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July 11, 2014 02:13 PM UTC

Not Another UN Conspiracy Theory Whackadoo

  • by: Colorado Pols


Here's a report from the Western Slope Watchdog from late last month that we didn't want to slip through unmentioned. From time to time, we've had to contend with some of the fringier Republican candidates for the Colorado legislature–and the occasional Congressman–who is convinced that the United Nations is right on the cusp of executing some kind of evil secret plan intended to strip away our American liberties. In 2010, GOP gubernatorial candidate Dan Maes made headlines–and punchlines–with his assertion that Denver's B-Cycle bike sharing program is part of a nefarious "United Nations program." J. Paul Brown, a former state representative defeated in 2012, said that then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was "negotiating a treaty with the United Nations to take away Americans’ guns, which would spur a civil war."

Well folks, another midterm election year is upon us, so get ready for a fresh round of U.N. conspiracy theories–it must work or they wouldn't use them. Meet Donald Suppes, the Republican nominee running in Senate District 5 for the seat being vacated by outgoing Sen. Gail Schwartz:

Public lands issues, such as road closures, target shooting in Dominguez-Escalante canyons or federal water grabs targeting ski resorts and ranches, are another concern of the Republican candidate, who said he was “researching quite heavily” the Utah legislature’s resolution asking for their federal lands back.

“That’s going to be a battle that we’re going to have to fight,” Suppes said. “If they won’t back off, we will do this – we will take our lands back.”

Suppes said he saw the anti-fossil fuels movement and issues relating to control of public lands as part of the creeping influence of Agenda 21. He added that he saw evidence of United Nations influence when he visited Mexico. [Pols emphasis]

“It’s absolutely here,” he said. “The thing about Agenda 21 that the liberals didn’t expect is it gave the liberal playbook a name.”

Donald Suppes.
Donald Suppes.

​As we and other grownups have tried to explain in the past when this has come up, the United Nations' "Agenda 21 plan" consists of totally nonbinding recommendations on land use and economic planning. Like the U.N. Small Arms Treaty to regulate international arms trafficking, which conspiracy theorists imaginatively morphed into a "United Nations Gun Grab," these are recommendations meant mostly for the developing world–not for developed nations like the United States where solid land use policies (or in the case of guns, gun laws) already exist. In some countries, "Agenda 21" represents a first real attempt at any kind of land use planning.

In the minds of far-right Republicans and radio talk show hosts, however, "Agenda 21" has morphed into totalitarian plan to control more or less everything everyone in rural America does. It probably hasn't registered with Donald Suppes' target audience that the U.N. Small Arms Treaty has already been signed by the United States (it currently awaits ratification by a sufficient number of members), and gun confiscation in the neighborhoods of middle America has not followed suit. It's worth noting that the only nations to have voted against the U.N. Small Arms Treaty were Iran, North Korea, and Syria–what great company for the gun rights crowd to keep!

But that's the thing about conspiracy theories, isn't it? The next one is always the real one.


30 thoughts on “Not Another UN Conspiracy Theory Whackadoo

  1. Prior to belonging to all Americans as federally-managed public lands, the lands Mr. Suppes refers to never 'belonged to Delta County or Colorado so there is nothing to "give back."  The lands were part of Mexico until ceded in the Treaty of Guadelupe Hildalgo, at which point they bacme US federal lands and then Ute lands.  After the so-called (by White Folk) 'Meeker Massacre' the Utes were removed, and some lands were opened for homesteading or otherwise transferred from federal domain to private ownership.  How exactly local folks standing up to the State or federal land management agencies and stopping things like oil and gas lease sales under 30-year old management plans is doing the UN's bidding I am not sure.  I'm sure Ron Bain loves him though, as he has long known that the blue-helmeted thugs long for a foothold in Colona or Lazear.  

    1. This is all very confusing. I thought we were supposed to hate the government because the president was in charge of a muslim conspiracy to overthrow the world. Now I have to hate the president because he is turning us into a communist state?

