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July 20, 2007 05:58 PM UTC

"The Fix" On the Senate

  • by: Colorado Pols

From The Washington Post blog “The Fix”, where Colorado remains the state most likely to switch parties in its 2008 Senate race:

The second quarter fundraising reports provided lots of good news for Senate Democrats who are already decidedly optimistic about their chances of expanding their majority in 2008.

Democratic Reps. Mark Udall (Colo.) and Tom Allen (Me.) both raised more than $1 million in the second quarter and banked in excess of $2 million…

…And the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee enjoys a HUGE fundraising edge over the National Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee — $20.4 million to $5.5 million in the bank at the end of June. That wide gap is almost certain to help Democrats widen the playing field next November and limit Republican opportunities.

All in all, the news is bleak for Senate Republicans. The best thing for them is that it is July 2007 rather than July 2008…

…1. Colorado(R): After a lackluster first fundraising quarter, Rep. Mark Udall got on the ball and broke the $1 million mark over the past three months — affirming his status as the favorite for the seat being vacated by Sen. Wayne Allard (R) in 2008. But, quietly, former Rep. Bob Schaffer (R) put together a solid second quarter of his own, raised more than $700,000 and banking $683,000. It’s easy to forget after the gains Democrats have made in Colorado in the last two elections that Republicans still have a registration advantage of 100,000 or so. We continue to believe Schaffer will be a stronger candidate than many people believe. The race favors Udall but not by all that wide a margin. (Previous ranking: 1)


13 thoughts on ““The Fix” On the Senate

    1. First, this posting is NOT relevant. U should consider doing it in the open thread where it fits nicely.
      Second, Other than the final words, it has NOTHING to do with the surge. That is simply war. Far too many Americans do not realize that war really is hell. There is NOTHING glamorous about it.

      Finally, as to the ending, that is what has been going on through this war. I know several marines who were threatened into re-uping (one was going to take his retirement, and was told that if he did not, that his last year would be in Iraq), they were promised that they would not be sent back to Iraq, but were. The way that this war is being conducted is one for the books. W. (the traitor, coward, and liar) is destroying our Nation and its laws as well as our Military.

      I am guessing that you are showing this to try and say that that surge is not working, but the simple fact is, nobody knows if it is or is not. I see have seen positive signs in some of what is being said in the press. I know that means nothing to most, but these are not simple repeating of more W./Cheney/Rumsfeld lies (which is what we saw over the last 6 years; big indictment against large media).  It is possible that this is working. In addition, while I appreciate what Yokel said, I also know that a troop is way too close to be able to see the big picture. They have no idea if things are going well or not. It is a forest/tree perspective.

  1. my tax dollars go to fund that.  meanwhile the very people we are supposedly ‘standing up’ are engaged in fire fights with us.  And UBL is alive and well, AQ as strong as ever, now better equipped and better trained thanks to our little excursion.  WTF? 

  2. Is the “fix” in yet for the Club for Growth to sacrifice Doug Lamborn or not?  Not one Republican activist in the 5th CD thinks an endorsement of Schaffer and a similar campaign in 2008 by the CFG against Lamborn’s primary opponent(s) will do anything except seriously wound Schaffer.  The 5th CD will remain Republican no matter who wins our primary.  The U.S. Senate seat is another matter.  Some think the odds are the CFG has already informed Lamborn that they’re sitting out on his race in 2008, and that’s the background explanation for Lamborn’s disastrouse 2nd quarter fundraising–adding only a net $29 to his coffers after 3 months–that is, the CFG has quietly informed its members to hold their money back.  They were his cash cow in 2006.  It is open knowledge the Club for Growth has been warned by many insiders and outsiders alike that its ethics and antics in the 5th CD have proven costly to Schaffer even before the 2008 primary in the 5th CD, and that no matter who is Lamborn’s primary opponent, his opponent or opponents will have to go after the Club for Growth and by so doing, will indirectly be going after Bob Schaffer.  We are trusting that the “fix” is in or will soon be to sacrifice Lamborn to save Schaffer. 

    1. In race after race the CFG has stuck with the true believers regardless of their chances and regardless of what that meant in the general election. These guys truly do believe that the country will buy their disastrous policies.

      They may not poor money in to Lamborn but I think they will stick with him.

      1. Every attack ad the CFG uses against Lamborn’s opponents in the primary will result in an indirect attack on Bob Schaffer in response.  There are Republicans who are withholding financial support of Schaffer pending some conclusive position taken by the CFG on Lamborn.  This policy is not unknown to Schaffer and it is not unknown to the CFG.  In fact, many of us have lowered our opinions of Schaffer as a result of his endorsement by the CFG. 

        1.   Or is he saving himself for Jeff Crank? Or staying neutral?  And if neutral, isn’t that a little unusual where you have an incumbent Republican running for re-election?

            1. Schaffer because they’re waiting to hear from CFG, then they deserve a Senator Udall.  For crying out loud, direct the fire where it needs to go!

              If Crank runs, it would be great if Schaffer would endorse Crank.  But the reality is that an endorsement either way would piss off some section of the party down here, and Schaffer will need all the votes he can get.  He doesn’t need to be messing around in a Congressional race when he has Udall to deal with

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