( – promoted by Colorado Pols)
Just watched the roll call vote on CNN. Hillary moving for the nomination by acclamation was such a brilliant move. I loved it.
Barack Obama is now the Democratic Nominee.
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but I cried when NM yielded to IL and IL yielded to NY. I cried with joy. Could this really happen? Can we all wake up enough voters?
No big deal.
The big deal is BHO’s historic nomination, and I’m proud of our country because of his nomination.
But, then, I’ve always been proud of America.
kinda fascistic in it’s blind, goosestepping, lockstep ignorance.
Sometimes, Robin, I don’t quite get where you’re coming from.
No one is going to be able to blame Hillary
because she can’t be seen as the one who screwed it all up for Obama. If that were the case she’d have no chance in the future to take another shot at being POTUS.
and it’s totally appropriate.
This is all being done so gracefully by all concerned you’ld think this is the Republican convention.
Is it possible that Ron Paul could turn the RNC into what the media was thinking Hillary would make Denver?
Ron Paul is a great smart guy who won’t do it for the good of the party.
On the contrary someone putting a spanner in the works for the Republicans is likely to be the best thing for the party. I don’t know if Ron Paul is the man to do it, but Republican needs to lose the election to regain its soul. It has drifted a long sad way from the principled stands of Sen. Goldwater.
The Republican Party needs to spend another “time in the wilderness” to find its way once again.
If it can’t get rid of the hypocrites, like Vitter, Foley, and Gingrich; if its brightest lights can’t avoid being drawn to the bright lights of lobbyist cash; if it cannot reconcile its diverging factions or send at least one of them packing, then it will continue to flirt with greatness only to fall fall short.
At some point in the past, Republicans freed the slaves and fought for their rights, fought against monopolies, protected our wild places, warned of the ascendancy of the military-industrial complex, promoted the separation of church and state as good for both church and state, and believed in strong diplomacy.
A good swift kick in the pants at this year’s Republican Convention is in order.
Thanks to his V.P. pick we have a fresh face and maybe a next president to
With your other comment saying you’re a loyal Democrat. Name one position that Sarah Palin has that matches with Hillary Clinton, a great Democrat I would have been happy to support for President?
the both support the death penilty
I did not think there would be even one. So what about all the rest? What about fiscal policy and taxation, energy policy, trade, the subprime mortgage crisis relief, health care, campaign finance, workers’ rights, labor unions, Wal-Mart, the Social Security Tax Cap, the Arab-Israeli conflict, Immigration, Iran, the Iraq War, the Cuban embargo, Homeland security, the United Nations, civil liberties, domestic surveillance, Habeas Corpus, executive authority, Government Secrecy, Abortion, education, the environment, LGBT issues, prayer in public schools, stem cell research, and Internet Neutrality?
Your postings lead me to believe that you’re no Democrat. Not unless you’re one of those deadend racist ones left over from the pre-civil rights era who stick with the party out of tradition and the hope that the rest of us will ‘come to our senses’ about the mixing of the races.
With all the dire predictions about how Clinton delegates were going to block acclamation, or the Clintons were going to screw everything up, or whatever, I’ve been stunned that things seem to be going well.
I keep wondering, “Are we really going to get through this without screwing it up?”
The whole this is already screwed up because the Clinton supporters feel she is being use by the Obama people. The voters have a mind of there own unlike the Obama supporters
How many of Clinton’s “supporters” are like McCain’s poster-child “Clinton supporter”, who was a McCain supporter back in 2000, too?
And how many of them are folks that just never left the Democratic Party when it left them back during the Civil Rights movement – who express their dismay about ever having to vote for a Black man? (If they say it that nicely…)
How many of them, on the other hand, listened to what Clinton had to say on Tuesday, and asked themselves the question Clinton asked them? “Did you do it for me, or for the people?”
Have you forgotten that we are supposed to respect the office and not the office-holder? Clinton and Obama advocate for the same causes, the same results; who among the two of them represents us isn’t so important – it was decided in a very close contest where both proved themselves… That one of them gains the office of President of the United States, doing what we feel is the best for our country, is what is important.
