this morning, Randy Corporon and Tom Tancredo were on for for some inside radio yakking and KLZ bashing. But then Don Crawford Jr. (KLZ owner) called in and things got interesting. I had gotten up at 3:30 to do some work and then gone back to bed, so heard it half asleep. I was aware they had gone into Caplis's time and then someone else came on instead of Caplis.
I downloaded the 4th hour podcast to listen again. The podcast subtitle is "Tom Tancredo and Randy Corporon from KLZ, and Don Crawford Jr. calls in too!" It downloads as 1:24.05, but the last 24 minutes is wiped. No Don Howard Jr. Also no podcast posting for today's Caplis show.
Yankee, you missed that lovely episode. Corporon, Clark, and Cook tried to resign in protest for their boss telling them they couldn't interview Tancredo until he OKd it. Because, OutHouse. Corporon interviewed Tanc anyway, boss Don Crawford called their bluff, and said, "You can't resign – your services are not needed any more." End of story.
I'm doing the happy dance…..
I didn't miss that Mama. I was following all that which was why I perked up when Boyles started teasing Corporon's upcoming appearance this morning. He finally showed up at 8:30 which was when the weirdness started. Why wipe Don Crawford's phone call? Why no Caplis podcast?
It must have finally dawned on Don Crawford what most of us have known for some time, that his Liberty Lineup was really the Clueless Clowns.
Sorry – I missed that it was on Boyles' show. I might listen to that, although Boyles gives me hives.
Me too, but I realized that would be the only coverage of the OutHouse saga today. Start listening at 27:30. Pretty bad radio, but it's worth it to hear big mouth Corporon sounding like a crybaby. Don Crawford's call came in at 9 a.m. and there was twenty minutes of good radio, but it's not on the podcast.
Thanks, California. Only 47 more states to remove the religious exemption from.
California Set to Mandate Childhood Vaccines Amid Intense Fight
As we know, if you need to carry out massive voter fraud — don't screw around — go with the Pros in the Republican Party! Jeb Bush has all the experience necessary:
Florida Voter Purge Fiasco May Complicate Jeb Bush's Appeal To Minorities
And then during round to (2004 election) Jeb got even more sophisticated in his voter fraud scheme: