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June 21, 2007 04:40 PM UTC

Lamborn purple... possibly from entry of foot into mouth.

  • by: GOPpundit

( – promoted by Colorado Pols)

With regards to one of the most significant military issues on his radar today, first Lamborn had this to say about his colleague, ally, confidant and Colorado caucus member Musgrave: “Support for this is a negligent disregard for the personal safety of our troops.”

On Wednesday the Gazette then reported this statement about Lamborn’s supposed ideological opponent, Democrat Salazar: “I want to commend Senator Salazar for thinking creatively about how this could be a win-win situation for everybody.”

Lamborn should probably be reminded that he got elected in the 5th Congressional District where supporting EMINENT DOMAIN and supporting LIBERAL DEMOCRATS and making horrid statements about fellow REPUBLICANS is POOR FORM!

Oh and whenever you have to say “Eminent domain is a red herring,” as Mr. L did… you can bet it probably isn’t a fish of any color.

Good luck, Mr. L, in your upcoming primary. It’s coming for sure and I imagine you’ll be feeling pretty cranky quite soon.


32 thoughts on “Lamborn purple… possibly from entry of foot into mouth.

    1. Rep. John Salazar:

      Votes against the “National Federation Independent Business” 40% of the time.
      Votes against the “Small Business Entrepreneurship Council” 50% of the time.
      Votes with the interests of Planned Parenthood 1/3 of the time.
      Votes with the interests of “NARAL Pro-Choice America” 25% of the time.
      Votes against the US Chamber of Commerce 1/3 of the time
      Votes with the ACLU the majority of the time (60%)
      Votes 100% of the time with the National Education Association
      Votes with the “National Organization of Woman” 90% of the time
      Votes against the interests of the “Rocky Mountain Gun Owners” 75% of the time
      And finally… Salazar vote WITH the interests of big labor and unions nearly 100% of the time (perfect ratings from IBEW and AFSCM)

      Salazar – while not the most liberal of liberals still has a (D) next to his name and his votes demonstrate his loyalties.

      1. I was speaking about SENATOR Salazar (and so was Rep. Lamborn).  The numbers that REP Salazar has earned also indicate that he has a moderate voting record:  ie. There is something in there to piss off everyone on every side of the issue–the only 100% is in the area of unions, but the 66% from the Chamber of Commerce indicates he walks a moderate line on economics.

          1. all I can say is that you are so blindly partisan that you cannot recognize a moderate of the other party when they are right in front of your face.  I, on the other hand, can recognize several in your party (you’d likely call them RINOs) including:  Mark Kirk, Olympia Snowe, Arnold Swarzenegger; and depending on the office he is seeking, Mitt Romney.

            1. I actually agree that each of the names you’ve listed are moderate Republicans. And to name two moderate Democrats… Tom Daschel and Jim Matheson.

          2. Neither ever pretended to be liberal or is perceived as liberal by their constituents. Sen. Salazar, a self-defined moderate, has been ticking off liberal constituents on a regular basis ever since he was elected.  No liberal would have won once, much less twice and big, in Rep.John Salazar’s CD3. If this is your idea of liberal than Lambourn must be your idea of moderate.  I guess you’d have to get to Attila the Hun before reaching the right on your scale. 

      2. Anyone who sides with the rabidly pro-gun Rocky Mountain Gun Owners a quarter of the time… who votes against the ACLU’s positions nearly half of the time… who sides with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce two-thirds of the time… and who votes against Planned Parenthood’s positions two-thirds of the time and against NARAL three-fourths of the time…

        … is no “liberal.”

    2. Lamborn applauds Senator Salazar on his being “flexible” on the Pinon Canyon issue seeking a “win-win” solution.

      In Salazar’s letter to Secretary Gates, we still have the “Ride the Fence Salazar” more in line with Allard then his fellow Democrats.

      He is looking for the easy out, trying not to antagonize the money of Colorado Springs and Military contractors.

