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July 20, 2007 03:37 PM UTC

Open Line Friday!

  • by: Colorado Pols

“The most beautiful thing about a tree is what you do with it after you cut it down.”

–Rush Limbaugh


40 thoughts on “Open Line Friday!

  1. the most beautiful thing about Rush Limbaugh is imaging him in the pokey doing time for his illegal drug habits, the punishment he preferred for so many (other than himself); or perhaps in combat fatigues as a specialist 1st class at Camp Slaughter.

    1. Considering trees can be replanted, and nearly everything humanity has ever accomplished has been after cutting down a tree, he’s got a point.  Whether it’s the manuscripts of Whitman, the symphonies of Mozart, or the beautiful castles and cathedrals the world over, none of it could have been done without wood, and all are a testament to the greatest glories of humanity, a species that sees the promise of an inanimate object like a tree through to fruition, and is capable of maintaining the precious (and beautiful in its own right) resource for the next generations, as well.

    2. I’m not a huge Rush fan, but that’s a freakin’ funny quote.  It’s obviously done what Rush likes to do with quotes like that-piss people off.

  2. I am one of those “same people” mentioned in a letter to the editor in today’s Gazette “who are complaining about Lamborn’s mailings and screaming the loudest that Lamborn isn’t letting his constituents know how he stands and voted on issues.”

    I am complaiing.  Loudly. 

    “Porkchop” Lamborn, I am angry you are not using your franked mail to disclose what your earmarks have been. Please take your time (and my money) in one of your upcoming taxpayer paid mailings to inform me of their dollar value and who it is you have benefited with the earmarks.  Or, do you have something to hide?

    1. Father Carmody is exactly right in his letter to the editor about why Doug Lamborn has abused the franking privilege to mass mail his district.  What Carmody doesn’t understand is that what he describes is illegal!  That’s why people are outraged by this blatant waste of tax dollars to mail those of us in the 5th District to communicate a message that should be paid for his by his re-election campaign.  I’d expect to hear more about this in the future.  In the meantime, Lamborn should consider paying back the Federal government (the taxpayers) from his campaign account.  Pay it back Doug!

          1. He’s a Catholic priest, he’s under that church’s umbrella, unless he has his own 501c3.  Come to think of it, he does.  Something like Abnormal Teens Against Sex.

            I watched him during the emergency contraception hearings in 2006.  What a charlatan. Brought in all these “witnesses” which consisted of either allegedly virginal teenagers telling the legislators that they will remain chaste, or personal horror stories of rape and pregnancy.

            Neither of which had anything to do with the question of making EC easier to access. Just waste lots of time.

  3. And when did he know it?


    In an apparent violation of the law, a controverisal aide to ex-Gov. Mitt Romney created phony law enforcement badges that he and other staffers used on the campaign trail to strong-arm reporters, avoid paying tolls and trick security guards into giving them immediate access to campaign venues, sources told the Herald.

      The bogus badges were part of the bizarre security tactics allegedly employed by Jay Garrity, the director of operations for Romney who is under investigation for impersonating a law enforcement officer in two states. Garrity is on a leave of absence from the campaign while the probe is ongoing.

      A campaign source said Garrity directed underlings on Romney’s presidential staff to use the badges at events nationwide to create an image of security and to ensure that the governor’s events went smoothly.

    1. Thanks for posting that. A good read. I’m sure there are some people who wouldn’t consider for a minute that Romney knew anything about his staffers’ authoritarian tendencies.

      Did the staffer for Romney really think he wasn’t going to be investigated when he pulled over a New York Times reporter, flashed his phony badge with the state seal affixed, and demanded that the reporter stop following Romney’s motorcade? The hubris of Romney’s people!

      But, hey, the phony badges were a good way to avoid paying tolls on the highway, for awhile.

      1. The penalties for impersonating law officers in Colorado are very stiff, and for good reason: these power hungry types can be very dangerous.

      1. We do not expect anyone to need to research Will’s positions on their own. The full website will be up soon including contact information. With over a year until the primary election, there will be plenty of time for everyone to make an informed decision.

        If anyone is truly interested in contacting the campaign,  I would be happy to post temporary contact information.

        Shafroth for Congress

        1. I know he’s running a lean campaign (12K ? 2nd quarter).  But maybe he can get one of his kids to make him a myspace page.

          Nice thing about having kids that age, you can get a lot of labor out of them for free.  volunteer time isn’t reported to the FEC.

          1. Actually, it was only $7,817.95 in operating expenditures. The rest of the “expenses” were $4,600 in refunded donations.

            Despite that, the full website will be up soon.

