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June 20, 2007 03:15 PM UTC

"Nemesis": Disgraced Televangelist Bob Larson, in the Flesh?

  • by: riogrande

“Nemesis”: You’re delusional. Larson was “caught” only because you made an assumption and, as usual, were unable to differentiate your assumption from something substantiated by actual evidence.

I just happen to have the actual evidence handy.  Here’s the smoking gun:

This document was snagged from the website of “kensmithiscool,” a poster in alt.fan.bob-larson who has been personally haranguing me for years in much the same manner as “Nemesis” and his gang of sockpuppets have been doing here.  As everyone will no doubt instantly recognize, it is an internal Ministry copy of a check, complete with the “COPY” watermark.

Now, it just so happens that I have the original check in my possession:

The background story — having to do with Bob Larson (a formerly Colorado-based televangelist) fabricating “death threats” from “Satanists” (he denied that he had been receiving them under oath) — is here: https://home.earthlin…. (General background on Larson: https://www.boblarson…)

As any accountant knows (and Bob’s does), tax records have to be kept for six years from the date of filing.  Perhaps Nem would like to explain to the class how it is that the person in question came into possession of the “Ministry’s” (and I use that term advisedly) record copy of that document, given that (a) it had to be retained for tax records and  (b) because a motherlode of incriminating Ministry documents were obtained by dumpster-divers in the early 1990s (that’s how Robert Tilton was caught, as well), Larson now routinely shreds all of his business records.

There is other evidence — which any enterprising Polster can find at alt.fan.bob-larson (from about a year ago) — foremost of which being information only a Larson insider could possibly know.  By way of example:

Now, fast-forward to 1999.  It just so happens that it wasn’t until one day when BL received (curiously out of the blue) an advanced copy of Blasie’s band’s brand new blasphemous cd, that it was appropriately decided to write the band at their provided P.O. Box to inquire about the glaring absence of KBL.  Afterall, legitimate question!  It just so happened that over the years that the original free copy of the song that Blasie sent to BL ultimately got lost in the shuffle.

How would anyone but Larson (or one of his staffers) know that he lost the CD?  “kensmithiscool” knew things that only me, Chad Kelly, and Bob Larson could know, and I know that the other two weren’t talking.

Bob, you have pulled this stunt — with multiple sockpuppets — before, and you’ve been caught out every time.  Alas! If only you were Kevin McCasky.  ColoPols would be calling for your head….


15 thoughts on ““Nemesis”: Disgraced Televangelist Bob Larson, in the Flesh?

  1. Bob Larson Update: Comment
    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

    By John Cody

    Theological concerns, questionable financial practices and allegations of adultery were covered in last month’s BCCN feature on Bob Larson, but a number of issues were omitted, due to space restrictions, time constraints (deadline), and a perhaps ill-advised tendency to follow the paper’s mandate to foster unity among Christians rather than critique errant teachers. Moreover, several of Larson’s responses to our questions went unchallenged, raising the misleading impression that the charges against him are as he claimed: lies, half-truths, and exaggerations. This update hopes to rectify any confusion.

    Some of Larson’s claims are so fantastic as to sound fictitious, including statements blaming the Columbine massacre on all those who have opposed him, that satanists are more to be trusted than Christians in the media, that he’s been impersonated by demons on several occasions and that the Larson expose is part of a satanic plot that has already brought down Jim Bakker, Mike Warnke and Jimmy Swaggart. All these claims are verified through audio tapes.

    Currently included on his rally schedule Internet page is this statement: “For example, demons which manifested at recent rallies and workshops set off fire alarms and generated earthquakes.” …

    Source: http://www.ondoctrin

  2. I’m not Bob Larson, and I’m not “kensmithiscool,” though I have harangued you on other blogs in the past. Once again, here are all the clues you’re going to get:

    Who is Nemesis?

    The thing you just don’t seem to get is that I could be just about anyone you’ve ever met or known or even virtually-encountered in your entire life, since the vast majority of the members of that unfortunate club have pretty much the same reaction to you as I do. When is that going to start to sink in?

    1. We (most of us) are on ColoradoPols to express ideas, pass along information, debate, change hearts & minds, get informed through fellowship, and, on occassion, be entertained. The entertainment value of this, however, has long since dissipated.

      Your presence here is, as you’ve admitted in another thread and now here, is to follow Ken Smith around on the blogs, allegedly to disabuse of his false teachings.  Newsflash:  I case you haven’t noticed, all or most of the ColoradoPols commnunity, especially the established community, are quite savvy and have sufficient powers of discernment to sort out the wheat from the chaff.  Don’t you have anything better to do?