      His solution suggests to me, he has never been to the area he writes about and knows nothing about it. The letter is actually embarrassing for him and his staff, reflecting how ill informed they are.

      Tyrone and Model, mentioned for military families to live and support these communities, also closest to the PCMS, were devastated with the creation of the current site. There are farmers and ranchers but these have only a few buildings. Kim does have a school, The Out Post (store/eating and gas). Shopping, schools and everything else mean long journeys to Trinidad, La Junta, Walsenburg and even Pueblo. Yes, Pueblo will feel the economic loss of the agricultural economy. No cattle, reduced by half, the sales occurring at the La Junta sale barns translates into no money to buy services or goods.
      Distances between the PCMS gates and Trinidad, 35 miles; Walsenburg, 70 miles; La Junta and Rocky Ford, 46 & 47 miles.

      Most likely if the military were to support the Salazar suggestion, a brigade by Army standards is 1,500 – 3,000 troops, therefore each troop would be bringing 3.3 people with him/her. I do not believe given the age of most troops in training that number one, they are old enough to have 3 family members and number two, at an E3 grade, their annual pay is approx. $18,000 per year which is below the median income level of our counties.

      Is Ken Salazar a liberal, a moderate?

      It is amazing that Musgrave gets it and more importantly his brother, the state, and the rest of the Colorado Democratic Delegation.

      These are strange bedfellows!

      1. I am not going to go to bat for Ken Salazar or Doug Lamborn, so please try not to misinterpret my use of reason as such an action. HOWEVER, as I have stated before on here I think the army is not going to just roll over and take “no” for an answer. I ALSO think ranching is not a dynamite industry right now, just look at all of the reports on the region. Nobody says that P.Can. would be taking over an economically vibrant region, rather they say it would be chasing history off the land.

        My point is that eventually the ranchers and P.Can. opponents may need to come to the bargaining table, as it seems Salazar is suggesting. That way their region could get something out of it. I do not know if now is the time for them to come to the bargaining table…in fact it probably is not the time yet.

        The opponents should, however, be prepared and drawing up plans or ideas of very minor compromises if they have any brains. The army will not simply take “no” for an answer, but if they do roll over and die then I will admit I was completely wrong. I would say the odds of the army choosing to stop pursuing PCan are about the same as the odds that Bentley will never again run for political office.

        1. Agriculture is the economy of Southeast Colorado. The Cattle Auctions alone in La Junta generate over $200,000,000 plus a year. It is not just about the income a rancher makes from ranching. It is about food, natural grown beef. Where does your food come from, probably the supermarket. How much of that comes from outside the USA? We have a growing trade deficit in agricultural products for consumption.

          From Wayne Snider:
          “The American breadbasket is under attack, making us vulnerable, less secure and more dependent on our world economic rivals than ever. We have seen how contamination of our food source can have devastating effects.  This and other trade imbalances visible in the 2006 official data, when compared to previous years, represent lost American jobs and economic vitality. Additionally, the loss of 30,000+ cattle will lead to the continued rising cost of beef and other agricultural crops.
          Exports of food, feed and beverages totaled $65.9 billion in 2006 vs. $74.9 billion in Imports, a $9 billion deficit. Further,January 2007 import statistics show Increases occurred in foods, feeds, and beverages (a negative$900 million) When will it stop?
          We as a nation cannot continue to reduce our agricultural community’s ability to produce food by reducing, productive land in our rural communities.”

          The cattle also graze the last short grass prairie in the country. This management has been extremely effective to the point biologists surveying the area have found incredible diverse species not found anywhere else and attribute to the ranchers care.

          No one is naive about the Military. It saddens me to hear “you can’t fight the Army or City Hall”. If this is true, then this is not a democracy, it is martial law and the state of Colorado, in Musgrave’s words, “can wipe Southeast Colorado off the map”. The military will have to use Eminent Domain.  They will not get the land any other way. Such is the fight.

