from Josh Marshall
That was quite a speech. It occurred to me as she built to the conclusion in the last few minutes, that the pre-2008 Hillary Clinton would not have been capable of that speech. That’s not a dig. But she grew incredibly as a candidate over the course of this campaign. And this was an immensely powerful delivery, and a richly woven together speech. The beginning seemed fine but not remarkable. But it slowly built into something very powerful.
from Greg Sargent
Hillary: “Were You In This Campaign Just For Me?”
Finally, Hillary concluded by raising the stakes higher than anyone possibly could have hoped for, telling her supporters and Democrats that the fate of our country — and the fate of all of our children — all demand the election of Obama.Hillary hit a grand slam by any measure. Will it put the “rift” talk to rest?
Great summation of more pundits at HuffPo Their unanamous opinion? That it was perfect. And…
Olbermann also reported that on Clinton’s way out to the podium and after she returned from delivering her speech, she was given a standing ovation by Obama staffers.
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IN: Get More Smarter on Tuesday (Sept. 17)
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I think it was an extraordinary speech. Howard Dean said that who wins in November will be decided by how the loser loses in August. If that’s true, Obama has won in November.
I think Hillary easily gave the best speech of her career (so far). It was smooth, it built up step by step, it had people cheering and crying and following with her every step of the way. And she kept using all that to reinforce two very clear messages – that we are all working to elect Obama and that 4 more years of Bush would be horrible.
This campaign has made her one of our most skilled politicians. And she used that perfectly tonight to help Barack Obama.
She did well, very well.
She convinced my wife, who initially supported Clinton, to vote for Obama.
I know a lot of others think he was great but I thought his speech was mediocre.
Loved Schweitzer. Not as eloquent as HRC but hit all the important issues and raised enthusiasm. Perfect lead in which should never over shadow the main event.
As someone who has never been much of a Hillary fan I was very impressed. She was absolutely spectacular and demolished every argument set forth by Hillary supporters refusing to support Obama.
The fact that she closed the deal for Obama with Car 31’s wife is an indication that she probably reached many more like her. Only the most irrational PUMAs, a tiny minority among HRC supporters, can justify supporting McCain or throwing their vote away on a write-in now. Party unity was her job and she nailed it.
My mom recently saw her in Florida speaking to a crowd of mainly Jewish seniors and she (also not much of a fan) thought HRC was wonderful there, too. She said she was very strong in her defense of Obama as a friend to Israel, very important to this crowd, especially to greatest generation Jewish retirees who vote in sky high percentages despite being in their 80s now. Gov. Richardson mentioned that she was equally impressive speaking recently to a mainly Hispanic crowd.
If she isn’t really doing her best to put a Democrat (who will strongly support her agenda) in the White House, she is doing an academy award winning imitation. I believe it’s genuine. I am convinced she IS devoted to her causes over herself.
Look out Harry Reid. Hillary is well liked in the Senate and is building a reputation for working across the aisle. I believe most Dems would be happy to see her replace Reid as majority leader. He’s been a huge disappointment.
While I don’t think she has demonstrated the kind of executive leadership skills needed to run a presidential administration, she could be the kind of legislative leader in the Senate that an Obama/Biden administration will need.
He had the crowd all riled up and ready to go – wish he’d been the keynote!
Lots of great one-liners, too, and some of them very pointedly hitting McCain and his policies.
Mark Warner was a snooze-fest. Poor follow-up to Obama’s brilliant keynote in ’04.
I came in at Warner’s keynote and was unimpressed. Deval Patrick was better. Then Schweitzer really lit up the place. Hillary walked in to an already stoked house and knocked ’em dead.
that would have knocked it clear out of the Solar System: she should have attacked the McCain ads that use her image, and her supporters.
Other than that, however, it was really good. I’m really excited about seeing Hillary campaign more visibly for Barack now.
She did that yesterday. “My name is Hillary Clinton, and I do not approve that message!” It was pretty widely reported.
This friend speaks for me.
It was a perfect sequence. Coincidence? NOT!
