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June 27, 2007 07:50 PM UTC

Who Do You Support for President?

  • by: Colorado Pols

It’s been a bit too long since the last poll (where Barack Obama just edged out Bill Richardson). This is a different poll that we do every month from the one where we ask who you think will end up with each Party’s respective nomination for President.

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Who Do You CURRENTLY Support for President?

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37 thoughts on “Who Do You Support for President?

    1. This is the THIRD time I’ve had to mention this… WHY ISN’T RON PAUL BEING LISTED?!

      You guys put up “That Alaska Senator Dude” and several non-declared candidates, but you don’t put up the guy leading fundraising among second-tier GOP candidates?

      Shameful, ColoradoPols.  Shameful.

      1. I was the first one that pointed it out the first time that he did this poll. It has been a total joke.  The funny thing is that I suspect that even if all of the republicans and libertarians were to grip with say 100+ items, she would still miss it on the next poll. As it is, Ron has only been on two of these, and both time he outpolled many others. Oh well, I guess it is fair. Even a number of republicans are trying hard to keep him off the debate circuit.

      2. Ron Paul on the Colbert Report!

        http://www.comedycen… src=’http://www.comedycen… quality=’high’ bgcolor=’#006699′ width=’340′ height=’325′ name=’comedy_player’ align=’middle’ allowScriptAccess=’always’ allownetworking=’external’ type=’application/x-shockwave-flash’ pluginspage=’’>

    1. to “That Alaska Senator Dude” he’d get more support.  I know I’m all in favor of an ancient, slightly crazy (ok, really crazy)guy in the White House. 😛

      1. I hopped aboard the Gravel dreamboat long before he died.

        What?  He’s still alive?  Are you serious?

        By the way, f, you’re totally right about Hillary in your comments below.

          1. Everybody knows my exceedingly dry, off-kilter sense of humor.  So maybe I’m the only one who found this funny.  But I had tears coming out my eyes earlier today.  Mike Gravel is quite possibly the funniest man (without the intent!) that has ever run for president.

            Go Mike Go!

  1. Gotta love those polls with 70 votes!  If you know me and don’t know by now, I’m a Democrat for Edwards.  I want to win for a change!

    1. She won’t take a single state that Kerry didn’t take and could well lose some that he DID take.  She certainly won’t force the GOP to spend extra dollars in the interior and Rocky Mountain west.  Here in Colorado Indie and R votes for Ritter and the Salazars aren’t going to transfer over to Hillary. 

      1. mountain and I argue this all the time

        HRC may be able to pick up AR

        Edwards and Obama, especially Edwards, have a good shot at OH and IA

        Richardson, and Obama to a lesser extent, in the mountain west

        FL hard to say, but I think HRC is weakest amongst the D’s

        The D candidate needs 18 electoral, that means 1 of FL, OH or 3+ small states.

        The 3 small states strategy almost makes richardson a shoo in for vp.  NM, CO, NV are state Bill could help out in

      2. All of the old hits on Hillary are petty pre 911 attacks.  Yes she was the boddie man of the 90s but those old lines didn’t work in 2000 and they wont work in 2008.  Can you all name what she has done so wrong?  She stood by her mane and tried to get universal health care what a monster.  People don’t like her cause they think other people don’t like her.  When she starts her ads this will change.

        Plus the repubs have already thrown everything they had at her and she still won.  The Clintons are proven winners and when they turn it on they will be able to move swing states. 

        Race is still a factor in this country plus the fact that Obama has boxed himself in to the reformer label which he wont be able to maintane make him unelectable.  There are a lot more woman elected to congress and statewide offices then african americans. 

        1. Bankruptcy “reform” and Iraq war support are the two things that come to mind first.

          Race is, according to the one poll I’ve seen on the matter, no more of a factor than being a woman.  Hillary’s negatives are much higher than Obama’s, and frankly I’ve heard some moderate Republicans who appreciate Obama’s message of civil discourse.

          I don’t have a horse in this race yet, but if I had to choose on electability, Obama would top Hillary on my list.

          1. He’s already shown with his punjab memo and other slip ups that he’s just as nasty as the rest.  The difference is now when Obama does go all out he will look like a flip-flopper and will tank.

            Most major campaigns that an African American has been in they poll higher then they actually do at the polls because people don’t want to admit to pollsters they wouldn’t vote for them based on race, but in the privacy of the booth that’s what they do.  There have been several studies on this.  What people say and what they do are two different things.  The real proof is looking at the number of elected officals in the US.  Currently the US one african american governor and one African American senator.  While there are 16 female senators and a number of female govs.  People wont admit it, but the evidence is there.

            1. Still attacking Obama? What is your obsession? You know he’s threatening the estbalishment and can win so you are using deceptive conservative tactics to undermine him? That memo from his research team, and he even apologized for their mistake. Stop pinging him for something he didn’t do. Your assesment of flip=flopping and tanking is also premature.

              He’s raising a lot of money, has a lot of support nationally on the ground, is gaining great name ID especially in the primary state, is one of the most intelligent candidates we have and has the experience to bring people together. He knows the issues, has answers, and will listen to the public.

              You say you are for anyone Dem that can win. Obama is proving just that, but you continue to attack him. It’s becoming absurd.

            2. What does Obama have to flip flop on? He’s been against the war since before the invasion. He’s for universal health care, fixing our education system and for building a renewable energy economy. He’s for ending our dependence on fossil fuels, especially those that we import from hostil nations which has become an issue of national security.

              I’m sorry, so which of these is he going to flip flop on? This are the issue that matter. This is what the people care about. He’s been right on all of them, all along. Not everyone in our field can claim that.

              Your hollow attacks are simplistic and baseless. Back it up.

        2. Both of which were handed to her.  HRC is NOT Bill, he has charisma to get him by the triangulation (liberals hate it) and the ick factor (Repubs hate it).

          Attitudes are hardened about HRC money is NOT going to change them.

          Did you read that LA times/Bloomberg poll. Of the D front runners she is in the WORST position.

          Is it logic or facts that you are immune to?

          Race…hmmm…is that your problem with Obama?  BTW statistically people would rather have a generic black president than a generic woman president, but I think its about the individual.  Obama did well in downstate IL which is very “southern” in attitude.  He won against the hand picked canidate in the IL primary.

          You actually think being labeled a reformer makes Obama unelectable after Bush?  That strains the bounds of credulity.

          1. what people say and how people actually vote are two different things.  The evidence is in how many elected African Americans we have in this country vs how many woman are elected, its not even close.

            Yes technically you are right Bill is not on the ballot, but do you honestly think he’s not invovled and not going to be out campaigning for Hillary?  Do you honestly think he won’t be involved in her presidency?  Do you honestly think he’s not going to effect this campaign?  Do you remeber the 90s?  The Clintons have been beating republicans their whole lives.

            And yes money does change people’s opinons.  If it didn’t people wouldn’t use it.  Hillary showed that she was able to do very well in the republican stronghold of upper NY state.  Nothing was handed to her she was a top target in 2000.

    2. Why is MM that you attack Obama constantly, while he is the only likely Democrat that can win the primary?

      You can’t say you’re for any Dem that can win, and then go off on a rant against Obama. It’s simply illogical, unless of course you are not really following the campaigns that closely.

    3. I could never support a guy who could’ve taken down Kerry but instead sat back and was content to run for VP. You better hope he doesn’t pull the same stunt again.

      1. to making oneself look like a mobster or picking a campaign song about a sinking ship, I think the Obama ad is going to have a positive effect among undecideds in the primary states.

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