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June 13, 2007 05:18 AM UTC

Who thinks that riogrande is just plain obnoxious?

  • by: The Nemesis

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Do you think that riogrande is just plain obnoxious?

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26 thoughts on “Who thinks that riogrande is just plain obnoxious?

  1. You denigrate ColoradoPols daily with your name-calling and insignificant comments. I can’t believe yours is a “Recommended Diary.”  You and your clique never offer any meaningful thoughts or ideas just vilifying spew. Since you are never part of any solution, I can only conclude that you are always part of the problem.

    Rio, Kay, and Tilt have continued to offer substance to their arguments here and left issues open for debate and discussion. You offer nothing but meaningless rant, but then that’s what you have always been about isn’t it? You remind me of that arrogant tyrant who masquerades as a judge and public servant in Denver County.  I wonder, could you be?


  2. Let’s see, now … at this point, I count no less than five probable sockpuppets, who have posted nothing but personal attacks on me.

    And I’m sure they all voted….

    You’d think the Republican Central Committee was running this poll[1]…. 🙂
    [1] Remember Schaffer v. Coors and Beauprez v. Holtzman?  Both Assembly elections were marred by voting irregularities.  And then, there were those votes in Ohio and Florida….

    1. Were you at the 06 state convention?  It was horrible!  The results weren’t irregular (in part because of the 04 fiasco) but I had to wait freaking six hours to cast a friggin’ ballot.  It was horrible.  I hope the 10 convention isn’t that bad!

      1. That had to be one of the ugliest fiascos I have ever seen.  People were walking out in droves and mostly, members of the Party machine stayed to cast votes.  Virtually every alternate cast a vote, and we still didn’t have a full house.

        Can’t we run a fair, honest, and transparent election?  It is no wonder that other countries are buying their voting machines from India….

    2. (and I doubt it), that leaves 16 people who consider you obnoxious, and 5 who don’t. Personally, I think it’s far more probable that “sock puppets” were involved in the five votes in your favor than in the 16 against you….

      Not only that, but even your defenders tend to say things like “(you’re) a bottom-feeder,” and “(you’re) a sociopath.” Only a couple of people have ever defended you without ambivalence, and at least one of them (LIAS) is the worst, most thoughtless and arbitrary, flamer on the blog! So, what we know is that you alienate almost everyone, and impress guys who go around in white hoods burning crosses (metaphorically, LIAS, metaphorically). Congrats, buddy. You’re on your way to great success…, ooops! My bad! You already missed that boat, didn’t you? Hmmm. We all, I’m sure, are bewildered about how that could have happened….

      No matter how you cut it up and slice it, you’re not just a loser, but a flaming, aggravating, annoying loser, lost in a happy fog of self-denial, at that!

      1. If all you have to do all day is try and run rio out of town on a rail, you must have a golden spoon firmly planted up your @$$.
        The rest of us have to work.

        1. I have an agenda, but that’s not it.

          As for the golden spoon and the demands of your work, all I can do to make you feel better about it is to offer to let you lick it off once I yank it out….

    3. coming up with your “five probable sockpuppets.” Would you care to name them for us? I’m sure your well-established charm will be appreciated, when you inevitably accuse real individuals posting on this blog of not being real people!

      We all understand, of course: You and Kay both accuse anyone who criticizes you of being a corrupt judge in disguise. But you take it one step further and accuse them of being the figments of the imagination of some corrupt judge in disguise! Absolutely beautiful!!!

      If I were you, I’d populate my world with imaginary people as well, since few if any real ones hold you in high regard.

      1. You’re not going to believe this one: I went to a continuing legal education (CLE) seminar, recently, on the subject of how the law should apply to virtual worlds in “Second Life.”  Before this, I had never heard of Second Life (and I’m a computer law professional).  Yeah, it’s true.  Apparently, the currency they use in Second Life has actual value and, for that reason, among others, there is application contract and tort law.  They even discussed issues like whether criminal law should apply to rape or murder (of an “Avatar”), the fact that the IRS is examining income realization and they also claimed that the Chinese gov’t is getting worried b/c 2nd Life currency (called “QQ coinage”) is being traded in lieu of real currency there.  They also claim by the year 2011, up to 80% of Americans will be caught up in 2nd Life in some form or fashion. I also heard that big corporations (like IBM, Nike and Sony) have set up virtual shop in 2nd Life because they have see business potential there.  I haven’t done any further research on the subject (which doesn’t interest me terribly) but there is a Web site out there, Get a First Life dot com, which mocks 2nd Life junkies with feature articles like, Fornicate using your actual genitals. Here’s one articleanother.

        1. I tried it for a few hours and it seemed to neatly distill all of the worst aspects of modern life. Rampant commercialism, total control by those who could afford real estate, people side by side but not talking with each other (like we’re all wearing ipods), and sex sex sex.

          I couldn’t resist going to one of the nightclubs where there were people having the most inane, mechanical sexual couplings with each other: naked men walking around like Viagra commercials.

          There were a few cool aspects to Second Life: a carefully constructed virtual cathedral; an amazing spacecraft museum, a ski chalet where you could buy and use virtual skis (skiing without ever getting cold!)… but on the whole it was amazingly sterile and, well, artificial.

          If 80% of us end up using Second Life, then God help us!

    4. 29 readers consider you obnoxious, and 6 don’t. The posts here and elsewhere by numerous bloggers would seem to support the message conveyed, as would, perhaps, your disappointing experiences in life.

      There’s nothing impressive about ignoring, for the sake of your own psychological comfort and convenience, challenging information that presents itself to you. The courage you pretend to have would only be evident if you had the courage to face the glaring facts staring you in the face about the effectiveness of your persona.

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