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May 07, 2008 03:09 AM UTC

It's **never** going to end!!!

  • by: DavidThi808

North Carolina says it’s Obama, no Indiana says it’s Clinton. Come on people, make up your mind.

North Carolina has been called by the networks for Obama – 56% – 42%

Indiana – coming down to the last ballot… Looks like it may end tonight.

Indiana (95%)
North Carolina (99%)


Remaining races:

West Virginia (5/13)

Kentucky (5/20)

Oregon (5/20)

Puerto Rico (6/1)

Montana (6/3)

South Dakota (6/3)  


53 thoughts on “It’s **never** going to end!!!

      1. … Republicans voting for Hillary have no effect on the numbers McCain got in the Republican primary.

        Unless you think that those voters are somehow stronger McCain supporters than the people who bothered to vote as Republicans. That is a tough argument to make, because the Chaos voters are pro-Limbaugh who was hardly a champion of McCain.

        (I’ll grant that there is a Ron Paul argument that could be made, but I’d have to look at the numbers on that one to know if it holds water.)

        1. it was a joke. McCain should be doing better than 76% of Republicans by now. But you’re right, the Limbaugh nutjobs are probably anti-McCain and would’ve given him an even lower total if they’d voted in the Republican primary.

    1. where a jet had a sonic boom and the Raiders thought it was have time and ran off the field.  Three plays later the Broncos scored.  This has the feel of McCain struggling to find the end zone with no opposition.

    1. she would drop out at this point. There’s no way for her or Obama to win without the superdelegates, so the presidental nomination will be handed out in some backroom somewhere.

      Say what you will about Republicans, at least they know how to run a primary.

      1. That’s right. Have your operatives call all the Republicans and ask, “Would you be more or less likely to vote for John McCain if you knew he had fathered an illegitimate black child?”

        Talk about decisive!

          1. .

            This is a reference to Karl Rove tactics in South Carolina in 2000.

            It’s the only way they could beat McCain.

            He has an adopted daughter from Bangaladesh, and Karl used her as a campaign tactic.  

            Red is just joking about the high-brow 527’s that will be coming out of the woodwork,

            mostly to call him a traitor for allowing the VC to torture him.

            That’s GOP 527’s that reject him as the nominee.


            1. about jericho’s claim Republicans know how to run a primary. Don’t know nothin’ ’bout no 527s, this was George Bush’s campaign.

      2. I can understand it if it is snark.

        This campaign season has seen record turnouts in state after state for the Democrats.  The race was open to more than old white men and it has gone down to the last states on the schedule.  What a competitive race.  All the bitterness between the candidates is going to recede when they look over at old man McCain and figure out he is going to nominate extremist nutjobs to the Supreme Court.  This primary is going to be one to remember.

  1. We’re going to run all the way to South Dakota. Every Democrat in all 50 states will vote when it still matters. This is amazing.

    And Obama is learning how to pull in the blue-collar vote while in spring training against Hillary. When it comes to the general election, he’ll have this down pat.

    We are so going to rock in November.

    1. I’d like to agree with you, David, but I don’t see any evidence of that. If anything, the candidates’ camps are getting more polarized and they’re having a harder time poaching from each other’s base.

      1. The primary has identified his weakness and thrown the mud on him.  Has he figured out how to use that info? I think so-but it hasn’t paid dividends yet.

        I think you will see him spend the next 4 months touting a cafeteria plan of populist programs.

        Once the Unions stop fighting each other (AFL-CIO/SEIU) their operations will strengthen Obama, who as an organizer himself will know how to use them to fix the gap with the rustbelt whites.

        1. I think he’ll do as well as Kerry or Gore or Clinton did among white working class (none of them won a majority), especially with the economy in the tank, many of Hillary’s voters will be Democrats first. But he’s not doing it yet.

          1. i think his no lobbyist/ Pac money- need to change Washington message will allow him to do better than Kerry with the working class in a general election b/c he will have creditability. He will be able to creditably say I am going to represent you.  