Schweitzer was a great cheerleader. He literally had people standing up as he told them too, clapping and cheering. Great one liners.
There’s a place for him in an Obama WH. Jester? 🙂
Sorry, have to be selfish and parochial about this. I like our western governors right where they are, thank you very much. We need them more than Obama does.
Former western governors? Fine. Current popular western governors? No way. We need Democratic governors to protect the public’s interest when it comes to oil, gas, and water.
We also need them to help maintain and expand our state legislative majorities until after redistricting.
isn’t a cabinet position, we are safe.
OTOH, maybe in some time it becomes time for Ritter or Schweitzer to move to Washington.
(Personally, ugh. I don’t know how any of the CO delegation can stand being away from – almost said “here” – CO.
I think Warner gave what should have been received as a reaffirmation of the Obama speech of four years ago. I’d imagine the folks in the Obama camp originally did as well, seeing as they chose him to give it. Warner was a casualty of the car wreck of modern political journalism. Monday night James Carville says the Democrats need to be more critical of McCain. By the next morning, full conventional wisdom has set in that the Democrats need to be more critical of McCain. By early afternoon, its clear as daylight that Warner needs to scrap the speech he was chosen to give and he had been preparing for weeks in order to feed the media’s appetite for what “must be done.”
Kudos to Mr. Warner for having principles that don’t fold under the pressure of a single news cycle. Perhaps the Obama camp knew what they were doing when they chose him after all.
…then why isn’t Hillary the nominee?
Carville not only managed to lose but alienate a lot of people as well. Remember the “Judas” comment about Richardson ? Blech.
that I thought about Gekko while Hillary was speaking.
Wonder how he took the speech 🙂
while Hillary was speaking. Man she gets him going.
I wonder if I donated, say, $ 4600 bucks to help retire her debt that she would record a special greeting for Gecko on my behalf. It would be worth it.
Kennedy also sets off poor Gecko
Either that or he’s apoplectic after the Teddy-Hillary one-two punch.
During the first half of the speech, I cringed, because Hillary was all about Hillary and Bill, and very little about Obama.
Indeed, even her attack on McCain was gentle and friendly. It was more of an attack on Bush than on McCain.
For much of the speech, I was telling DW, Hillary’s sending a signal that she’s not aboard.
She finally got around to asserting her support for BHO, not because of his talent and character and skills, but because he would execute HER plan and policies. And, of course, he’s a Democrat.
That’s the least she could do and did.
If Hillary had come out and talked about how great and accomplished and talented Michelle and Barack are, she would have won the day. She didn’t.
In terms of performance, she certainly has improved compared with a couple of years ago, but then, unlike Michelle, who’s already an accomplished speaker, she had a lot of improving to do.
I thought HIllary was energetic and spirited, but hardly as passionate or convincing as Michelle was last night.
Who’s the better speaker? Michelle or HIllary? Who would you rather have campaigning for Obama, Hillary or Michelle?
Has Hillary positioned herself for a run in 2012 the way Romney has, or not? Did she help or hurt Obama. And did she help or hurt herself?
I understand why this is important spin, but for one night let her mean what she says. If McCain picks Romney, the Democrats will try to turn him against McCain in the same way, but I miss the days when the other party would just be quiet for a little while. There’s plenty of time for talking over each other, let’s start in a week and a half.
Obama keeps wanting to turn off criticism. It’s a tried and proven tactic of the Liberal Fascists. It won’t work with me.
(AS usual, it’s not what you think.)
There has been a sea change on the primary process in the last century. Candidates often stayed home and waited for the telegraph/telephone call that told them that the smoke filled rooms picked him. Then they just waited for the passing of Labor Day to start campaigning.
Now we have a long drawn out primary season. We always know who has won before the conventions. It wouldn’t hurt a bit to have a two week truce. In fact, that sounds great.
But you weren’t criticizing senator Obama and I don’t speak for him, so it’s hard to see how he was shutting off criticism.
I was simply advocating at least a brief moratorium on cynical spin for all of 10 days in August, but don’t worry, you’ve turned me right around on that.
