"All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible."
–T. E. Lawrence
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Friendly Reminder: The last day to sign up for Udallcare is March 31st.
If you don't sign up the IRS will charge you with an "Individual Responsibility Payment".
Your deadline for filing objections to that payment is in November.
God, I admire that woman. Eastern Colorado owes her a debt of gratitude for her tenacity in holding the firewall on the ill-conceived, financially disasterous Holcomb coal plant expansion while Governor of Kansas.
I agree Michael. She is a very special leader
Well as Secretary of HHS she's clearly incompetent. I guess she hit the Peter Principal limit.
Just because weed is legal now doesn't mean you should get high and start posting jibberish
A fan of Kathleen
I know you're a fan. But how can you say someone is competent in a job when they cluelessly both the rollout of the most important initiative they are responsible for? If she was a Republican we'ld all be calling her another Michael Brown.
nice person. Very competent in previous jobs. In way over her head at HHS (or managing any IT project).
ACA is not a website.
Her tenure at HHS is a strng of successes. Managing BIG IT, required to be contracted (and the contractors screwed up both the execution and the management). By that standard most of the Secretaries of Defense were terrible – but most were not.
In no particular order
1. When May I Shoot a Student
2. Budget deficit declining faster than predicted
3. The U.S. Continues to Be One of the Least Taxed of the Developed Countries
4. Free market medicine will lean toward McAllen and then we're screwed.
1. RE: When may I shoot a student: I love the professor's ironic letter, but the idea that packing heat is the answer to any question of discipline or misbehavior is so incredibly wrongheaded, I don't know where to begin. But, thanks to Colorado Ceasefire, and Moms Demand Gun Sense, the "arm the teachers" bill died in the State Committee, and we're back to phone calls home and in-school suspension as discipline consequences.
The Veteran's Administration has cut its backlog from 600,000 to 400,000, but is still stalled. I think that they must be about as far back as the Gulf War by now; maybe they'll get to Vietnam soon?
I know squat about IT, but I think hiring some data entry people would help.
As far as serving vets in other ways, finishing the new Aurora facility would help, but it, too is stalled. Yet, never fear, Coffman is on the case. I know that this last affected my ex, because the VA had to "outsource" his hospitalization to the University hospital, because the VA didn't have beds and facilities.
University Hospital did what teaching hospitals always do; they experiment, ineffectively, and then the information tech problems kicked in, and they couldn't seem to access records. So my ex wasted five days in a hospital, being cared for but not treated, at taxpayer's expense.
We can't possibly engage troops in the Ukraine; there isn't any room for more boxes of forms anywhere in the VA. The 130 megabyte hard drives on their 486 computers just have no room for more data.
Does your husband have a case worker? It made a world of difference for those I know fighting the same battle.
And I'm not confident that the non-VA medicos do records much better.
Ex husband does not have a case manager assigned. My son is trying to get him one.
The question of "when may I shoot a student?" made me think of what my wife told me about how she wound up in a parochial high school rather than the neighborhood public one. She grew up in Chicago proper. Her five-years-older brother went to the public school. Her three years older brother is deaf, so he went to a special needs magnet school. By 1972, when she was ready for high school, the public school in her neighborhood was so rough that the teachers were armed. No way were her folks sending her there. Armed teachers scare the life out of parents.
Oops! That landed in the wrong thread. Sorry.
Also love the professor's op-ed. Maybe Idaho could make it easier for him by cloning the Florida Stand Your Ground law, allowing him to use deadly force anytime he claims to fear for his life and leaving the prosecution with the unenviable task of proving a negative beyond a shadow of a doubt; that he wasn't really in fear for his life. Try disproving a subjective feeling, DA, and see how far you get.
This would be a great way of ridding himself of troublesome students. Just say a student was angry over a bad grade and that made him fear the student was about to shoot him so he shot the disgruntled student dead first. After all, how was he to know whether or not the student was armed and bent on murder?
So the answer to the professor's question, with the aid of a Stand Your Ground law like Florida', would be… you may shoot a student anytime you please. Especially if the student isn't white. That really helps.
I understand about the paper backlog. Sixty minutes had a segment that showed a warehouse in danger of collapsing under the paper weight of VA
applications. I just thought that the medical records were better.
I am really sorry that your ex is having such a rough time. We had a good experience with the VA and a WWII veteran back in 2007' but that may have been mid-Iraq War and before the great number of returning wounded from our many wars.
Nothing going on in talk radio about the Cory/Buck/Beauprez. Tancredo says that he thinks Beauprez will have his lawyers file applicatio papers, today. Tancredo says he thinks that Beauprez will have to petition onto the ballot and that he needs 1500 Republican signatures in all seven districts by March 31.
At what point does the state admit it needs to hire competent people to get CBMS working? We're at over a decade now of "just another 50 million and another year and we'll have it working."
Why does the legislature find this acceptable? (And regardless of how much legislators may claim thye don't find it acceptable, their actions show they do.)
Cory Gardner going to be on Caplis at 710KNUS at 9:06
So far, no one has mentioned Karl Rove. Hill was on Marcy's, said he would
support the candidate if it were not him. There were 100+ people at the Arapahoe Tea Party meeting, yesterday.
Anybody else having to hit "reload" in order to get the latest this week? Just suddenly started happening for me across several devices.
If not, ignore me. 🙂
We're looking into an issue with the caching of our site that seems to have cropped up this weekend. Stand by.
I am having all kinds of problems with the site. But, I thought it was just me.
More bad news from the conservative majority Supremes for righties:
5 Anti-Abortion Laws Offering Solutions For Problems That Don’t Actually Exist
Love number 2. Women really must be stupid.
How do they justify outlawing abortions in cases of sex-linked defects, many of which (like Tay-Sachs) are sex-linked and pretty much always fatal?
Just checking to see how this is working after reading about ct's problem here on the Monday open thread.
No problem. It's really weird how various of us are having different intermittent problems at different places on the site and under different circumstances. Still waiting to hear more from ColPols.