(Promoted by Colorado Pols)
“On two occasions, I have been asked [by members of Parliament], ‘Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?’ I am not able to rightly apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question.”
— Charles Babbage
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Today's helpful hints (lots at the link):
So DIA finally has EV chargers installed (no info on their website though). But they put in 120 volt (I assume the 12v is a typo) chargers instead of 240 volt ones. That's fine for people parking and flying out.
But for drop off/pick up (which is what I and many others mostly do), what's needed is the faster charge because what's needed is just 5 minutes at the faster rate to have (barely) enough to get home.
What they have is a good start. But they hopefully will soon add faster chargers in the short term parking lots. After all, there's a lot of EVs out there now.
Boo hoo.
Rephrase – affluent early adopter is dissappointed that he can't get what he wants, where, when and how he wants it. Do users pay to use those chargning stations?
For those people here that can only see the negative in everything, this video is for you:
Sure – technology is amazing.
Somehow doesn't seem to justify the bizzare wealth and income distribution. Or the lack of econmic mobility.
But hey- it you're not rich, blame yourself.
Yup….Appreciate the miracles of technology today.
Now is the time (actually, it's long past the time due to Republican obstructionism) for government at all levels to assault all our obsolete infrastructure and invest in new technologies that can return us to being world leaders in beneficial and efficient technologies. Thousands of "shovel ready" project were proposed years ago, and most still await funding.
I just did my taxes and am contributing mightily to this society at both the state and federal levels. Are the rich, so profoundly helped by our modern society, willing to help pay for it as well?
Income inequality is on most American's radar.
They rightly see it as a problem that is holding back society as a whole.
But, as the problem becomes more clear, and some action becomes more likely, we seem to have let up on the fact the we still need to tax the rich at levels commensurate with their wealth and income. I hope they realize they can't take it with them.
Thomas Jefferson suggested taxes increase at a geometrical rate on the most wealthy among us:
How about starting with eliminating caps on SS taxes. Besides being the most regressive they're also the most straight up without all kinds of opportunities to pile on deductions or use other techniques to whittle them down. That wouldn't even be asking the rich to pay a higher percentage of income, just the same percentage as the little people.
It wouldn't be a complete solution but it would be a good start. A compromise could be raising the cap dramatically instead of complete elimination for starters. In light of the growing gap it's kind of hard to argue that richer you get the smaller percentage of your income you should pay in. The same percentage can hardly be characterized as anti-rich redistribution.
Just got this e-mail request from Sen. Bennet and his good friend Tom (that's right, not Mark) Udall. So at least Bennet is for something progressives like. Tom Udall of New Mexico seems very progressive compared to his cousin Mark. I get progressive oriented e-mail requests to sign various petitions (and, by the way, please also send money of course) from cousin Tom all the time.
Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell and his wife were just indicted on corruption charges.
14 of them. Very serious as well as very sleazy. They claim they did nothing illegal but at best it paints them as an incredibly grasping shallow pair, actually asking to be given things like a Rolex. They say all the luxuries that were heaped on them were in no way payment for favors in return but that looks pretty laughable considering the circumstances and chain of events. Not a good week for Republican Governors. One looks personally corrupted by sheer greed on a grand scale and the other looks like a extortionist thug.
Background checks are working in Colorado. Almost 400,000 of them.
Some were denied the privilege of buying a gun, and I'm glad that they were denied:
Funny how the right will no doubt poo poo mere hundreds or even more than a thousand denials (they'll fixate on the modest sounding percentage) to those who shouldn't be able to purchase fire arms while waxing hysterical over the need to pour whatever resources it takes, and no matter how many legitimate voters are prevented from voting by draconian measures, to prevent even one case of possible voter fraud out of the entire voting population. Of course, the latter is a number that couldn't even be expressed as a percentage without a whole lot of zeros first.