( – promoted by Colorado Pols)
A vocal group of moderate Republicans have been courting state Sen. Josh Penry to run for the U.S. Senate in 2008. Penry has thus far rebuffed those advances, but there must still be an open door because Penry continues to be pushed to run.
The reason Penry is being pushed has more to do with Bob Schaffer than anything else. A growing group of Republicans are convinced that Schaffer is too conservative to win a statewide race and will get trounced by Democrat Mark Udall in 2008. As the thinking goes, if Schaffer runs and loses, then Republicans aren’t left with much of a consolation prize. But even if Penry lost to Udall, he would still have gained valuable statewide name ID for a later run (perhaps even for governor in 2010). If Schaffer loses, the GOP has really gained nothing in defeat; they may actually be worse off, in fact, if Schaffer loses despite running as a staunch conservative.
A candidacy from someone like Penry also has more potential to catch fire than a Schaffer bid. If Schaffer wins in 2008, it will be through a slow and steady approach, but he’s not the kind of personality – nor does he represent the kind of ideas – that could really spark a heated level of interest.
Despite attempts to recruit him, Penry may continue to say no with the thought that 2008 isn’t the right opportunity for him statewide. Either way, it says a lot about the growing belief that while Schaffer may be great for conservatives, he may not be great in a general election.
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First they run McInnis off so Schaffer could run and not face another disaterous primary and now they want to fix it by courting Josh Penry? What in the world is Dick Wadams thinking? Or is he even at the helm?
He’s just rearranging chairs on the titanic.
this fascination with Josh “Aw Shucks” Penry. I mean, sure he’s young, ambitious and relatively bright – but c’mon. Is that what they’re settling for these days? He also takes orders well from the GOP higher-ups. In fact, his most recent shining moment seemed to be taking all the credit for the Labor bill fracas and that seemed to have been orchestrated by GOP higher-ups. So, maybe this is his reward from Dick Wadhams for carrying the water on that one. I have much more respect for Cory Gardener, Rob Witwer or Steve Johnson. Sure, they’re Republicans but they seem to have a little more depth.
while i agree with your estimation on Gardner and Witwer, they have not been able to keep themselves from picking too many fights in the House. look at this last session. who did joan fitz-gerald go to when she needed someone to broker a compromise on reforming the cogcc. Did she go to steve johnson? No. She went to penry. i’ve met him a couple of times and one thing you can not accuse this guy of is not having depth. he’s one that gets it.
Go Blue:
What an extraordinarily original metaphor. Get serious.
Lots of folks died, as I recall. Not a time to be playing with furniture, see.
for the explaination, oscar. i’m not sure there’s anyone on the planet that doesn’t understand what the metaphor means. the point being made is that it is so over used that i would be embarassed to use it in this or any other situation.
I guess we’ll have to freshen up our metaphors while you’re here. Thanks for keeping us on our toes.
playing Guitar while New Orleans floods?
taking remedial 2nd-grade classes on 9/11?
Or maybe we should just dish it out without metaphors: the Republican Party is acting insane when it needs to repair its own house…
When a state legislature pushes for Big Oil, I do not consider that person to be a moderate. Moderation as defined is one that is “Opposed to radical or extreme views or measures, especially in politics or religion”
Penry is far from that: http://www.gjfreepre…
Just where is the gap between Penry and Schaffer on issues? The recruitment pool here is a toddler’s wader.
This is what you get after a generation of purging your party. The “choice” is no choice.
It’s humorous how Schaffer lies that his work with Aspect Energy LLC also involves “renewable technologies.” He wishes. He’s the money minder for Alex Cranberg in a pure gas and oil drilling operation with no interests or plans in alternative sources at all. After Bob Schaffer worked hard to support oil lobbyists in Congress, he immediately went to work for the same folks.
Schaffer is Big Oil.
Go Blue:
Thanks for giving me so much fodder. If you consult Webster’s, you’ll see that a state legislature cannot be a person. It’s a body of people. I thought CO Pols was a moron free zone.
Oh! Snap!! pwned!!1!!
Seriously, it was a typo – we all make them. Do you have anything substantive to say?
“I thought CO Pols was a moron free zone.”
Really? You clearly have not been here for very long.
I see you’ve taken advantage of that already. Enjoy.
you’ve been known to give them their own personal thread!
If giving a moron their own thread generates entertainment, then who’s to say it’s wrong?
penry has a future statewide; but moderate? prolife, anti gay, vouchers, tax cuts, pro oil & gas. even though he has a future it is very easy to cast him as in the pocket of the oil companies because of his opposition to changes to the severance law. changes which would help fund education, without increasing taxes on individuals.
individuals pay ALL the taxes.
Not so long ago, corps paid 35% of the federal income taxes. It’s down to 7%.
The people who “pay” when corps get taxed are, obviously, the shareholders. While many shareholders are funds that include pensions and individual stock owners, the value of not taxing corps is miniscule to the average American, at best. Millions of Americans own no stock, directly or indirectly. Yet they “pay” for those who do.
