As the Senate commenced its debate on Iraq today, the White House has now escalated its pro-war propaganda to the level of extortion. According to the AP, the new National Intelligence Report “lays out a range of dangers – from al-Qaida to Lebanese Hezbollah to non-Muslim radical groups – that pose a “persistent and evolving threat” to the country over the next three years.” In what is an obvious attempt to scare Congress into submission, the Bush Administration has reached a new low in their betrayal of the American people.
Ironically, the Report also suggests that this Administration’s foreign policies, including the Iraq War, have only served to ignite more hatred for the U.S. among the World’s Muslim population.
“The high-level estimate notes that the spread of radical ideas, especially on the Internet, growing anti-U.S. rhetoric and increasing numbers of radical cells throughout Western countries indicate the violent segments of the Muslim populations is expanding.”
Isn’t it hypocritical that this Administration would attempt to extort compliance from Congress and the American people through threats of increased homeland terror while still refusing to secure our borders? Not only has this Administration put our Country on every terrorist organization’s chart, it has laid out the welcome mat.
The Bush Administration’s manipulation of unintelligence information for it’s own selfish purpose, now to the level of extortion, represents a continuing impeachable offense that has already gone beyond even their control. The growing hatred among the Muslim population of the World is real and is the result of our unrealistic, immoral, and insidious foreign policies. Our refusal, not just Congress’s, to confront this Administration until now has created a global instability that we and the World may not ever recover from.
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While share your skepticism about the Bush campaign to scare Americans about the Islamic Terrorists, I also am skeptical about the intentions of Senate Dems, who are trying to force their wishes on the country with cheap political tricks, like an all-night session.
Reid and Pelosi have lower approval ratings than Bush for good reasons.
They have even less integrity than Bush, and they are playing to voters in the next election while he is not.
Pelosi and reid do not have lower polling numbers.
But the point is moot anyway when you include the fact that 25-30% of polled people admit to not knowing who they are (especially reid). Polls are particularly unreliable when there is no “don’t know who they are” choice.
People are so dissatisfied with “government” that if the don’t know who the individual is if you ask them about anybody in governemnt they will say something negative.
People know who Bush is. They are not reacting to general malaise.
Reid’s polling numbers as of a month ago certainly were lower than the prez. His Fav/UnFav was 19%/45%…ouch. That you can get for free from Rasmussen Reports.
Pelosi’s numbers were higher…but certainly not great. And, considering both polls were conducted among “likely voters,” the number of people who admitted to not knowing who either or both was lower than “25-30%.”
the only “likely voters” for reid are in nevada. Many likely voters do not know who reid is. knowlege of who a legislator is is very low. Unless you have been there a long time, recently ran for president, or have a national constituency people outside of your state/district do not know who you are.
Even people like us would have a tough time naming all 100 senators or even recognizing the names of everyone in the house.
These polls are better judge of malaise than the performance of individual members. I bet that if you asked the question about fav/unfav about house/senate you would get comparable results. statistically that would indicate that it has nothing to do with reid/pelosi. The only polls that matter are local polls
“Many likely voters do not know who Reid is.” But, what do you consider “many?” 20%? 30%? In this poll his name ID was close to 80%, not bad. I dont remember the exact number b/c I’m not at work where I have access to all of the rasmussen polls.
Sooo my point is that among people that know who Harry Reid is, his Fav/UnFav sucks. People that had never heard of him indicated so in the poll.
Further, the fact that congressional polls are higher than that of Reids as an individual leads me to think that his numbers arent low just as a reflection of how much people dislike congress as a whole.
Finally, I see your point that few members of congress are on the national radar…but Reid and Pelosi are not your standard rank and file members. Their name recog numbers are pretty high among “likey voters” (for president). I would go into detail, but one, I’m not at work and, two, my boss knows I post here and probably doesnt like me giving out polling info that we pay for. 😛
both have good/excellent numbers of 14% negatives of 80%, Harry and Nancy are downright popular compared to that