          From the Opposition:
          You Can’t Bomb Land and Ranch It at the Same Time

          Senator Salazar Urged to Rethink Position on PiГ±on Canyon Plan

          For immediate release
          June 20, 2007
          For more information or to arrange
          interviews, contact: Jean Aguerre, 719-252-5145
          Hugh Lamberton, 303-748-9099

          TRINIDAD, Colorado (Wednesday, June 20)-All Coloradoans should be greatly concerned by Senator Ken Salazar’s continuing support for Pentagon plans to massively expand the PiГ±on Canyon Maneuver Site in the state’s southeast, opponents of the expansion said today.

          Despite overwhelming opposition at every level – community, county, state and in the US House of Representatives – Sen. Salazar continues to support the military’s reckless and destructive plan to triple the size of the existing and underutilized 238,000-acre site. In his comments today, Sen. Salazar even outbids the Pentagon’s public statements to date by calling for a permanent base to be built at PiГ±on Canyon.

          “The will of the people and their elected representatives on both sides of politics is clear on this issue,” president of the PiГ±on Canyon Expansion Opposition Coalition Lon Robertson said today. “Rhetoric about ‘win-win’ situations is simply designed to distract attention from the stark truth that this is a zero-sum game. You can’t bomb land and ranch it at the same time.”

          “There won’t be any ‘win’ for the fourth- and fifth-generation ranching families forced off their land. There won’t be any ‘win’ for the state’s agricultural economy which the expansion plan will devastate. There won’t be any ‘win’ for the diverse wildlife dependent on the regions grasslands.” 

          Fourteen county commissioners voted unanimously against the plan. Eighty-eight per cent of Colorado’s state legislators voted to block the use of condemnation for the expansion. Ninety-one per cent of US Representatives voted just last week to stop funding for the expansion.

          “We urge Sen. Salazar to just say ‘No’ to the expansion and help dispel the dark cloud that has hung over the PiГ±on Canyon region for the past year and a half. He says in his letter to Secretary Gates that he wants to protect ‘the livelihood, property rights and way of life of the residents of Southeastern Colorado’. The best way he could do that is to stand with us in opposition to the expansion.”

          Mr. Robertson urged Sen. Salazar to meet with landowners to ensure he has a proper understanding of the dire consequences of the expansion plan.

          “Sen. Salazar may not have had the opportunity to review all the available information. But those of us who have taken a long look at those consequences – ranchers and farmers, rural communities, environmentalists, historians, archaeologists – know that the expansion plan would bring about an across-the-board catastrophe – social, economic, environmental and scientific.”

          Mr. Robertson said Sen. Salazar’s latest letter to Secretary of Defense Robert Gates accurately states that promises were made in the early 1980s that the PiГ±on Canyon Maneuver Site would bring jobs and revenue to local communities. Yet not one of these promises was fulfilled.

          “The people of southeastern Colorado are not interested in new promises. Our economy is based on agriculture and those related economies best suited to the area.  Why would Sen. Salazar want to transform the stable agricultural market economy we’re rooted in into a federally funded welfare project? Why would we want transitory residents instead of generational family ranchers and rural family enterprises?”

          1. And don’t ever ask me “Do you know where your food is coming from?”

            First: I do not WANT the army to expand to PC at all. However, I think everyone needs to be realistic especially considering Ft Carson has already grown by thousands of troops due to BRAC.

            Second: I see some ranchers being forced out, maybe those adjacent to the current PC. I think steps could be taken to ensure historically and archeologically significant sites could be preserved. The army should be REQUIRED to consult with Forest Service which is the expert on grasslands (btw, I have found no research stating this is the only shortgrass left…read the book “National Grasslands” by Francis Moul). I do not believe the existence of other grasslands means we can run roughshod over PC, but I am trying to point out that we may need to compromise so we can protect what remains most valuable to us. As I have said multiple times, the army will not just give up.

