Leaves very little to the imagination, doesn’t it? Poll follows.
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Am I supposed to bring this up at work now?? 🙂 One wrong person looks over my shoulder and I’m toast!
For a rather modest sum I will not tell your boss how you spend all day pretending to work but actually bloggin……
It’s a beautiful thing my friend….
The campaign put this out to try and distract people from the real story of Obama’s sloppy underhanded and racists staff.
My wife told me I’m developing a bit of a man crush on Obama. At least I’m not singing about him in a pair of hot pants
give it a few more weeks
-phalt. Heckuva paving job. The lanes are well-defined, the curves–curbs!–are well, um, curbed. I’ll have to ask President Obama if we can get some asphalt like that here in Denver for our pothole-ridden roads.
On second thought, maybe I can. “Tancredo Girl”?
Maybe you can put a frilly red, white and green skirt, crank up the mariachi music, and shake those hips like they don’t lie!
One of the things that will most hurt a politician is ridicule. People will not vote for someone that they laugh at. Laugh with is great, laugh at is killer.
There will be candidates where people make a farcical video of them where the ridiculousness of them shown in the video resonates and that will hurt – a lot.
I doubt it will be done to Tancredo as he has 0 chance of winning. But one of THompson and using Law and Order clips – i’d be shocked if we don’t see those soon.
– dave
We’re having a slow Friday, so Pols whips out that one thing sure to grab everyone’s attention and wake ’em up!!
His campaign can’t be happy about this. Yeah it’s cute, but it’s totally off message and even though the campaign had nothing to do with it, people will still lump the two together.
Kind of a diss to Michelle
…no substance, just enthusiasm.
It was reported a few months ago – can’t recall the site or interviewer – wherein he actually said that his plan for winning the election is to not have positions on issues. In other words, a popularity contest.
Has his wife seen this?
it would cost a fortune to buy all those rating points if you bought traditional ads. those folks at barely political are geniuses.
…a certain former White House intern (whose last fashion statement was wearing a blue berret) is looking for a pair of those, in size large.
(humming tune)
Interesting. Musical memes DO work better.
How about a remake of Richard Thompson’s ‘Valerie’… with you know who…
so funny to see these ‘secret weapons’ trotted out.
If you think about it campaigns have been pretty much the same thing from Kennedy to Gore/Bush. Lets call that the TV era.
TV was the number 1 thing. News and personal appearances came next. Direct mail had some impact. And that was what everyone did.
Even the cable hit pieces were just a variation on this theme. The only thing that really came out different toward the end of that period was all the special interest money but that was more a funding source change.
We are now in the midst of a giant change And it’s happening very very fast.
1) No longer is “free” media a small set of individuals, and ones that tended to have a herd mentality. Now it’s a vast number of people on a spectrum of influence. This is a gigantic change in how the news media impacts the race.
2a) Anyone can have an impact on the race. This video and the Hillary/Brave New World ones were basically done by 1 or 2 people and then get in front of millions. What is required is compelling content, not money. Same for the macaca video in VA.
2b) And what will have an impact changes. Think of the videos that have resonated. It would have been hard to predict any of them. It will be interesting to see what else comes our way.
3) Candidate web sites, blogs, forums, etc are radically changing things for the “influencers.” THey will know a lot more about the candidates and they will be able to as a group, have an infuence on the candidate.
This is definitely an interesting time to watch politics. And a lot of races are going to be won by those who can best figure out this new paradigm and use it.
– dave
That’s why I don’t think this is going to hurt Obama.
One problem though. Tube-ads are most effective when they reinforce what people already believe. That’s why the Edwards “I feel pretty” has been effective–people think he’s a pretty boy. Negative effective. Another example, the Apple ad was effective because it plays into the perception that HRC is a controlling icey harridan.–again effective.
This shows Obama as desireable by a desireable woman. Shallow, but positive.
This will be a negative if he doesn’t start to demonstrate depth. I think he has depth and is ready now, but for those who don’t follow politics closely there is a sense that he has potential, but that he needs seasoning. He needs to counter that perception.
I have a couple of Ideas in that area, but I try to keep these posts shorts and I wanted to comment on my real fear in the new medium.