      1. From the B.C. Christian News (full article at http://www.ondoctrin…):

        Reaction to original article

        Before the article had even been posted on BCCN’s website, there was a heated debate on our discussion forum regarding its contents. Early on, five incendiary posts apparently from the pro-Bob faction were found to be from the same person, using various pseudonyms, including two fictitious pastors.

        Rather than argue the facts, each post attacked Ken Smith, a Denver resident who operates the Bob Larson Fan Club, an Internet site containing dozens of megabytes of documentation, including court documents, ministry tax returns, audited financial statements, deeds and other evidence which gives these charges credibility. Smith was not quoted in the original article, but a link was given to his site, and much of the information concerning Larson is included there. He suspects that the posts came from Larson, or someone acting at his behest: “Attacking the messenger is Larson’s modus operandi.”

        Smith describes himself as “a former believer who wants nothing to do with the church because of the way he has been mistreated by believers in connection with the Larson scandal.”

        Larson has chosen to focus on the fact that Smith is not a Christian, as though this mitigates the fact that the evidence speaks for itself. Larson claims Smith “has harassed other ministries such as CRI, Campus Crusade For Christ [and] Josh McDowell.”

        Cornerstone interviewed Kenneth Samples and Rob Bowmen of CRI, both of whom denied the accusation. Bowmen, who has since left CRI, responded: It is absolutely untrue than Ken harassed anyone at CRI, either myself or others. He is a very intelligent individual who has as complex set of questions concerning Christ’s resurrection. I only wish there were more apologists willing to deal with people such as Ken Smith.

        Larson accused Smith of being in cahoots with Christian talk show host Jon Stewart and Bob and Gretchen Passantino. Stewart has responded I only wish that Bob would deal with those things having to do with fact. Only then will the air be cleared. To fling about character assassination and unfounded allegations is untenable as a Christian minister.

        The Passantinos were more forthright: “Bob Larson should be ashamed of himself for deceiving and exploiting his listeners. For him to slander us by associating us with some unprovable, outlandish conspiracy to destroy his ministry or cause him bodily harm is unchristian and unethical.”

        Regarding the site’s veracity, both World Magazine (January 23, 1993, Vol. 7, # 23) and Cornerstone (Fall, 1993, Vol. 21, # 100) addressed the subject, each stating that all claims were corroborated independently. No fact presented on the website has ever been proven wrong.

        “Larson would sue me in a heartbeat, if he could,” Smith added. “He even sued me for threatening a boycott of Sears, Roebuck; they never prosecuted it because there wasn’t any evidence to support such nonsense. Believe me, if I got something wrong on the website, I’d hear from his lawyer in a New York minute.”
        As I said, I’ve been attacked by Larson and his sockpuppets before, and quite regularly.  It’s his M.O.

    2. “Nemesis” (a.k.a., Bob Larson): The thing you just don’t seem to get is that I could be just about anyone you’ve ever met or known or even virtually-encountered in your entire life, since the vast majority of the members of that unfortunate club have pretty much the same reaction to you as I do.

      Feel free to name names and give examples.  Here’s one article you will probably recall, which gives a nice counter-example:

      Auth: Jon Trott
      Srce: CORNERSTONE magazine, vol. 21, iss. 100, pp. 18, 37, 41-42.
      Date: 1993

      This January, World magazine published an investigation into the background and ministry of Bob Larson, whose radio show “Talk-Back” airs on over 175 stations in the U.S. Reporters Jay Grelen and Doug LeBlanc interviewed thirteen individuals who have known Bob Larson or were employees of Bob Larson Ministries (BLM). World’s criticisms included Larson’s income ($403,310 between Bob and his then wife in 1990[1]), and the allegations by ex-employees that pretaped radio programs are presented as live and that phone lines run by the ministry are mainly devices for gathering funds. The magazine also found evidence that Larson’s novel Dead Air was not written primarily by Larson. Bob’s response has generated further controversy.

      Cornerstone contacted some of World’s interviewees, plus others not previously interviewed. Sharla Turman Logan, who was keyboardist for Bob Larson’s high school rock trio, the Rebels, was interviewed by World. Logan, who lives in Lincoln, Nebraska, listened as Cornerstone read her this 1974 quote from a Bob Larson book, Hell on Earth:

      Bob Larson achieved fame at the age of thirteen when his first hit song was published. He had his own rock’n’roll band at fifteen, and performed on radio and television over the next years until his career took him to Convention Hall in Atlantic City.[2]

      Logan’s reaction is swift. “What?! I knew him at thirteen, and I never heard of any hit song.” What about Atlantic City? “Convention Hall? Yes, we played there,” Logan says. “But it was a Lions Club Convention, one song. We did a parody of `Charlie Brown.’ You know, `He’s a clown / Charlie Brown.'”