      2. He continues to talk about the economy and the issues facing all Americans.  When confronted by fear and distrust, talk about solutions to their most pressing problems.

        1. would be if he actually were “pulling in” more blue-collar white voters than he did in Ohio, but he’s not. I’m confident he’ll be able to once he’s the nominee, but it’s not happening yet.

    2. If, as now seems inevitable, the Powers That Be concede that Obama WILL BE the nominee, hands down, then HRC has no argument to make him look bad in WV and KY, and to spend (waste) money in MT, OR, SD, and PR. Superdelegates just might realize THE TIME IS NOW to play their designated role. thanks to Howard Fineman on MSNBC for this insight.

  2. I think Hillary has it, but it may be a “win” like Guam was a “win” for Obama – a handful of votes.

    Comment on one blog was that Lake County in Indiana has not been counted yet and that that are is Obama country.

    So we don’t know for sure the winner (in Indiana) yet…

    1. she has no argument left if Indiana is 50/50..

      read this quote in Vanity Fair this month and loved it “Hillary’s candidacy is warmed meat loaf- comfort food for those too old or fearful to Dream”

      Come On Lake County!

  3. CNN, MSNBC, ABC too close to call

    CBS called it early for Hillary

    She better hope that the Lake county margin is worse than the Indianapolis margin.

    1. The major outstanding areas are: Monroe (53% reporting, home of IU), Laporte (75% reporting, Michigan City reportedly not in yet), Union (0% reporting, probably fewer than 1000 votes total, Clinton territory), and Lake (0% in).

      All of the major outstanding reports are Obama territory.  Obama’s campaign has just updated their projections; they now say Indiana is “within reach.”  (Their earlier projections had him losing by 10-15k votes.)

      Gonna be a long night…

  4. then turned into a ask for the cash. Turned into a wistful one.  

    She ran through the applause.

    Then the speach turned into a concession speach.

    Its over and she knows it.

    1. Cautious optimism from Hillary, she knows the votes are not done being counted yet in Indiana and if she loses Indiana she is done, if she wins, she is in until the convention.  

      1. but its over on May 20th Obama gets a win she gets a win.  He moves over the Majority of the pledged.  

        They have a joint press conference the next day. Obama commits to suport her in seating the florida delegation as is.  They come up with a solution for Michigan  Still doesn’t catch her up in delegates.  She conceeds but looks like a winner by getting FL and MI seated.  The kissing starts and the healing begins.

        There is no convention fight coming.

  5. He resisted the urge that overtook both Clinton and McCain: to pander to the voters with that ridiculous, totally irresponsible – and insulting – gas tax “vacation.”

    I think in the end this will have been a major Clinton blunder. It fed into the stereotypes of her being willing to do anything to win, no matter how irresponsible. AND it overtook Rev. Wright as the main issue.

    The major counties that are still out in Indiana are the ones most solidly for Obama. It’s quite conceivable that the final Indiana vote will be 50-50 or 51-49: either way, an Obama “victory” given the high expectations for Clinton.

    And Obama’s margin of victory in NC was MUCH higher than the pundits were anticipating.

    All in all a very good night for TRUE CHANGE in Washington DC instead of more of the pandering nonsense we’ve seen these past years.

  6. First results reported in Lake County, 75%-25% for Obama with 28% reporting. If he maintains that margin in Lake County he wins the state. But it all depends where in the county those results are from.

    1. with just 28 % of Lake County reporting he just closed the gap of 40,000 down to 21,000.  If the rest of the county holds up even a little like that it hands victory to Obama, although that 28% was from Gary, which was supposed to be heavy for Obama anyway.  Nail biter though.

  7. 1. doesn’t want to discuss her loss

    2. wants to talk internally about her future before she goes forward externally

      1. There were only three candidates on the ballot, Obama, Clinton, & Gravel.

        It was a protest vote, just like with the 20K we received in FL.

        Celebrate the little victories.

    1. I can think of two other occasions at least…

      1) he’s not a war hawk, and

      2) on election eve in 2000, he conceded that there probably weren’t really 10,000 Jews voting for him in Palm Beach County!

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