The tube ad equivalent of push polling. False-flagging is creating an “attack” ad that is designed to actually hurt the person who you think the ad is for.
I think if produced differently the I’m in love with Obama could be one of those
You could make a “pro” muskrat video using actual interviews with white supremacist’s talking about how much and why they like Muskrat. Then at the end you put a “vote Marilyn Musgrave”. I don’t like this kind of video, but dems have to be prepared.
First off the mock apple ad against Hillary wasn’t effective at all because she still continues to kick Obama’s ass in the polls.
2nd this ad makes Obama look like a joke, there is nothing presidential about this and while it may excite the young people it will turn of the people who matter, swing voters!
3rd there hasn’t been one case yet of you tube positivly impacting an election. This may change at some point, but don’t think this add will be the first.
There will be ones that have a major positive effect and a lot that have a major negative effect. I wouldn’t be surprised if the networks start calling this the YouTube election.
If Youtube brings down someone like Allen was brought down. But I agree, at this point Youtube has the potential to much more damage than good.
But I think you’re right, eventually campaigns will get scary good at using it…
The first official Democratic Party sanctioned debate will be on CNN, co-sponsored by Google/YouTube. You can ask your questions directly to the candidates via a special YouTube page.
I didn’t know BO and the missus did that…
I thought it worth putting there too – inspiration from ColoradoPols.
DailyKos diary
I dont think it is going to hurt Obama either, but that is where you and I part company (on this issue at least).
As far as I know there has been only one youtube video (ad?) that has any discernable effect on any race, and that is the Allen-Webb race. If you have any evidence to the contrary I am all ears, but up until this point I have seen nor heard nothing.
The Edwards and Hillary videos are nothing. I think the media is so, insert adjective here, (here are a few I thought of: dumbfouned, confused, in awe, scared, unsure, etc) of youtube and and its imitators that they jump on any new viral video that pops up. I guess I look at the Edwards video as a weak hit piece (in the interest of full disclosure I am an Edwards supporter, dont like Hillary at all). He is a pretty boy. Christ, he is a good looking guy. In the age of metrosexuality, wonderbra-like male jeans (I’m thinking of my old lift and seperate sevens and diesels), and a cavalcade of male hair salons and product does it surprise anyone that politicians look…great? Look at the old Kennedy/Nixon debate. Kennedy looking all debonair and suave. Nixon looking like me at work (my shoe selling job not the pool), sweaty. You must know that the consultants hire people to make their candidates looking good. Clothes people, hair people, teeth people. Anyone who bought into the video is a person who would not support Edwards anyway. And if you would like to know my opinion, which I will offer free of charge, if the dem race were about health care Edwards would be in the lead.
The Hillary piece is such a tired piece. The original video was aired once, during the superbowl, and is really the reason why companies pay millions of dollars for super bowl ads. Maybe its because I saw this video, ad nauseum, in college, that whenever I see this ad I have to role my eyes. It would be like, I dont know, think of some boy band releasing a concept album entitled “Col. Salts Angry Kidney’s Club Band” (a little hat tip to the beatles and Sgt Peppers 40th anniversary not too long ago) and they throw on faces of major political and societal people from the 80s, 90s and today. People would roll their eyes; call them hacks; decry them for stealing from an album that literally changed rock and roll, if I may be so bold. What the creaters of the Macintosh commercial did was take a genuis advertisement and modified it slightly, WOOOHOOO. Its uncreative, simple, and what it may represent, to me, is lost in its unoriginal presentation.
As much as I like Obama, which I really do, I do not think he has depth. Everytime I hear him speak he talks a big game, but nothing I have read, heard or seen demonstrates he has anything to back this up. It is early, so maybe he is still developing what he thinks will work, but c’mon.
Sorry for making this so long. I like to throw in personal anecdotes.
Obama’s got the dept of a rain puddle. I normally don’t read long posts, but you had some good things to say.
Little has been said about Hillary looking suspiciously good for a late fifties woman. She has certainly had major workovers. Maybe because we expect women to look as good as possible, we don’t pay attention. Or, maybe it would be impolite to point this out.