What are the tried and proven tactics of the Conservative Fascists? I can think of at least one — mindlessly chanting the meaningless phrase “Liberal Fascist,” an oxymoron if I ever heard one…
But, I think you could say that Bush and McCain also have fascist tendencies, which include coming up with top down, socialistic government solutions for all problems in life, including hang nails.
In the 30s, Communists did a good job of propagandizing that fascists were right wingers, which is true only when you compare Communists to fascists. Ever since, lefties have called righties fascists even though the lefty socialists are the true fascists.
See: http://liberalfascism.national…
and we will be sure to consult the most reactionary and dishonest Republicans for all comments and speeches of Democrats from now on.
And AS missed the point.
Hillary made a very convincing argument to her supporters that our support for her was for good reasons. She was also convincing that if our support for her was born out of real concern for our country, then the right thing to do now is to support Obama.
She also gave her supporters comfort that what we hoped would be accomplished by during a Clinton Presidency would still be accomplished under an Obama Presidency (with an increasingly powerful Senator from New York continuing to fight for these important issues).
I’d often remarked during the primary campaign that Clinton appealed to my intellect and Obama inspired me. Tonight, Clinton inspired me.
But the best line of the convention came earlier:
It is not your party. The Republicans act as if they own Hillary. No way.
You repubs are sooooo jealous of all the sex and energy in the democratic party….hanging around all the fun with your noses pressed against the window….trying to figure out how to get in and get some….not in a million years…
Of with house pages or in FL park bathrooms, or……
I oppose Obama because of his marxist upbringing and philosophies. He’s dishonest.
I’ve opposed the Clintons because they are dishonest.
McCain is not a marxist and he’s more honest, if not as smart, as Obama.
Smart people like Clinton and Obama do dumb things, and Obama is promising to throw the world and the country into a long and deep depression as anyone who understands economics and politics knows.
I’m commenting on speeches and developments at the Dems’ convention because I like to analyze the chess moves.
I’ll do the same during the GOP convention.
Sorry if I offend, but that’s politics.
“and Obama is promising to throw the world and the country into a long and deep depression as anyone who understands economics and politics knows.”
As opposed to, say, now ? Times aren’t shitty enough for you NOW ?
Dosen’t the fact that we are in a completely crappy economic, security and geopolitical situation NOW demonstrate to you that “staying the course” for 8 years hasn’t worked ? Will more of the same get us out of this ?
Overall the economy still is growing slowly despite depressions in the housing, auto, financial and retail sectors, amazingly.
We still have virtually full employment, with unemployment at a historically low 5.7%.
If you’re hurting, you think the whole world is or should be. And if you’re the out party, you paint a depressing picture, scaring the dickens out of consumers and voters and helping to foster recession and depression.
So, the Dems are putting prosperity ahead of U.S. prosperity, just as they’re putting power ahead of national security.
Correction of last graph.
First off, our unemployment numbers under-report the true level as it does not count people who have given up, who are working part time and want full time, and people who are delivering pizzas even though they used to manage a department.
Second, inflation is also under reported and the true rate is entering scary territory. At my company we’re doing a 25% price increase Sept 1 and not a single customer has said that it is unreasonable. High inflation is death for an economy.
Third, the economy is disfunctional. We spend more than we make and that is not sustainable. In autos and energy we face systemic issues. In financial we must get the regulators back in charge or we will see worse and worse.
And meanwhile we’re selling off half the country to other countries, primarily those with lots of oil.
Home sales just went up for the first time in months. Of course, that could be because in many markets houses cost 50% less than they did last year…
You need to get serious. 🙂
I believe you and your party are sex-starved and jealous…and that dominates your so-called analysis. I believe the preoccupation with Hillary is a reflection of the ambiguity you and your ilk have towards strong women….wanting to somehow dominate them….and not only unable to dominate them, but real women are simply ignoring you…or dismissing you with paronizing kindness which is what Hillary did with McCain….
