“If you don’t like what someone has to say, argue with them.”
–Noam Chomsky
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IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: harrydoby
IN: Friday Open Thread
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Denver Post notices the pickle Michael Bennet is in wrt trade fast-track:
….says the Senator from Colorado. But, we don't know that those protections are even there, let alone linked, because the text of the deal is not available to the public. And despite Obama's assurances that the deal is just hunky-dory, many Democrats, including Senate Big Shots Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, worry it's not.
And they wonder what the urgency is for such a deal. So do I: stocks are hitting records again, unemployment is down, and corporations remain as profitable as ever. Obama says Warren is wrong about the deal and visions of trade deals past (NAFTA) and is just a "politician" doing what politicians do:
Plenty to think about for our senior senator Bennet: workers, trade, politics, policy, and whether to stay the corporate Democrat course that's been so successful in years past, or to buck up the side that says banks and big corporations and CEO's are doing just fine and we need an economy that rewards the workers and maintains the Middle Class.
Bennet is poised to pass the deal. His misdirection about workers and the environment sounds good on paper, but is quite thin on substance. And I believe he is constitutionally incapable of thinking, admitting, or saying such a thing about America's most rich and powerful as the writer above says.
The bottom line is that
Americans don't want this deal. Voters don't want this deal. Colorado doesn't want this deal. If Michael Bennet votes for this, with most Republicans, and against most Democrats, we'll truly know where his sympathies lie. And we'll know for sure that he lies about his sympathies for the Middle Class.
What is Obama's record when it comes to trade deal predictions?
Hmm, well the counter argument is, are you willing to give up your vastly improved Hyundai or Kia automobile (nearly a million sold each year after stumbling into the market a decade or two ago with cheap crappy cars), your Samsung phone, or your LG HDTV?
On the auto front, Hyundai and Kia's competition has led to amazing improvements in Ford, Chrysler and GM vehicle quality and style.
When consumers are given a choice, they are usually pretty savvy. When manufacturers start losing to the competition, they look at what they are doing wrong and fix it, or they don't and they die.
I suspect the Korean imports came at the expense of our Japanese imports. Korea has US-based assembly plants as well. So it’s not as black and white as it seems.
In this area, I am an economic Darwinist…
Well, that didn't work out the way the President hoped it would: http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/democrats-threaten-to-stall-trade-legislation-in-the-senate/2015/05/12/08f71d66-f8c0-11e4-9ef4-1bb7ce3b3fb7_story.html?wprss=rss_homepage
I just can't quit you, cpols.
Whether the president's statements about trade and the secret Trans Pacific Partnership deal are lies or misstatements or obfuscations or misleading or something else could be a little ol' policy disagreement between friends.
Whether Michael Bennet supports all those talking points or not is political and will have a direct bearing on his re-election attempt next year. (There's still time to take a dive for those who'd rather work under less scrutiny.)
Why is Obama triangulating now, when he least has to, on an issue that has no compelling justification?
Obama and Bennet are both politicians too…at least for now.
Right back at ya, Zap 🙂
Well this is an open thread so here's something different. Did you know that it was scientists, not the Church, that was behind the inquisition? Apparently our education system has been failing us for many decades if educated middle aged grown ups actually will be nodding at how this just goes to show how evil and intolerant scientists are.
You know that bust that has hit the shale fields of late, with companies now going belly up and others slashing their workforce? Apparently it has not yet hit the PR shops where stats are invented.
Still lying. I'll follow up by sending them some real stats and sources….do they ever correct their stories?
They might correct the specific story you're complaining about, but seldom do TV newsrooms correct their own archives. So whenever there's a new story about O&G, they go to the archive and pull up the same old shit.
Why stop at 250,000? If a factor of ten is good 100 is better…!
I'm just saying we may as well round it up to an even 2.5 million. For simplicity's sake.
As far as I'm concerned, the exact number is irrelevant. We all work for the O&G concerns . . .
320 Million U.S. jobs and unleashing a new American energy revolution!
"Log on to learn more"….
Blow to fast track. Bennet one of 45 who voted against. Needed 60. Interesting.
The nutters are going to call Con-Man Cory a RINO for letting Hussein expand his dictatorial powers.
Not only Con-Man but Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Mike Lee, and every Repub except Yertle (who voted with the Dems so he could move for reconsideration later) voted to let Hussein expand his dictatorial powers.
I wonder if this is a hint of what the Dems have in store for themselves in the future: the pro-trade wing (Obama, Bill Clinton and the DLC folks) vs. the protectionist wing (Warren et al.) with HRC trying to walk down the middle.
Good for Senator Bennet.
Yep. Preparing for 2016? If so fine. I'm not going to complain about good votes regardless.
Oh wait. Less interesting than I thought. Either the first intertubes story I read made a mistake or I misread it because I thought it said seven Dems voted yes and I would have expected Bennet to be one of them. Today I read that just one lone Dem broke with the rest and voted yes. Either I mixed up a 1 with a 7 or someone else did. Bennet not choosing to defy his party to that extent isn't particularly interesting after all. Still glad he and the rest took the stand they did and that even the pro-pact/fast track faction wanted a better deal with a guarantee of four other measures getting a vote in tandem. For details and for a change it's explained in the Post pretty well.