The CLinton supporters will go for any woman and thanks to Govenor Panil the have some were else to go! I’m a Democrat who supports McCain in 08.
who wants to get a McCain bobblehead.
how am I a sockpuppet and please explain.
Clinton and Obama have been fighting time and time again. Clinton has insulted Obama time and time again. Clinton and McCain share the same issues and both have complimented each other time and time again. Clinton only commplimented Obama so the could stay together.
The same issues? Name one other than the gas tax holiday gimmick (and that wasn’t even the same, she proposed paying for it, McCain just wants to sell more debt to China).
Name just one.
been involved in adulterous affairs. Though on different ends.
Clinton,Obama,and McCain mostly voted which each other 90% of the time so what does that tell you.
don’t have a very high opinion of her. I guarantee she would never allow herself to be used. She is far above that.
You don’t know Bill.
I am a loyal democrat and now for the first time voting Republican. I’m voting for John McCain because I don’t trust Obama in the White House. If people do then can they please tell me why because I don’t know why.
You can trust that McCain will tip the balance at the Supreme Court, ending a woman’s right to abortions – even medically necessary abortions.
You can trust that McCain will continue to squander your childrens’ future by continuing irresponsible borrow & spend, tax breaks for the right fiscal policies.
You can trust in McCain’s health care policy, created by advisors who say “no-one in America is without health care – they can always go to the emergency room.”
You can trust that McCain will continue to have his opinions dominated by lobbyists who advocate for Big Business and against the average citizen.
And you can trust in McCain when he says we should stay in Iraq in the long term, and that we should attack Iran.
This is what McCain’s Straight Talk Express is asking you to trust them on.
That’s “tax breaks for the rich”…
McCain is the best guy for the job. Obama is a clueless whats happening.Een Sarah Palin has more experience than Obama does.
You’re being a shill (not a sockpuppet) – random responses with no substance.
Refute what I’m saying. Please. (“McCain is God” and “Palin is his Priestess” doesn’t cut it…)
Either way, not a real opinion.
Your right
Obama is promising us these great thingsso my question is how will Obama pay for this stuff. I also think he’s all talk but when it really matters Obama won’t come through for us.
McCain is a proud war veteran who has served his country. You have some nerve lying and insulting him. McCain will use natural energy keeping the country up with the rest of the world. You don’t know mabe if its medical there will let it slide. He won’t he proved it in his pick for v.p. McCain will make sure every one has health care. McCain will support big and little business equally. We can stay in Iraq policing the area and he will watch Iran carefully. Obama is giving false hope when he’ll make it worth throwing our money away. He will he pay for all the stuff he is promising?
One of the most childish comments I’ve ever read on ColoradoPols. This in itself is quite an accomplishment.
Finish up elementary school, then return. We’ll be more welcoming.
Do you want someone you can trust to fight for workers? Barack Obama was a grassroots organizer in a working-class neighborhood, helping people to get and keep their jobs. He wants to shift the subsidies we currently give to Big Oil into creating new jobs in the renewable energy sector, and he wants to close the loopholes that are sending jobs and money overseas.
Do you want someone you can trust to fight for fiscal discipline? Obama want to end the $10 billion dollar per-day occupation of Iraq, and his tax proposal would give all but the super-rich a tax break while correcting the bad tax policies of the Bush Administration. Obama wants a balanced, spend-as-you-go budget.
Do you want someone you can trust on national security? Obama wants to rebuild our military from the damage it’s taken in Iraq. He wants to re-focus on al-Qaeda, which is rebuilding in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He wants to negotiate non-proliferation with Iran, in concert with other world leaders. And he wants to strengthen our national security once and for all by removing our dependence on foreign oil through new energy investments.
I could go on, through education, healthcare, the environment, civil rights, civil liberties…
If you’re a loyal Democrat, then these are things you value. Why would you throw them all away because of “trust”, when you know McCain doesn’t share those ideas?