And the incredible libel about Obama (“marxist upbringing)….the constant ad hominum attacks..have everything to do with Republican white men being jealous as hell of this smart, energetic black man…
And your party has nothing but botoxed old blonds…like ann coulter…who, to her credit, does have a bigger adam’s apple and more balls than any of the men running things…
All kidding aside, I do believe that Republicans have a terrible problem with sexual energy and that is underlying a whole hell of a lot of anger and frustration reflected in the negative ads…
Hell, even our lesbians are beautiful and bright…
But, AS, keep posting here if it helps you feel better…
As in I’m second and I agree. I like that she asks those that supported her if they were just coming out for her, or if they believed that the policies of government needed to change (can’t remember wording).
That was just fantastic. Word for word it may not have been the most impressive of speeches, but the way she delivered it made it simply great.
But what was most impressive to me was my girlfriend’s statement at the end. She likes Obama, really couldn’t care less about politics and hadn’t heard of “that guy Joe Biden” until Friday night. She said, “How in the world did she lose in the first place. That was sweet!”
It was sweet indeed…
Outdid Michelle, although experientially that should have happened.
Carville should be happy, the anti-McCain phase has started.
Bill was about to cry, I’m sure. Did you see him mouthing “I love you” to her? My mother was in tears as the speech went on. She is a constant reminder of the sacrifices it took for women to get the vote to her daughter and my daughters. She understood that Hillary standing there is the current peak of the movement.
I would hope that she has either AG or SoS in the offings. Earlier in an interview Michelle proved her graciousness by saying how much Hillary has supported her with advice since the end of the primaries. It’s as if the party is blessed with major players who (almost)don’t put feet in mouth. Every response is beautifully nuanced w/o that old political BS. The Pubs are going to have a very difficult time just getting past the personalities.
And I’m an old guy who supported Edwards and then Obama. And she had me in the palm of her hand with that speech.
AG or SoS and in 8 years – president?
I confess to dampness in my left eye. Only.
I very recently came across a B&W photo of Bill & Hillary, they must have been in their late twenties or so. He’s leaning back in a chair, she is leaning over and her face is about six inches away, they both have their eyes closed.
It was the most erotic photo I have seen in a long, long time. The tension was palpable, sort of like God’s outstretched finger to Adam on the Sistine Chapel ceiling. I think also knowing what we now know about their history together these many years later made it that much more poingant (sp?).
But I wasn’t moved to tears like I was for Kennedy last night. I know that it sounds ridiculous, but I doubt I’ll be able to be as constrained on Thursday. It’s going to be something special.
… and transferred here.
“Who were you in this for?”
Tonight Hillary delivered what should be the death blow to the ideals of the PUMAs.
As the introductory video scrolled through, I wondered – is this really going to be the unifying speech we need to put the final nail in the coffin of party division? Then Hillary stepped up to the podium…
She started off with a simple “vote” for Obama, then moved into a sort of reminiscence of her campaign – her ideals, her goals, her accomplishments. “Oh, great,” I thought, “she got distracted by her ego.” And she kept going, bringing all of her supporters along with her on that trip down a very happy memory lane.
Then, when everyone was on board the bus, she brought it ’round to the DNC and Obama HQ. She recalled some of the people in need she met during the campaign who were in need – a marine, a mother, a son… She asked “were you in it for me, or were you in it for them?” She said “there’s not a vote to spare” if we want to get our country back on track. And then she invoked the women (and men) of Seneca Falls, and Harriet Tubman of the Underground Railroad and called on everyone to “just keep goin’,” and to get going to elect Barack Obama.
While the rest of the red meat and hope shared by those supporters of all candidates was great, what everyone was looking for – and what Hillary Rodham Clinton delivered with mastery and finesse – was a call to unity and purpose. Message received, with gusto and gratitude.
Thank you, Senator Clinton.
I hope to meet you someday.
First, from the intro video:
<picture of Bill Clinton /> subtitle: Hillary’s husband.
Second, “Bush and McCain will be in the Twin Cities. That’s appropriate, since it’s hard to tell them apart!”
