"A wise man fights to win, but he is twice a fool who has no plan for possible defeat."
–Louis L'Amour
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IN: Colorado Challenges Trump’s (First) Unconstitutional Penstroke
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IN: Colorado Challenges Trump’s (First) Unconstitutional Penstroke
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Here is the latest from Sabato’s Crystal Ball on 2014
Senate races: http://www.centerforpolitics.org/crystalball/articles/category/2014-senate/
I'd move McConnell/Lundergan-Grimes from 'Likely R' to 'Lean R' given the pretty reliable trend of toss-up polls.
And I'd move both Landrieu and Kagan to 'Lean D', not so much because I like them or thought that they'd be strong contenders this year, but rather because they've been unexpectedly polling on top in polls I've seen.
I'd move it to Lean D, thanks to McConnell's stupid filibuster today preventing unemployment insurance for millions of Americans who are still out of work.
The numbers that I find of interest:
In 2013 Udall voted with the President's wishes 99% of the time. Harry Reid only voted with him 90% of the time.
Gallup Presidential Job approval of Obama 40% today.
Kind of hard to seperate yourself from the President when you mail it in for him 99 out of 100 times. Nonetheless:
Please do not portray us Republicans as illiterate.
So what does former Interior Secretary Ken Salazar have to say about fracking?
"Salazar also praised hydraulic fracking in his remarks, pointing out that there has not been “a single case where hydraulic fracking has created an environmental problem for anyone.”"
It's still called an opinion – which happens to be contradicted by actual evidence.
ANd you supported Salazar before or after he became SOI?
The numbers I will find interesting are the votes cast in November which will reelect both Hick and Udall. Salazar isn't running for anything, last time I checked. Not that any Tea Party wackos would vote for him if he did.
Yeah, 'cause he's one of those damned illegals. Oh wait. My bad. His family has been here since before the Mayflower.
Damn immigrants! Just like that Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor!
Backing up what I was saying yesterday:
US Senate Dems still following fear rather than leading.
Minimum wage is a winning issue that majorities support across the country, even in Arkansas and against the wishes of their Walmart Oligarchs.
Udall is going to have Obama campaign with him in Colorado. It will be really well received:
68. If President Obama campaigns for Mark Udall in his Senate race, would that make you more likely to vote for Udall, less likely to vote for Udall, or wouldn't it make a difference?
AC, you really ought to provide links when you cite a source. Since you didn't, I will.
Here is the link to the Quinnipiac poll on Mark Udall, Obama, Clinton, etc. and the url: http://www.quinnipiac.edu/institutes-and-centers/polling-institute/colorado/release-detail?ReleaseID=2004
Contrary to what AC said, I don't see 18-29 year olds deserting Udall – quite the opposite:
So what I get out of that is that Republicans of whatever age and gender will vote for whomever the Republican party puts up against Udall. But Udall's still winning by 2-4 points, no matter who that is. So it will be close, and we shouldn't be complacent, but it is not a dire poll for Udall, either.
Yo Mama, Here are the numbers for Udall vs. Buck. Check out the 18-20 numbers:
And how do you think the undecideds will break?
2-1 or 3-1 against the incumbent.
Very unlikely. At this point most of the undecideds aren't undecided as in I'm not sure which one to vote for. They are low info undecided as in I don't pay attention to this stuff and don't know who any of these people are.
Much closer to the election when ads have at least made people aware of more names and faces, undecideds will be more likely to represent those who aren't sure they want to vote for the incumbent. Early polling is name rec polling, the kind that had all the TV talking heads proclaiming that the 2008 election was definitely going to be HRC v Giuliani when all those polls really meant was everybody had heard of them.
Never going to happen. Incumbents almost *always* get the undecideds – better than crap.
I think you need to lay down the weed and smoke some meth instead. More appropriate for you.
Sick puppy. Perhaps some of the elders on the board will share some wisdom with you. Incumbents almost always get the undecideds? The exact opposite is true.
You may reject reality because it comes from me but the wise elders who share your leftists views will not share this one.
Your reality is very warped. I don't want any part of it.
I see the REAL reality. You don't.
I saw that. How do you explain the 10% favorability rating of Udall by that age group?
I don't doubt that there is a strong young conservative presence in Colorado politics. When I worked in construction, I worked with guys like these.
They do listen to Boyles and Fox and get their news from pretty narrow sources, tend to be cynical and feel that life is treating them unfairly.
With union membership on the decline, most don't belong to a union, which might present a more liberal point of view on issues.
Udall is up overall on Buck 45% to 42%
Udall is losing Independnnts.
Udall approval by Independents 40%
Obama approval 37%
Udall deserves to be reelected 42%, Independents 37%
Great news!
