"Laws made by common consent must not be trampled on by individuals."
–George Washington
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BY: DavidThi808
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IN: Pick Your Poison: Which Trump Cabinet Member Concerns You Most?
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IN: Pick Your Poison: Which Trump Cabinet Member Concerns You Most?
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Pick Your Poison: Which Trump Cabinet Member Concerns You Most?
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Thursday Open Thread
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Ken Buck grandstanding again about amnesty in the Moonie rag,the Washington Times.
We get it, Buckaroo – you really, really don’t like immigrants.
He can probably tolerate non-French-speaking Canadian immigrants (you know, the ones like Ted Cruz), but he doesn't like the other ones because they look and/or sound different.
You'd think, given that Weld County's largest employer would collapse without access to immigrant labor, this guy would buy a clue (with some of the money he's getting from the rich, white boys and girls who don't want to go anywhere near the carnage where their filet mignon is born). What an utter embarrassment…
That's where the wink wink comes in. Keep them coming but keep it illegal to render them powerless.
+100. Because it's the "Pro-life" thing to do…Jesus would want it that way.
some latino activist said tonight on MSNBC, The problem is…we have two signs at the border…one says "Keep Out"… the other says "We're Hiring"…
I know, right?
A little more than 48 hours to go and the DHS funding stops. Will the Republican-controlled Congress pass a funding bill to send to the president? I wonder if this is what Cory Gardner meant last fall in his commercials when he said, "Let's shake up the Senate!"
If the Dems don't want a vote on DHS funding, then let's shut it down.
Personally, I hope they change the filibuster to 55 votes instead of 60 and we solve the problem.
“This is like living in the world of the crazy people.”. Peter King (RINO-NY) characterizing the position of some of his nuttier House colleagues on shutting DHS.
Dems want a vote – but they want a clean bill and they don't want Republicans maneuvering in such a way that a clean bill doesn't wind up being clean.
You should ask Sen. Majority Leader McConnell when the last time was that he talked to Speaker Boehner. The answer is several weeks according to the Senator. This is a Republican cluster-fsck as much as it is Democrats asserting their minority powers under Senate rules – rules that they left in place to placate their Republican counterparts back when Democrats controlled the chamber. How quickly the whining begins.
Barry supports Vlad the invader.
Vetos Keystone to raise price of oil so Vlad can afford to invade more countries. What could possibly go wrong?
Do you know what I find somewhat remarkable, still?
I'll bite…what?
You do know that Keystone XL is economically vialbe only at gas prices that are about 25% or so above current market prices? But to have higher prices you must decrease supply and/or increase demand. So vetoing Keystone XL will actually help to create the market conditions that will support the pipelines construction in 2 years time when the cash flow models become positive.
Anyway, don't you support the domestic oil industry and the higher prices needed to sustain continued development of fracking or are you a servant of foreign oil?
Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that. – George Carlin
A national poll of Republican primary voters conducted by Public Policy Polling finds that 57 percent of these voters support “establishing Christianity as the national religion.” The First Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.”
The same poll also finds that 74 percent of GOP primary voters have a favorable opinion of former President George W. Bush. Two-thirds (66%) do not believe in global warming, and a plurality (49%) do not believe in evolution. (Only slightly higher than the national average.)
The G.O.P.’s Assertive God Squad
Republicans, Evangelicals, Gays and Abortion
Bipartisanship in the U.S. Senate, just as MIchael Bennet had hoped for:
And Republicans are not averse to demoting the parliamentarian when they receive a ruling they don't like.
Our side shouldn’t use the filibuster on everything. Let them pass repeal on 54 to 46, Obama Can veto it in front of a crowd of uninsurables who now have insurance. And let Yertle start trolling for 67 votes.
And the Republicans win another point.
My youngest daughter went to the DMV in California. It was a long slow bureaucratic mess. She texted all of us (me, my wife, and other 2 daughters) about what a mess. And all of them had the same reaction most of you probably have – of course it's awful, it's the DMV.
And everytime that happens that supports the Republican view that the government is the problem and it needs to be eliminated wherever possible. Inept bureacracies, software that doesn't work and is over budget, stupid rules, long lines – all of that provides ammunition to the Republican party.
Why is government ineptitude considered not just acceptable, but inevitible?
I live in Littleton proper and I've had consistently good experiences with the DMV. Just avoid the predictably heaviest times. Have been treated with unfailing courtesy by government employees doing their jobs well. But we know how you love to bitch about teachers and other government employees. Enjoy.
He's always looking for stories to bolster his Republican views of life. Phoniest Democrat in nine counties.
I take it by your logic a true Democrat would never call for an efficient & effective government. That's sad.
You know damn well that's not what GG is saying – and you deliberately dismissed mj55's "initiative" point below as well, probably because it didn't fit your complaint about your daughter's experience.
If your daughter's experience was this week, then she didn't follow the general rule of DMV visits: go during off-peak times/dates. I don't go to the super market the week of a holiday and expect an open register…
And an effective government is not necessarily an efficient one for the same reasons. Do you hire enough people to cover the DMV on a peak day? What do you pay the extra staff to do for the other three weeks of each month?
Before you go self-goaling for the Republicans again, you might consider actually evaluating the situation before posting.
Ah, PR — David's lame defense Is simply the very best proof of his lame premise.
On mj55's comment, my reply was we need more people like Bo. So I was agreeing with her. I wil admit I don't understand her initiative point about how we can get the DMV to improve their process.
As to the go off-peak times, should Amazon tell people that they just can't handle the rush of orders before Christmas? And if you go to the supermarket during peak times it still tends to be fast – because they have more registers open.
I do agree with your point that an effective government is not the same as an efficient government – at times.