            Third: La Junta does appx. $200 mill. in cattle auctions (making LJ second to only OKCity for feeder cattle). About 40% of this stock come from PC, so if one were to conced 100,000 acres you might say La Junta would lose 10% of its cattle for sale.

            Fourth: I never implied to bomb and ranch land at the same time. That remark is just silly and comes from an opponent who refuses to even consider they may need to compromise at some point if they want to save ANYTHING. Compromising does not mean you don’t fight for your rights, it means you give and take.

            Fifth: I am all for ranching and farming. This is WHY I am trying to help people understand they may eventually need to compromise if they want to save any (and hopefully 3/4) of the PC section. Unfortunately, I do not hear any progressive talk from Salazar, Lamborn, or any of the opposition. I just hear a lot of dumb ideas. I don’t think taking half of a ranchers land will work either, I think there will be a number of ranchers that are adjacent to PC that may eventually get SCREWED by the army’s expansion. I HAPPEN to think that is better than ALL of the ranchers getting screwed.

            Please recognize I just want to avoid seeing this entire region sucked up by the army via eminent domain. Have a great weekend.

            1. I’ve not heard that other options have been looked at. Other bases, mainly.  The huge areas in the CA desert, the offshore islands there.

              I could be wrong, I just sense that this is a matter of “My army dick is bigger than your army dick.”

  1. Perhaps Jack Abramoff of K Street infamy could give him some tips on color identification–particularly “K Street Green” the color of lobbyists’ money. 

    This July 11 Kirkpatrick & Lockhart PRESTON GATES ELLIS LLP is hosting a K street “meet and greet” for Doug Lamborn.http://www.klgates.c…. It was at Preston Gates & Ellis (prior to its merger with the Kirkpatrick, Lockhart firm) that Jack Abramoff formed “team Abramoff”–the group of lobbyists working under him at Preston Gates & Ellis and later at Greenberg Traurig.  “Abramoff gathered his troops . . . (at Preston Gates) . . . for strategy meetings that were ‘a great show,’ rollicking forums where ethical niceties were derided with locker room humor, recalled a former Preston Gates colleague. ‘Jack would say, ‘I gave that guy 10 grand and he voted against me!’ ” the former associate recalled.'”  http://www.washingto

    Lamborn may not be able to decide if he’s red, blue, or purple, but, he can recognize the color of K Street Green.  “Show me the money.”

    1. …is that in the eyes of Kirkpatrick & Lockhart, Lamborn warrants the (ahem) much desired 8:30 AM (!!!!) slot for his meet and greet… wow, it makes one wonder if he’s made any friends in Washington at all. I’ve been invited and even attended a handful of lobbyist meet/greets but I have never even received an invitation to one at 8:30 AM on a Wednesday! Are lobbyists even up by then? What happened to the good old days of midnight cigars and brandy at the Willard?

    1. “Lamborn is completely ineffective AS A CONGRESSMAN.”

      I am wondering about your mental health today…is the heat getting to you??? It seems you are implying Lamborn may actually be effective at something, just not as a congressman!!! Seriously though, please stop giving Lamborn such high praise…hmph…Lamborn being effective at something- the idea itself just cracks me up.

          1. So, does anyone know whether or not Jeanie L has independent wealth?  It’s clear Doug L wasn’t making a living practicing law, at least not in the last few years, based on his public disclosures of his income.  An $30k/year on a state legislator’s salary is poverty for a family of his size.  So, just how is Jeanie L supporting him and where does her wealth come from? Anyone know?

            1. I mean, I guess that is a totally un-founded comment…but I just thought it was funny. How great would it be if there WAS some truth to it! I honestly do not know many companies where Lamborn would ever make it past an interview to get hired.

          1. http://www.coloradop

            But, maybe Jeannie Lamborn has had the means to support Doug.  I just know I don’t want to support him financially in 2008 and hope Crank yank’s Lamborn’s job right out from underneath him.  Better Jeannie support Doug than the 5th CD taxpayers paying his salary.

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