      1. Muslim Secular Humanist 'Mexican' Gay Manchurian Impotent Dictator ceding authority to the socialistic foreign/europeanish UN, according to a 20 year old toothless resolution implemented via local zoning laws.  

        Its very simple and its only because of the mind-poison spoon fed you by the Lamestream Media that you cannot see it clearly.  

  2. "Suppes said he saw the anti-fossil fuels movement and issues relating to control of public lands as part of the creeping influence of Agenda 21. He added that he saw evidence of United Nations influence when he visited Mexico."

    The same Mexico where the state owns 100% of the petroleum resources?
    The same Mexico that is working feverishly to pump more oil (love the revenue) by encourging the [rapist, capitalist, foreign] oil companies to participate?
    The same Mexico where auto pollution controls are weak?

  3. uh, excuse me?

    "recommendations meant mostly for the developing world–not for developed nations like the United States where solid land use policies (or i the case of guns, gun laws) already exist. In some countries, "Agenda 21" represents a first real attempt at any kind of land use planning."

    We have counties in Colorado with no real attempt at any kind of land use planning, so yeah, I guess these guys CAN feel threatened.

    1. Delta County is one of the couple that has no real zoning laws, although they have more than the commissioners thought, apparently, in the egg factory fiasco. Another case where the guv has sided with industry in suing locals…and Orchard City, where I think Suppes is mayor, has had plenty of zoning wars of its own, so maybe Suppes is a double agent?  But I digress.

      Re: the Watchdog,  remember the 'Freedom Bee'?  This guy has been at it for a while.  But publisher/'reporter' Ron Bain–wingnut, yes; strict Tea Bagger?  Not sure. He is actually a nice guy, but really more Libertarian than Tea Bag IMO.  He is very pro-cannabis, anti-theocracy (strong separation Church/state).  

      But he loves him some UN conspiracy/anti-enviro screeds, so Don Suppes is his kind of guy I'm sure.  As long as Suppes doesn't start dissing nugs too much or claiming that Jesus is telling him to run. 

      Suppes is running against Kerry Donavan, from a long-time western Colorado ranching family, and Town of Vail council member (or former, not sure).  Kerry will be great, and I think in general her district won't favor UN conpiracy whackadoos, although Suppes will find too many that do.  


  4. I've got to assume that Suppes has the strong support of Dudley Brown and Dr. Chaps.  Kerry Donovan's campaign ("Better Together") is an interesting choice; it's the slogan Britain is using to try to keep Scotland from seceding.

  5. On a not entirely unrelated note (depending on how wacky your conspiracy theories run), I did see a black helicopter in the sky yesterday.  They must be closing in.

  6. I love the tin-foil hat crowd, they provide comic relief. And hopefully, a Democratic victory. Although, some are guinely reflective of their district. In that case, they become scary for having an actual voice in public policy.

  7. DD- Instead of buying and using the Alcoa product I believe that headgear ought to be fashioned out of empty beverage cans. It's a higher gauge aluminium and it recycles a byproduct of a couple Colorado Businesses.Coors and Anheuser Busch- Inbev.

    1. I guess I've never seen any good studys.  Got me thinking though, does anyone know for sure (. . . I mean besides AC, and Moderatus — I'm sure they're both prejudiced towards what they'e currently wearing) . . . is aluminum foil really an acceptable material for a good mind-ray deflecting tin-foil hat ???  Wouldn't honest-to-god tin be the preferred material???

      As to your point about Coors and AB — I'm pretty sure that you're right, and as and added bonus, that the target market for metal-foil headgear must skew heavily towards your average Coors and Bud drinker demos.  But, again, I suppose a fact-based study would be in order here, too . . . 

      1. Dio, it's been studied.  The tinfoil actually amplifies the very radiation that the wearers want to deflect.  In my own defense, I only know this because the authors of the paper received an IgNobel prize.  For the least consequential studies ever done kind of deal.  T

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