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July 13, 2007 11:20 PM UTC

Betsy Markey Raises $36,000

  • by: Colorado Pols

Plus a little extra she kicked in herself, as the Fort Collins Coloradoan reports:

Fort Collins Democrat Betsy Markey, who is running against Angie Paccione for the Democratic nod to face incumbent Rep. Marilyn Musgrave in 2008, released her second quarter campaign finance numbers this morning.

Since her May candidacy announcement, Markey has raised $36,000 in donations from individuals and made a personal contribution of $25,000.

Markey’s $55,000 cash on hand is about half of what Paccione reported earlier in the week when her campaign filed $91,000 raised in the second quarter with around $106,000 cash on hand.

Markey told Colorado Confidential last week that the “focus on money raising is out of control.” From these numbers, it’s clear she’s walking her talk.

And no, that wasn’t a compliment. We think Markey has a good shot at winning the CD-4 Democrat primary, but she’ll need to “focus” on the money at some point–her opponent clearly is.


72 thoughts on “Betsy Markey Raises $36,000

    1. to all the BM hype.  Looks like Salazar is going to have to put in a serious lift if her campaign is going to get off the ground.  I doubt that will happen.

  1. My read on the article is that she raised 36 thou and has 55 thou on hand. Or, if you want to count what she pitched in as part of what she “raised” you call it 61 thou.

      1. is extremely troubling. So right now she only has $30k left of what she raised?

        Betsy Markey clearly didn’t have her ducks in a row when she announced her race, even though she only entered a couple of weeks behind Angie Paccione. Having Ken Salazar behind her was supposed to pay off. Looks like that assumption isn’t working out.

        If you are talking about taking on a campaigner like Marilyn Musgrave, you need to be a viable candidate. You need to have a plan. You need to be able to raise money. You need to be well known and have a base of support. You need to have a strong advisory team behind you. You need to be able to go the distance.

    1. She raised $36 grand and loaned herself $25 grand and if you take away what she loaned herself and what she has spent (approximately $6,0000)…well, she has a paltry $30,000 on hand.

      Any way it gets spinned by her crew, this is just pathetic.

      1. if you are going to comment about politics and how money works in politics works, you should at least try to learn the truth. betsy has $55 grand in the bank regardless of what she gave to the campaign or not. she has the money. it’s in the bank. she can spend it. before you criticize you should maybe try…just try…to learn how to make an informed argument.

        1. No need to be so testy. It’s not my fault your candidate had to loan herself $25 grand, is it?

          Sure she can spend it. I think any of us that have been around here for more than a month know that.

          Doesn’t she have to pay herself back, at some point? Or does she have so much money, she has no need to and can self-fund her way through the political process?

          I’m sure you would know her finances better than I would.

        2. $$$ in the bank (that does not have to be repaid) is a measure of what she can go buy.

          $$$ raised in donations, and the number of people donating – that is a measure of actual support. People with skin in the game.

          That’s why everyone is impressed with the $$$ JP raised. Not his total, but what he raised. And that is why BM’s numbers are pathetic.

          And keep in mind, I’m someone who has no intention of supporting AP (throwing good money after bad). If I see it this way, you have a problem.

  2. Looks like a lot of people Betsy thought were her freinds were really only nice to her because of who her boss was.  Now that she’s out on her on she is falling short.  It’s a lot harder to ask for your own money they asking favors for Ken.

    It is good that the dems are seeing now what a bad fundraiser she is.  We’d hate to put her up against MM.

    1. she’s been in the race for what? a little more than four weeks and no staff and she’s got 1/2 of what angie has even though angie raised $2 mill in 06 and that makes betsy a bad fundraiser? seems you’re being a little unfair and a little biased. should give markey a chance before you shoot her down and misrepresent the truth

      1. that is a very poor showing.  I expected some weakness, since she’s never run before, but this was pretty bad in a race with a high cap.

      2. about the “truth” reminds me of Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men. Who is this guy?

        Betsy had to cut herself a check to be able to post numbers above $50k in her first fundraising quarter when she should have had some low hanging fruit.

        Why is she in this race?

      3. with no waring (in Hawaii) when the Repub candidate had a heart attack. The race was a slam dunk for the Dems, the party gave her no help, and she raised over 300K in 4 weeks.

        Spin it however you want, this is lousy.

          1. However, whoever runs against MM I would like to see win.

            My point is if my mom, under those conditions, could raise over 300K when everyone figured it was impossible for any Repub to win period, much less in that time frame, then if BM actually has a chance it should be much easier to raise the bucks.

