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July 18, 2008 11:26 PM UTC

Congrove asked Jeffco DA NOT to prosecute Paschall?

  • by: JeffcoBlue

( – promoted by Colorado Pols)

Really odd, since embattled ex-Jeffco treasueer Mark Paschall’s defense in the first trial was that Congrove set him up. Did Jim Congrove decide persecuting Paschall was more of a liability than it was worth? Have they made peace (doubtful)? Or is something else even worse going on? Columbine Courier:

Paschall, who was acquitted of a charge of attempted theft in February during the first trial, still faces a charge of compensation for past official behavior for allegedly offering Kathy Redmond, one of his two political appointees, an $18,000 post-tax bonus on the condition she give him half.

The alleged offer to Redmond reportedly came in the waning days of Paschall’s job as county treasurer in December 2006. Redmond then reported the alleged offer to County Commissioner Jim Congrove, who notified Jeffco District Attorney Scott Storey.

Paschall was originally charged with two felonies, criminal attempted theft and compensation for past official behavior. He will be retried on the second charge after the first jury was unable to reach a verdict on it.

In a strange twist, Congrove called Storey recently and urged him to drop the charges against Paschall.

“I have talked to him about not prosecuting that,” Congrove said in a phone interview July 15. “It serves no purpose. It does nothing for the community.”

Congrove’s opposition to the upcoming trial stands in stark contrast to the fact that he initiated the investigation into Paschall. In addition, Congrove said after the first trial that Paschall’s attorney used “smoke and mirrors” to get him acquitted.

Congrove was on the prosecution’s witness list during the first trial in February but did not testify. Paschall’s defense attorney said the charges against his client were “political payback” by Congrove…


11 thoughts on “Congrove asked Jeffco DA NOT to prosecute Paschall?

  1.    I always thought these two wingers were best of friends which is why the accusation that Congrove set Paschall up in the criminal case surprised me.

      Maybe they’ve mended fences and all is forgiven….

  2. Here is the Truth…there is a deal between Congrove and Paschall.  

    What is the deal?  If Congrove can stop Paschall’s trial then Paschall will not testify against Congrove in the September trial against Congrove by Lori Stille.

    There are those who know that Congrove suggested Lori Stille get fired and only an honest trial will get to the truth.

    This is only two RATS trying to get out of the trap by helping each other!

  3. If Jeffco DA Scott Story let’s Paschall OFF then the voters of Jefferson County need to get rid of Scott Story.

    If he lets Paschall go or does a poor job of getting him at trial Story needs to go.

    DA Scott Story maybe part of the Rat Pack!

    They have Paschall on tape admitting his wrong doing and the Redmond telling the truth about what happened!  How hard can it be to get a conviction?

    Vote for Any Democrat DA for Jefferson County.

    Heck, vote for the Jeffco Coroner she was unqualified when she was elected, maybe she would make a good DA!

    1. I haven’t been following this story in detail, can anyone enlighten me why Storey didn’t hand this off to another DA, as is common when political allies face prosecution? That really doesn’t make any sense.

  4. You answered your own question!

    Story, Congrove and Paschall are Political Allies.

    They can protect each others butts.   Even Dave Thomas, a Democrat protected his own butt by not pursuing a case against elected officals.

    1. If Congrove, Paschall and Storey are political allies, as you claim, then why did Congrove even ask Storey to investigate this in the first place?

      I think there is some kind of collusion between Redmond and Congrove underneath this story.  Perhaps something that Congrove doesn’t want to get out?

  5. The collusion includes all the major players.  Paschall is trying to trying to stay out of jail and so is Congrove.  Problem is they both have the goods on each other.  Without a partnership they both go to jail!   Story does not have the guts to do the right thing because Story wants to get re-elected.

    You watch the trials this will all go away, proving I am right.

    Political corruption in Jefferson County runs deep.  

      1. You should be writing soap opera scripts.  

        First, it should be noted that Storey is running for re-election unopposed.  He can drop this case with zero consequences.

        Congrove, Paschall and Storey are not political allies, otherwise Congrove would not have asked Storey to prosecute this case.  

        Paschall would not be a credible witness in the Lori Stille trial precisely because of this situation.

        I believe there is an interesting relationship in this case between Redmond and Congrove that Congrove doesn’t want out in the public.

  6. Client9 you are so wrong…Story does have an opponent in 2008!  

    Paschall employed Congrove when Paschall was Jeffco Treasurer.  Congrove went after Paschall because that is what Congove does, goes after people.  Look at Zinna and Stille.

    Now Paschall holds the goods against Congrove so Congrove is trying to undo his report to Story.

    If Congrove helps get Paschall off then Paschall will help Congrove in the Stille trial.

    Story is a Republican that wants to keep a job so he just wants all this to go away any way possible.  

    Client9 sounds like you have a dog in this fight!

  7. This example of Jeffco corruption goes back to when they all were crooks at the Capital downtown. Many legislators knew how bad they were then and worked to get them all voted out. Congrove can’t hold an office more than one term because his true corrupt nature shows itself. The relationship between Congrove and Paschall went bad when Paschell refused to share his testimony to the Congrove Grand Jury with Congrove. Congrove got mad and sought revenge and retalliation which is what Congrove does. It may be true that Congrove and Redmond conspired to set up Paschall. I would not be surprised. But if Paschall was the good honest official he claimed to be, he would have called Story to report the suggestion of improper bonuses, with sharing, that he is accused of. Instead he fell for the trap and Congrove called the DA. That fact questions Paschall’s honesty in the first place. If it was a set up as he stated at trial, then why did he consent to the payments to Redmond and others. No matter how you look at this it is dishonest corruption. As Republicans they are allies because the party’s power brokers do not want anybody stepping on getting elected offcials voted out. Anything at any cost until the election is over. There is more to this story that involves other elected officials and their attempt to hide the full facts. Fortunately someone went to the press and gave away the house, otherwise it would have been covered up. Keep the faith. The truth will be told someday soon.

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