The Neville Nutters — State Sen. Tim Neville and his son, Rep. Partick Neville — really don’t understand why anybody would be upset with their last-minute legislation to regulate abortions. Via John Frank of the Denver Post:
Sen. Tim Neville, the bill’s sponsor, called it a common-sense bill to provide women more information about their decision and rejected the idea that it would spark rancor.
“I don’t think it has to be a divisive issue,” the Littleton Republican said. “I can’t pick what’s going to be divisive or not.”
His son, Rep. Patrick Neville, who is the House sponsor, said he began working on the bills months ago. “I think women have a right to view an ultrasound, and it’s also a safety issue, too,” the Castle Rock Republican said.
That’s right, folks. And what could be safer than getting an ultrasound on a weird bus parked across the street from the State Capitol? The flyer you see here was distributed to State Senators this morning by Tim Neville himself (who cleverly rhymed “bus” with “fuss”). We are not making this up.
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I think that the Nevilles should be the first volunteers for ultrasound. Since they lack a vaginal orifice, another convenient orifice should work for them to show that a mandatory ultrasound is really nothing to make a fuss about.
And it’s healthy! It’s a comfortable environment! It’s modern technology! The staff is friendly!
Really, Nevilles, if you want your constituents to follow, you must lead. So drop trou and show how it’s done.
As a man who has had one of those other kinds of orifice ultrasounds, I agree with you. Neville, get one. You won’t like it. He probably thinks women will just enjoy having something put up their vagina without their permission. Sounds kind of like rape to me. And, oh by the way, Women already have the right to view an ultrasound if they want to. What you want to do is force them to undergo what amounts to rape. Where’s the freedom in that? Where’s the liberty in that?
Freedom and liberty are for white men, not for their property (women, minorities, Federal lands, etc, etc).
If not the Nevilles, then at least all them informed Neville w’men folk . . .
That should put a quick end to all this nevillesensical BS!
The Nevilles are the worst thing to happen to Colorado since Doug Bruce.
No, they’re worse.
I think little boy Patrick is on to something, “I think woman have a right to view an ultrasound.”
They should be going after the anti-ultrasound laws!
Wait, there aren’t any? He is as dumb as Williams.
Ha. I just noticed the “Experience the wonder of modern technology.” on the flyer. Dafuq? Sounds like a carnival barker from the 50s.
“women have a right to view an ultrasound…..” I fully agree, and it should also be the right of a woman to make that decision for herself; not have it forced on her by religious jihadists. C.H.B.
And something I forgot; see the flyer. Aren’t these so-called pregnancy centers staffed and paid for by anti-abortion activists?
Always, C.H.B. Anytime you see the words “crisis” and “pregnancy” together it’s a guarantee there’s some right-wing religious organization behind it. Usually, their goal is to separate the woman from the “precious little life” and give it to some nice Christian family. Funny, they’re offering to do a medical procedure on a bus when one of their schemes for closing down clinics is passing picky-ticky regulations about the dimensions of rooms, the width of hallways, and where a doctor has admitting privileges. I doubt the director of health and hospitals would give this a thumbs up. Maybe someone should give them a nudge.
If you were the editor of The Onion, you could not make this perfect of an absolutely campy and completely crazy caricature . The RV looks like it is right off the set of Breaking Bad. Do these people have any clue about the societal context of their images? Jokes on them.
Hell, the Onion could finally become a full blown news organization just writing about the walking caricature that is the modern GOP.
Getting a great mental image of Jesse Pinkman and Walter White peering up the hooh-hah of some poor woman. God, I hate these people.
So the Neville Nutters are offering a free, voluntary ultrasound to pregnant women in order to pass a law criminalizing it if they don’t want one?
What next, I shudder to imagine…
Voluntary castration demos for promiscuous, young, non-white men?
Voluntary self-deportation instructions with bus schedules for illegal immigrants.
It was supposed to be a reply question to Davie but I didn’t get this newfangled web navigation right.
Hey since they are all for education and informing the mothers, how about we add some language to the bill for gun purchases. Maybe all gun purchases should be on hold for at least 24 hours and everyone must watch a two hour gun safety video before they can have it. Add in a brain scan so that we can have a look to ensure they are a “good guy” buying for the right reason.
Yeah I’m sure they would be all for these steps for a gun purchase. You know, because its about the openness of information.
“Hey young ladies, want to get in my windowless van?”
Beyond creepy.
and get a probe stuck up your vagina?
What could wrong with a teaser line like that?
Please tell me this was planned for April Fool’s Day and accidentally posted today. Or is every day April Fool’s Day when the Far Right controls the Senate?
Sen. (and Dr.) Aguilar suggested on the floor of the Senate today that some of the Senate men should avail themselves of a rectal ultrasound. I suspect she was referring to this 🙂
Happy to help…:)
Apparently Republican ladies don’t want their hoo-has scoped any more than the liberal ones.
Senator Beth Martinez Humenik joined Senators Aguilar and Newell in voting no, the two men, Republicans voted yes.
Can you imagine what kind of breaking ranks is going to happen if Hillary Clinton is a presidential nominee? Particularly if she connects on women’s issues with practical ideas. The Republican men are going to want to go into the voting booth with the women folk to make sure they vote the true way and not for that hussy woman who is as uppity as that black man.
Perhaps, but Presidential year voters will have to vote down ballot if any changes are to occur in the state senate.