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November 27, 2013 09:27 AM UTC

Coffman may take personal legal action against Obama

  • by: Jason Salzman

(Promoted by Colorado Pols)

Rep. Mike Coffman announced Tues. that he may file a personal lawsuit against President Barack Obama over what Coffman sees as Obama's abuse of power.

Speaking on KHOW radio's Mandy Connell show, Coffman said America is in a "Constitutional crisis" due to Obama's "abuse of waving the so-called magic wand of this prosecutorial discretion."

Obama is "creating new law by not enforcing existing law, without going through Congress, a co-equal branch of government," Coffman said on air. (Listen to Coffman say, on KHOW 11-26-13, that he's considering legal action against Obama.)

"My office is engaged in the legal research right now of how do we take on the Administration," said Coffman on the radio. "It appears right now that we may have to do it, that I may have to do it, or somebody may have to do it, as an individual, outside of Congress, to litigate on one of these issues, the constitutionality. And I think you can litigate on one of them and establish a precedent that impacts all of them."

On the radio, Coffman was unclear about the specific instances of prosecutorial discretion would be the focus of his legal action.

In June, Coffman voted to strip "Dreamers," undocumented immigrants brought to this country illegally by their parents, of work permits and start deporting them, because, Coffman said, Obama over-stepped his authority in allowing immigration officials to defer deportation of them. (Yet, Coffman is also opposed to comprehensive-immigration-reform legislation, passed by Senate Republicans and Democrats, and he has yet to propose a specific plan that he would support.)

On KHOW, Coffman said he believes Obama exceeded his authority in lifting "certain elements of the [Iran] sanctions," in deciding that governors had some discretion under the 1996 Welfare Reform Act, and in implementing Obamacare.

One wonders what else Coffman is thinking of. Relaxing some federal drug enforcement measures relating to Colorado's marijuana statutes? (unlikely since Coffman has signed on to a bill allowing banks to conduct business with dispensaries). Maybe Coffman is also upset about Coffman's approach to DOMA?

Reporters might explore the irony that Coffman is wasting time with a hail-Mary lawsuit trying to stop Obama from getting stuff done via executive orders, which Obama has arguably been forced to use thanks to Coffman and his fellow obstructionist House Republicans.

Partial Transcript of Rep. Mike Coffman's Appearance on KHOW Nov. 26, 2013

Listen to Coffman say, on KHOW 11-26-13, that he's considering legal action against Obama

Coffman: I think this country is in a Constitutional crisis because of this President's ability or abuse of waving the so-called magic wand of this prosecutorial discretion, and basically creating law by not enforcing existing law, creating new law by not enforcing existing law, without going through Congress, a co-equal branch of government.

Connell: …One of my great frustrations with the Republicans DC is that there does not seem to be a concerted effort to push back against these exact Constitutional abuses that you are talking about. Is this something that comes up in the Caucus about if there's any strategy. There has to be some way to tell the President of the United States that he cannot just on a whim choose to enforce or not enforce pieces of legislation that have been created by the Congress.

Coffman: My office is engaged in the legal research right now of how do we take on the Administration It appears right now that we may have to do it, that I may have to do it, or somebody may have to do it, as an individual, outside of Congress, to litigate on one of these issues, the constitutionality. And I think you can litigate on one of them and establish a precedent that impacts all of them.


14 thoughts on “Coffman may take personal legal action against Obama

  1. Coffmann can't go fast enough – what an embarassment for my neighbors, and Romanoff can't get on there fast enough to correct and remove any idiotic statement that continues to inflict CD-6 citizens.



    1. He gives new meaning to the term "Can't get out of his own way".

      It's astonishing someone like this guy could some how, some way, finagled a Commission as an Officer in the United States military. His inability to adapt and react, to think on his feet, to present cogent operational orders, to give the impression he knows what he's doing is a HUGE red flag re: leader of men/women.

      What a mistake!

  2. You would think that a congressman running for re-election would try and demonstrate more competence at his job. It doesn't speak well for Coffman when his first instinct as a legislator confronting faults he sees in the way the executive branch is interpreting legislation is to set his legislative staff on legal research to file suit.

    Perhaps he should wait to float the lawsuit idea until after at least trying to use the powers available to him as a member of a co-equal branch of government.

  3. This might help shore up his base, but that's not who he needs to worry about right now.

    DREAMers – popular. Iran diplomacy – popular. Obamacare – becoming more popular by the day. DOMA non-defense – popular.

    What is Coffman thinking? That no-one is listening aside from his supporters?

  4. So would Coffman support lawsuits here in his home state against the many county sheriffs who have said they do not plan to enforce recent gun control legislation enacted by the "co-equal branch of government", a/k/a the General Assembly?


  5. He is going after Obama partially because of his delayed action on DREAMERs? Seriously? What a mistake…CO-6 probably is one of the most immigrant filled districts in Colorado and while obviously many in that group cannot vote, many families are "mixed" with some being born in this country and some not. I am sure they'd love to know that their congressman is working against actions that have allowed their brothers/sisters/cousins, etc. to stay in this country.

    The reality is George W. Bush had dozens of executive orders too (http://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/news/orders/) including controversial ones like preventing the use of embryonic stem-cells. In fact, Democrats tried to pass legislation overiding that executive order, but Bush vetoed it. The same thing could happen now if the GOP had the ability to overcome Obama's veto. 

    Getting rid of Coffman should really be the #1 goal of Colorado progressives in 2014. That and keeping our statehouse controlled by Democrats.

  6. Coffman is one very confused puppy. He doesn't seem to know from one moment to the next to what demo he needs or wants to be appealing. The GOTP base isn't going to support any Dem opponent and he doesn't seem to be in any danger of a primary. What he has is a much bluer CD post redistricting with a good sized chunk of minorities and immigrant citizens who can vote, in which a no name Dem with no serious money until very late in the game came dangerously close in the last election and a Dem party now fully prepared to go all out to oust him. 

    So why this latest foray into wacko extremist territory? Is he taking advice from Sarah Palin now? Rush Limbaugh? Peter Boyles? Every time he opens his mouth I feel better about our chances to throw the nitwit bum out.

  7. Is it a coincidence that Coffman is pondering a legal challenge to Obama's use of federal executive power at the same time his wife is running for Colorado Attorney General?  Do you suppose he expects her to file a lawsuit on behalf of the state challenging Obama's use of federal power?  I do worry about which Coffman will be runnning the state's legal strategy and policy if Cynthia is elected.

    1. Under that revolting sounding scenario, a double dose of Coffmans, let's at least hope that she isn't quite as absolutely dumb as a post stupid as her husband.

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