Yeah, it’s about as exciting as an oil change, but you can see the full press release below:
State Senate President Joan Fitz-Gerald today released a list of prominent Clear Creek County citizens and officials that have climbed on board her campaign for congress in the 2nd congressional district. “To have such a distinguished group serving as my steering from Clear Creek is humbling, indeed.” Fitz-Gerald said. County Commissioner Joan Drury explained her endorsement by saying:
“Joan has been a dynamic leader in the Colorado State Senate. She does not just listen; she works tirelessly to solve problems. Joan always makes herself accessible even to small counties like Clear Creek.”
Also endorsing Fitz-Gerald was County Commissioner Kevin O’Malley who commented:
“Joan Fitz-Gerald has proven she has the leadership skills, strength of character and the courage of her convictions to play an integral role in the U.S. House of Representatives as soon as she is sworn in.”
Senator Fitz-Gerald is running to replace current Congressman Mark Udall who recently announced his intentions to run for U.S. Senate. In addition to commissioners Drury and O’Malley the other endorsers are as follows:
Dana Abrahamson of Georgetown
Judith Anderson of Georgetown
Rebecca Cook of Evergreen
Frances Enright of Evergreen
Jerry Fabyanic of Georgetown
Margaret Sue Howell of Idaho Springs
Robert Jennings of Evergreen
Linda & Wilbur Jewell of Evergreen
Irene Kincade of Idaho Springs, Clear Creek County Treasurer
Maryilyn & Dennis Lunbery of Idaho Springs, Mayor of Idaho Springs
William Macy of Idaho Springs, former mayor of Idaho Springs
Jack Morgan of Idaho Springs
Cynthia & Samuel Morreale of Dumont
Jimy Murphy of Evergreen
Joy & Robert Poirot of Evergreen
Dienne Powell of Idaho Springs
Sandra & John Rossalesi of Idaho Springs
JoAnn & Tom Sorensen of Dumont
Berten Weaver of Dumont
Eileen & Randall Wheelock of Empire
David Wohlers of Idaho Springs
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Wonder why she dropped this today? Slow news week for the campaign? What?
Come on…when you’ve got “Rebecca Cook of Evergreen” and “David Wohlers of Idaho Springs” endorsing you, it’s a damn fun time for all! 😛
I’m pretty sure if the campaign had listed what office supplies it picked up on its latest run to Staples I would have been more interested…
looking through the names, I recognized a few, but had to look up the rest.
The two you mentioned are the Democratic Party Chair for Clear Creek and the Idaho Springs Police Chief.
Why wouldn’t she put the titles of the people with their names to show who they are?
Because they aren’t endorsing her in their official capacity.
in their official capacity? I can see the Dem party chair but can a local law enforcement type officially endorese a candidate or do they go through they’re organizations?
It would seem kind of fishy at the very least if they did. That is why they probably left them off.
At least it is better than her pictures of herself with Bono, Clinton, and Gore that leave the impression that they are supporting her candidacy.
Ok, you win. I dont know why I found that so funny…it is, uh, less exciting…
If anyone runs it, her name is in the paper and so are the names of her endorsers. They are happy to have their names in the paper. No one will vote against JF for a boring press release; they just won’t read it.
It will allow JP and WS the opportunity to find out what special interests JFG is beholden to. Figure that out and let the voters know that is the candidate of the S.I, by the S.I., and for the S.I.. It is for that reason, why I oppose her. Far too many established politicians in the pockets of S.I., rather than working for me.
Does Jared constitute being a special interest himself? He’s donated to the Democratic party and causes at every turn, and I’m happy he did, but this untethered bashing on the part of followers against those he helped usher into office is really low. Talk about eating your own.
But I have not read all of his stuff. But wanting to clean up congress is not new. Just about every politician says that, including Nixon, reagan, W, cheney, tom delay, Tancredo, etc. The difference is that he has already taken a stab at it. I think that since he is NOT beholden to other special intersts, he will not be prone to it.
OTH, JFG and other politicians has been fighting the attempted clean up. I would suspect that JFG is fighting it because she fears JP, not because she is opposed to this. But I can only judge her based on her actions. And her actions say that she is fighting against cleaning up gov, be it fed or state.