The middle class has been picking up more and more of the tax burden for 25 years. We need to increase corporate tax rates so that The Commons that they use are paid for. By that, I’m referring to an educated work force, the courts (by far and away the biggest user of the courts), the military that protects their ass-ets, and capital projects of evey kind.
Too bad we can’t draft their kids.
Do you have source for this? Which moderate Republicans? Is Penry talking?
I’m going to be the first to officially throw the BS flag on this one. Infraction: Wishful thinking for a GOP implosion.
GOP really is scraping the bottom of the barrel if they want Penry to run. He’s a young pup with no life experience. Udall will wipe his face into the asphalt and it wouldn’t be a red badge of courage Penry could wear into 2010’s Governor race.
As I posted a while back, Wadhams et. al. are trying to rehabilitate Penry’s image from being an extremist ideologue to trying to make us think that he is a moderate. He can’t even get his own hometown’s newspaper endorsement in his state senate race. Now the Wad wants us to believe he is a viable national candidate? Penry is an extremist uber-con. Don’t be fooled. When asked about Janet Rowland’s position of teaching religion in our schools, he told the Daily Sentinel that he would not object to it. He was not a “moderate” on Colorado’s immigration bill. He was not a “moderate” on Ref C. He is not a “moderate” on the current school funding issues.
He signed a statement in his last campaign saying that he would serve his full term in the state senate and not run for other office. Is Wadhams wanting us to believe that he is a liar? That is probably more believable than their contention that Penry is a “moderate.”
Crystal Blue:
You must have missed the glowing column that Sentinel Publisher George Orbanek wrote a few months back comparing Penry to Teddy Roosevelt. I would guess that you were too busy reading (over and over again) the copy of Penry’s “pledge” that you and your buddy Mike Maestas got Penry to sign at the Club 20 debate with his near-dead opponent last year. Good one.
As Orbanek who he’d endorse for the US Senate — Penry or Udall. You might be surprised.
Is in full force today. Bob Schaffer would wipe Penry like he wipes the kitchen floor in a primary.
Phaseline hates Penry because he fought them when they tried to force Ref. A down the state’s collective throat. shari needs to find a new tactic to attack penry.
You are the one who missed my refutation of it when I worte about how Penry got his “junior Tony Soprano” nickname.
Actually, I did read your refutation. Unfortunately, your blind boosterism of Bernie the clown Buescher eats at your credibility.
People need to understand that it was a big, big deal for Sentinel Publisher George Orbanek to swallow hard and write such a glowing column about Penry. It took a lot for George to admit that Josh is a good Senator.
The people of Mesa County agree with Orbanek. 70+ percent of them.
So who cares what he thinks?
What you don’t seem to want to admit is that Orbanek in some ways personifies the “doubt” that many people in your generation had about Penry in the first place. For him to come along and admit that he had it wrong about Penry and even compare him to the likes of Teddy Roosevelt is a gold star for Penry.
I, for one, am glad that George is on his way out — but the larger point is that if Orbanek can come around, so can the people of Colorado. They might just be ready for a pragmatic Senator in Washington.
in comparing “Tony Soprano junior” to Roosevelt. Penry is not even close to being a conservationist. Look at his advocacy for drilling on the Roan Plateau and then come and try passing that lie again. You and I both know that Orbanek was grossly mistaken.
Just read what the Western Colorado Congress has to say about Penry’s mythical conservationist credentials. http://www.gjfreepre…
As much as it grates me to say this, I actually agreed with George in that instance. I’m glad that you made my point, though, by using the Western Colorado Congress as a “source” to trash Penry’s “conservation” credentials. What’s next? A newsflash from the Sierra Club that they don’t think George Bush is an environmentally friendly president? Or, maybe a newsflash from the Minutemen that they believe Tancredo should be our next president? Of course WCC is going to trash Penry. That’s what allows them to continue raising money from groups like the Gay and Lesbian Fund. Or the Ben and Jerry’s Foundation. Those groups love to see that a bunch of paid activists are opposing people that actually get things done. Maybe instead of attacking Penry, WCC could thank him for brokering a compromise on the largest overhaul of the COGCC since its inception. Don’t believe it happened? Ask Joan Fitz-Gerald. Or Jim Isgar. Or Chris Romer. Or Bill Ritter.
When conservationists tell us that Penry is not a conservationist, it holds no sway with your uber-con crowd? Go figure. I guess doctors should not be the ones who tell us when a person is ready to practice medicine. Engineers should not be the ones telling us that an engineer grad is qualified. Your logic defies logic.
My bet is that Orbanek wrote his luke warm column about Penry because of his own dislike of J. Salazar.
I don’t see how Penry has the name ID or record to contend with Udall in a general election next November.
In addition, if he loses the 2008 Senate race should he really run in 2010 for Governor – against an incumbent? Two losses like that on the big stage of a statewide campaign and Penry is toast. Too soon now, hold him in reserve and run him against one of the Salazar’s in 2010.