      This is Bob Larson’s account of the Rebels’ effect upon their listeners, from his 1972 book, The Day the Music Died:

      On Sunday morning it was a church, but on Saturday night the pews were removed, our musical equipment was placed on the platform, and beer was dispensed in the basement as teenagers danced in the sanctuary. It was especially popular because cars could be parked surrounding the building. This provided a convenient bed of immorality during intermission for the release of sex tensions stimulated by the dancing.[3]

      Sharla Logan heard the same story years before Bob first published it. “I saw him preach in 1965 or 1966, when I was in college at Greeley, Colorado.” Logan couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “I was offended. I was hurt. None of us ever did anything sexually or even drank. My father went with us to the concerts as a chaperon, and he would have picked up on any sexual stuff. We played at pizza parlors, rodeos, and churches. Everyone came, from little knee-high kids to grandpas and grandmas. But Bob talked about us like we were a bunch of sluts, if you’ll excuse me. I was crying, sitting there hoping people wouldn’t look at me. At the next intermission, I left.” […]

        Larson’s broadcast went on, “It has gotten to the point where I can’t even let my dog out at night. I don’t venture out after dark. I have to pull the blinds when I walk inside the house. This is serious stuff. This is scary stuff. It is threatening to my life, limb, and property . . . .

      “There has been at least one attempt to break into my home. There has been unlawful entry, theft of corporate ministry documents. Why?” Bob Larson then spells out what seems to be an elaborate conspiracy theory. “First of all, one of the people heading this up is an avowed atheist who has harassed other ministries such as Christian Research Institute, Campus Crusade for Christ, Josh McDowell. I am now his latest target.”

      The unnamed “atheist” is Ken Smith, a local law student who has repeatedly attempted to confront Larson with information Smith gleaned from divorce records and other documents.

      Is Larson’s charge that Smith harassed Christian Research Institute true? “It is not true,” says CRI’s Kenneth Samples, a senior research consultant with the group. “Smith is a skeptic who has corresponded significantly with Rob Bowman, who was a researcher with us [until early 1992].” When reached, Bowman elaborated to Cornerstone: “It is absolutely untrue that Ken harassed anyone at CRI, either myself or others. He is a very intelligent individual who has a complex set of questions concerning Christ’s Resurrection. I only wish there were more apologists willing to deal with people such as Ken Smith.” Bowman con tinues a dialogue with Smith via mail.

      Larson’s accusations went much further than just the “atheist,” however. In his broadcast, Bob went on to claim, “He [the atheist] has linked up with some other people in the Christian community whose names I have mentioned in the past, such as Mr. John Stewart, a Christian talk-show host, such as Bob and Gretchen Passantino, and a reporter by the name of Jay Grelen.”

      We contacted each of the alleged conspirators. “I only wish that Bob would deal with those things having to do with fact,” John Stewart told Cornerstone. “Only then will the air be cleared. To fling about character assassination and unfounded allegations is untenable as a Christian minister.”
      (The full article is at http://home.earthlin….)

      Bob Larson has been defaming me for years, pursuant to his strategy of killing the messenger.  And by coincidence, no one else has been.  Sure, I’ve ruffled a few feathers over the years, and said some things in anger I have come to regret in retrospect — who hasn’t?  But there has been no one more obsessed with me and obsessive than Bob Larson — not even close.

  3. Take your feud somewhere else.

    You’re both, “ambitious narcisist[s], that we, the discerning public, aren’t interested in promoting or tolerating.”

    1. but I don’t have the power to do so.  That power resides with ColoradoPols.

      As for me, I’m here to talk Colorado politics, and would be delighted to be rid of the distraction.

          1. We don’t want to silence those we disagree with, otherwise this would be a pretty boring blog.

            We don’t like people who don’t contribute anything useful, like your nemesis. Since he is here because you are here, I would like to be rid of both of you.

  4. Will you two get off it?  For crying out loud!

    Now, Rio has been annoying before, especially when EVERYTHING he posted was about the courts.  Unhealthy obsession don’t go over well here.  But he’s at least kept his rants to the diaries section and posted about other topics other than the courts.

    You, on the other hand, Nemesis, have done little more than dog Rio with every post, and I’m tired of it.  I don’t care if you’re Bob Larsen or not, but your single issue crap is getting old.  Granted, not as annoying as Kay, but still pretty annoying.  I mean, you’ve admitted that you follow Rio around to different sites just to dog Rio.

    Get a life.

    Blog about something else then your un-yielding dislike for each other

  5. BL, Nemesis, or whomever is obviously the proverbial wayward son who has unfortunately wandered aimlessly into our lives.  Remember BL there are many who think that they are righteous because they say yes to God, but they do not do his will. We pity you in your current aimless state of delusion.

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