"Fake is as old as the Eden tree."
–Orson Welles
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BY: kwtree
IN: Trump: The Mass Deportations Will Begin In Aurora
BY: harrydoby
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: harrydoby
IN: Friday Jams Fest
BY: Gilpin Guy
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: Gilpin Guy
IN: Republicans Are Stuck With Dave Williams Until At Least Mid-October
BY: ParkHill
IN: Trump: The Mass Deportations Will Begin In Aurora
BY: kwtree
IN: Republicans Are Stuck With Dave Williams Until At Least Mid-October
BY: Meiner49er
IN: Republicans Are Stuck With Dave Williams Until At Least Mid-October
BY: Colorado Pols
IN: Friday Jams Fest
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Hick in trouble. TIme for him to start campaigning.
Poll: Beauprez edges Hickenlooper, whose job approval ratings slide
The trouble is the Beauprez camp has been running Hick's campaign so far by choosing his running partner, whether it be Dunlap, Bloomberg or Obama – take your pick.
It is actually worse than it appears for Hick.
This is a registered voter poll, not a likely voter poll. Mid-term election electorate will likely skew Republican.
But I thought that good polsters are now using likely voter, not registered voter samplings.
They are. The Rasmussen poll in June was a likely voter model and the results showed a tie.
Also, your statement that the election will likely skew Republican is not fact, it's expectation.
As Nate Silver notes here, likely voter models are more accurate, but only when held close to the election (the time he gives is two months prior). Also, as he notes:
The election may be more Republican than the polls are, or it might not.
Pro, The electorate will be more Republican than the registered voter pool. The question is how much? Could be 2%. Could be 5%. Likely something in that range.
I'm OK with that being true, I'm just wondering how you can speak with gnosis vs, pistis. It could be that dems overrepresent in this election as well. It could be that an enormous sinkhole swallows Denver and Gardner wins in a landslide.
My concern is that sometimes your pronouncements seem less evidence-based and more, well, achieved by rectal extraction. I know your job is to flack on the site, and I'm good with that, but how little regard do you have for your target audience that you think simply stating something as fact is the same as fact it being?
Perception and independent thinking are not part of the training regimen for our little neo-cons. Obedience and myopia are the two most sought after and encouraged characteristics of our troll class….
I'm having Karl Rove flashbacks as our librarian pontificates…
Gnosis vs. Pistus? Wasn't that a World Cup semi-final match?
Gooooooooooool para Pistis!
I had a friend who was a New Testament scholar. He thought everything sounded cooler in Greek.
Lots of "energized" GOPer voters this cycle? Too many "disillusioned" Dems this time around? . . .
. . . oh, well, now it's back to studying Laffer curves, and the creation of the universe in 4,000 BC . . .
Have a blast at home school today, dude!
4004 BC, smartypants. https://answersingenesis.org/bible-timeline/the-world-born-in-4004-bc/
Young earth creationist slam!
Look at how quickly Moddy took the leap from Gessler to Both Ways in a matter of minutes on June 24. They are fired up!
Not Colorado, but…Communist newspaper says: The GOP self-destruction is complete: millennials officially hate conservatives
Wait 'til those young people see this: http://www.politico.com/story/2014/07/john-boehner-barack-obama-lawsuit-108968.html
The breathtaking hypocracy of suing the president over a law the Teapublicans try to repeal every other Thursday will cement the Millennials vow never ever to vote for a Republican.
Were Coffman and Gardner bought and paid for by Boeing and Lockheed-Martin (and the Russians, who build the engines for the Atlas V)? Seems our Congressmen don't want competition for launch $$$ and are willing to sling mud to prevent it.
Mike Coffman and Rick Scott are in TRMS Canned Response Hall of Fame:
How Rick Scott ever got to be a CEO, even a felonious one, and voted Gov. of Florida is amazing considering his complete lack of any intelligence.
what triangulation gets you.
Republican exploits stupidity of his base: No, it's not Doug Lamborn…
GOP Rep. Randy Weber of Texas says…
…but he has the Most Awesome Explanation Ever for why Republicans haven't yet begun impeachment proceedings, saying…
Right. House Republicans are responsible for the least productive Congress ever.
More from Harlow-
It offends me to occupy the same planet as this cretin, running for Mesa County sheriff against the grifter.
Please reassure me things are not now so effed up in Mesa County that this miserable waste of genetic material has any chance of being elected sheriff . . .
No chance. None. He's a write-in. Out of sight, out of mind. Only the loons will know about him.
King is out!!!!!!!!!!!
Good news, Ralphie, but it's behind a paywall. Specifics or pdf?
The time is now for the next disgraced former Mesa County law enforcement officer to step up to the plate . . .
Popcorn, please . . .
(And, yes King's departure from the sheriff's race is good news . . . except for next term's sudents and staff at MesaU??)
Where the hell is Bob Silva when you need him?
A Latino Democrat, in Mesa County? He can't be an effective Sheriff if he's constantly having to ask himself for his own green card, now can he?
Maybe that's why he lost last time.
Or the time before that?
He had a cool car for the parades, though.
Did CMU have any legit reason to have King on staff? Were they trying to buy favorable legislation? Why keep him now that his law enforcement cred is completely discredited?
He needed another job. He's got the right resume (part of the GJ Repub Good Old Boys club and/or a Foster, Pollard, Wagner…
Can't pdf without violating copyright. Sentinel allows you 12 free articles a month, doesn't it? Anyway, here's an excerpt edited down to "fair use" size (hopefully):
Actually, there is no better test of a man's integrity than not lying, cheating, and stealing. But what the fuck do I know?
The flawed human being line is usually what the Repubs use when they launch their come-back campaign after being caught in a sexually compromising position. See Sanford, Mark (R-Appalachian Trail)
Nuff said –
Gotta love Ed Perlmutter. Letting the pot shops bank their cash. He just posted on FB:
Today I rallied the votes to defeat an amendment to reverse the progress we’ve made on marijuana banking. The Department of Justice recognizes the lack of banking services for marijuana businesses is a public safety issue. It’s time Congress does the same.
House Supports Easier Marijuana-Related Banking
The House has voted in support of making it easier for banks to do business with legal pot shops and providers of medical marijuana. The 236-186 vote Tuesday rejected a move by Louisiana GOP Rep. John Fleming to block the Treasury Department from implementing guidance it issued in February…
abcnews.go.com|By ABC News
The House actually voted on somethng? And passed it? Oh, the Tepublcans won't like that. Did someone knock Bonehead out with that big old gavel of his? Good for Ed! Is their any chance this will fail in the Senate?