All of the back and forth questioning Penry’s moderation seems foolish. Does anyone seriously consider mark udall a moderate? I think that a udall penry match up would put two completely different worldviews on display for colorado voters to choose from. my own sense is that after two years dealing with a left wing, radical governor (and all of his lackeys in tow at the capitol) colorado voters may very well want to elect someone like penry. one thing i think he learned from mcinnis is his tenacity on the campaign trail. the guy got 70% of the vote in mesa county when beauprez barely broke 50.
huh!!! Pro-Life, vetos a pro labor bill. Ritter is not a left wing radical, unless you are a member of the the John Birch society, the constitution party or any one of a number of groups promoting the “rights” of white men (WAR, KKK).
Sure Udall’s not a moderate, people have only said he is tacking toward the center, where statewide elections are decided. He’s liberal, but not stridently so.
The GOP is going to lose in CO in 2008 because the party is coming apart at the seams. Douglas county is the most important county to the GOP winning statewide races. yes El Paso has twice as many votes, but DougCO is trending more moderate much like JeffCO and ArapCO.
In Douglass county
Cong. District 6
Bill Winter (DEM) 28437 35.55 %
Tom Tancredo (REP) 50523 63.16 %
Gov./Lieutenant Gov.
Bob Beauprez/Janet Rowland (REP) 42493 52.87 %
Bill Ritter Jr./Barbara O’Brien (DEM) 36364 45.25 %
The numbers don’t support my position on the surface. After all TT ran strong and even a weakened BB beat BR well run campaign.
State Treasurer
Mark Hillman (REP) 49202 62.99 %
Cary Kennedy (DEM) 28914 37.01 %
However, CK ran a great statewide campaign. But the limited budget and relatively strong candidate for the GOP, were not enough to overcome the right tilt of the district. Again doesn’t support my position. However look at 2005.
Referendum C
YES 30265 48.53 %
NO 32104 51.47 %
Referendum D
YES 29036 46.61 %
NO 33253 53.39 %
This indicates that DougCO is not the kind of republican county that plains counties are. The GOP will lose if they keep talking about tax cuts and D’s keep talking about higher ed costs.
I used to joke I’m a moderate republican, that’s why I’m a active registered democrat. the GOP won’t think it so funny when more people come to that conclusion.
I’ve heard that Phaseline has been aggressively recruiting another candidate and Penry is their latest recruit. Shame on Penry for not pledging this full support to Bob.
shame should be heaped on penry because people are talking about him? i see. maybe shame should also be heaped on pragmatic republicans in colorado that are not interested in participating in another campaign run (in to the toilet) by shari williams. maybe shame should be heaped on people that aren’t eager to spend their free time — and their disposable income — supporting another shaffer run for the senate. the guy had his chance and he blew it big time. the thing about penry is that he’s just as conservative as shaffer but he doesn’t marginalize himself when he opens his mouth. he’s a very skilled legislator and from what i’ve seen he would be much better on the stump than shaffer.
would have to explain how he lied when he signed a statement saying he would not run.
did Josh say he wouldn’t run for C.D. 3 in ’08, or did he promise not to run for ANY office in ’08?
complete with signature.
Don’t forget that Penry was an insider in the Beauprez campaign right alongside Shari. Conservatives in Colorado would not look kindly on Penry challenging Bob Schaffer. If Phaseline succeeds in recruiting Penry, this is Schaffer vs. Coors all over again.
Good point. Penry was the only sitting legislator trying to lift the Beauprez campaign out of the ashes. Come on. He was one of many voices trying to convince people like Shari to focus on the right things.
In the scenario you predict, who would be the Coors? Colorado conservatives would have no bone to pick with Penry. The conservatives you speak of are for the most part smart people. Do you believe they want to lose another Shaffer campaign? The guy had his chance and he couldn’t even beat an empty suit beer baron. What would Ken Salazar have done to HIM?!!
You’ve always had a hard-on for Shaffer. Give it a rest.
“But even if Penry lost to Udall, he would still have gained valuable statewide name ID for a later run”
Is the “vocal group of moderate Republicans” really justifying Penry’s candidacy on how much republicans can make of losing elections? They’ll need to come up w/ a more powerful message prior to his announcement.
When Penry ran for the State House I met him at a town meeting he held in Delta. I came ready to blast him with both barrels because he worked for Scott McInnis (I assumed he’d be like Scott). I was actually surprised at how pleasant he was and the thing that really impressed me was his grasp of all of the issues. I don’t know if he could win a state wide campaign, but Democrats would underestimate him at their own risk. If John Salazar can win ANY election, a guy like Penry automatically has a chance.
The GOP bench in Colorado is robust and deep and what you’re seeing here is just a little muscle-flexing. Look at it like a game of Whack-a-Mole–or, more adolescent but oh so deliciously devious–Gotcha.
You guys blew your load on McInnis and now you’re having to reload for Schaffer. All the talk about Suthers and Elway and Owens and Penry is to take you for a spin.
You guys should know that Penry–or anyone else, for that matter–is not going to run. This is Schaffer’s race and it has been for a couple of years.
