(We still don’t think he can win, but since he took the time to write this diary, this is the least we could do. – promoted by Colorado Pols)
They say it can’t be done. But they only say that because it has never been done before.
Since it was created in 1972, the 5th Congressional District has always had a Republican representative. In 2006, Jay Fawcett proved that the 5th CD could be competitive. In many ways, Jay paved the way for my campaign.
And a lot has changed since 2006. Three times this year Democrats shocked the nation by winning in Republican strongholds akin to the 5th Congressional District. In perhaps the most surprising of these wins, Travis Childers won in a Mississippi district that voted by 62% for George W. Bush in 2004.
Still, there are those who say it can’t be done here. But the people who tell me I can’t win are the same people who told John McCain he didn’t have enough money, and told Barack Obama the American people weren’t ready for change.
If we’ve learned anything this election season, it’s that the unlikely is possible, and that the surprising can happen. But while optimism and hope have been the buzzwords of this political season, everyday Americans aren’t feeling the joy.
Everyday Americans are hurting. They’re hurting because of real problems like $4 gas and unprecedented rates of home foreclosures. Everyday Americans are scared. They’re scared because they don’t know how they’ll fill their refrigerators and their prescriptions, or how they’ll pay for their kids to attend college. And Americans are outraged at the lack of care and attention paid to our veterans.
Americans are looking for leaders, leaders who understand the importance of a balanced budget, but acknowledge our moral obligation to care for our veterans returning from battle. Our country has broken a sacred promise to those who put on the nation’s uniform, and we must fulfill that promise.
Americans want real solutions to our nation’s problems. They aren’t looking for quick fixes or partisan bickering, and they certainly aren’t looking for sham solutions.
Early last week, President Bush announced his plan to address soaring gas prices. In what has become typical of his shallow solutions, the President’s plan calls for little more than recklessly drilling holes that won’t bring a drop of oil to your neighborhood gas station for ten years. But even less surprising was the Thursday statement released by Mr. Lamborn’s office: “Doug Lamborn today threw his support behind the President’s four-pronged approach,” read the first line of the release.
Of course this isn’t surprising, since Doug Lamborn has voted with President Bush 99.3% of the time. Any member of Congress that brags about never, ever being willing to be bipartisan misunderstands the lessons our Founding Fathers taught. I believe good ideas can come from both sides of the aisle, and I will most certainly work with anyone who has the good of Colorado and the nation at heart.
Our congressional leaders shouldn’t vote in lockstep with the White House – regardless of the party in power. The Founding Fathers intended Congress to be an independent voice, and in a time of hardship, worry, and war, an independent Congressional voice is more important than ever.
In Congress I will be that independent voice.
Next Monday is a critical financial deadline for my campaign. Political pundits, reporters, and supporters nationwide will carefully review our 2nd quarter fundraising results, and their judgments may very well determine the course of this election. This year we have an opportunity to change 34 years of District history. This year we can finally elect a Western Democrat. A fiscal conservative/social moderate can win, and with that in mind, please consider visiting my website: www.bidlack2008.com and making a campaign donation.
Because of how important the June 30th deadline is, four of our supporters have agreed to match the first $15,000 raised between now and the end of the month. Donate today, and double the impact of your donation.
Thank you for your time.
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You’re a favorite candidate of mine for many reasons this cycle.
One, you’re doing your duty and helping our party by running in CD-5. If you can win, great, if not, you still get the message out.
Second, you have the balls to dress up and impersonate my favorite framer, Alexander Hamilton. For that reason alone, I’m donating to your campaign. I just need to get some money out of the bank, if you catch my drift.
Looks like it will probably be Lamborn that Bidlack is running against.
Including the Hamilton part.
I think the biggie is it’s possible. Not likely but possible. And Hal is a quality candidate.
I’ve made a donation.
won in a conservative district.
His views on abortion and such are a matter of public record.
Tell me, Colonel Bidlack,
as a “social moderate,”
how do your views match up with those that prevail here ?
Jay Fawcett is a smart guy.