She is a, dare I say it, a high class women. If she were to throw on some off the rack outfit, no jewelry and bad shoes you could expect people to be talking.
…and certainly recent revelations on the Clinton’s wealth (could they have imagined that when they got married?)indicate that she can shop anywhere she damn well wants to.
I was referring to face lift(s), Botox, hair dye.
During the G7 here in Denver a decade ago I was around the Clintons, Madelyn Albright, and other administration folks for little snippets of time. I thought Hillary quite attractve (Hello, Gecko, are you lurking?) A conservative 7, some might say 8 on the infamous Bo Derek scale. If she wasn’t HC and I met her in a bar, why, yes!
I figured one long post might be bearable to the masses.
I can’t remember who he ran against but there were 2 videos as I recall, one of that guy saying his gardner was an illegal immigrant and one of something else. That made a difference.
And recently up in Idaho there was a video of the Republican who was going to be the Republican gov candidate going on about how he wanted to stick it up the ass of the Dem gov (I assume figuratively, not literally). His political career is now over.
All negative impacts so far but they have been the deciding factor.
….closer to home, did not a state rep from El Paso County threaten to fist Val Vigil last session on the House floor? (I’m not certain, but was it Bill Cadman?) Did that prevent his re-election?
…behaves in childish, immature, uncivil manners. In fact, I would wager that many approve of it.
See also Dick Cheney, “Fuck you!” on the Senate floor.
Anyone recall the 2000 campaign when Bush was caught calling some reporter an asshole when he thought the mike was off? We would still be talking about it if it had been Gore because the hard right pundits would have made the Himalayas out of that
moleanthill.back when he was running for guv.
..but let Gore sigh in a debate and it is still topical on the nut field.
I was just thinking about that incident. I believe it was Adam Clymer of the N.Y. Times to whom the Shrub was referring.
Not to be outdone, Cheney chimed in by adding, “Big Time.” Maureen Dowd then took to referring to Cheney as “Big Time.”
I think the reference to the N.Y. Times reporter was what Shrub meant when he announced that he wanted to change the tone in D.C. to one of more civility and respect.
Homophobic on the outside, battling an orientation contrary to their ideology on the inside
How can we trust them not to lie to us, when they lie to themselves
….but at least he’s out of the House and doesn’t have to worry about watching his back when Cadman is around.
OQD – It was Cadman, it was Vigil, and it was 2005. Vigil was term-limited and lost a primary challenge to Sen. Lois Tochtrop in 2006.
not Idaho. It was in reference to Montana Governor Schweitzer. I’m pretty sure the apocalypse is going to get here before Idaho has a Dem. Governor.
I remember seeing a few Tester videos, but they were all videos of the debates between Tester and Conrad Burns (his name is so simpson-esque). In my opinion, Tester mopped up the floor with Burns in each one. I never heard about the other ones. Did they get the same national news coverage as the “macaca” moment?
I remember one allegation Burns put out was that Tester illegally butchered meat for his neighbors. It was true, but this guy hunted and butchered his own kill, and that of his neighbors! Hardly a liberal elite.
….that says “R-O-M-N-E-Y” on them?
What about that ass is nasty to you?
I didn’t find it arousing at all.
I also realize that it could just be that frame in the vid, bad lighting, bad moment.
I’ve studied the video like the Zapruder film.
(looks over shoulder)
No honey…I just checking out political news
I think this is going to hurt Obama (slightly). Why? Because what he going to have to answer over the next couple of months is if he has any depth. This video adds to the all sizzle, no steak.
One big advantage Hillary has in this endless primary is that she is totally known. Everything has been answered. So she has to keep plugging along but she doesn’t have to confront anything new.
– dave
Although it wouldn’t surprise me if Gecko has a pair of boxer “Hildabeast” across the back of them.
Obama will have to answer to those who care. Keep in mind that it will not be republicans. It will be dems. And the ones that will be asking about stengths and depths, will not care about this video. Some republicans will try to tie this to him, but if he succeeds in the primary, then he will have already answered those issues. In fact, without answering those questions, he can not beat hilary. It is similar to what romney MUST go through about his faith.
was substantive:
Sorry guys, no silly and pretty girl to look at.