Salazar and Ritter are going to be in for a monumental fight in 2010 despite–or maybe because of–the national climate. Elway vs. Ritter and Penry vs. Salazar? Bring it on! I’m not one for betting–especially before the 2008 season has even heated up to a boil–but I like the GOP’s chances if we’ve got Elway and Penry at the top of the ticket.
I’m also a little perplexed at your wistful analysis of Schaffer.
“If Schaffer wins in 2008, it will be through a slow and steady approach, but he’s not the kind of personality – nor does he represent the kind of ideas – that could really spark a heated level of interest.”
I mean, we obviously inhabit dramtically different political worlds and environmnents, but my feeling and understanding is that Schaffer has cranked up passion in the base and grassroots in a way that Beauprez and Coors never could. The GOP base in Colorado can’t quite win elections outright–but grassroots support will be critical in a tight election needing major fundraising.
If you want to really guage the interest in a candidate–whether in the base or across political lines–look at fundraising. I’ve known for months what the Colorado Pols community is finally grasping: Romney is hot property in the GOP and his numbers prove it.
Udall hasn’t exactly been a Democratic heartthrob looking at his lackluster numbers. They may increase a bit as more attention is put on the campaign–but what will you say when Schaffer catches up to Udall and then the first poll arrives showing Schaffer either tied or with a small lead? That support is from the base and that support matters.
Finally, what the left and the media cannot seem to grasp is that conservatives–even REALLY conservative ones–can, in fact, do fine in Colorado. Wayne Allard faced the same criticism and challenges that Schaffer faces and Allard prevailed in both of his races. Same can be said for Marilyn Musgrave. Call ’em onerous monstosities of the right if you’d like–but I call ’em winners.
What we haven’t seen is anyone to the left of Bill Clinton win Colorado. The left can’t exactly hang their hat on Salazar and Ritter, can they? Colorado has proven its capacity and even propensity to nominate unflinchingly conservative Republicans. But we’ve yet to really embrace a lefty like Udall.
Maybe it’s time to pump a little more espresso into the little El Dorado Engine That Could?
Talk about wishful thinking… He said he’s not interested in public office. But he is the GOP wet dream candidate given that people will vote for a football hero whether he’s a Dem, ‘pub, or commie. It doesn’t speak much of the GOP crop that they keep falling back on Elway to generate excitement.
He’s the messiah
What’s the weather like on Bizarro World?
WELL while I don’t agree with the whole analysis it’s nice to see SOMEONE throwing a little balance on the fire.
Schaffer is Armstrong’s guy. Penry doesn’t what to piss off the Armstrong Money Machine. He’s gonna need it when he runs for CD-3.
lmfao, you mean like in 2004?
It’s more like the Armstrong Meddling Machine!
Good luck BS…Why don’t you actually spend some money on voter contact this time! (there’s a winning idea)
Can’t we get a good third party candidate?
The line-up now makes me want to puke. Penry included.
I was waiting for the “Penry for 3rd CD” campaign… This Senate idea is a bit of a surprise. Is Penry actually old enough to run for Senate? Why doesn’t he just take on Salazar?
Well, Colorado Confidential has a picture of Penry at the bottom of their page today. Judge for yourself. 😉
according to Wiki. So he’s just barely old enough. But you bring up a good point if we’re to take this seriously – his youth can be made an issue and if the Dems are smart they’ll play that card for all it’s worth in the event of a Penry nomination.
I agree with most polsters that Penry isn’t going down that path, at least not at this point in time.
The person who should be most nervous about this thread today is John Salazar. Penry seems to have the things that neither Walcher or Tipton had. Penry can match wits with Walcher any day when it comes to issues — and he has a pulse and some name recognition (unlike Tipton). John Salazar keeps thumbing his nose at his constituents on issues like the Roan Plateau and he’s going to get a serious challenge from someone like Penry. If I were the DCCC, I would start writing John’s talking points now. It might not be until 2008, it might not be until 2012. The point is that John Salazar’s dreadful performance as a congressman WILL catch up to him at some point. Penry might be the guy to remind him that he never should have been elected in the first place.
A recent poll of 400 likely voters in Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District (represented by John Salazar) showed 72% support for prohibiting drilling on the public lands atop the Plateau. This support was strong across party affiliations.
Payoffs to oil companies are not very popular right now
Maybe the thousands of people who are making a good living in and around northwest Colorado because the oil and gas business is booming. Yeah. Those people.
Don’t spew Pete Kolbenschlag’s talking points at me. Read the cross tabs of that poll. Understand the questions (and the methodology) they used and then get back on here and defend Salazar and Udall’s decision to NOT develop 5 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. Then come back on here and defend Salazar and Udall’s decision NOT to deliver the state of Colorado billions of dollars in bonus payments and royalties.
Finally, let’s call a spade a spade. It’s not the Roan Plateau. It’s the Naval Oil Shale Reserve. Congress wanted it developed — now let the BLM do their job.
So some relatively small percentage of the district does better, directly or indirectly, by drilling on the Roan. Yes, they should not like Salazar.