Third: “No way, no how, no McCain!”
Hillary gave the most wonderful of speeches. She brought our party together, she bridged the transition of Senate politics from Ted Kennedy to herself, and she solidified herself as the Senator to guide our future. She will be leading a Senate and Congress the way Ted Kennedy has done since Reagan was elected. Obama will be in office for 8 years, Hillary for as long as she wishes. She gave the speech of her life tonight, and I am very happy for her.
Is she trash-talked John McCain but did so in a “nice” way. She tore into Republican issues, then she many times used humor to tie John McCain to those issues. That is masterful as everyone agrees the Republican issues suck and yet many are ok with McCain the person.
It was a great way to go after him.
I would say she lived up to her side of the bargain with the Obama camp without going too far overboard.
It seems to me that she is in a no lose situation. If Obama loses she will be the favorite for 2012. If Obama wins, I am willing to bet that part of her deal with Obama is that she gets the SOS position.
Now lets see if Bill does his part.
from DailyKOS
Also like this one
now we need to see a pic of those two as the Lone Ranger and Tonto!
If Hillary had done this during the primaries she would have won. She was poorly served by the campaign staff she hired.
My estimation of her continues to rise (Now we’ll see what is up with Bill who has evolved into a petulant child).
One of the Great speeches ever at a convention.
at a convention but I would say that you dems probably picked the wrong candidate.
For the past few months he has been trying to sell himself as God’s gift to the world. That hasn’t worked and now we get to see him sell us on the fact that he is just a regular guy. It should be entertaining.
or direct quotes from him…..or his constituency, that liken him to “God’s gift to the world”.
What sort of intellectual envy (something like penis envy) is at work here.
You can’t quote direct policy statements from Obama since he hasn’t been in the senate long enough to actually make any policy.
As far a penis envy, well I am a white man I am sure I do have penis envy.
I’m not some deep thinking intellectual who can compare Obama to this saint or that saint. I am just a simple fella who knows BS when he sees it. I just look forward to seeing what the new message/image will be Thursday night.
not only the country, but the free world, is a sign of messianic egotism? I’m sure you applied the same logic to Ronald Reagan, right?
it’s an all together different thing to go to other countries and do it. I don’t think that is showing anyone you are ready to lead anything. I think it is a cowardly thing to do.
If memory serves me right, Reagan never put down his own country to try to win favor with others.
Or don’t comment. Pick one.
If you’re going to argue the point, bull, a specific quote would be helpful. Something with a link and some context would be even better.
Read some Laughing Boy, Bull. He shares some of the same misgivings you have about Obama’s policies, but he goes about it in a far more constructive way–and he always backs up his claims with evidence.
which is every other post.
But I agree, if you only read the even posts, LB is quite reasonable.
You’d be wrong, I think, but you could say it.
The reason our primary ran on so long was not a parody of fumbles, false starts, and miraculous recoveries like the GOP primary season. Rather, we had an abundance of wealth in our candidates.
I’m glad we wound up with Obama. He supports the new 50-state grassroots party structure, he supports the people who built it, and he’s the right candidate with the right message at the right time. I’ll be in the stands cheering his acceptance speech without reservation.
Oh, and thanks for the concern trolling.
Perhaps her most inspirational moment?
I actually liked her shout out to the Seneca Falls Convention, too. I went to see the National Monument there, as well as the Susan B. Anthony House during the 150th anniversary celebration of the Womens’ Rights Movement. Very inspiring, but also pretty depressing because unlike our natural wonders, visitorship at these sites is very low.
“America never gives up!” Great line off of a great riff.
Once again, I am stunned at the generosity and selflessness of Republicans, who always have civility on their minds and Democrats’ best interests at heart.
Hey Democrats, can we cancel the election? I just decided I don’t want to beat such honest and decent people.
This campaign was won and lost by the campaign staff and the candidates’ decisions in hiring and following that staff.
I’m glad I had my choice of good candidates to choose from, and I hope Clinton finds whatever place she thinks she can do the most good, either within an Obama administration or in the Senate.