        2. It’s so early in the campaign. It’s obviously a temporary site and that’s how it is this far out from an election. Even if it was the best site in the world it would just be a different hoop you are expected to jump through: “Where’s that 20 page issue paper on the Kashmir region?”

          Ignore the busy bodies.

        3. This is campaigning 101 – get a decent website up before you announce. How to contact the candidate, a couple of issue papers, a statement about what is driving him to run.

          This takes 2 people 2 days tops – and I speak from experience where a candidate actually had only 48 hours notice she was replacing one who had a heart attack.

          This does not make a good impression.

            1. That’s my point – that in most normal cases campaign teams should do better than we did, be more prepared, have it more together.

              His website does make me think that he doesn’t have much going on besides fundraising. Sooner or later he needs to start campaigning.

        4. It will be interesting to see if the campaign even gets it.

          You know, you may not have many people hitting the website right now – but the ones that do are the most likely to volunteer, tell others who they vote for, etc.

          You don’t want to lose those – they’re gold…

    1. If you click on “learn more about Will Shafroth” Here’s what you learn:

      “executive director of the Great Outdoors Colorado Trust Fund (GOCO) and Colorado Conservation Trust”

      “headed the Western Regional office of the American Farmland Trust”

      “participating in the classroom and on a wide range of Boulder Valley School District committees”

      “Assistant Secretary for the state of California”

      Turns out that last one is a bit misleading. Under the secretary for California is the Resources Agency. Under the Resources Agency was “Land and Coastal Resources” dept (it doesn’t appear to exist anymore). He was the asst secy of that dept.

      The bio appears misleading and thin.

      1. It is interesting to see Republicans bashing Will now. I wonder what that is about. As for his bio, your selected parts certainly make is sound thin. When I pulled it up, it wasn’t misleading at all. In fact, here is the part you were referring to.

        “Will also served as Assistant Secretary for the state of California, where he was responsible for the development of the state’s first wetlands conservation plan and the establishment of the 6,400-square-mile Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. “Will was able to solve many long-standing natural resources problems through engagement of divergent interests,” said Doug Wheeler, California Resources Secretary. “That’s what will make him an outstanding member of Congress.””

        Next, I go to the California Resources Agency:….

        Here, they call the secretary of the agency “Secretary.”

        Then they have a couple “Assistant Secretary” positions. One of which is for “Ocean and Coastal Policy.” Sounds to me like that Assistant Secretary is one step below the Secretary. What makes you think that it was any different when Will did it? It sounds like “Assistant Secretary” is the official title.

        1. Thanks for the research. The fact that we both had to do research to determine the veracity of the statement in the bio would at least mean that the statement had the potential to mislead.

          Shafroth has in past bios claimed his position was “Assistant Secretary for Land and Coastal Resources for the California Resources Agency.” That would be more concise than “Assistant Secretary for the State of California”

          This is a nit that, while if not intentionally misleading, should be corrected so that the reader is not misled.

          As for why a republican would be interested in this race; I assume that one of these three dems will represent Colorado in Congress. Shafroth appears to be a good guy, a committed environmentalist, and a good fund raiser. He doesn’t appear to have the experience of the others. Your post shows he has a bit more than I originally thought. Just 2 cents.

            1. CA Sec of State
              CA Resource Secretary
              Asst Sec under Resource Secretary.

              I was being snarky (big surprise there) and putting the Resource Secretary under the Secretary of State.

              1. I get it. I am just slow is all :). I understand why the previous post said it seemed misleading now also. Calling yourself Assistant Secretary if there are TWO Secretaries in the chain of command above you WOULD be confusing. Of course, the CA Resource Agency Secretary is not under the CA Sec. of State. It is just a state agency which has a Secretary, and apparently Assistant Secretaries.

  4. is a new blog started by some of the people behind the venerable “liberal” election analysis site, and they’ve taken a few of the best poll analysts with them…

    A poll trend analysis on their site shows some good news for Democrats – including HRC – and bad news for all Republican Presidential contenders, most especially Mitt Romney.

    The real meat of the analysis contains this gem:

    That Clinton is able to pull into a slight lead with Giuliani is a remarkable testament to just how anti-war and anti-Republican the electorate has become. According to the latest Gallup poll, Giuliani has a 24-point higher net favorable rating than Clinton, and yet he is losing to Clinton. Truly remarkable. At least a quarter of the electorate leans toward the candidate they personally like less, but with whom they agree on things like Iraq.

    It also notes that Romney is the least favored Republican in a general election race among the main GOP contenders (when matched against the main Democratic candidates.

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