What you’re saying is, preventing the state plow driver from letting his children accept gifts is cleaning up government? Cause to me, it should be focused on politicians…or at least people holding political positions. A 41 went to far, and that is the problem with it. I don’t think anyone argues with the general premise, that government needs to be cleaned up. The problem is, A 41 wasn’t a general premise. It was specifically written in a poor manner that caught more people in its grasp than most voters intended.
I believe that the idea was to create a tight noose and then loosen it. Was it intended to stop scholarships/gifts to children? No (In fact, I think that it does not catch those, but I am not a lawyer). But These should be exceptions, not the rules. Why? Because citizens should know what is happening. Look, I like the idea of scholarships or Nobel prizes awards going to the recipient. But by the same token, if a child of a worker is offered a 1 time scholarship of 100K, well, that is looking awfully fishy. OTH, if it is program that is designed to help police, firemen, or garbagemen children (as in not one in particular), then it will be in the open and things will be good.
The problem with other approaches is that BOTH of the major parties have ALWAYS left themselves openings in which to wiggle their way out of. Tom Delay had a way of “legally” funneling LARGE amounts of cash to repuiblicans that after 10 years caught up to him via a technicality. Was it legal prior? Apparently Yes. Was it ethical? Not even close. It is because of the abuse by ALL of the politicians (dems and pubs). 41 is a god-send that is really meant for feds. It simply needs to be fine-tuned
But as an attorney I can tell you that the plain language of A41 includes anyone who works for government (cops, fireman, professors, teachers). That certainly wasn’t what people thought they were voting for. The way its written your kid can’t even have his friends bring presents to a birthday party if you are the dog catcher. I know no one would actually bring a complaint, but it is against the rules as written.
It would have only taken a little effort to write an enforceable, reasonable law.
What gets me is people told JP that was the case and he pushed it anyway.
you need to tighten it up, and then loosen it. Look, the laws that are written by so many of the politicians are designed with loopholes (many not so obvious). In this case, JP wanted ALL loopholes closed. There are none at this time. It is far easier to open this up, then it is to close down. I am hopeful that 41 will continue (I know, not likely), and then the state can open up cases.
honey, does the ceiling need painting?
I mean, fine, she probably has more endorsements in Clear Creek county than Will or Jared (probably … I really don’t know) but to issue a press release with a bunch of (no-doubt fine upstanding but also) random residents of a county. Couldn’t she at least mention a policy position or something that’s of interest to Clear Creek? Maybe comment on the Iraq debate. Something …
These comments are toxic. They contaminate this site with narrow minds and trivial hidden agendas.
and indeed the whole West is work Joan has done to get money for addressing Pine Beetle. She co-sponsored HB 1130 (Gibbs bill) and another bill by Al White. She has also been working with the I-70 Coalition to address solutions to congestion that is projected.
But it’s a breathe of fresh air not to always see candidates right next to their fundraising numbers. And all the counties are incredibly significant. If I lost the fundraising battle I might want to be more closely associated with the people too.
There are 9 precincts in clear creek and about 2000 registered dems in clear creek county. Considering that the winner in the primary may win with only 15K votes (35-40 probable D votes in the primar7 split 3 ways), getting mountain votes to the polls may be the difference.
I agree its a pointless press release.
While Joan did not collect as many checks maybe she is collecting more votes?
This is an impressive list for such a small county. If she has had similar successes around the district her campaign may be a little behind in cash but on the right track.
Why did they send out such a boring release?
Because someone will run it.
I guess Pols already has, so there you have it. Success!
But I still say it makes her look like a candidate for City Council. “Look at me, I’ve got all these names you might recognize who say I’m OK. I’ve got nothing to say about any issues or anything you might want me to do in Washington, but hey, I’ve got a bunch of names some of which you might be your neighbors!”
Whatever. I’m just having fun. Slow political news day. Everyone please return to your fundraising …
Have a press release important enough that the media will run it every 2 weeks or so right now. Keeps her name out there. After all, you don’t see us talking about JP or WS today…