Udall consistently yearns for a dying bipartisanship, wouldn't shut up about a Grand Bargain to Cut Social Security, and is mortally afraid of standing up for core Democratic principles, which I'm sure follows the brilliant advice he gets from DSCC Chair Michael Bennet who wouldn't know a "principle" if it punched him in the nose.
Oh Zap, if it were up to you we'd have nothing but Rs because no Dem who could get elected outside of a safe district is pure enough for you. This is Colorado and any Dem is still better than any R which is all we'll get by nominating Dems pure enough for you.
I do see the value in pressure from the left, though. The "center" has been dragged so far right it definitely needs some hauling back and that's what the Zaps are for, so…. you don't go changin' either. Pressure from the less cautious/more strident has already accomplished some supposedly impossible things, like marriage equality on the verge of going national, but we still have to win enough elections to block R majorities and entry to the WH for a while longer before demographics crush the GOTP as we know it for good. But that's what the grownups are for. For now.![wink](https://coloradopols.com/wp-content/plugins/ckeditor-for-wordpress/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/wink_smile.gif)
If you want some demographics check out the poll.
Dems have lost the young vote, thanks to Obamacare.
Buck beats Udall in 18-29 Demographic 42-38.
First I'm talking about big picture demographics, not the demographics of one poll for one Senate race.Also, there is no breakdown for Hispanic voters, the demo that will experience the most significant increase in numbers nationwide going forward, or for African Americans. But most important, Udall isn't behind head to head in any potential race, a point you would no doubt be emphasizing if the same were true for any R. Finally head to heads are always distorted when measuring one single candidate against each candidate in a crowded field. Finally, see you in November at Udall's victory party?
You needn't bother to reply. It will only be to repeat your indie voters talking point and ignore the head to head results again.
Ya' know — there was another guy here once who had a HUGE Buck crush . . . actually, the only person I've ever known who loved him a little KenB about as much as you seem to, AC . . .
. . . Hey folks, could it possibly be that our little prodigal, BJWilson, has finally returned from his wanderings????!!!?????
Don't you mean H-Man?
David Chestnut?
I've got three daughters and I can tell you that their vote, and those of their friends, will be 100% democratic as long as the GOP is anti Women's health and anti gay marriage.
Put this on your radar, although it may go nowhere:
Colorado Republicans are calling for a moratorium on implementation of election law HB1303 (voter access and modernized elections act), while a bipartisan commision investigates it. On board:
Senator Grantham, Scott Gessler (currently Sec State, running for Governor), Victor Head (running for Pueblo County Clerk), Wayne Williams (running for Sec State)., Marilyn Marks, running for Wicked Witch of the Western Elections.
Hmmmm. This wouldn't have anything to do with increasing Republican chances of getting elected in Colorado, would it?
Mike Littwin had an excellent column on it in the Independent. So far, the proposed bipartisan commission is a no go, and there is no actual bill out there calling for a moratorium. It's just the newest voter suppression tactic in Colorado.
My bad: Tessa Cheek wrote the article in the CO Independent on the proposed commission to "study", and stop implementing, current election law.
Dem money sitting out 2014, aka Clinton revenge is best served cold.
Can't read well. I suppose with GOP donations actually down, you've got to find something.
The PAC you point to is and has been a presidential race PAC. I've actually seen some interesting things leaking out of the 2014 Dem strategy that give me some hope for the team. They might cause you to misread more headlines, though.
And two of your usual billionaires are dead in the past year.
Rove's PAC netted only 6 million last year.
What else is new.
Again, AC, your concern is touching, but progressive, liberal, and Democratic funds, PACS, think tanks, research and polling outfits, direct funding pass-throughs, and non-profit orgs of all 5## numbers are multiplying and effectively networking all over the country.
I'm not going to give you names, though…you can do your own research
We have learned a few things since 2004.
Preying on the unfaithful in Sabine Parish?
The rightie blogs will no doubt go with your first version and use you as a source.
Exactly why the Douglas county voucher plan is so wrong. Everyone who supports it just knows in their heart that the private schools chosen will be Christian. What do they do when the madrasa opens?
The afternoon laugh: "Magpul still hiring in Colorado, background check required."
…boggles the mind…
Were they supposed to move their asses to Wyoming and Texas already?
Let's have the legislature increase taxes on the gun makers by about 500%.
That should get them out of Colorado fast.
Really interesting, and he pings republican sacred cows as much as dem ones http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/02/government-spending-tom-coburn-103189.html?hp=t2_3#.UvQ1cX-9KSN
Coburn has two things going for him: a career-long reputation of being against most everything, and he's retiring.
Most here will like this http://www.salon.com/2014/02/06/r_i_p_republican_credibility_why_their_latest_blatant_lies_show_theyve_given_up/