But most of the citizens of the district – covering a LOT more than those near the Roan – overwhelmingly voted to return him to congress.
And he’s voting the wrong way because he’ll piss off a small fraction of his district?
Ask John Salazar to point to the Roan Plateau on a map and he would most likely have a hard time even finding Colorado. Better yet, ask his beltway staffers to name what county the roan plateau lies in. I’ll bet even his little brother is embarassed of him when they’re in the same meetings.
Slow day at Halliburton, Kent? Your Dubai masters know you’re slacking on the job? There’s wells to frac my man.
Actually, if you would bother to read the Congressional testimony around the Roan Plateau Transfer Act, you would find that–in fact–Congress intended the lands at the NOSR to be managed according to FLPMA, which includes protecting public lands for other values besides commodity production, including wilderness. The Record, for instance, has this fine quote from (then) CO-Rep. David Skaggs, who sat on the committee that advanced the Act. He said, in supporting the transfer legislation, that:
“… it’s good for the environment: Part of these lands have high environmental values, including many rare plants and animals. Under our amendment, BLM, through its planning process, will provide for their continued protection and will consider whether some of these lands should be set aside as wilderness or given other special protected designation.” There you have it, from the Congressman’s mouth. I would trust his ‘talking points’ over COGAs.
Great points, Oliver. It’s good to know that the Congressman representing this district at the time — oh, wait. Skaggs represented Boulder pre-Udall — not western Colorado. What did the Congressman representing this area at the time say in congressional testimony? I challenge you to put it up on this site.
If Congress wanted this area to be protected as wilderness, they could have (and would have) passed legislation making it so. You can’t say with a straight face that this area is wilderness. Be honest.
If your boss (Udall) is so serious about “protecting” the top of the plateau, what’s stopping him and his poodle (J.Salazar) from dropping a bill making the entire area off limits to drilling? Wouldn’t that accomplish their wishes more permanently than playing a 1 year delay in funding game?
Grow a pair or stick to issues in YOUR OWN DISTRICT!!!!
I don’t see any evidence that Oliver works for Udall. He’s been around since before we got user IDs.
and he’s my congressman. Mark Udall is not my boss, and I live in Delta County. David Skaggs was ON THE COMMITTEE that marked up the bill, which is why he is in the Congressional Record. BTW, Joel Hefley, also on the committee, said similar things. It wasn’t debated on the Floor, as far as I know. So I am not sure what the congressman from the (then) 3rd-CD said. However the two congressmen from Colorado on the committee at that time said comments, published and available in the CR (should you be so inclined to look before you spout off on what you clearly know so little about), that indicated they thought they were voting to transfer the lands in question from the DOE to BLM/DOI in order that they be managed for a variety of uses, including habitat protection, possibly wilderness, and oil and gas development (which is already occurring inside the planning area at breakneck speed). The issue–which you may know–is the unleased federal lands remaining in the planning area, which comprise about a third of the area. in spite of the overwhelming (in fact unprecedented in CO BLM history) public outpouring of support (98.5% of the public comment–some 75000 separate correspondences–on the draft plan, for instance, three sets of resolutions from the majority of municipalities in Garfield County, and a number of organizations from Colorado Backcountry Hunters and Anglers to the Western Colorado Congress, to dozens of areas businesses, at least three neighboring counties, etc. etc. etc.) the oil and gas industry is so greedy, and the Bush Administration so beholden to its every whim, that two thirds of the planning area isn’t sufficient. They want to be able to lease it all–and they are making up a specious argument to try and support it. The Transfer Act never mandated that BLM lease every inch of public land in the planning area–like the proposed plan would do. The State of Colorado, BTW, also disagrees with this interpretation of the Transfer Act, as do comments from Garfield County and numerous others.
Facts are facts, and you neither seem to have a command of them nor have them in your favor.
Hunting, fishing and other related industries are much more important for creating jobs in Colorado than the energy industry.
I don’t want anyone to lose their jobs: not folks in the the 470 Oil Gas & Mining jobs in Garfield County. not the 916 jobs in the hotel & lodging. Not the 1624 jobs in the resteraunts and bars. Not Keith Goddard at Magnum Outfitters. Expansion in the Roan would negatively impact tourism and especially jobs relating to hunting & Fishing. By the Colorado Division of Wildlife’s estimates the Roan adds $5 Million a year to the local economy. I’ve seen stats on the amount of gas the Energy lobby, but not much on what they add to the local economy. According to the state, they don’t even make the top 10.
Don’t want to make this post too long, but 3 points
1.Are you serious that we’re getting a good deal from O&G. Maybe if reform severance.
2. You don’t like my poll, show me one of your own
3. which OG firm are you a lobbyist for?
The public understands that we need
Isn’t Josh Penry about as equally ultra-conservative as Bob Schaffer but Penry presents better?
Much like Mark Hillman is much more presentable than Greg Brophy or Musty, but Hillman’s just about as consrvative as those two?
Mark Hillman IS NOT NEARLY as good a conservative as Greg Brophy and Marilyn Musgrave.