It would help if I could ask a single question: what don’t you trust about Obama in the White House?
Because you’ve not even articulated why you think you can trust John McCain. Name a single issue on which John McCain is more worthy of a Democrat’s trust. When in the last four years has he gone up against the Bush administration to oppose their policies? When has he demonstrated that he isn’t beholden to the theocrats and thieves that have so dishonored the once great Republican party? Instead the lesson he appears to have learned from 2000 is to kowtow to the forces of evil if it will get you the nomination.
If you can articulate a single reason why a loyal Democrat should vote for John S. McCain III I’ll bother to do your work for you and show how Obama is more trustworthy.
I would more likely believe you are a Repub pretending to be a member of the Democratic Party. And you are here as a troll ( I realize I am feeding a Troll, but it is a special day in history) trying to make a man who is still fighting one war that ended 33 years ago and in which he missed over 5 years of change in our U.S.A. some sort of leader. He has no new thoughts or approaches to a world he does not comprehend other then to continue the disasterous and failed policies of the current occupant of the White House.
Although Obama is conservative in many of his thoughts, I proudly support him. We need a major change and house cleaning after 8 years of an administration that makes all other corrupt administration look like petty theft versus mulitiple felony crimes.
I believe Obama is the leader who will clean out the stinking mess of what used to be a great and wonderful government. Obama has the desire to of making our Constitution the law of the land once again.
Yea Obama
And I think the designated hitter rule is a national disgrace.
So, we still have places to improve.
somehow appended it here.
but folks like A.S. conveniently overlook details like that.
You might want to check out below what I cut and pasted from Wikipedia about Ralph Carr, governor of Colorado during the time – a small bright spot during a very dark time in our history:
Ralph Lawrence Carr (December 11, 1887 – September 22, 1950) was Governor of Colorado from 1939 to 1943. Born in Rosita in Custer County, he grew up in Cripple Creek in Teller County and graduated from Cripple Creek High School in 1905. A Republican, Carr was committed to fiscal restraint in state government and opposed the New Deal policies of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. However, Carr supported Roosevelt’s foreign policy. When the War Relocation Authority decided to resettle Japanese-Americans from the West Coast in a camp at Amache near Granada, Carr went against popular anti-Japanese sentiment by urging Coloradans to welcome the evacuees. In a speech defending the rights of the displaced Japanese-Americans, Carr said:
If you harm them, you must harm me. I was brought up in a small town where I knew the shame and dishonor of race hatred. I grew to despise it because it threatened the happiness of you and you and you.
Carr’s urgings for racial tolerance and for protection of the basic rights of the Japanese-Americans are generally thought to have cost him his political career, including his ambition for election to the United States Senate.
He narrowly lost the 1942 Senate election to incumbent Democratic Senator Edwin C. Johnson.
…there were Republicans such as Ralph Carr who were committed to civil rights for all. There were Republicans who helped pass ’65 Civil Rights Act when segregationists in Democratic Party tried to stop it.
But then Richard Nixon implemented his infamous Southern Strategy. Since then, people like Lee Atwater, Strom Thurmond, David Duke, Pat Buchanan and Tom Tancredo have been carrying on with that shameful legacy.
Were he alive today, Ralph Carr would be labeled a RINO and run out of the “modern” GOP!
That’s a part of the story that often gets left out. His honorable stance against internment probably cost him in his run for the senate against “Big Ed” Johnson in 1942. And he was never elected to any office after that. While we can be proud of him it makes it clear that we cannot be too proud of our ancestors. I’m sure some of mine voted against Carr given how they felt about other races.
…there is a red brick building just south of 119 just before you get to Main Street. When I lived there in the 1970’s it was the Red Cross and Social Services building. It is, I think, still in use.
It served some function during WWII in regards the Japanese internees. It’s my understanding that the Tanaka family, major farming powerhouse family in Boulder County, and many other Japanes farm families came into existence becaue of the interments and the rather open Colorado response.
Lemons from lemonade, I guess.