But the point remains, most people hold the DMV in contempt and that impacts their view of government. And that impact helps Republicans. Regardless of how much everyone here insists that government operates just fine, this hurts Democrats in the voting booth.
Pointing that out doesn't make me a Republican, although responding that way is a lot easier than addressing the problem.
Maybe I'm going to the wrong supermarkets around the holidays, then. Sure they have more registers running, but on Super Bowl weekend they don't have the staff that they can afford to keep over the Txgiving/Xmas season – it takes a while to get out. The Christmas holiday season is different in that it's a period of a couple of months – long enough to hire temp workers. Do you hire temp workers to work one week a month at the DMV? I'm sure that's convenient for the labor pool…
Here in Colorado we can do most DMV work online now, and you can make in-person appointments. California has the same efficient and convenient services available.
So what, exactly, do you wish to do to the DMV to improve it?
"Initiative" is an individual quality. I never said that it would make the DMV more efficient (although it would, if more consumers would schedule their DMV visits at "light traffic" times).
What I said was that taking initiative and solving problems is an American quality. Bureaucracies are a problem to be solved. I doubt that they will ever be perfectly streamlined. When people take the initiative to work around obvious obstacles, such as the end-of-the-month crush, then bureaucracies function more smoothly.
I'm not a pure socialist – capitalism and competition give us better products and innovation, in general. But, I think that government can do a better job of providing "commons" services, such as education, licensing of drivers and vehicles on common roadways, or environmental oversight, than private corporations can.
Are you suggesting that a temp worker who fills in for Amazon during the Holiday season is equivalent to an employee of the DMV in terms of job training as well as background check? I hope not!
Do I get pissed off that there aren't more clerks at the Post Office usually when I go? Yeah. Does it make me want to vote Republican? Well, no. And why's that? Because I'm semi-rational enough not to base my vote for a particular party on my experience at the post office–usually, because there are issue of much, much greater importance at stake.
Privatize the DMV! There–this guy said it: Let insurance companies decide who drives and who doesn't.
Some DMVs work more efficiently than others. The Pueblo DMV was often personally supervised by Bo Ortiz – he would make sure that the lines were moving, and assign extra staff on high demand days, such as the first and last week of the month.
It sounds as if your daughter waited until this last week in February. Perhaps she would have had a better experience had she taken the initiative to get in to the DMV earlier, or been able to wait until a light-traffic time. I do know that's not always possible, from my own experience.
But if our knee-jerk response is always to blame the government, for difficulties and obstacles we encounter, that would seem to run counter to the American ethos of individual initiative, responsibility, and the ability to ingeniously solve tangled problems.
Most people confuse the 2 separate DMVs in Colorado.
My experience over the last 30 years is that the county DMVs (license plates) are pretty efficient and easy to do business with.
The state DMV (drivers' licenses) is just awful. Cash/check only. Multi-hour visits for a simple transaction.
Haven't had many problems with the state DMV offices either here in CO. Not nearly as bad as the NY DMV.
Maybe David's daughter visited the Howard Jarvis Memorial Branch of the DMV in California.
That's what we need – more people like Bo Ortiz so that the expected norm is an efficiently running government.
As to individual initiative, I'm not really sure how the individual waiting in the line can do anything to improve the DMV.
I lived in California for many years and found the DMV there to be pretty good–as long as you had an appointment.
In my view, it's the government as hindered by Republicans that's the problem . . .
I guess it's all a Matter of (mis)perspective?!? . . .
in other "David News" — Jason Salzman reports elsewhere today that David Kopel is a Democrat . . . So, I gotta' wonder, what the hell is the problem with anyone named David?!?
This is funny. Notice his "employer" shouldn't it be the state of Colorado?
G.J. Klingenschmitt
Colorado Springs
Committee to Elect Helen Collins
One employer is the State of Colorado, but I understand his income for years has been through his "online ministry," coming from the contributions of his listeners and supporters to his (I assume) non-profit organization. I assume such hustling for dollars could be called "self employed." He also advertises himself as a speaker. There are lots of possibilites for "employer" that would be accurate. However, I'm pretty damn sure "GOD" does not "employ" Klingenschmitt in the sense meant by the campaign finance form, and therefore it does not comply with the Colorado Springs ordinance.
Among the contributors is Gordon J. Klingenschmitt, Colorado Springs' state Representative, who gave $100 to the "Committee to Elect Helen Collins" and lists his employer as "GOD." He is a former Navy chaplain with a doctorate in theology.
Klingenschmitt said he was having a little fun.
"Yes, I thought it was funny," he said. "I am a chaplain and I do work for God." He said he was giving the political contribution personally, and not in his role as a state lawmaker, in which case, he said he would have listed his employer as "the people."
Read more at http://gazette.com/blog-councilwoman-collins-financial-backers-from-a-higher-power/article/1546880#X2EJBOBxHGFYRfhO.99
But does GOD provide a 401(k)? I imagine the Almighty provides health insurance compliant with Obamacare or faces the prospect of paying the fine.
I'm not even sure the imaginary-ahmighty does withholding? Maybe a audit is in order?
As to chappsy's alternative world claim of being employed by "the people," shouldn't whole-truthing full disclosure be "the [mostly insane and ignorant] people [of HD15]"??
Thanks for saying "mostly." Just over 30% of us were sane and informed!
Chaps shouldn't get a paycheck until God signs one.
Agree–what mamma and Michael said.
Ow. And Ow again.
Ann Coulter takes the ice bucket challenge https://www.facebook.com/bluenationreview/photos/a.268624786652737.1073741828.268311603350722/303863486462200/?type=1&theater
I could hear her now……I-'-M M-E-L-T-I-N-G!