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August 28, 2008 04:25 AM UTC

Tonight's speeches

  • by: DavidThi808

The Big Dog

The Old Dog

The Attack Dog


62 thoughts on “Tonight’s speeches

    1. It wasn’t all about Bill, it was about Obama.

      As Rove just said, Clinton made the best case yet for Obama.

      He made it but I don’t buy it.

    2. Gosh,

      He looked like a guy who wants to work across the aile, negotiate with our enemies and bring change to, what, Wilmington?

      Angry, shrill and over the top.

      Everything I’ve read says Biden and BHO hardly interacted in Washington, yet Biden says he watched Biden do a bunch of things he had very little to do with as a freshman senator and as a presidential candidate, not to mention as a state legislator.

      What a turn off.

        1. Obama was a freshman senator, and he’s an aloof guy.

          Biden was a six-term senator, a very important man.

          Both were gearing up to run for president.

          You think Biden paid much, if any attention to the kid?

          I don’t, and I don’t think anybody else does.

            1. The man notorious for exaggeration, plagiarism?

              Biden not only will stab a long-time friend in the back at the command of a political supperior, he’ll lie and distort when it serves his purposes. He’s been doing that for years.

      1. The contrast between Fox and CNN is so sharp.

        They are approaching the event from different corners. Fox is skeptical. CNN has sold out.

        I’m much more comfortable and in agreement with Fox than with CNN, which is prostituting itself.

        Candy Crowly is falling over herself praising Biden and how he connects with the people, but the people know Biden is at the top of the political class.

        And the political class has little regard for the little people.

        Only lefties will appreciate Biden, although I find it ironic that the pacifists love a man whose mom taught him to fight.

        It just doesn’t follow.

        Why haven’t we heard a word about 9/11? Why haven’t we heard a word about the horrors the homicide bombers are  inflicting on the Muslim world? Why haven’t we heard about the lives that have been saved because we went into Iraq and Afghanistan?

        Why haven’t we heard about our enemies, the Saudis, our friends in Israel?

        And why haven’t we heard details about Obama’s life, Michelle’s life?

        Are the BHOmians trying to cover up their life histories, their Ivy League educations, their high-paying jobs and their associations with anti-American preachers and terrorists?

        The GOP will be asking those questions, and Biden has given them permission to take on BHO as never before.

        The fun has yet to begin.

          1. My comments are mine except when I quote others.

            That others agree with me on some points only proves that conservative analysts tend to react to events in the same ways, just as liberals tend to reflect their environments in the same ways.

            1. they are so poorly written and so full of holes that they make Swiss Cheese look solid.  How about some more spitting on the grave of Holocaust victims comparing Democrats to fascists.  Go ahead and cheapen the term some more with your nonsensical understandings.

              I was at the Pepsi Center tonight and the place was rocking.  Clinton brought the house together and Kerry delivered the smack down.  Everyone knows Republicans can’t talk about the issues so all they can do is smear and sneer.  Prices are up and wages are flat for those who still have a job.  Republicans have stunk up the place with their regressive policies and it’s time for a change before they rack up another five trillion in debt.  Talk about poor money management. Republicans can’t run on a record of competent government so all they have left is hate.

              I’m going to Invesco tomorrow and it is going to be five times bigger.  See you at the stadium bitches.

        1. Murdoch himself makes that plain.  He freely admits that the sole purpose of Fox is to support the conservative agenda.  

          You can argue about this or that bias on the various real news networks but Fox doesn’t even pretend to be a legitimate news network. It doesn’t pretend to engage in objecive journalism.  It’s simply a distributor of conservative talking points and proud of it.

          Naturally there will be a dramatic contrast between Fox and any news network that practices even flawed journalism.  Fox practices NO journalism.  

            1. and MSNBC who consulted Pat Buchanan to analyze the Democratic convention?

              I haven’t seen a liberal on Fox News in years, except to serve as the target on the dunking tank.

              Oh wait, you’re just posting crazy stuff. Never mind.

      2. Better not look angry or shrill or anything like that.  Just keep getting kicked in the ass and play nice like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi – better yet, no.

  1. I thought he nearly outdid Hillary, and it was so important to do nit the way he did it because of the perception that he was really the most bitter out of any of the Clintons. Honestly, I thought that he should have been in prime time. Had the DNC and the Obama campaign known that was how he was going to speak, I’m sure they would have given him a better time slot.

  2.    When he came out to Fleetwood Mac’s “Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow,” I almost started crying.  It was almost like being back in 1992.

      Indeed, Barack Obama is ready to lead.  

  3. Very emotional as she sees so many people coming together, black, Samoan, women, recognition of the long struggle of women’s rights, the healed obvious love of the Clintons, so much, so much.

    He is certainly one of the great oratorical presidents.  

  4. But when he is good he is very very good.

    Bill delivered. He framed the narrative and made the contrast between what Democrats can do FOR the country and what the Republican do TO the country so clear.

      1. Kerry’s Bush McCain “slip-up” with appropriate “hard to tell them apart” recovery worked well.

        The line of the night might very well be “Before Candidate McCain has his first debate with Barack Obama, he’d better finish the debate with himself.”  Or maybe “talk about being for it before he was against it!”.