Give me Brophy to replace Musgrave in 10 years, not Hillman
I wonder if this means that the Schaffer Campaign let Shari Williams go?
Shari got in tight with the Penry clan last election cycle. Josh’s sister Kristi Pollard was J-Ro’s personal minder in the last few months of the ’08 election and was the bell of the ball of the last LPR class. The highest expenditure by the defunct “McInnis for Senate” Campaign was actually paid out to a company run by Kristi Pollard and her husband… uh, “what’s his name”. I could totally see Shari her getting behind Penry if Schaffer gave her the heave-ho.
This is all just speculation though… I just haven’t heard a whisper about Shari being let go, but nor have I heard about Penry running a primary against Bob. And I just can’t see his buddy Ted Harvey taking it well. Whoever the “vocal group…” is calling for Penry, (unless it is actually just Shari, Kristi and Josh) better start speaking up.
Thanks. Again, just pure speculation.
I like to think I’m fairly active in GOP circles but this is the first I’ve heard of Penry running a Primary against Schaffer. Shari getting the boot is the only thing I could see that could make that happen.
Where you been?
I’ve been around, I just haven’t been properly motivated to post for a while.
I have no idea what’s going on with the “on again, off again” Schaffer campaign. What I do know is that Colorado republicans are not going to begrudge Penry — and anyone else in his family — for trying to help Beauprez in the last election! How much help did Bob Schaffer provide that campaign?
Who knows if Penry would even consider running in a primary like this. Let’s wait and see.
Wow, Dusty, you may be old, but you’re new to Colorado ain’t cha’?
“How much did Bob Schaffer help that campaign?” He was the best thing that campaign had going for it!
I went to several GOP meetings to hear Beauprez. He backed out of all but one of them and who spoke in his place??? BOB SCHAFFER.
Who nominated Beauprez for Governor at the ’06 State Assembly? Allard. Who seconded the nomination? BOB SCHAFFER.
Who’s endorsement kicked Beauprez over the 30% mark in delegate votes at the same State Assembly, putting a nail in Holtzman’s coffin? BOB SCHAFFER.
I am firmly convinced that without BOB SCHAFFER speaking on his behalf, we would have had a GOP Primary for Governor in ’06. A Primary that I’m not sure Both Ways would have won. Indeed, I often wonder if we wouldn’t have a Governor Holtzman… But that is for another thread.
Take notes Dusty… There will be a quiz later.
Born and raised in CO actually. I don’t know where you live, but I actually heard Shawn Mitchell speak for Beauprez much more than Bob. Bob’s problem is that he does not know how to win state wide. He also doesn’t have a clue how to articulate his positions without sounding like a whacko. Penry does.
Sorry man, but I’m not sure how you figure Penry “knows how to win statewide”… There just isn’t any proof for that statement. Truth be told, I wish he would run for the 3rd. I think he could take on brother John nicely and maybe even unseat him.
As far as Schaffer… You may be right, he may not know how to win statewide. But then again, neither did Allard, Coffman, Owens or Campbell… Until they did.
Also, I knew Mitchell was speaking on Both Way’s behalf, but I never heard him do it. Don’t get me wrong, I think Mitchell is one of the best public speakers in the state, perhaps one of the best west of the Mississippi.
I wasn’t out to bash anyone (except Dusty) with my comment, but I really thought Schaffer played a critical role in helping Both ways win the GOP nomination in ’06.
And that would have been a bad thing for what reason? Maybe the GOP would have ended up with a candidate who could have given Ritter a run for his money.
BTW, I recall Shawn Michell serving as understudy for Both Ways when he couldn’t attend events.
Would have gotten smashed by Ritter. What a whiny punk
If I knew that day in the World Arena what I know now, I would have voted for Holtzman. Sorry if that point wasn’t clear in my earlier post. I’m pretty sure I’ve written such things before though.
I think it took me six hours to cast my ballot, how about you?
Out of the two running, I really do think that BB was the best candidate-Holtzman rubbed people the wrong way…
Right. I guess it’s a good point that Penry, unlike Udall, hasn’t had the right “experience” in Washington to run for the Senate. He hasn’t had opportunity to vote for trillions of dollars of tax increases like Mark Udall has. He hasn’t had the “experience” of co-sponsoring legislation with Dennis Kucinich that Udall has. He hasn’t had the ability to learn first hand how the Sierra Club filters money here and there because Penry’s wife has never been on the Sierra Club’s payroll.
Sorry, Josh. You just don’t have the “experience” Colorado voters are looking for.
Like you wouldn’t do the same to a young Dem candidate.
Are there any young legislators on the D side that would even hold a candle to Penry? Name one. Dan (put the hash pipe down) Gibbs?
The reason people seem to be talking about Penry is because he is a very capable guy. He knows when to pick a fight and he knows when to strike a deal. That’s the kind of shit we need in DC right now. Ask Chris Romer if Penry is capable.