            – dave

  3. Obviously her boss Senator Salazar is not going to help Betsey. Only good thing is I finally came close on a prediction. This is a pathetic showing for someone who has been around politics for a long time

    1. I thought you were going to be off again and she would post at least $25,000 more – ironically about the same amount as she wrote a check to herself for.

    2. Pinon Canyon is the issue in CD4. As long as Betsy Markey is associated with Ken Salazar, she is associated with the direction he chooses. Staunch democrats will vote for Musgrave if Ken does not support the Salazar/Musgrave amendment. No money for Expansion plain and clear, it is becoming a national movement for opposition. Ask the staffs of the offices who are getting the calls.

      Another note, Allard is delivering his seat to Udall.

      Both Senators have put themselves in a box. There is no “win win” for them.

      1. I don’t think staunch Democrats in CD4 will ever vote for Marylin Musgrave.  Not in a million years.  Regardless of who the Dem nominee is. 

  4. Dem’s are going to spend $3-5million on the safe CD-2 primary and the D’s are going to be lucky to field a candidate that can spend $1.5mm on the whole CD-4 election.

    1. shocking how some people like to ramble on about what “will” happen without any clue of how things really work. cd-04 is going to be competitive regardless of the dem nominee. unless you actually know people in dc and have a clue about how it all works you might want to keep your opinions to yourself

      1. Your profile was created today and you get upset over neg comments about BM and Dem chances in CD-4.  Do you happen to work for BM, or are you just well connected to everyone in D.C.?

        1. just been looking at the posts and think they are a little unfair, that’s all. seems a lot of misinformation and crystal ball reading is going on without any backing up with facts. to say the dem party isn’t going to play in this race is just silly. doesn’t take a connection in dc to figure that one out.

          1. The whole point of being here is for the discussion of ideas and views.  Trying to shut people up who don’t agree with you a) sounds angry, and 2) sounds like you have an agenda.  I’m sure you don’t have a crystal ball and that you don’t know how things are going to pan out either.  So if you disagree with someone, debate them-I would not recommend telling them to shut up

                  1. which is more than i can say about some other posters on this thread. it’s quite obvious some of these comments are biased but not really admitting as such

                    1. But most of the people you’re engaging are ordinary people who are entitled to their opinions. If they’re wrong you can point out their errors in a more respectful manner.

                    2. and open transparency in the process, I notice you avoided answering whether or not you are paid staff on Betsy’s campaign.

                      Betsy deserves some honestly from her staff, don’t you think?

                      Are you or are you not paid staff for the Markey campaign?

            1. i actually do know how it works but i wasn’t telling people to shut up. in fact, never said that at all. not once. what i said is that if you are going to make a point you should be able to back it up with some facts. that is what is lacking in some of these comments because they have a clear and present agenda and bias. let’s not pretend that’s not the case. i never tried to shut people up, so that’s just not true. i am happy to debate. my comments weren’t that people should shut up — which, again, i never once said — if you want to debate you shouldn’t try and pretend like you aren’t being biased. saying that “salazar isn’t going to help,” that betsy “is a bad fundraiser” or that the co-04 candidate isn’t going to have more than $1.5 when angie raised almost $2m in ’06 aren’t really backed by any factual foundation. that’s all i meant.

              1. “unless you actually know people in dc and have a clue about how it all works you might want to keep your opinions to yourself”


                “what i said is that if you are going to make a point you should be able to back it up with some facts”

                Now, I thought I knew English, but maybe you can explain how those two quotes mean the same thing.  To me, one says “Unless you know what I know, don’t say anything (aka-shut up)” and the other one says “I know my first comment was harsh, so now I’m back-pedaling”

                  1. “i wasn’t telling people to shut up”
                    “in fact, never said that at all. not once”
                    “i never tried to shut people up, so that’s just not true”
                    “my comments weren’t that people should shut up — which, again, i never once said”
                    “I’m not a crook”
                    “I never had sex with that woman”

                    Yep, you definitely have more contacts in DC than I.

                    1. interesting how my comments are so rude and yours seem so polite and acceptable. seems a little hypocritical that you can slam me for what i said and then post something somewhat ruder.

                    2. Yup, I reckon I am the most rude person here.  But I love this line…”seems a little hypocritical that you can slam me for what i said and then post something somewhat ruder.”  “Somewhat”?  Either it is or it isn’t.  That sounds like “D.C.” talk to me-almost make a point, then pad it with fluff.