He beat the pants off his opponent in every debate in the last election cycle.
And, for a Democrat, he did historically well.
But he lost 60 – 40.
Folks were able to see from his website that he thought that there were too many restrictions on access to abortion.
That’s not how folks here think.
Republicans outnumber Democrats by a better than 2-to-1 margin in CD-5. Bidlack could get EVERY Democrat to vote for him AND 70% of the Unaffiliated voters, and he would STILL LOSE if Republicans turned out to vote for the GOP.
Bidlack could outlaw abortion, homosexuality, and homosexual abortions, and he still wouldn’t win because the numbers just aren’t there.
If the Anybody But Lamborn wings of the Republican Party feel sufficiently slighted after the primary, enough 5th District Republicans could sit on their hands to give Hal a chance.
Remember, this is the district whose top two Conservative Voices (sorry, Newsman) are telling voters it’s OK to vote for someone other than John McCain. (James Dobson has said this repeatedly and the Gazette editorial page has weighed in similarly.) If there’s any year for a Democrat to sneak up the middle, this is it.
I thought Haners and I were the top two Conservatives in the 5th CD.
Now throwing Haners under the bus is understandable, after all he has shown a serious lapse of judgment in the company he keeps, and he is a Crank supporter. But ME. 🙂
But Sponge-Dob and The Gazette have bigger voices. So far.
They’re thoughtful and eloquent.
By comparison, you’re absolutely right. But when was the last time a Newsman barrage on Obama dominated the national news all day? When it comes to voices, Dobson and the Gazette tower above the rest. And I say that’s a good thing. Those two make Republicans sound insane.
That Douglas Bruce has an (R) next to his name for the same reason.
Especially when you consider the amount of friendly bickering Newsman and I have engaged in.
At least I’m in good company, even if it is under the bus! 🙂
trying to grasp the concept of a homosexual abortion.
I remember reading a few years back of a law in Connecticut or somewhere that had the support of both the anti-abortion and homosexual groups. It basically made it illegal to abort a child because the parents discovered some genetic predisposition to homosexuality.
Not that such a marker is known of now. But it is interesting…
Yes the odds suck. But they’re not 0. And Hal is a great candidate giving it everything he’s got. The trick in Democracy is not to win them all – but to keep making a good effort.
GO Scott Starin.
thank you for your service to our country and best wishes for your campaign!
… seven-tenths of one percent wide!
by missing a vote, rather than thinking independently even once?
Go get’em! If they vote for Lamborn again…I would just be sad, very sad.
I know why you disagree politically with Lamborn, and it’s not unexpected. But he really is a good person, and works hard to be a good representative.
Not your first choice I understand.
just because a person is nice, doesn’t mean the person can make good decisions. If you like the way the country and our community is going, then vote Republican. If you don’t then you know what you must do.
But he is one of the most uninformed, inarticulate people I have ever met. Ever. From any Party.
I am more than shocked he was elected to anything. He is no where near one of America’s brightest.
It’s amazing to me how CO-5 voters, can repeatedly go to the polls and vote against their own best interests. I lived in this district for 11 years, moved away for four, then returned as a veteran’s widow and single mother almost four years ago to find things even worse.
You call yourselves “conservative.” I’m sorry, but you can be conservative and open-minded. Look at all the issues, both candidates’ ability to cope with contemporary issues–domestically and globally–then make an enlightened, intelligent decision at the polls.
But many so-called “conservative” voters never seem to do that. They go to the polls and vote on the basis of one or two “conservative” issues–probably abortion as number one, and something involving gay rights as number two.
An unnecessary war, our planet, or the economy don’t matter as long as you keep a Congressman who’ll vote anti-choice and anti-gay rights. Really…?
It is my fervent hope that the registered Republican conservatives who outnumber we so-called liberal Democrats will realize that peace, clean air and water for our children and their children, jobs, and healthcare are far more important issues than those two alone.
Please consider the whole picture when you vote, regardless of your party affiliation. Don’t forsake the future of our nation on the basis of one or two issues. This is too important.