I don’t care about anyone’s age. It seems like Penry is capable – good for him. But facts are facts – he’s young and all young candidates seeking higher office (e.g. US Senate) are vulnerable for that reason. IF (and I hope that’s clear that this is an IF) there were a young Dem running I’d expect your party to trash him for his or her “inexperience” whether that’s fair or not. In this environment the Dems can’t afford a kid gloves approach so IF Penry is nominated (and I doubt he even runs) the Dems are wise to play that card for all its worth.
This group is flying off the handle, and Penry isn’t going to run. But if he’s smart, he’ll keep the fire going somewhat to raise his profile for when he does run for Congress or Governor. Penry will be a forcible candidate for major office, but now is not the time
All this BS is just an attempt to get name recognition for Josh “junior Tony Soprano” Penry for a run against John Salazar. But don’t get caught up in the BS that Penry is a moderate. He is not and never will be. The powers in Mesa County (and a newspaper publisher) do not like Salazar. Thus, they are hyping “junior Tony Soprano” for a run. agaist him. The senate run BS is just that. BS!
He probably couldn’t unseat Ritter, but he would be a strong candidate after Ritter is term limited.
To be honest, it doesn’t bother me if Penry is a moderate rep or just a rep. From what I know about him I like him and I’d vote for him.
he is an extremist far far right ideologue! Somewhere east of Rush Limbaugh.
To figure out who the real extremist is, let’s contrast Josh Penry with one of his colleagues from Mesa County. Just for fun, let’s do Bernie Buescher (D).
On the issue of putting the state in to debt never seen before (referrendum d) Penry was the face of opposition to the measure in western Colorado. Buescher wrote it.
On the issue of raising taxes on homeonwers (mill levy “freeze”) Penry fought hard against it. Buescher supported it.
It’s not hard at all to make the case that Buescher is the extremist. Not Penry.
The guy who wrote a referendum passed by a majority of voters is “extreme?” I think we know a certain polster who is extreme if he believes that.
Ref D did NOT pass, tough guy.
I misread D as C.
That said, go fuck yourself, nitwit. FACT: It was a narrow defeat, which still undermines the notion that he’s “extreme.”
I didn’t mean to get profane. But Dusty is a nitwit.
Your profanity establishes beyond refute that you’re my sockpuppet. Please bow to my wishes from now on. I will ruminate overnight on my first command….
I hear and obey.
But feel free to make your argument
seems to mark your place on the map. He only looks so far right because you’re so far left.
I don’t get the junior tony soprano thing. How does Crystal Blue know what the “real” story is here? Who are the “powers in Mesa County?” Just looking at Josh’s numbers in the last election leads me to believe that it’d be hard to throw a stick in Mesa County without hitting someone who’s voted for him.
To get at your point, Crystal, how hard would it be for Penry to unseat Salazar for the 3rd? Obviously he could run up the score in Mesa County — do well in all of the counties that shot down Ref D by huge margins — and work to pick off votes in Pueblo with the help of McInnis.
I’d be willing to wager that it’s John Salazar’s supporters who are trying to further this rumor about Penry running for the open Senate seat.
Well, it might have something to do with how he spit in the face of moderate Mesa County Republicans after they chose Matt Smith instead of Penry at their County Caucus meeting. It might be because of the perception that Penry has a hugh ego and will climb over anyone to satisfy it. It might be because he leaned on a young reporter when he did not like the truths that were being published about him. It might be that those “Tony Soprano” tactics cost him his hometown newspaper endorsement in the last election. It might be because he had the wingnut Janet Rowland running his “crime family” campaign. Or it might be because of the people Penry associates with. As “Colorado’s Top Conservative News Outlet” points out:
В ToTheRight July 22, 2006В
“State Rep. Josh Penry,В R-Grand Junction,В has beenВ a strong conservative, but his decision to go negative, hisВ seemingly malicious motives for runningВ and whom he chooses to associate with make it impossible for us to support him in his primaryВ contest with his predecessor, former state Rep. Matt Smith. Penry’s recent public attacks on Smith and former Congressman Scott McInnis only serve to reaffirm our opposition to Penry.”
It might be that Penry has no qualms about “trashing” fellow republicans.
Feel free to pick any number of reasons why Penry got his “Tony Soprano” nickname. Or list your own.
Spit in the face of moderates? What in the world are you talking about? So, if someone wins top-line for the primary, all the other candidates are just supposed to drop out of the race? Just like Matt Smith did in the 3rd CD race in 2004?
He pushed bach against the press over a negative story about him? The nerve!!! How dare he try to work the press, doesn’t he know that candidates are not supposed to work the press?
As for TTR, once you know the people behind the blog and the campaigns that they have been involved with in the past, you would quickly disregard that statement.
As for the association with Janet Rowland, that was prior to the exposure that came from being a LtGv candidate. Prior to that, she was an up and comer in Mesa County politics who people often name-dropped for running in the 55th.
If you had read Orbanek’s editorials about what Penry did to his reporter you would know that Penry’s attack was not just “working the press.” Orbanek even listed it as one of the reasons why they would not support Penry’s candidacy.
The quotation comes from a CONSERVATIVE site, not a liberal site.