        After the election was over in 2004, Kerry seemed “liberated” from a lot of the restraint he had during the election.  He’s been a lot stronger since his loss…

          1. Poor Gore was handled to death.  As for    Kerry, early on his advisers talked him into voting to give Bush war powers.  He didn’t really want to but they convinced him that if he, a Dem, voted no and the war went well his chances of being President would be ruined. He’d just be the weak Dem who didn’t have the guts to fight. Later they advised him that after all the flip flop talk he couldn’t say he was wrong to vote for the war in the first place. That would be another flip- flop.  

            Swift boating aside,  The day he said that if he had it to do all over again he still would have voted the same way because he thought Bush was going to use the powers they handed to him for diplomacy (ridiculous – 75% of the public said Bush intended to go to war) I knew he was going to lose.  

            Of course it was largely Gore and Kerry’s own fault that they allowed this to happen. No one can handle you if you don’t allow yourself to be handled.  As for Hillary, she couldn’t control the warring factions in her campaign or make the big decisions in a timely fashion. Good ideas, poor leadership and management skills. She was similarly unsuccessful when she was put in charge of coming up with a new health care inititative as First Lady.

            Obama is showing more backbone and executive ability as the final and definitive decision maker in his campaign.  If he succeeds where they failed it will be because he’s got more spine and self confidence than they did and is therefore the manager rather than the managed.  

            1. Obama’s campaign’s discipline.  Nobody panics.  Nobody leaks. Nobody name calls.  Everybody understands the mission and their role in it.

              That’s leadership.

  5. He still knows how to lay out the case.  Great points, comparing Democratic positions to Republican positions, comparing the “negatives” his campaign faced to those the Obama campaign is facing…

    Said very clearly that Obama is the right person to lead us into the future at this time.

    Can’t fault him on any of it.

  6. What a wonderful family man! The introduction by his son was heartwarming and ever so genuine and authentic.

    At 65, his mother in the crowd was vital, and obviously altogether with it! Probably in the Biden genes.

    Biden was factual, measured, serious, and had a command of economical, international, and societal facts and values that demonstrate his humanity and connectedness.

    He was inspirational, deferred to Obama’s vision….was not egocentric, but gave credibility to his working class backgraouond and family values.

    There it is! So many of thew speakers….hell, all of them, have demonstrated family values far and away what Republicans have shown us over the last eight years.

    I can’t wait for Obama’s speech.

    1. talked about how his father didn’t want to be sworn in after the tragedy that killed his wife and daughter saying Deleware could find another senator but his kids couldn’t find another dad, and how his earliest memories are of his dad by his side in the hospital.  

      In fact they showed several people in the crowd, male and female, all wiping away tears. It was also very sweet when he spoke of himself and his brother and his dad later marrying his mom, Jill.

      I’d like to see some sanctimonious conservative Republican poster boy try to imply that Joe Biden’s family values aren’t exactly the kind they are always blathering about while rarely displaying. Newt? Rush? O’Reilly? McCain?

  7. It’s above if you haven’t seen it yet. It was every bit as good as Clinton’s and Biden’s. Different approach, different style, but masterful. And he used self-deprecation to very good effect.

        1. Wrote it tonight. Not sure where it is.

          Summary: Unfit for Command was written by a Ph.D. who sourced it better than any of his critics sourced their comebacks, including Kerry.

          And Obama Nation is equally well sourced, which is why the lefty columnists and Obama don’t want you to read it. It’s devastating. Millions are reading and talking about the book.

          Anyone who doesn’t read the book doesn’t and won’t know Obama or what they’re talking about.

        1. And I don’t think you can quote anything I’ve said that shows hate.

          Skepticism, disrespect and dismay, yes.

          Hate? No.

          Hate kills the haters.

        1. Typical comment by a groupie.

          What’s funny is that when people write bearish things about Apple, Intuitive Surgical, First Solar, Google and other high flying stocks, the groupies come out with the same kinds of comments that Obama and Clinton groupies post here.

          Talk about haters. They don’t like to see their heroes dissed in any way, especially if they own stock or hope to profit from the election of their favorite candidates.

          1. You were calling John Kerry unpatriotic, which is a load of crap. By now you should know that the term swift-boated is not made up by the Democrats, it is real, and it was a huge lie. How do you expect John McCain’s military service to be treated fairly if you don’t extend the same courtesy to the men and women across the aisle who have served just as bravely?

            1. Since AS thinks Jerome Corsi, Ph.D. is a great researcher, maybe these links will sway his vote somewhat in the election this year:

              Group tied to al-Qaida backs McCain for prez

              March 02, 2008

              By Jerome R. Corsi

              McCain fortune traced to organized crime

              February 26, 2008

              By Jerome R. Corsi

              Influence peddling claims dog McCain

              February 15, 2008

              By Jerome R. Corsi

              John McCain funded by Soros since 2001

              February 12, 2008

              By Jerome R. Corsi

              McCain aide touts ‘Mexico first’ policy

              January 25, 2008

              By Jerome R. Corsi

              (h/t to

              Corsi is a bigoted, homophobic hack who thinks anyone to the left of George W. Bush is a Communist.  (And yes, there are quotes to back that up…)  Any pretensions he had at scholarly respect he gave up shortly after receiving his degree.

    1. Dennis is the one person I might have voted for over Obama.  When Biden was picked I told my wife that was as close as he could get to Dennis with out picking him to be VP.

      Even as a huge fan of Dennis, I can now say I CHOOSE OBAMA!  

      These are days my kids will look back on and wonder why there was ever any question between McSame and Barack.  

      P>S Dennis showed up at Willie Nelson on Tuesday night to help sing Peace Revolution.

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