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June 22, 2007 07:08 PM UTC

5th CD Straw Poll Before Announcement of Primary

  • by: GOPpundit

I think we’re not far from seeing some 5th CD primary action… I’ve listed a couple potential contenders… Pols is SUCH an accurate reflection of the voting public – this should be interesting.  🙂

Winner of a Republican 5th CD Primary

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14 thoughts on “5th CD Straw Poll Before Announcement of Primary

  1. Lamborn didn’t get asked a lot of questions in 2006 that are guaranteed to come up in 2008, questions that Demogirl raised, some that I’ve raised, some that others have, questions like:

    1.  Doesn’t Lamborn have any idea whether he was indeed fired from a job or not?
    2.  How can he reconcile his answer to Erin Emery with a Gazette report directly contradicting Lamborn’s answer to Emery about the existence of the “Ratterree Letter” falsely accusing his primary opponent of taking his dying wife off life support?
    3.  Was it ethical for him to be voting on limits on parental responsibility laws as a state legislator that affected the future years in which his son could have committed more arsons while keeping his son’s problems and his as well undisclosed to the State legislature while he was voting on the law?
    4.  Why did he apparently only do the right thing to pay for his fine arising from his son’s arson only after the arson victim had to publicize Lamborn’s trying to avoid his responsibility?
    5.  Why did he seemingly pay money to the victim of his son’s arson to get the victim to quit distributing a flyer in an election year that was advising the electorate of Lamborn’s actions?
    6.  Why is he accepting a $4,005 trip to Florida from the Club for Growth for Jeannie and him, especially with his purported distance from “outside parties” that attacked Jeff Crank in 2006?
    7.  Why is he having a July “meet and greet” held by a firm with historical connections to Jack Abramoff?
    8.  Does he support Chuck Gosnell’s actions in allegedly raising funds from Michael Baller for the “wedding cake” attack mailer from the Christian Coaltion of Colorado, especially with the dishonest alteration of headlines from a CSIndy article to lie about Jeff Crank?

    Lamborn has some serious explanations to provide in 2008.  And, “shut up” is not good enough. 

    1. How old was the son?  Was it the first conviction?  What were the circumstances of the arson?

      I don’t know enough about this incident to know how much culpability is Lamebrain’s or if it all goes to the son.  But, I do know that Lamborn is an absolute embarrassment to the 5th, to the State and even to the title “Congressman”.

    1. We don’t need congrats, but condolences. 

      Think about this.

      Lamborn is also Fawcett’s Congressman.  Lamborn is also the Congressman for all other Democrats in the 5th CD. 

      Don’t you think your fellow Democrats in the 5th CD at least deserve a competent Congressman representing them in a Democrat Congress, even if it’s a Republican Congressman representing them?  Or, do you wish on your fellow Democrats the same suffering as we Republicans have in the 5th CD?  Wouldn’t Jeff Crank be viewed by Jay Fawcett and the majority of Democrats in the 5th CD as a significant improvement over Doug Lamborn, if only on the one criterion of Crank’s being competent and Lamborn not measuring up to Crank’s level? 

    2. Now you only need 16,000 other voters to switch. I just wonder, is Jay really such a glutton for punishment that he will run again in CD5?

      1. Fawcett would have better luck switching parties and trying to unseat Lamborn in the primary…and there’s a snow ball’s chance of that happening

        While I am strongly anti-lamborn, I don’t think the points above are going to be enough to unseat the guy.  Whoever runs against him is going to have to creat a strong contrast by zeroing in on votes that make him look out of line with a lot of Republican voters.

        1. and the opposition will need to “zero in” on just a couple divisive issues to get to the voters who don’t care enough to follow lamborn as closely as we do. They will need to be clear and concise and choose what they go after him for very wisely.

          The ideal candidate would also have DONE SOMETHING with themselves over the past two years in CD5. I am not really sure what-if anything- rayburn and crank are doing for/in the district at this point. Laying low and waiting for Lamborn to screw up is not a good plan of attack in my mind. So, the fact that I have not seen much of both makes me wonder…sure Crank had a column once about the bad Dems but thats it, or so it seems!!! Anyone else with some info?

          1. what are you guys doing to convince us Dems to vote for you (General) and for Republicans to vote for you in a primary ? 

            Get on some advisory boards ? 
            Hold roundtables in all 6 counties ? 

            Here’s what I suggest:

            become experts on the Southern Delivery System (water from Arkansas River, already paid for, that Colorado Springs never gets to use.) 

            There was something in the works in Congress to get a required initial study done on expansion of Pueblo Reservoir.  Joel Hefley had a temper tantrum in 2004 and ticked off the Republican Subcommittee Chair and the deal fell through. 

            If he’s smart, Lamborn will work on this.  But a lot of people posting here suggest that he is not smart, so this may present an opportunity. 

            This is a chance to show political savvy.  Take the challenge. 

            1. You just want to twist the knife in my side a little deeper, don’t you?!? All last election I wanted the candidates to at least just understand the water issue. Sure, it might not be a good thing to bring up (even though it is on EVERY voter’s mind in Springs now that CSU has imposed certain fees), but at least learn about the situation!!! I even personally contacted several of them via staff members offering to provide information…you guess what the response was.

              Instead, there was (and is) very little discussion with water experts and the issues at hand. You have to know Rayburn can’t know much about it since he just moved here and I have been trying to maintain a solid handle on water issues in Springs and our great state for quite awhile now and I am still behind! I don’t know what it will take for our politicians (candidates for Gov., cong., legis., and others) to talk about more than just conversation. I am not generally this sad, but this is one issue that has me thoroughly frustrated.

    3. was such a great candidate.  It is a damned shame that Focus on the Family and their response to Jay’s criticism, meant so much more to voters than did Jay’s history of REAL service.

  2. in that particular group.  I wouldn’t give you ten cents for the whole group.  Just little variations of the same old themes.  I thought Hefley was a basic waste of skin, but next to these guys, he was f**king brilliant. I am a moderate progressive and no I won’t be moving as I am a native.

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