There are indeed Republicans in Mesa County who believe Penry spit in their faces.
Are you trying to assert that Janet Rowland became a wingnut only after she became a Lt.Gov candidate? Too funny. She was making mistakes before the candidacy just like she is making them now after the candidacy.
Just because a site claims to be conservative, just prevent it from being run by people who are personally close to Matt Smith, among others. Do you know who runs TTR? Or their background?
Yes, Rowland because a wingnut after she got elected as CC in Mesa County. Watching her race in 2004, you would never associated the current Rowland with the one that ran in 2004. She was conservative without being over the top. Going up against Alan Farina in the primary (where she pretty much embarrassed him), she looked like a strong Republican candidate that would not run off to embrace the hard-right social agenda. The PBS comments didn’t really surface until after the LtGv run. So while some mistakes were made, they were not very public.
Name one liberal candidate that TTR has supported. You can’t. They support conservatives.
Janet Rowland was exposed as a wingnut before her failed LtGov race. Her bestiality rant was published and opposed in the local media. Her overruling her own staff and telling us that a question mark on a sign is obscene was before her state run. The recall effort against her was before her state run. Her ethics violations with KKKCO was after her state campaign. She did her plagiarism after her state run. About the only time she was not making mistakes was during the campaign when the Beauprez people had her on a short leash. Opps, I take that back. She did participate in a gay/lesbian sponsored debate which she thought was sponsored by someone else.
While I am far from a Rowland cheerleader, I don’t see her mishaps in the same light that you do. You apparently have a personal beef with her, that is pointless in discussing.
TTR only supports Republicans, as long as they are certain Republicans in a network that included Matt Smith. That is all that needs to be said on that.
I’ve never met her. I just stay informed.
I don’t see Penry running against Salazar either.
I think he’ll wait for the seat to become vacant.
Has got to be one of my favorite Dems in the state. I’ll be sad if he doesn’t re-surface and say….win Denver’s congressional seat. And this is coming from someone who’s crossed party lines twice my whole life. It would be a shame if he were to never hold elective office again.
He really is turning into more of a statesman than a politician, in my opinion.
He’s a good man and he’s done some truly good work. I’d like to see him stay in politics for a long time, if he’s willing.
understands issues, builds consensus, respects other points of view. Knew him in law school, he’s the real deal
Three years ago I was late getting to the monthly meeting of the Denver Community Bioethics Committe. Thi handsome guy was talking and he was so funny but also obviously smart and well informed. I had no clue who he was. I thought to myself, “This guy should be in politics.”
He was bit clumsy on the abortive congressional run, but overall I’ve been impressed (he’s my state senator).
for Carroll & Carroll. Romanoff is a winner though.
Either could eventually be an AG, although Terrance just started his legal career. I’ve worked in Morgan’s office the last two sessions, and I knew T. at seminary.
T, I don’t think so. A liberal black man from Denver; what is his appeal? I see another Dianna DeGette, only with the burden of race.
Silly me, I was only thinking of qualifications, not state wide perceptions.
On the other hand, Morgan might get the Pocket Pool vote….
If so, race and geography are factors that can’t be ignored. In 1996 I was helping a Cherry Creek School Board member in his election (he’d been appointed to fill a vacancy). A former District administrator beat him and I was stuned. He was a much better qualified candidate but he happened to be black and he put his picture on his literature. I can only conclude that race was an issue. I believe it’s still an issue.
Inc. about T. Carroll
Maybe we have more common ground than we’d care to admit! We’re both German-American of Penn. descent, both from union households. Where did you go wrong? ;o)
Tricky Dick strikes again!
No one quoted, no linked source. This post is some conspiracy theorist’s wet dream.
This story is such complete bull. How much we want to bet Penry had a dozen of his friends call Jason to tell him what “the buzz’ is?
just a thought…….
But considering her own skill level at campaigning… Who would have her?
Where’s the moderation? Check his voting record in just 1 legislative session in CO at:
MacInnis is probably behind this. Scotty dropped out of the run because he knows he will lose, so he tries to convince a young buck to run just to give Shafer hell.
Problem is… Penry is smarter then that.
Frankly, the only candidate who can win in a Republican primary and take the Senate is someone the likes of Bob Caskey. He got a raw deal. The Dem 527’s lied about him. But, I think his flat tax idea would do well in the US Senate.
I hope Caskey runs.
and it’s a plug for Caskey! Stick to your guns Ruthie.
We were afraid some calamity had befallen you….like walking past a microwave oven set on “high” while wearing your tin foil hat! You know Gecko has left us, and D.D.H.G.L.Q. has been spending less time in here.
Penry cannot get his own Mesa County Republican caucus to support him. He cannot get his hometown newspaper to endorse him. Sounds to me like the people who have the best knowledge about Penry are telling the rest of Colorado that he has no future in politics. I know Wadhams likes ultra far right candidates but it appears to me that the Colorado GOP keeps driving itself off the cliff.
He has a great future. What people are telling him is that it’s in the future, not the present.