We wrote yesterday that Senate President Bill Cadman had completely hosed his fellow Republicans by pushing through a fetal homicide Personhood bill that will come back to haunt the GOP in 2016.
Guess who just doubled-down on teh stupid?
As John Frank of the Denver Post tweeted last night, Senate Republicans are rolling out a new abortion bill that seems about as pointless as an eraser:
Senate GOP finishing #coleg session with big abortion bill: 24-hr wait period, ultrasound req, more http://t.co/hbf8ZRmbXD #copolitcs
— John Frank (@ByJohnFrank) April 29, 2015
Senate Bill 285, sponsored by The Neville Nutters, is an “informed consent/right to know” bill that would essentially get rid of abortion in Colorado by creating a laundry list of barriers and red tape for anyone considering an abortion. The legislation has a lot of similarities to a failed bill back in 2008 (SB08-095), which was sponsored by former Sen. Dave Schultheis and then-Rep. Kevin Lundberg; that Schultheis and Lundberg were involved should tell you everything you need to know about that bill.
This is a “late bill,” because it is being introduced well after the midpoint of the legislative session; in fact, we might need a new term for this, because the legislature is supposed to wrap things up one week from today. Sen. Cadman is not listed as an official sponsor, but because he is the Senate President, SB-285 could not have been introduced this late in the session without Cadman’s approval.
To recap, Senate Republicans just spent weeks prattering on about how SB-268 (the fetal homicide/Personhood bill) was about “justice” and not about abortion or Personhood or anything else. Cadman completely lost control of SB-268, to the point where Senators Ellen Roberts and Kevin Lundberg finally just admitted that this was an abortion bill. The legislation passed out of the Senate and will almost certainly come to a screeching halt in the State House, so the only thing that Cadman succeeded in doing was getting his caucus on-record about Personhood and making the anti-abortion group Americans United for Life fairly happy.
To follow up on that disaster, Cadman allowed a new abortion bill to be introduced that has no chance whatsoever of making it through the legislature; even if Cadman somehow picked up enough votes to move SB-285, there is no time left in the session to do it.
Is Cadman trying to sabotage Republicans, or has he just given up on trying to control the fringe elements of his caucus? Given what happened last week, it’s possible that Cadman just threw up his hands and said, “do whatever you want” to the extremists running around the Senate chamber. This will not end well.
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It’s all about branding, baby.
I don’t understand the “not enough time to move it” comment. Assuming it could pass the House (which it can’t) they could get the bill through before they adjourn. Just like they could get the ridiculous pension bond bill through that will probably hose PERA (HB 1388). Committee(s) vote vote; rinse and repeat.
If there aren’t billboards all over the state next year with the line “The GOP wants you to get an ultrasound before you have an abortion, but doesn’t want people like James Holmes to get a background check before they get a gun” then I just fucking quit.
Please, someone working on the Democratic campaigns, pick this up and run with it. We have nothing to lose (or not to gain back) but the Senate.
Franklin Roosevelt, a Democrat who knew how to win elections, used to say, “When your opponent is killing himself, say absolutely nothing least you distract him and he stops.”
Ain’t no WTF about it. The war on women is alive and well.
Cuz nothing says, “caring about informed women,” like these Neville fucks!
Pretty disingenuous article…
Agenda driven piece meant to foster paranoia.