Many wondered if she would do the bare minimum for Obama, either out of spite or in the hope that he loses and then she runs in 4 years.
She not only did a superb job, she did better than anyone thought she was capable of. She could have done less and people would have seen it as her maximum effort. With this speech she clearly is giving Obam everything she can.
And my guess is we get that throughout the campaign from here to November. If she will be Obama’s Seward (re Lincoln), that could be very good for Obama, for Clinton, and for the country.
There are some parallels….then again, some serious differences. Altogether, it brought me up short and got my attention. Thanks David.
and the best delivery I’ve ever seen from Hillary. I was worried she might be a little perfunctory and that would be the talking head story for the day; lack of real enthusiasm for Obama yadayadayada. Never dreamed she’d be everything we could have asked for and then some.
The righties are trying to make mileage from Biden saying that Obama didn’t have the experience and now they are on the same team.
I recall an early female lawyer saying that one of the most frustrating and difficult things for her to comprehend is how two lawyers could shred each other in court and then go out and have lunch.
It’s the same thing in the primaries. It’s business, not personal.
If McCain picks Mittens, the pot will suddenly be black.
What city Maureen Dowd is in? And after that, what drugs she is taking? Her article on Tuesday was a complete load of BS. They want this (infighting) to be the story sooooo bad, but it’s just not turning out like they hoped. I don’t think I’ve read a more bitter, less constructive piece of journalism in my life.
Hey out-of-town journalists, can I give you a bit of advice for Wednesday and Thursday? GET OUT OF THE PEPSI CENTER. Stop hanging out 24/7 with the politicians and the press pool, and actually do some work. This is exactly in line with the Jon Stewart quote DavidThi posted the other day. They are so out of touch with reality it’s not even funny. I feel like tweaking Bill Clinton’s famous line for them: “It’s the voters stupid!”
Shame on you Maureen Dowd, sow your bitter herbs somewhere else.
and used to be a lot of snarky fun to read but now she’s so pissy and (as you noted) bitter in most of her columns I rarely bother to read her anymore. What used to be entertaining has turned sour.
Hillary’s speech was a slam dunk. It makes me proud to see two strong women bring down the house like that two nights in a row.
I was a Hillary supporter who has already decided to vote Obama….I watched the speech with my Mom was was a Hillary supporter and had pretty much decided to vote McCain (“I trust him, he’s a war hero….blah, blah, blah.”) or sit out the Presidential vote altogether (in spite of my attempts to bring her on board). Obama’s pick of Joe Biden (a political hero of her) coupled with Hillary’s speech has brought her on board with Obama.
As to the other speakers: Warner sucked (horrible choice for keynoter other than the hat tip to Virginia), the laid off textile worker from North Carolina was very good–she stood out from the other “regular people”, Ted Strickland was very good (he’d have been a better choice for keynoter), Deval Patrick was mediocre and Brian Schweitzer was the best of the night (other than Hillary, of course).
I’ll have to see if I can find it online.
Warner was a huge snoozer though. I can’t help but think it might damage his Senate race, though he has a lot of breathing room.
Schweitzer was predictable. Predictably awesome, that is.…
The cable/PBS station we were watching froze about three minutes from the end. (Although Mom and I both noted, in such a nice moment of time!)
So I wanted to get that time back.
Have I overlooked something?
Even in the moment of capitulation for Obama, they are sucking their anti-Hillary lemons.
The only thing worse than a sore loser is a sore winner.
I thought Warner delivered,
Strickland was a yawn.
Not that there’s anything wrong with B.O. mind you. I’m still voting for him in Nov.
and this is no snark, after seeing her last night I feel bad about making jokes about the sniper fire whopper, etc. about Hillary during the primary.
For a lot of Obama supporters from the beginning like me her stock just went WAY, WAY up, and not because she is supporting Obama, but because she is who she is, and she carried herself so incredibly well last night – you should be proud of her !
Bill and Biden tonight. What an incredible time in Democratic politics. Game on !