                      I’m sorry that people don’t seem to see my comments as rude.  I suppose you’d need to ask them what the difference is if you are unclear…

                1. “unless you know people in dc” was in direct response to the party isn’t going to play in this race. meaning unless you know someone in dc who told you that is the case, that’s not a statement based in fact. not at all “shut up” or that i know something else. that’s a very subjective and biased reading of english. i apologized and will do so again that the “keep your comments to yourself” was rude. shouldn’t have said that. not back-pedaling at all just apologizing for that comment. not back-pedaling at all, the comment was harsh,  and i apologize but i stand strongly behind the fact that if someone makes a comment about what will or won’t happen they should be able to back that up. otherwise it’s rumor or complete and total unfounded speculation.

              2. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than taking down muskrat

                Once Brandon was out I thought Betsey was the best candidate.  I think her organizational skills and curb appeal are better than Angie’s.

                Angie is a nice person and the people she represented love her, but I though her campaign was amatuerish.

                And before anybody goes saying “but she almost won”, well that’s true, but its because EE pulled off so many angry R votes.

                If you look at the internal numbers Matsunaka actually did better in many ways in 2004 in a much tougher environment.

                My point about the CD-2 vs. the CD-4 is how much money we are going to waste fighting to see which progressive D goes to washington, when we could really use the money in the CD-4.

                And before anybody hijacks this to talk about the differences between the candidates in the CD-2, bear withg me there are other threads for that.

                You can not spin her results, they were terrible.  I know its not the only thing that matters, but you will not beat MM without serious money.  If BM can not demonstrate she can raise money, she will not attract money.

                Truthfully I hope BM gets her act together.  Her organizing skills would help stregthen the party in the CD-4, organization that some counties sorly need.

                But don’t jump down everybody’s throat for pointing out the obvious.

                1. for a fair assessment of the situation. my whole point from the beginning is that there were some comments that were pretty rude (“betsy who?” for one). and i did say from the beginning that the winner of the primary has a great shot at knocking out musgrave.

          2. Betsy hasn’t been able to leverage her relationships in the community into money.  I hate to say it but this is the easiest money that is out there if she can’t raise it now from her so called friends and family she aint never going to be able to do.  Her biggest selling point his her supposed ties to the district but we are seeing now that those ties aren’t that strong after all.  Now she’s going into the typically slow fundraising 3rd quarter with her back up against the wall.  If she doesn’t turn it around this quarter she’s done.  My guess is the only way she can turn it around now is if Ken gets personally involved.

            1. i understand what you’re saying and you make some good points. my only comment in response is that she’s been in the race for a little over a month. she’s hired some staff now so i think she’s in a great position to make a difference. true, this next quarter’s pretty important. i just think it’s a little too soon to call her done. she’s a great candidate for the 4th CD. just saying give her a chance before you shoot her down.

              1. it’s short lived. Yesterday the Senate race was over because there was suspicion that Bob Shaffer had bad numbers. He came in w/ reasonable numbers and the din subsided. Tomorrow no one will talk about this.

                We don’t know what is going on inside the BM campaign. Maybe She’s focused elsewhere. Maybe she’s smarter than us an telling donors to wait a month so she can show $1 million next period. Still, if this is typical for BM’s fundraising, there won’t be a race in CD4.

              2. Hey, does anyone remember that West Wing espisode where Josh responds to some stalker/fan stuff on a message board? Showing in no uncertain terms that he didn’t understand the community, the protocol, or anything else online?

                Welcome to the web UIC. (I hope Betsy’s not paying you for this… she clearly doesn’t have the money to spare.)

          3. Sorry, pal. You are just one more Betsy Markey troll with a brand new ID, only this time one who thinks the DC consultants knows more about CD-4 than the people here. Don’t start patting yourself on the back too soon, look how much good that did Brandon Shaffer.

      2. I hope that your efforts will be able to help promote civility and positive dialogue in the Democratic Primary. I hope you can make it to Colorado soon.

        1. I agree with your sentiment. Positive dialogue will benefit all the Democratic candidates in this primary. With the passion displayed here, Musgrave will definitely have a race on her hands. This is going to be an exciting year in CD-04!

          1. but to date I have yet to see anything that makes me at all hopeful. Wishful thinking won’t make it happen. And the fact that you really really really like BM is irrelevant – you’re just 1 vote.

            You need to show us she can win. And at present the only way to do that is effective fundraising.

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